  1.  19
    The Philosophy of John Duns Scotus.Antonie Vos - 2006 - Edinburgh University Press.
    John Duns Scotus is arguably one of the most significant philosopher theologians of the middle ages who has often been overlooked. This book serves to recover his rightful place in the history of Western philosophy revealing that he is in fact one of the great masters of our philosophical heritage. Among the fields to which Scotus has made an immense contribution are logic, metaphysics, philosophy of mind and action, and ethical theory.The Philosophy of John Duns Scotus provides a formidable yet (...)
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    The Scotian notion of natural law.Antonie Vos - 2000 - Vivarium 38 (2):197-221.
  3.  48
    Ab Uno Disce Omnes.Antonie Vos - 1999 - Bijdragen 60 (2):173-204.
    The premodern history of the European university can be divided into two triads of three centuries: the medieval university and the ‘medieval’ university of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. During these last three centuries Europe’s Christian university was a ‘confessional’ university: the catholic, Lutheran, reformed and Anglican university and the dissenter university of New England. The reformed university of these centuries offered a distinctive way of systematic thought. A specific doctrine of God was connected with a distinct ontology and (...)
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    Contingentie.Antonie Vos - 2008 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 48 (4):29-38.
    Volgens de Griekse filosoof Parmenides is alles volstrekt noodzakelijk. Dit betekent dat hij elke verandering ontkent. Plato en Aristoteles gaan minder verder. De verandering die wij in de werkelijkheid waarnemen is volgens hen geen schijn, maar de manier waarop dingen in het hier en nu veranderen is wel noodzakelijk. Duns Scotus gaat nog veel verder van Parmenides vandaan en meent dat ook de dingen die nu gebeuren op hetzelfde moment anders hadden kunnen zijn. Op deze wijze wordt elke noodzakelijkheid uit (...)
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    Johannes Duns Scotus.Antonie Vos - 1994 - Leiden: Uitgeverij J.J. Groen En Zoon.
    Studie over het theologische en filosofische gedachtengoed van de franciscaanse scholasticus (ca. 1265-1308).
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  6.  30
    Moments of the Ars Obligatoria According to John Duns.Antonie Vos - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 56 (1):383-422.
  7.  76
    Scotus on freedom and the foundation of ethics. An utrecht contribution.Antonie Vos - 2000 - Vivarium 38 (2):195-196.
  8. Sezione speciale: Scotus' significance for Western philosophy and theology.Antonie Vos - 2010 - In Francesco Fiorentino, Lo scotismo nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia: atti del Congresso Internazionale (Bitonto 25-28, marzo 2008), in occasione del VII Centenario della morte di Giovanni Duns Scoto. Porto: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales.