Results for 'Apolon, Beckett, komuna, demokracija, Dioniz, drama, Marx, Nietzsche, revolucija, socializem'

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  1.  17
    Najprej kot farsa, nato kot tragedija: Louis Rossel in državljanska vojna v Franciji.Jason Barker - 2018 - Filozofski Vestnik 39 (2).
    Kljub temu, da je bil Louis Rossel eden vodilnih akterjev v francoski državljanski vojni, se ga veliko manj spominjamo in je tudi veliko manj spoštovan kot vodilni misleci komune. Tu analiziram njegovo sodelovanje pri tem dogodku in pri predhodni kampanji Nacionalne obrambe, opirajoč se pri tem tako na biografijo Edith Thomas kot na Rosslova lastna posthumna dela. Prevladujoča domneva, da je Rossla motivirala lastna ambicioznost, ki naj bi bila pogubna za usodo komune in nasprotujoča njenim revolucionarnim egalitarnim načelom, se na (...)
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  2. Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil.Michael Tanner - 1986 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 20:197-216.
    Although Nietzsche's greatness is recognized more universally now than ever before, the nature of that greatness is still widely misunderstood, and that unfortunately means that before I discuss any of Beyond Good and Evil (henceforth BGE) in any detail, I must make some general remarks about his work, his development and the kind of way in which I think that it is best to read him. Unlike any of the other philosophers that this series includes, except Marx and Engels, Nietzsche (...)
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  3.  49
    The birth of tragedy ; and, The genealogy of morals.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1956 - New York: Anchor Books. Edited by Francis Golffing & Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
    Skillful, sophisticated translations of two of Nietzsche's essential works about the conflict between the moral and aesthetic approaches to life, the impact of Christianity on human values, the meaning of science, the contrast between the Apollonian and Dionysian spirits, and other themes central to his thinking.
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  4.  25
    The Birth of Tragedy and The Case of Wagner.Friedrich Nietzsche - 1967 - Vintage.
    Two representative and important works in one volume by one of the greatest German philosophers. The Birth of Tragedy (1872) was Nietzsche's first book. Its youthful faults were exposed by Nietzsche in the brilliant "Attempt at a Self-Criticism" which he added to the new edition of 1886. But the book, whatever its excesses, remains one of the most relevant statements on tragedy ever penned. It exploded the conception of Greek culture that was prevalent down through the Victorian era, and it (...)
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  5.  63
    The birth of tragedy out of the spirit of music.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1993 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Michael Tanner.
    Classic, influential study of Greek tragedy.
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  6.  47
    The birth of tragedy; or, Hellenism and pessimism.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1974 - New York: Gordon Press.
    AN ATTEMPT AT SELF- CRITICISM. I. Whatever may lie at the bottom of this doubt- ful book must be a question of the first rank and attractiveness, ...
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  7.  87
    The Time of Drama in Nietzsche and Deleuze: A Life as Performative Interaction.Arno Böhler - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (1):70-82.
    Nietzsche's model of eternal return triggers a drama of affirmation, the overcoming of a simple miming of our ancestors in favour of an active participation in the counter-actualisation of hidden potentials in recurrent events. Based on a close study of Zarathustra's struggle to free himself from a suffocating nihilism, the paper focuses on the revelatory caesura that ushers in what Deleuze calls the third synthesis of time, a time of ‘doing’ rather than reflection.
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  8.  13
    Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, or the realm of shadows.Henri Lefebvre - 2020 - Brooklyn: Verso Books.
    The great French Marxist philosopher weighs up the contributions of the three major critics of modernity With the translation of Lefebvre's philosophical writings, his stature in the English-speaking world continues to grow. Though certainly within the Marxist tradition, he consistently saw Marx as an 'unavoidable, necessary, but insufficient starting point'. Unsurprisingly, Lefebvre always insisted on the importance of Hegel to understanding Marx. But the imposing Metaphilosophy also suggested the significance he ascribed to Nietzsche, in the 'realm of shadows' through which (...)
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    Marx, Nietzsche, and Modernity.Nancy Sue Love - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    An excellent window on Marx's and Nietzsche's overall theories and on the foibles of modern society. Her analysis of their views on the nature of man and their consequent theories of history is competent and probes deeply into the teachings of Marx and Nietzsche.
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  10.  17
    Greek Music-Drama.Friedrich Nietzsche - 2017 - New Nietzsche Studies 10 (3-4):1-13.
  11.  12
    Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche ; ou, le Royaume des ombres.Henri Lefebvre - 1975 - [Paris]: Casterman.
  12.  42
    Samuel Beckett's 'Philosophy notes'.Samuel Beckett - 2020 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by Steven Matthews, Matthew Feldman & David Addyman.
