Results for 'Aníbal Ford'

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  1. Aníbal Zorrilla – Trazos et autres pièces.Aníbal Zorrilla - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
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    Homilía del Padre Aníbal E. Fosbery O.P. en la Catedral de Buenos Aires en homenaje a Gilbert K. Chesterton.Aníbal E. Fosbery - 2007 - The Chesterton Review En Español 1 (1):216-219.
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    Egocentric Navigation Abilities Predict Episodic Memory Performance.Giorgia Committeri, Agustina Fragueiro, Maria Maddalena Campanile, Marco Lagatta, Ford Burles, Giuseppe Iaria, Carlo Sestieri & Annalisa Tosoni - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    The medial temporal lobe supports both navigation and declarative memory. On this basis, a theory of phylogenetic continuity has been proposed according to which episodic and semantic memories have evolved from egocentric and allocentric navigation in the physical world, respectively. Here, we explored the behavioral significance of this neurophysiological model by investigating the relationship between the performance of healthy individuals on a path integration and an episodic memory task. We investigated the path integration performance through a proprioceptive Triangle Completion Task (...)
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  4. Modern Synthesis is the Light of Microbial Genomics.Austin Booth, Carlos Mariscal & W. Ford Doolittle - 2016 - Annual Reviews of Microbiology 70 (1):279-297.
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    Ethical practice in internet research involving vulnerable people: lessons from a self-harm discussion forum study (SharpTalk).S. Sharkey, R. Jones, J. Smithson, E. Hewis, T. Emmens, T. Ford & C. Owens - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (12):752-758.
    The internet is widely used for health information and support, often by vulnerable people. Internet-based research raises both familiar and new ethical problems for researchers and ethics committees. While guidelines for internet-based research are available, it is unclear to what extent ethics committees use these. Experience of gaining research ethics approval for a UK study (SharpTalk), involving internet-based discussion groups with young people who self-harm and health professionals is described. During ethical review, unsurprisingly, concerns were raised about the vulnerability of (...)
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    Falling on One’s Sword for Truth: Deception by Ethicist Should Be Narrow.Joseph P. DeMarco, Toni Nicoletti & Paul J. Ford - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (5):20-21.
    Clinical ethics consultants should show bold moral courage in discharging their duties to patients, families, and healthcare providers. Given the corrosive impact on trust, and on the appropriate d...
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    Computer-based instruction for improving student nurses' general numeracy: is it effective? Two randomised trials.Hannah Ainsworth, Mollie Gilchrist, Celia Grant, Catherine Hewitt, Sue Ford, Moira Petrie, Carole J. Torgerson & David J. Torgerson - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (2):151-163.
    In response to concern over the numeracy skills deficit displayed by student nurses, an online computer programme, ?Authentic World??, which aims to simulate a real-life clinical environment and improve the medication dosage calculation skills of users, was developed (Founded in 2004 Authentic World Ltd is a spin out company of Glarmorgan and Cardiff Universities, Cardiff, Wales UK.). Two randomised controlled trials were conducted, each at a UK University, in order to investigate the impact of Authentic World? on student nurses? general (...)
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  8. I Contain Multitudes: A Typology of Digital Doppelgängers.William D’Alessandro Trenton W. Ford Michael Yankoski William & Mary - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):132-134.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 132-134.
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    Stimulating debate: ethics in a multidisciplinary functional neurosurgery committee.P. J. Ford - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2):106-109.
    Multidisciplinary healthcare committees meet regularly to discuss patients’ candidacy for emerging functional neurosurgical procedures, such as Deep Brain Stimulation . Through debate and discussion around the surgical candidacy of particular patients, functional neurosurgery programs begin to mold practice and policy supported both by scientific evidence and clear value choices. These neurosurgical decisions have special considerations not found in non-neurologic committees. The professional time used to resolve these conflicts provides opportunities for the emergence of careful, ethical practices simultaneous with the expansion (...)
