Results for 'Argumentative recursivity'

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  1.  22
    (1 other version)Classes of One‐Argument Recursive Functions.Nadejda V. Georgieva - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):127-130.
  2.  3
    The Recursive Argument Structure.Sung-Jun Pyon - forthcoming - Argumentation:1-31.
    The aim of this paper is to critically review the traditional typology of argument macrostructures, particularly, the dichotomy between linked and convergent structure. We have found an argument structure that does not fall under one of those five traditional categories: basic, serial, divergent, linked and convergent. We show that the new argument structure, which we call the recursive structure, is not rare-earth, but ubiquitous in real argumentation. Then, we propose and justify a new approach to diagramming arguments of the structure. (...)
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    SCC-recursiveness: a general schema for argumentation semantics.Pietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin & Giovanni Guida - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 168 (1-2):162-210.
  4.  31
    An approach to abstract argumentation with recursive attack and support.Andrea Cohen, Sebastian Gottifredi, Alejandro J. García & Guillermo R. Simari - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):509-533.
    This work introduces the Attack-Support Argumentation Framework (ASAF), an approach to abstract argumentation that allows for the representation and combination of attack and support relations. This framework extends the argumentation Framework with Recursive Attacks (AFRA) in two ways. Firstly, it adds a support relation enabling to express support for arguments; this support can also be given to attacks, and to the support relation itself. Secondly, it extends AFRA’s attack relation by allowing attacks to the aforementioned support relation. Moreover, since the (...)
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  5.  17
    Characterizing acceptability semantics of argumentation frameworks with recursive attack and support relations.Sebastian Gottifredi, Andrea Cohen, Alejandro J. García & Guillermo R. Simari - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 262 (C):336-368.
    Over the last decade, several extensions of Dung’s Abstract Argumentation Frameworks (AFs) have been introduced in the literature. Some of these extensions concern the nature of the attack relation, such as the consideration of recursive attacks, whereas others incorporate additional interactions, such as a support relation. Recently, the Attack–Support Argumentation Framework (ASAF) was proposed, which accounts for recursive attacks and supports, attacks to supports and supports to attacks, at any level, where the support relation is interpreted as necessity. Currently, to (...)
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    Recursion: Complexity in Cognition.Tom Roeper & Margaret Speas (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume focuses on recursion and reveals a host of new theoretical arguments, philosophical perspectives, formal representations, and empirical evidence from parsing, acquisition, and computer models, highlighting its central role in modern science. Noam Chomsky, whose work introduced recursion to linguistics and cognitive science, and other leading researchers in the fields of philosophy, semantics, computer science, and psycholinguistics in showing the profound reach of this concept into modern science. Recursion has been at the heart of generative grammar from the outset. (...)
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  7. Joint attention without recursive mindreading: On the role of second-person engagement.Felipe León - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (4):550-580.
    On a widely held characterization, triadic joint attention is the capacity to perceptually attend to an object or event together with another subject. In the last four decades, research in developmental psychology has provided increasing evidence of the crucial role that this capacity plays in socio-cognitive development, early language acquisition, and the development of perspective-taking. Yet, there is a striking discrepancy between the general agreement that joint attention is critical in various domains, and the lack of theoretical consensus on how (...)
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  8.  43
    Unary primitive recursive functions.Daniel E. Severin - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1122-1138.
    In this article, we study some new characterizations of primitive recursive functions based on restricted forms of primitive recursion, improving the pioneering work of R. M. Robinson and M. D. Gladstone. We reduce certain recursion schemes (mixed/pure iteration without parameters) and we characterize one-argument primitive recursive functions as the closure under substitution and iteration of certain optimal sets.
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    Theft Is Property! The Recursive Logic of Dispossession.Robert Nichols - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (1):3-28.
    This article offers a preliminary critical-historical reconstruction of the concept of dispossession. Part I examines its role in eighteenth- and nineteenth- century struggles against European feudal land tenure. Drawing upon Marx’s critique of French anarchism in particular, I identify a persistent limitation at the heart of the concept. Since dispossession presupposes prior possession, recourse to it appears conservative and tends to reinforce the very proprietary and commoditized models of social relations that radical critics generally seek to undermine. Part II turns (...)