    The Irish writer and Nobel Prize winner, Samuel Beckett, assembled for himself a history of western philosophy during the 1930s, just at the point at which his first novel, Murphy, was coming together. The 'Philosophy Notes', together with related notes taken at that time about St. Augustine, thereafter provided Beckett with a store of knowledge, but also with phrases and images, which he took up in the major work that won him international and enduring fame, from the dramas Waiting for (...)
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  13.  26
    O Crepúsculo Da Razao: Marx, Nietzsche e Freud e o desvanecer da subjetividade iluminista.Celso Candido de Azambuja - 2012 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 68 (3):507-520.
    Resumo Neste trabalho procura-se, de forma introdutória, uma via de acesso para a compreensão da condição humana a partir da leitura crítica ao iluminismo ocidental realizada por Marx, Nietzsche e Freud. Para tanto, explora-se inicialmente o problema da emergência da subjetividade iluminista no contexto da cultura grega como fenômeno agonístico e indica-se o nascimento da tradição iluminista a partir das obras de Hesíodo e Ésquilo. Em seguida, discute-se a posição da modernidade ilustrada desde a perspectiva kantiana. Desde então, elabora-se a (...)
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  14.  37
    Ecce homo: and The birth of tragedy.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1927 - New York: The Modern Library. Edited by Clifton Fadiman.
    Published posthumously in 1908, Ecce Homo was written in 1888 and completed just a few weeks before Nietzsche's complete mental collapse.
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    El origen de la tragedia.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1943 - Buenos Aires, Mexico,: Espasa-Calpe argentina, s. a.. Edited by Eduardo Ovejero Y. Maury.
    Opera prima de Friedrich Nietzsche, El origen de la tragedia es una obra intrépida y chispeante, llena de arrojo intelectual y entusiasmo juvenil, que desconcertó y fue malinterpretada por sus contemporáneos. El propio Nietzsche la calificó quince años después como un libro imposible por la ambigüedad de su estilo. En ella, el joven catedrático universitario de Filología Griega enfocaba un problema en apariencia de corte académico y filológico como el de los orígenes de la tragedia griega. Pero lo hacía con (...)
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  16. (1 other version)La naissance de la tragédie.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1940 - Paris,: Gallimard.
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  17. Proiskhozhdenīe tragedĭi.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1899
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  18.  33
    Marx, Nietzsche, and the Workshops of History.Judith Norman - 2015 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 46 (3):391-407.
    Marx and Nietzsche are often compared as practitioners of a hermeneutic of suspicion. I pursue this comparison by focusing on an overlooked similarity between the two. In strangely similar passages, Marx (in Capital) and Nietzsche (in the Genealogy of Morals) introduce explicitly theatrical scenarios into the course of their discussions, complete with what Marx calls dramatis personae, where we witness a descent into a workshop (in some sense underground) in order to learn the secrets of production—the production, in both cases, (...)
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  19.  18
    Jeremy Bentham and the Pleasures of Fiction.Carrie Shanafelt - 2021 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 20.
    Nineteenth-century philosophers, including J.S. Mill, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche, criticized Jeremy Bentham for his supposed aesthetic insensibility to the arts, especially literature. Through analysis of Bentham’s manuscript comments on novelists, both negative and positive, this essay analyzes the pleasure Bentham took in fictional narratives in the context of his advocacy for sexual and gender minorities, disabled persons, colonized and enslaved persons, children, and animals. Drawing from a wide range of Bentham’s papers, the author then focuses on a vivid manuscript (...)
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  20.  30
    Marx, Nietzsche, and Modernity. [REVIEW]Garry M. Brodsky - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (4):843-845.
    Since virtually all aspects of Marx's thought have been competently scrutinized during the past decade or so, it is not surprising that most of what Love says about it is familiar and uncontroversial. The one obvious exception is Love's view that Marx does not explain history teleologically. Only those who construe teleological explanations in a naive, quasi-positivistic manner will find this unexceptionable. Fortunately, neither this point nor the familiarity of Love's views of Marx obscures what is worthwhile in this seriously (...)
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  21. Vorstufen der Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik. [Über das Pathos der Wahrheit. Über Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischen Sinne. Freundesbriefe. Der handschriftliche Nachlass Friedrich Nietzsches. Socrates and die griechische Tragoedie].Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1926 - [Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint.
  22.  23
    Nietzsche's Human All Too Human: A Critical Introduction and Guide.Ruth Abbey - 2020 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  23.  7
    Prices, Profits and Rhythms of Accumulation.Gilbert Abraham-Frois & Edmond Berrebi - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is concerned with the relationship between processes of accumulation and aspects of distribution. The analyses of Ricardo and Marx are reevaluated and redeveloped in the light of advances made by von Neumann, Sraffa and more contemporary theoreticians. Joint production systems are integrated into the analysis, which allows the authors to define the effect of the theorem of non-substitution, and to reconsider the problem of obsolescence and the choice of technique.
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  24. The Deconstructive Angel.M. H. Abrams - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 3 (3):425-438.
    That brings me to the crux of my disagreement with Hillis Miller. The central contention is not simply that I am sometimes, or always, wrong in my interpretation, but instead that I—like other traditional historians—can never be right in my interpretation. For Miller assents to Nietzsche's challenge of "the concept of 'rightness' in interpretation," and to Nietzsche's assertion that "the same text authorizes innumerable interpretations : there is no 'correct' interpretation."1 Nietzsche's views of interpretation, as Miller says, are relevant to (...)
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  25.  40
    The Phantasmagoria of Competition in School Ensembles.Joseph Michael Abramo - 2017 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 25 (2):150.
    Participation in competition festivals—where students and ensembles compete against each other for high scores and accolades—is a widespread practice in North American formal music education. In this article, I use Marx's theories of labor, value, and phantasmagoria to suggest a capitalist logic that structures these competitions. Marx's theories might suggest that one of musical performance's educational use-values is its function as a representation of the labor of musical learning. Competitions reward the hiding of this use-value by privileging performances that conceal (...)
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  26. Nietzsche, Agency, and Responsibility: "Das Thun ist Alles".Christa Davis Acampora - 2013 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 44 (2):141-157.
    There is much in Robert Pippin’s Nietzsche, Psychology, and First Philosophy that merits consideration. During the panel discussion that provided the basis for this article, I marked several paths for further exploration, including Pippin’s treatment of Nietzsche’s naturalism and his characterization of what he calls Nietzsche’s “picture arguments.” Ultimately, I chose to focus on a concern that has drawn intense interest in the recent literature, namely Nietzsche’s conception of agency and freedom, which forms the subject of Pippin’s fourth chapter, “The (...)
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  27.  44
    Le nouvel ordre impérial ou la mondialisation de l'Empire états-unien.Gilbert Achcar - 2003 - Actuel Marx 33 (1):15-24.
    The New Imperial Order : the Globalization of the U.S. Empire. It took the U.S. one century to extend their « manifest destiny » from North America to the whole world. In the aftermath of the Cold War, there still seemed to be a red line that the U.S. global empire could not tread easily, represented by the former boundaries of the ex-USSR. After September 11, this red line has been wiped out: U.S. military bases have been established in the (...)
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  28. Why war imagery? Loving life as an "experiment des Erkennenden" in Die fröhliche Wissenschaft.Jonathan Agins - 2018 - In James S. Pearson & Herman Siemens, Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche's Philosophy. New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury.
  29.  11
    Nietzsche: voluntat de no veritat.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay - 2022 - Sabadell, Catalunya: Edicions Enoanda.
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  30.  5
    Knights of the industrial revolution: art and social change in the medievalist imagination of Carlyle, Ruskin, Morris and other Victorian thinkers.Muhammed Al Da'mi - 2013 - Denver, Colorado: Outskirts Press.
    This volume is by no means out of place for a reader in the twenty first century as resemblances between the age of the machine and our own digital age are surprisingly numerous, particularly with reference to the patterns of intellectual response to unprecedented stimuli. The worrisome parallelisms and analogues are purposefully kept off stage for the imaginative audience to complement the plot of the real drama of the Industrial Revolution as it was witnessed by such imaginative medievalist 'knights' as (...)
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    Notas sobre la relación [necesaria] entre subjetivación y poder capitalista.Ángela Damián Aldana - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):9-20.
    Un tema recurrente en aproximaciones marxistas al estudio de la relación entre subjetividad y trabajo es la cuestión de cómo el poder capitalista configura a los individuos en la coyuntura histórica actual. En este trabajo sostenemos que la vinculación entre poder y subjetivación es históricamente contingente, mientras que el poder específicamente capitalista exige necesariamente, por sus condiciones históricas, mecanismos de subjetivación. Solo en el modo capitalista de organizar el metabolismo social es necesaria la producción generalizada de sujetos con vistas a (...)
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  32. Genealogy Revisited. [REVIEW]Mark Alfano - forthcoming - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    “Another Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality?” one might be excused for asking at the sight of Simon May’s new collection. This volume has to contend for shelf space with homonymic monographs by Lawrence Hatab (2008) and David Owen (2007), as well as Daniel Conway’s (2008) Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morals, a compilation of the same name edited by Christa Acampora (2006), and Brian Leiter’s Nietzsche on Morality (2002). Add to this that Hatab contributes to May’s collection, Owen and (...)
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  33. Nietzsche's Moral Psychology.Mark Alfano - 2019 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Introduction -/- 1 Précis -/- 2 Methodology: Introducing digital humanities to the history of philosophy 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Core constructs 2.3 Operationalizing the constructs 2.4 Querying the Nietzsche Source 2.5 Cleaning the data 2.6 Visualizations and preliminary analysis 2.6.1 Visualization of the whole corpus 2.6.2 Book visualizations 2.7 Summary -/- Nietzsche’s Socio-Moral Framework -/- 3 From instincts and drives to types 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The state of the art on drives, instincts, and types 3.2.1 Drives 3.2.2 Instincts 3.2.3 Types 3.3 (...)
  34.  10
    Beyond Nihilism: Nietzsche as Edifying Philosopher.Nimrod Aloni - 1991 - Upa.
    In this work the author presents Nietzsche as a counter-nihilistic philosopher-educator who aimed, very much like Plato and Rousseau, to set forth a healing education for western man in a characteristically decadent era. The principal pedagogical or edifying dimension of his philosophy, it is argued, consists of a redefinition of the educational aim of modern humanityóformulated in medical and cultural termsóas the recovery of health and worth.
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  35.  15
    Review of Spanish Monographs on Nietzsche. [REVIEW]Oscar Quejido Alonso - 2018 - Nietzsche Studien 47 (1):488-494.
    This article reviews the most relevant monographs published in Spanish between 2012 and 2018. The latter have a particular focus on the relevance of Nietzsche’s philosophy for contemporary philosophy of mind, but they are also concerned with the reception of some fundamental tenets of Nietzsche’s political thought as well as with the reception of his work in Spain and the reconstruction of his intellectual itinerary.
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  36. Sánchez, Sergio Borges lector de Nietzsche y Carlyle , Córdoba, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 110 páginas.Emilio Alochis - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía 19 (22):246-250.
    Se trata de la reseña del libro de Sánchez, Sergio Borges lector de Nietzsche y Carlyle, Córdoba, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 110 páginas.
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    Kant's elliptical path.Karl Ameriks - 2012 - Oxford : Clarendon Press,: Clarendon Press.
    This book explores the main stages and key concepts in the development of Kant's critical philosophy, from the early 1760s to the 1790s. Karl Ameriks provides a detailed and concise account of the main ways in which the later critical works provide a plausible defense of the conception of humanity's fundamental end that Kant turned to after reading Rousseau in the 1760s. Separate essays are devoted to each of the three Critiques, as well as to earlier notes and lectures and (...)
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  38.  17
    AN INTRODUCTION TO GREEK TRAGEDY - (J.) Fletcher Classical Greek Tragedy. Pp. xii + 161, ills. London and New York: Methuen Drama, 2022. Paper, £14.99, US61). ISBN: 978-1-350-14456-9 (978-1-350-14457-6 hbk). [REVIEW]Rosa Andújar - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (1):45-47.
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  39. Character, Virtue and Freedom.Andreas Esheté - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (222):495 - 513.
    In recent years, much uncertainty and outright scepticism surrounds the notion of character. In the arts—painting, the novel, drama, film—the notion of character has receded into the background. The loss of character is especially conspicuous in those artistic forms in which it traditionally occupied centre-stage: drama, the novel, films. The withdrawal of character from the arts has in fact become a topic of debate in the theory and criticism of the arts. In the arts themselves, the difficulty, if not the (...)
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  40.  11
    In emergency, break glass: what Nietzsche can teach us about joyful living in a tech-saturated world.Nate Anderson - 2022 - New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
    A lively and approachable meditation on how we can transform our digital lives if we let a little Nietzsche in. Who has not found themselves scrolling endlessly on screens and wondered: am I living or distracting myself from living? In Emergency, Break Glass adapts Friedrich Nietzsche's passionate quest for meaning into a world overwhelmed by "content." Written long before the advent of smartphones, Nietzsche's aphoristic philosophy advocated a fierce mastery of attention, a strict information diet, and a powerful connection to (...)
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    Holding on to the Sublime.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article analyses Nietzsche’s commitment to the sublime. Focusing on his early writings, it demonstrates how the sublime informs both Nietzsche’s conception of philosophy and his ideas for cultural revitalization. His appreciation of the sublime is embedded in four contexts and problems: his exploration of what philosophy is in its beginnings; his attack on D. F. Strauss and cultural philistinism; his conception of culture as transfigured physis; and the critique of the science of history. Nietzsche is committed to the sublime (...)