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  10. Editorial announcement on the speculative V.William T. Harris, Vincent Colapietro, Lewis S. Ford, Michael Forest, Rajesh Sampath, Sandra B. Rosenthal, Bruce Wilshire & Julien S. Murphy - 2002 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (4).
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    Evaluating and extending the Informed Consent Ontology for representing permissions from the clinical domain.Elizabeth E. Umberfield, Cooper Stansbury, Kathleen Ford, Yun Jiang, Sharon L. R. Kardia, Andrea K. Thomer & Marcelline R. Harris - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (2):321-336.
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate, revise, and extend the Informed Consent Ontology (ICO) for expressing clinical permissions, including reuse of residual clinical biospecimens and health data. This study followed a formative evaluation design and used a bottom-up modeling approach. Data were collected from the literature on US federal regulations and a study of clinical consent forms. Eleven federal regulations and fifteen permission-sentences from clinical consent forms were iteratively modeled to identify entities and their relationships, followed by community (...)
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    Neurosurgical Implants: Clinical Protocol Considerations.Paul J. Ford - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (3):308-311.
    As neural implants transition from engineering design and testing into human subjects research, careful consideration must be paid to the ethical elements in developing research protocols. Although these ethical aspects may be framed by the design choices of the engineering, a number of challenging choices arise. In spite of many ethical considerations for neural implant technologies being shared with generic research ethics questions, there are subsets needing special attention. Even in considerations requiring increased attention, substantial overlap can be found with (...)
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    Reconciling Supported Decision Making with Shared Decision Making in the Context of Potential Vulnerability.Devora Shapiro, Lauren R. Sankary & Paul J. Ford - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (11):35-37.
    Supported decision making, as outlined by Peterson et al. highlights real-world challenges in the messy context of clinical care. We agree with Peterson et al. that patients...
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  14. Abortion and Public Policy: An Interdisciplinary Investigation within the Catholic Church.R. Randall Rainey, Gerard Magill & Norman Ford - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (1):85-85.
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    La Explicación como Producto Lógico o como Producto de la Praxis.Aníbal R. Bar - 2001 - Cinta de Moebio 11.
    The language of science goes from description ton explanation; the first one is concerned in telling how phenomena happen and the second one to tell why they happen. This article explores two postures within science: the descriptive and the explanatory.
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    Teoría del estado.Aníbal Luis Barbagelata - 1953 - Montevideo,: Oficina de Apuntes del Centro Estudiantes de Derecho, Uruguay.
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    Un Aporte a la Discusión sobre el Status Metodológico de las Variables y Escalas de Medición.Aníbal R. Bar - 2000 - Cinta de Moebio 7.
    This essay pretends to bring to discussion some ideas for the clearing of the concept of measurement, and, from there, to the discussion of the nature of variables and their scales.
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  18. Arno Münter, espérance, reve, utopie dans la pensée D' ernst Bloch, París, L’harmattan, 2015, 193P.Aníbal Pineda Canabal - 2015 - Escritos 23 (51):527-535.
    Valeroso ha sido el esfuerzo de Arno Münster, filósofo franco-alemán, profesor de la Universidad de Amiens, por hacer conocer la obra de Ernst Bloch. Esta lucha, larga de muchos años de enseñanza e investigación, a veces solitaria, a veces a contracorriente de ciertas tendencias dominantes en la filosofía universitaria continental europea, se materializa una vez más con ocasión de la publicación de su último libro que reagrupa de una serie de conferencias de diverso contenido temático sobre el pensamiento de Bloch, (...)
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    Configuración del sujeto histórico: Consideraciones preliminares sobre su actualidad y sobre su problemática historicidad.Aníbal Fornari - 2006 - Tópicos 14:119-150.
    La abandonada cuestión del sujeto histórico desde la des-construcción meramente negativa y algo superficial de los mega-relatos propios de la filosofía moderna culminante, retoma su actualidad filosófica en el momento de la denominada globalización, coincidente con una general decadencia de la cultura y de la responsabilidad políticas. La mencionada cuestión es acuciante para quienes, por diversas razones, no se conforman con el desconcierto o no pueden quedar conformados en él, sea por la conciencia de la tarea que la existencia histórica (...)