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  10. A recursive semantics for defeasible reasoning.John Pollock - unknown
    One of the most striking characteristics of human beings is their ability to function successfully in complex environments about which they know very little. In light of our pervasive ignorance, we cannot get around in the world just reasoning deductively from our prior beliefs together with new perceptual input. As our conclusions are not guaranteed to be true, we must countenance the possibility that new information will lead us to change our minds, withdrawing previously adopted beliefs. In this sense, our (...)
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  11.  23
    Every recursive boolean algebra is isomorphic to one with incomplete atoms.Rod Downey - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 60 (3):193-206.
    The theorem of the title is proven, solving an old question of Remmel. The method of proof uses an algebraic technique of Remmel-Vaught combined with a complex tree of strategies argument where the true path is needed to figure out the final isomorphism.
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  12.  52
    Kleene's amazing second recursion theorem.Yiannis N. Moschovakis - 2010 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):189 - 239.
    This little gem is stated unbilled and proved in the last two lines of §2 of the short note Kleene [1938]. In modern notation, with all the hypotheses stated explicitly and in a strong form, it reads as follows:Second Recursion Theorem. Fix a set V ⊆ ℕ, and suppose that for each natural number n ϵ ℕ = {0, 1, 2, …}, φn: ℕ1+n ⇀ V is a recursive partial function of arguments with values in V so that the standard (...)
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  13.  79
    Why is Generative Grammar Recursive?Fintan Mallory - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):3097-3111.
    A familiar argument goes as follows: natural languages have infinitely many sentences, finite representation of infinite sets requires recursion; therefore any adequate account of linguistic competence will require some kind of recursive device. The first part of this paper argues that this argument is not convincing. The second part argues that it was not the original reason recursive devices were introduced into generative linguistics. The real basis for the use of recursive devices stems from a deeper philosophical concern; a grammar (...)
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  14.  77
    Characterizing the elementary recursive functions by a fragment of Gödel's T.Arnold Beckmann & Andreas Weiermann - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (7):475-491.
    Let T be Gödel's system of primitive recursive functionals of finite type in a combinatory logic formulation. Let $T^{\star}$ be the subsystem of T in which the iterator and recursor constants are permitted only when immediately applied to type 0 arguments. By a Howard-Schütte-style argument the $T^{\star}$ -derivation lengths are classified in terms of an iterated exponential function. As a consequence a constructive strong normalization proof for $T^{\star}$ is obtained. Another consequence is that every $T^{\star}$ -representable number-theoretic function is elementary (...)
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  15.  38
    Finite condensations of recursive linear orders.Dev K. Roy & Richard Watnick - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (4):311 - 317.
    The complexity of aII 4 set of natural numbers is encoded into a linear order to show that the finite condensation of a recursive linear order can beII 2–II 1. A priority argument establishes the same result, and is extended to a complete classification of finite condensations iterated finitely many times.
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    Credulous acceptance in high-order argumentation frameworks with necessities: An incremental approach.Gianvincenzo Alfano, Andrea Cohen, Sebastian Gottifredi, Sergio Greco, Francesco Parisi & Guillermo R. Simari - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 333 (C):104159.
    Argumentation is an important research area in the field of AI. There is a substantial amount of work on different aspects of Dung’s abstract Argumentation Framework (AF). Two relevant aspects considered separately so far are: i) extending the framework to account for recursive attacks and supports, and ii) considering dynamics, i.e., AFs evolving over time. In this paper, we jointly deal with these two aspects. We focus on High-Order Argumentation Frameworks with Necessities (HOAFNs) which allow for attack and support relations (...)
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  17.  70
    Explanatory Circles, Induction, and Recursive Structures.Tomasz Wysocki - 2016 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):13-16.
    Lange offers an argument that, according to him, “does not show merely that some proofs by mathematical induction are not explanatory. It shows that none are […]”. The aim here is to present a counterexample to his argument.
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  18.  64
    Is there an inconsistent primitive recursive relation?Seungrak Choi - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-12.
    The present paper focuses on Graham Priest’s claim that even primitive recursive relations may be inconsistent. Although he carefully presented his claim using the expression “may be,” Priest made a definite claim that even numerical equations can be inconsistent. His argument relies heavily on the fact that there is an inconsistent model for arithmetic. After summarizing Priest’s argument for the inconsistent primitive recursive relation, I first discuss the fact that his argument has a weak foundation to explain that the existence (...)
