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    Czym jest postmodernizm? Głos po latach.Antoni Torzewski - 2024 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 19 (2):77-106.
    Philosophical postmodernism, since its beginning, has aroused controversies and was met with a great deal of criticism. One has to state, however, that there is an enormous confusion concerning what in essence this criticized philosophical approach is, i.e.: what is postmodernism? The aim of this paper is an attempt to clarify postmodernism by showing a significant part of its current reception, its relation with other philosophical currents, and pointing out some “myths” connected to it. As the title says, the presented (...)
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    Modern moral reinterpretation of Jesus and its value to the philosophy of religion.Antoni Torzewski - 2019 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 9 (2):253-269.
    The moral reinterpretation of Jesus conducted by Kant, Lessing and Feuerbach, is an interesting matter when it comes to the philosophy of religion. The abovementioned German philosophers claimed that Jesus ought to be understood only as a moral archetype and a revolutionist in morality. This concept arose on the grounds of moral religion which was one of the most interesting ideas of the Enlightenment. Thus, exploring this moral reinterpretation of Jesus is just an excuse to study the concept of moral (...)
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    O idei końca historii w myśli postmetafizycznej.Antoni Torzewski - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (3):231-249.
    Idea końca historii jest nośna filozoficznie i szeroko komentowana przez przedstawicieli wielu tradycji filozoficznych. W niniejszym tekście przedstawiamy, jak owa idea jawi się w filozofii postmetafizycznej, odwołując się do trzech jej reprezentantów: Gianniego Vattima, Odo Marquarda i Viléma Flussera. Mimo różnic, które występują w ich ujęciach końca historii, można także zauważyć pewien wspólny rys, związany głównie z rozumieniem historii jako metanarracji oraz z krytycznym stosunkiem do metafizyki.
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    Rzeczywistość odzwierciedlona czy zinterpretowana? Studium z filozofii fotografii.Antoni Torzewski - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (2):47-65.
    Issues connected to the pair of notions of image and reality have been present in philosophy at least since Plato’s times. The main question that accompanies the mentioned notions concerns the relation between image and reality. Does image present reality adequately, or is it perhaps a sort of falsification? However, this question may have no sense, because, as it is claimed for example by Richard Rorty, there is no possibility to differentiate between image and reality. An interesting exemplification of the (...)
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