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    Racionalidad comunicativa y democracia viva. Comentario crítico sobre "Libertad, Poder y Discurso" de Julio De Zan.Anibal Fornari - 1993 - Tópicos 1:109-144.
    Se intenta desarrollar el movimiento de pensamiento que conforma el libro Libertad, Poder y Discurso del filósofo santafesino Julio De Zan, dentro de la línea de la racional dad comunicativa y de la ética del discurso de Habermas y Apel, redefinidos a partir de la problemática político-cultural latinoamericana, del debate entre modernidad y post-modernidad y en orden a una democratización estructural de las sociedades. Se exponen los núcleos y pasajesargumentativos para un diálogo productivo en orden a la superación de las (...)
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    San Agustín: La alternativa Del deseo Y el origen de la violencia.Aníbal Fornari - 2003 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48 (3):361-373.
    Partindo do questionamento acerca daorigem da confiança de Agostinho na objetivida-de inerente à subjetividade humana, ligada essen-cialmente à pergunta pela verdade, o autor desen-volve o modo como Agostinho realiza a passagemdo não-eu para 0 eu, enfocando a investigação deAgostinho sobre a liberdade do ser humano e so-bre a perda da liberdade, bem como o modo comoo ser humano experimenta o desejo, a desordeme a violência do seu próprio eu, podendo perdê-lo.
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    Sobre la actualidad de Descartes. En los 400 años de su nacimiento.Aníbal Fornari - 1996 - Tópicos 4:159-178.
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    El ritmo en el arte: individuación, subjetividad y norma.Zorrilla Leticia Miramontes et Aníbal - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Resumen: La concepción dominante en ámbitos artísticos y académicos del ritmo está atravesada por una definición que prioriza aspectos numéricos como la repetición, la duración y la división proporcional del tiempo y los acontecimientos, la sobrevaloración de los aspectos métricos en relación a otros componentes del fenómeno rítmico, además de una obsoleta teorización mono-disciplinar por la cual se lo piensa como si fuera un fenómeno cuyas características no son comparables en sus manifestaciones en - Danse, théâtre et spectacle vivant – (...)
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    Rev. Ford Replies to Dr. Diamond.Norman M. Ford - 2003 - Ethics and Medics 28 (10):3-4.
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    Ritmo y sentido en la obra de arte de cruce de lenguajes.Aníbal Zorrilla - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans Telondefondo. Revista de Teoria y Critica Teatral, n° 9, julio, 2009. Nous remercions Aníbal Zorrilla de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire sur RHUTHMOS.: The artistic works that cross different languages present a particular phenomenon because of the folds, ambiguities and juxtapositions they offer. The analysis of their rhythmic aspects and the mechanism used by rhythm to bring meaning in this kind of works, requires a new notional frame ; it is necessary - (...)
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    Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging changes during relational retrieval in normal aging and amnestic mild cognitive impairment.K. Giovanello, F. De Brigard, J. Ford, D. Kaufer, J. Browndyke & K. Welsh-Bohmer - 2012 - Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 18:886-897.
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    SUNY series in Constructive Postmodern Thought David Ray Griffin, series editor.David Ray Griffin, David Ray Griflin, William A. Beardslee, Joe Holland, Huston Smith, Robert Inchausti, David W. Orr, John B. Cobb Jr, Marcus P. Ford & Pete Ay Gunter - 2003 - In Timothy E. Eastman & Henry Keeton (eds.), Physics and Whitehead: Quantum, Process, and Experience. Albany, USA: State University of New York Press.
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    The Emergence of Whitehead's Metaphysics, 1925-1929.Lewis S. Ford - 1984 - State University of New York Press.
    A breathtaking detective story, this book charts the adventure of Whitehead's ideas in a remarkably detailed and careful reconstruction of his metaphysical views.