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  19.  48
    On Reasoning and Argument: Essays in Informal Logic and on Critical Thinking.David Hitchcock - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book brings together in one place David Hitchcock’s most significant published articles on reasoning and argument. In seven new chapters he updates his thinking in the light of subsequent scholarship. Collectively, the papers articulate a distinctive position in the philosophy of argumentation. Among other things, the author:• develops an account of “material consequence” that permits evaluation of inferences without problematic postulation of unstated premises.• updates his recursive definition of argument that accommodates chaining and embedding of arguments and allows any (...)
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  20.  41
    (1 other version)Second Order Intersubjectivity: The Dialectical Dimension of Argumentation.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (1):85-105.
    I propose a characterization of the dialectical dimension of argumentation by considering the activity of arguing as involving a “second order intersubjectivity”. I argue that argumentative communication enables this kind of intersubjectivity as a matter of the recursive nature of acts of arguing—both as justificatory and as persuasive devices. Calling attention to this feature is a way to underline that argumentative discourses represent the explicit part of a dynamic activity, “a mechanism of rational validation”, as Rescher showed, which (...)
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  21. Squeezing arguments.P. Smith - 2011 - Analysis 71 (1):22-30.
    Many of our concepts are introduced to us via, and seem only to be constrained by, roughand-ready explanations and some sample paradigm positive and negative applications. This happens even in informal logic and mathematics. Yet in some cases, the concepts in question – although only informally and vaguely characterized – in fact have, or appear to have, entirely determinate extensions. Here’s one familiar example. When we start learning computability theory, we are introduced to the idea of an algorithmically computable function (...)
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  22.  59
    The Nonarithmeticity of the Predicate Logic of Strictly Primitive Recursive Realizability.Valery Plisko - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-30.
    A notion of strictly primitive recursive realizability is introduced by Damnjanovic in 1994. It is a kind of constructive semantics of the arithmetical sentences using primitive recursive functions. It is of interest to study the corresponding predicate logic. It was argued by Park in 2003 that the predicate logic of strictly primitive recursive realizability is not arithmetical. Park’s argument is essentially based on a claim of Damnjanovic that intuitionistic logic is sound with respect to strictly primitive recursive realizability, but that (...)
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  23. A Philosophical Argument for the Beginning of Time.Laureano Luna & Jacobus Erasmus - 2020 - Prolegomena 19 (2):161-176.
    A common argument in support of a beginning of the universe used by advocates of the kalām cosmological argument (KCA) is the argument against the possibility of an actual infinite, or the “Infinity Argument”. However, it turns out that the Infinity Argument loses some of its force when compared with the achievements of set theory and it brings into question the view that God predetermined an endless future. We therefore defend a new formal argument, based on the nature of time (...)
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  24.  28
    Fragments of Kripke–Platek set theory and the metamathematics of α\alpha α -recursion theory.Sy-David Friedman, Wei Li & Tin Lok Wong - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (7-8):899-924.
    The foundation scheme in set theory asserts that every nonempty class has an ∈\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}\in \end{document}-minimal element. In this paper, we investigate the logical strength of the foundation principle in basic set theory and α\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}α\alpha \end{document}-recursion theory. We take KP set theory without foundation as the base theory. We show that KP-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}^-\end{document} + Π1\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} (...)
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  25.  47
    Models and Recursivity.Walter Dean - manuscript
    It is commonly held that the natural numbers sequence 0, 1, 2,... possesses a unique structure. Yet by a well known model theoretic argument, there exist non-standard models of the formal theory which is generally taken to axiomatize all of our practices and intentions pertaining to use of the term “natural number.” Despite the structural similarity of this argument to the influential set theoretic indeterminacy argument based on the downward L ̈owenheim-Skolem theorem, most theorists agree that the number theoretic version (...)
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  26.  40
    Undecidability and 1-types in the recursively enumerable degrees.Klaus Ambos-Spies & Richard A. Shore - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 63 (1):3-37.
    Ambos-Spies, K. and R.A. Shore, Undecidability and 1-types in the recursively enumerable degrees, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 63 3–37. We show that the theory of the partial ordering of recursively enumerable Turing degrees is undecidable and has uncountably many 1-types. In contrast to the original proof of the former which used a very complicated O''' argument our proof proceeds by a much simpler infinite injury argument. Moreover, it combines with the permitting technique to get similar results for any (...)