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  42.  66
    Communism: The Philosophical Foundations.Antony Flew - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (257):269 - 282.
    ‘Karl Marx was a German philosopher.’ It is with this seminal sentence that Leszek Kolakowski begins his great work on The Main Currents of Marxism: its Rise, Growth and Dissolution. Both the two terms in the predicate expression are crucial. It is most illuminating to think of Marx as originally a philosopher, even though nothing in his vastly voluminous works makes any significant contribution to philosophy in any academic understanding of that term. It is also essential to recognize that for (...)
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  43.  64
    Os esquemas de reprodução de Marx e a crítica não-dialética de Rosa Luxemburg.Jadir Antunes - 2012 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 57 (1).
    Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar o erro de Rosa Luxemburg em sua crítica aos esquemas de reprodução de Marx em O Capital. Em sua obra, O Capital, Marx demonstrava que a reprodução econômica da sociedade capitalista era um processo exclusivamente endógeno, conduzido inteiramente pela classe trabalhadora e pela classe capitalista. Segundo ele, a sociedade capitalista produzia e reproduzia os seus próprios fundamentos sem a necessidade de uma terceira classe social externa ao sistema. Rosa Luxemburg considerava que essa concepção de (...)
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    Analysis of Marx’s Thought of “Human Liberation” and Its Contemporary Value.肖建国朱 君 - 2023 - Advances in Philosophy 12 (1):194.
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    La concepción del cuerpo en Marx y el principio de necesidad.Manuel Aparicio Payá - 2021 - Endoxa 48:87-106.
    En la primera parte de este trabajo analizo los rasgos que definen el paradigma del cuerpo desarrollado por Marx. Señalo también algunas reflexiones contemporáneas sobre el cuerpo que pueden ser entendidas en relación con dicho paradigma. En una segunda parte, analizo su caracterización económica del cuerpo a partir de la idea de necesidad, argumentando que en Marx se da una concepción normativa del cuerpo y estableciendo una relación con el principio de necesidad. Finalmente, me centro en algunas aportaciones de teóricos (...)
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  46.  43
    Alejandro, Roberto. Nietzsche and the Drama of Historiobiography. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2011. Pp. xiii+ 377. Paper, $40.00. Allen, James, Eyjölfur Kjalar Emilsson, Wolfgang-Rainer Mann, et al., editors. Essays in Memory of Micheal Frede. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, XL. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Pp. viii+ 420. Paper, $45.00. [REVIEW]Jayne Elisabeth Archer, Elizabeth Goldring & Sarah Knight - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):149-151.
  47.  10
    Comment je suis devenu philosophe.Stéphanie Arc (ed.) - 2008 - Paris: Le Cavalier bleu.
    Platon, Descartes, Nietzsche... Lorsque l'on pense philosophie, ces grands noms nous viennent immédiatement à l'esprit. De fait, " la vraie méthode pour former la notion de philosophie, c'est de penser qu'il y eut des philosophes ", Socrate, la figure de proue faisant du philosophe un parangon de sagesse. Pour autant toutes et tous ne sont pas aussi sages... Tantôt métaphysiciens, tantôt férus de sciences, hommes de foi, penseurs engagés ou lettrés à la plume habile... les philosophes ont de multiples visages. (...)
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    El papel del trabajo en el desarrollo del pensamiento humano.Rogney Piedra Arencibia - 2018 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 9 (2):173-206.
    Labour is the cornerstone of Marxist understanding of the human being and the nature of his thought. This is true both from the phylogenetic and the ontogenetic point of view. The present article tries to introduce itself in that understanding starting from the ideas of Marx and Engels seen from the prism of the activity theory. The specifically human thought only arises when the individual internalizes the socio-historically developed forms of interaction with reality inscribed in the external objects that constitute (...)
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  49.  21
    Infinity Breeds Contempt: The Social Critiques of the Tragically Immortal Narrator in Samuel Beckett’s Malone Dies.Mohammadreza Arghiani - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (1):242-253.
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    Nietzsche: great thinkers on modern life.John Armstrong - 2015 - New York: Pegasus Books.
    Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher, poet and cultural critic. He is best known for his controversial idea of 'life affirmation' that challenged traditional morality and all doctrines. Born in 1844 outside Leipzig, Germany, his teachings inspired people in all walks of life, from dancers and poets to psychologists and social revolutionaries. Here you will find insights from his greatest works. The School of Life takes a great thinker and highlights those ideas most relevant to ordinary, everyday dilemmas. These books (...)
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