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    En recuerdo de Ernst Bloch: Entrevista con Beat Dietschy.Aníbal Pineda Canabal - 2018 - Escritos 26 (57):409-426.
    Aníbal Pineda Canabal: Sabemos que Ernst Bloch sentía aversión por la biografía, pero el camino de los estudiosos de un pensamiento, a veces, funciona también de traición en traición.
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    Academic Integrity in an Online Culture: Do McCabe’s Findings Hold True for Online, Adult Learners?Laura Harris, Douglas Harrison, Darragh McNally & Cristi Ford - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (4):419-434.
    This study examines how the self-reported cheating behaviors of students from a single large institution serving primarily adult students in online courses differ from those previously reported in large-scale studies of academic integrity among traditional-age college students. Specifically, the research presented here demonstrates that students at a large online university are no more likely to engage in most forms of cheating than the traditional-age students in residential institutions studied by Donald McCabe in his seminal research on academic integrity. Relatedly, our (...)
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    Does mindfulness reduce negative interpretation bias?Audrey Gibb, Jenna M. Wilson, Cameron Ford & Natalie J. Shook - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (2):284-299.
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    Inhuman educations: Jean-François Lyotard, pedagogy, thought.Derek Ford - 2021 - Boston: Brill Sense.
    In the first monograph on Lyotard and education, Derek R. Ford approaches Lyotard's thought as pedagogical in itself. The result is a novel, soft, and accessible study of Lyotard organized around two inhuman educations: that of "the system" and that of "the human." The former enforces an interminable process of development, dialogue and exchange, while the latter finds its force in the mute, secret, opaque, and inarticulable. Threading together a range of Lyotard's work through four pedagogical processes-reading, writing, voicing, (...)
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    La Evolución como Modelo de Explicación en los Textos Escolares.Aníbal R. Bar & Sergio D. Valenzuela - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 26.
    The present work intends to investigate about explanation models related to the evolution concept in school texts in Argentina, using categories proposed by Bar (2005). The reconstructed model shows characteristics of adaptation systems, models that give account of biological phenomena with end..
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    La Metodología Cuantitativa y su Uso en América Latina.Aníbal R. Bar - 2010 - Cinta de Moebio 37:1-14.
    En este artículo se revisan los conceptos principales de la metodología cuantitativa, considerando el contexto histórico de la ciencia en Latino América y se presentan las áreas del conocimiento que se nutren de estudios de tipo cuantitativo en Latino América en revistas de investigación.In this essay it is reviewed the main concepts of quantitative methodology, considering the historical context of science in Latin America and it is showed the areas of knowledge that use quantitative studies in Latin American in journals.
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    Una Tipología de Métodos Generales desde una Perspectiva Sistémica.Aníbal R. Bar - 2000 - Cinta de Moebio 7.
    Social Research can be made both from an analytical conception or from a systemic conception. In the first, the system is divisible in its parts, which keep the properties of the system. In the second, the system constitutes a hole which cannot be re-constituted from the properties of the mere sub-..
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    La intrusión de Gaia en Un Verdor terrible (2020) de Bejamín Labatut.Aníbal Gabriel Carrasco - 2024 - Valenciana 33:7-31.
    En el presente trabajo analizamos la novela Un verdor terrible (2020) de Benjamín Labatut como un texto que dialoga con las representaciones en torno al Antropoceno. A partir de este contexto geológico y planetario comprendemos la monstruosidad de los científicos y de la ciencia en términos de literatura gótica. La monstruosidad de la ciencia se produce por la ruptura de los marcos de representación, lo que construye una estética anamórfica cercana a las formas en que el arte puede aniquilar al (...)
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  37. Hegel: su idea de filosofía en 1801.Aníbal Edwards - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 18 (1):35-56.
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    Beyond the modern university: toward a constructive postmodern university.Marcus Peter Ford - 2002 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    We are in the midst of an unprecedented, human-caused, environmental crisis.
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    Tiempo y Acontecimiento.Aníbal Fornari & Patricio Perkins (eds.) - 2010 - Biblos.