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  27.  14
    Cultural Evolutionary Psychology as Generalization by Recursion.Karim Baraghith & Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla - forthcoming - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie:1-20.
    Cultural evolutionary psychology (CEP) accounts for the cultural evolution of cognition. It is based on evolutionary psychology and cultural evolutionary theory and aims at a synthetic attempt which is achieved by what we want to call ‘generalization by recursion’. We argue in this paper that the evolutionary psychology program as a whole could greatly benefit from CEP’s generalization. As we will show, there is one theoretical element in particular, that CEP relevantly generalizes in contrast to its predecessors. It comes from (...)
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  28.  89
    An ordinal analysis of admissible set theory using recursion on ordinal notations.Jeremy Avigad - 2002 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 2 (1):91-112.
    The notion of a function from ℕ to ℕ defined by recursion on ordinal notations is fundamental in proof theory. Here this notion is generalized to functions on the universe of sets, using notations for well orderings longer than the class of ordinals. The generalization is used to bound the rate of growth of any function on the universe of sets that is Σ1-definable in Kripke–Platek admissible set theory with an axiom of infinity. Formalizing the argument provides an ordinal analysis.
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    Automorphisms in the PTIME-Turing degrees of recursive sets.Christine Ann Haught & Theodore A. Slaman - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 84 (1):139-152.
    We consider questions related to the rigidity of the structure R, the PTIME-Turing degrees of recursive sets of strings together with PTIME-Turing reducibility, pT, and related structures; do these structures have nontrivial automorphisms? We prove that there is a nontrivial automorphism of an ideal of R. This can be rephrased in terms of partial relativizations. We consider the sets which are PTIME-Turing computable from a set A, and call this class PTIMEA. Our result can be stated as follows: There is (...)
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    Tarski's theory of definability: common themes in descriptive set theory, recursive function theory, classical pure logic, and finite-universe logic.J. W. Addison - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):77-92.
    Although the theory of definability had many important antecedents—such as the descriptive set theory initiated by the French semi-intuitionists in the early 1900s—the main ideas were first laid out in precise mathematical terms by Alfred Tarski beginning in 1929. We review here the basic notions of languages, explicit definability, and grammatical complexity, and emphasize common themes in the theories of definability for four important languages underlying, respectively, descriptive set theory, recursive function theory, classical pure logic, and finite-universe logic. We review (...)
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    A blend of methods of recursion theory and topology: A Π1 0 tree of shadow points. [REVIEW]Iraj Kalantari & Larry Welch - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (8):991-1008.
    This paper is a sequel to our [7]. In that paper we constructed a Π1 0 tree of avoidable points. Here we construct a Π1 0 tree of shadow points. This tree is a tree of sharp filters, where a sharp filter is a nested sequence of basic open sets converging to a point. In the construction we assign to each basic open set on the tree an address in 2<ω. One interesting fact is that while our Π1 0 tree (...)
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  32.  38
    Concretizing Simondon and Constructivism: A Recursive Contribution to the Theory of Concretization.Andrew Lewis Feenberg - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (1):62-85.
    This article argues that Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy of technology is useful for both science and technology studies and critical theory. The synthesis has political implications. It offers an argument for the rationality of democratic interventions by citizens into decisions concerning technology. The new framework opens a perspective on the radical transformation of technology required by ecological modernization and sustainability. In so doing, it suggests new applications of STS methods to politics as well as a reconstruction of the Frankfurt School’s “rational (...)
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  33.  92
    Kalmár's Argument Against the Plausibility of Church's Thesis.Máté Szabó - 2018 - History and Philosophy of Logic 39 (2):140-157.
    In his famous paper, An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory, Alonzo Church identified the intuitive notion of effective calculability with the mathematically precise notion of recursiveness. This proposal, known as Church's Thesis, has been widely accepted. Only a few papers have been written against it. One of these is László Kalmár's An Argument Against the Plausibility of Church's Thesis from 1959. The aim of this paper is to present Kalmár's argument and to fill in missing details based on his (...)
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  34. Physicalism, Closure, and the Structure of Causal Arguments for Physicalism: A Naturalistic Formulation of the Physical.Hamed Bikaraan-Behesht - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):1081-1096.
    Physicalism is the idea that everything either is physical or is nothing over and above the physical. For this formulation of physicalism to have determinate content, it should be identified what the “physical” refers to; i.e. the body problem. Some other closely related theses, especially the ones employed in the causal arguments for different versions of physicalism, and more especially the causal closure thesis, are also subject to the body problem. In this paper, I do two things. First, I explore (...)
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  35.  63
    Translating Toulmin Diagrams: Theory Neutrality in Argument Representation.Chris Reed & Glenn Rowe - 2005 - Argumentation 19 (3):267-286.
    The Toulmin diagram layout is very familiar and widely used, particularly in the teaching of critical thinking skills. The conventional box-and-arrow diagram is equally familiar and widespread. Translation between the two throws up a number of interesting challenges. Some of these challenges (such as the relationship between Toulmin warrants and their counterparts in traditional diagrams) represent slightly different ways of looking at old and deep theoretical questions. Others (such as how to allow Toulmin diagrams to be recursive) are diagrammatic versions (...)
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  36.  30
    Refining Hitchcock’s Definition of ‘Argument’.G. C. Goddu - unknown
    David Hitchcock, in his recent “Informal Logic and the Concept of Argument”, defends a recursive definition of ‘argument.’ I present and discuss several problems that arise for his definition. I argue that refining Hitchcock’s definition in order to resolve these problems reveals a crucial, but minimally explicated, relation that was, at best, playing an obscured role in the original definition or, at worst, completely absent from the original definition.
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  37.  48
    Gödel’s Disjunctive Argument†.Wesley Wrigley - 2022 - Philosophia Mathematica 30 (3):306-342.
    Gödel argued that the incompleteness theorems entail that the mind is not a machine, or that certain arithmetical propositions are absolutely undecidable. His view was that the mind is not a machine, and that no arithmetical propositions are absolutely undecidable. I argue that his position presupposes that the idealized mathematician has an ability which I call the recursive-ordinal recognition ability. I show that we have this ability if, and only if, there are no absolutely undecidable arithmetical propositions. I argue that (...)
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    Programs, grammars and arguments: A personal view of some connections between computation, language and logic.J. Lambek - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (3):312-328.
    As an undergraduate I was taught to multiply two numbers with the help of log tables, using the formulaHaving graduated to teach calculus to Engineers, I learned that log tables were to be replaced by slide rules. It was then that Imade the fateful decision that there was no need for me to learn how to use this tedious device, as I could always rely on the students to perform the necessary computations. In the course of time, slide rules were (...)
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    Decoupling Representations and the Chain of Arguments.Cristián Santibáñez - 2021 - Informal Logic 41 (2):165-186.
    In this paper, I propose to understand argumentative decoupling—that is, the structural fact of the argumentative chain self-referring to one of its constituents in subsequent arguments—as part of the way in which cognitive decoupling representation works. In order to support this claim, I make use of part of the discussion developed in cognitive studies and evolutionary theories that describes this phenomenon when explaining intentional communication. By using Toulmin’s model, I exemplify how decoupling representation may be seen as part (...)
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  40. Spór o ontologię sytuacji jako spór o zasadę kompozycyjności. Argument z metafory.Wojciech Krysztofiak - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    In the paper there is presented the argument for the situational paradigm of theory of language. In comparison to the nominativistic semantics it is argued in the paper that the propositional semantics is a better tool of explaining various speech acts in which the principle of compositionality is collapsed. In the paper there are also described referential mechanisms of metaphorical speech acts. In accordance with these mechanisms the metaphorical status of speech acts is determined by the collapse of Fregean referential (...)
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    Robustness as a category for the analysis of cognition: the case of argumentative competence.Cristián Santibáñez-Yáñez - 2015 - Cinta de Moebio 52:60-68.
    In this paper the theoretical power of the concept of robustness is discussed in order to characterize the argumentative competence of a speaker. This notion is countered with the extended use of the idea complexity. As a general background some empirical results are used to support the theoretical discussion. The paper mainly relies on the theory of cultural cognition to situate the category of robustness and offers particular criteria to specify the possible operationalization of the notion. These criteria could (...)
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  42. What is Wrong with Cantor's Diagonal Argument?R. T. Brady & P. A. Rush - 2008 - Logique Et Analyse 51 (1):185-219..