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    Being, value, and existence.Anibal Sanchez Reulet - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (3):448-457.
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    Mismatch Field Provides a Biological Link Between High Autistic and Schizotypal Tendencies.Ford Talitha & Crewther David - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    El ritmo y la métrica en los textos literarios.Aníbal Zorrilla - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ponencia inédita presentada en el II Congreso Internacional de Teatro, Buenos Aires 12 al 15 de octubre 2011. Instituto de Investigación en Teatro Departamento de Artes Dramáticas, Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Ritmo y lenguaje Muchos autores estudian el ritmo en el lenguaje en general, y especialmente en textos literarios. La mayor parte de ellos, especialmente quienes tratan sobre la poesía, discrimina particularmente el aspecto métrico por un lado, en el cual el número de sílabas y la - Poétique et (...)
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    Archaebacterial genomics: The complete genome sequence of Methanococcus jannaschii.David R. Edgell & W. Ford Doolittle - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (1):1-4.
    The first complete sequence of an archaebacterial genome, that of Methanococcus jannaschii, has recently been published(1). Less than half of the open reading frames (ORFs) can be assigned a function based on similarity to known sequences in databases. These assignable ORFs fall into two general classes; those involved in transcription, translation and replication are more similar to eukaryotic homologs, while those determining metabolic processes are more similar to eubacterial versions. The immense but very rewarding task of making biological and evolutionary (...)
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    The Epochal Nature of Process in Whitehead's Metaphysics.Lewis S. Ford - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (1):133-135.
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  45. Nothing So Strange, The Autobiography of Arthur Ford.A. and M. H. BRO FORD - 1958
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    Venir al mundo-de-la-vida: Ontología del nacimiento y ampliación de la razón.Aníbal Fornari - 2008 - Tópicos 16:87-110.
    The article reflects, 1) by way of introduction, on the ontological dimension of event, starting from a phenomenology of birth, as a key to a methodological widening of the exercising of reason and to a broadening of its subject-matter. With this aim, and as a whole, this article moves mainly through the thought of Claude Romano, also picking up precise commentaries of Paul Ricoeur's and Romano Guardini's. Then, it deals with the difference and the relation between "fact" and "event", briefly (...)
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    Rebutting the Ethical Considerations regarding Consciousness in Human Cerebral Organoids: Challenging the Premature Assumptions.Aníbal M. Astobiza - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):207-210.
    In their latest target article, Zilio and Lavazza (2023) major claim is that research on human cerebral organoids (HCOs) must take into account whether they can acquire sentience or a primitive for...
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  48. Reconceptualizing American Democracy: The First Principles.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (4):01-47.
    An outstanding group of leaders left evidence that a richer and more sustainable democracy could be achieved with American independence and democratic principles integrated into a new republican form of government. They were moved by principles that are the very spirit of democracy. These principles are needed to enhance democracy and improve well-being. Using the constructivist tradition of grounded theory and Aristotle’s conception of abstraction, the article proposes a theory of the first principles of democracy based on substantive data: the (...)
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  49. Reversing Demoralization Linked to School Bullying.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2024 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 6 (4):62-89.
    There have been 417 gun violence in schools since Columbine. In these shootings, more than 383,000 students were killed. At the time of the event, most offenders of school mass shootings were targets of school bullying, experiencing a mental health crisis, and a history of depression. Effective interventions and support that could help prevent or reduce school bullying incidents require understanding the process of demoralization and empowering social change. This paper is part of an original constructivist grounded theory study on (...)
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  50. Empowering Democracy: A Socio-Ethical Theory.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (3):1-20.
    Great Britain subjugated colonists using various power strategies, including dehumanization, misinformation, fear, and other divisive strategies. The Founders described these oppressive strategies as “a long train of abuses and usurpations.” Throughout the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, the Founding Fathers imbued the people with hope in a government for the people: one unlike that of the monarchy, which sought to protect itself at the expense of colonists. As a result, the Founders created a government more likely to lead (...)
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