    We first consider the entailment logic MC, based on meaning containment, which contains neither the Law of Excluded Middle (LEM) nor the Disjunctive Syllogism (DS). We then argue that the DS may be assumed at least on a similar basis as the assumption of the LEM, which is then justified over a finite domain or for a recursive property over an infinite domain. In the latter case, use is made of Mathematical Induction. We then show that an instance of the (...)
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    (1 other version)A note on universal sets.A. H. Lachlan - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):573-574.
    In this note is proved the following:Theorem.Iƒ A × B is universal and one oƒ A, B is r.e. then one of A, B is universal.Letα, τbe 1-argument recursive functions such thatxgoes to, τ) is a map of the natural numbers onto all ordered pairs of natural numbers. A set A of natural numbers is calleduniversalif every r.e. set is reducible to A; A × B is calleduniversalif the set.
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    Resolving the Infinitude Controversy.András Kornai - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (4):481-492.
    A simple inductive argument shows natural languages to have infinitly many sentences, but workers in the field have uncovered clear evidence of a diverse group of ‘exceptional’ languages from Proto-Uralic to Dyirbal and most recently, Pirahã, that appear to lack recursive devices entirely. We argue that in an information-theoretic setting non-recursive natural languages appear neither exceptional nor functionally inferior to the recursive majority.
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  45. Mental Maps 1.Ben Blumson - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (2):413-434.
    It's often hypothesized that the structure of mental representation is map-like rather than language-like. The possibility arises as a counterexample to the argument from the best explanation of productivity and systematicity to the language of thought hypothesis—the hypothesis that mental structure is compositional and recursive. In this paper, I argue that the analogy with maps does not undermine the argument, because maps and language have the same kind of compositional and recursive structure.
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    Some subrecursive versions of Grzegorczyk's Uniformity Theorem.Dimiter Skordev - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (4-5):520-524.
    A theorem published by A. Grzegorczyk in 1955 states a certain kind of effective uniform continuity of computable functionals whose values are natural numbers and whose arguments range over the total functions in the set of the natural numbers and over the natural numbers. Namely, for any such functional a computable functional with one function-argument and the same number-arguments exists such that the values of the first of the functionals at functions dominated by a given one are completely determined by (...)
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  47. The good of today depends not on the good of tomorrow: a constraint on theories of well-being.Owen C. King - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (8):2365-2380.
    This article addresses three questions about well-being. First, is well-being future-sensitive? I.e., can present well-being depend on future events? Second, is well-being recursively dependent? I.e., can present well-being depend on itself? Third, can present and future well-being be interdependent? The third question combines the first two, in the sense that a yes to it is equivalent to yeses to both the first and second. To do justice to the diverse ways we contemplate well-being, I consider our thought and discourse about (...)
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  48. Evaluating Dialectical Structures.Gregor Betz - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (3):283-312.
    This paper develops concepts and procedures for the evaluation of complex debates. They provide means for answering such questions as whether a thesis has to be considered as proven or disproven in a debate or who carries a burden of proof. While being based on classical logic, this framework represents an (argument-based) approach to non-monotonic, or defeasible reasoning. Debates are analysed as dialectical structures, i.e. argumentation systems with an attack- as well as a support-relationship. The recursive status assignment over the (...)
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    Compositionality, Computability, and Complexity.Peter Pagin - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):551-591.
    This paper starts from the observation that the standard arguments for compositionality are really arguments for the computability of semantics. Since computability does not entail compositionality, the question of what justifies compositionality recurs. The paper then elaborates on the idea of recursive semantics as corresponding to computable semantics. It is then shown by means of time complexity theory and with the use of term rewriting as systems of semantic computation, that syntactically unrestricted, noncompositional recursive semantics leads to computational explosion (factorial (...)
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    A cognitive transition underlying both technological and social aspects of cumulative culture.Liane Gabora & Cameron M. Smith - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e163.
    The argument that cumulative technological culture originates in technical-reasoning skills is not the only alternative to social accounts; another possibility is that accumulation ofbothtechnical-reasoning skillsandenhanced social skills stemmed from the onset of a more basic cognitive ability such as recursive representational redescription. The paper confuses individual learning of pre-existing information with creative generation of new information.
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