Results for 'Ariana Phillips-Hutton'

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  1.  10
    The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy.Tomás McAuley, Nanette Nielsen, Jerrold Levinson & Ariana Phillips-Hutton (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: OUP.
    Whether regarded as a perplexing object, a morally captivating force, an ineffable entity beyond language, or an inescapably embodied human practice, music has captured philosophically inclined minds since time immemorial. In turn, musicians of all stripes have called on philosophy as a source of inspiration and encouragement, and scholars of music through the ages have turned to philosophy for insight into music and into the worlds that sustain it. In this Handbook, contributors build on this legacy to conceptualize the rich (...)
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    The Legacies of Richard Popkin.Donald Phillip - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):117-119.
    The essays in this volume are by fellow historians of ideas and philosophy, colleagues, and former students of Richard Popkin; its editor is his son, a historian at the University of Kentucky. The volume is in the style of a festschrift, but it has a special personal component. The notes on the contributors indicate how each came to know Popkin. The essays do not concentrate on developments of each author’s own work, but access Popkin’s work, in some instances extending it, (...)
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    The legacies of Richard Popkin (review).Donald Phillip Verene - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):pp. 117-119.
    The essays in this volume are by fellow historians of ideas and philosophy, colleagues, and former students of Richard Popkin; its editor is his son, a historian at the University of Kentucky. The volume is in the style of a festschrift, but it has a special personal component. The notes on the contributors indicate how each came to know Popkin. The essays do not concentrate on developments of each author’s own work, but access Popkin’s work, in some instances extending it, (...)
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    Heisenberg contra Lenard e Stark: O que há de importante na Física Ariana?Fábio Antônio Costa & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):309 - 350.
    O objectivo primário do presente artigo é estudar algumas das implicações, sobretudo epistemológicas, associadas com o auto-intitulado movimento da Física Ariana (Deutsche Physikj, movimento esse que aqui se considera como tendo sido iniciado pelos físicos, laureados com o Prémio Nobel, Philipp Lenard e Johannes Stark. Assim, em primeiro lugar, procura-se analisar questões como a da ligação entre ciência e raça, a da função do método experimental e do método dedutivo nas descobertas das ciências naturais, bem como a da relação (...)
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    Decreased small-world functional network connectivity and clustering across resting state networks in schizophrenia: an fMRI classification tutorial.Ariana Anderson & Mark S. Cohen - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  6. Caring for the elderly in Algeria within the discourse of traditionalism and modernism: Is there a Kabyle “woman problem”?Ariana Kaci & Helene Starks - 2013 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 6 (2):160-178.
    In Algerian Kabyle families, the intersection of tradition and modernity creates a dilemma for family-based eldercare. As daughters-in-law (traditional caregivers) choose to live independently from their in-laws’ home, some unmarried daughters may be left to fill the care gap. Given the shift from traditional to modern caregiving arrangements, how can elders and the members of their family survive and thrive? Choosing an empirical case study that is analyzed using key concepts from care ethics and gender justice, we develop a notion (...)
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    Equality in Limbo.Ariana Peruzzi - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (2):341-347.
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    A haruspicy joke in Plautus.Ariana Traill - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54 (1):117-127.
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    Hegemonía, Democracia y Socialismo. Pensamiento y Debate Intelectual En la Transición Democrática.Ariana Reano - 2016 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 17:217-239.
    Este trabajo aborda la experiencia de reflexión ideológico-política realizada por un grupo de intelectuales de izquierda —denominados “gramscianos argentinos”— en torno al concepto de hegemonía durante la transición democrática. El corpus de trabajos sobre el que centraremos nuestro análisis está conformado por los artículos publicados en la revista Controversia para el examen de la realidad argentina (México, 1979-1981) y los trabajos presentados en el seminario sobre “Hegemonía y alternativas políticas en América Latina” (UNAM, México, 1980).Nuestra hipótesis es que en los (...)
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    Thomas Hobbes y Sigmund Freud: pensadores del (des) orden.Reano Ariana - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9:111-128.
    En este trabajo nos proponemos rastrear la manera en que dos teóricos provenientes de campos disciplinares en apariencia distintos, interpretan en términos comunes la tragedia de la modernidad. Se trata de la tragedia que viene a mostrarnos que el orden del mundo ya no está predeterminado por ninguna voluntad divina y que su construcción deviene objeto de la acción humana. Para ilustrar esto nos referiremos al modo en que Thomas Hobbes y Sigmund Freud indagan el carácter contingente de lo humano (...)
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    An experimental and simulation study of the impact of emotional information on analogical reasoning.Ariana A. Castro, John E. Hummel & Howard Berenbaum - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105510.
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    Beyond Magic and Myth with Mircea Eliade and Moshe Idel.Ariana Guga - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):229-244.
    Review of Moshe Idel, Mircea Eliade. De la magie la mit (Mircea Eliade. From Magic to Myth), translation by Maria‑Magdalena Anghelescu (Iași: Polirom, 2014).
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    The light beyond the clouds.Ariana Guga - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (47):110-114.
    Review of Alberto Castaldini, Il Dio Nascosto e la possibilità di Auschwitz. Prospettive filosofiche e teologiche sull’Ollocausto,, 370 pag.
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    “Dutch Racism is not Like Anywhere Else”: Refusing Color-Blind Myths in Black Feminist Otherwise Spaces.Ariana Rose - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (2):239-263.
    Despite myths of color-blindness in the Netherlands, Black women are marginalized by mainstream expectations of racial and cultural homogeneity. I use Amsterdam Black Women as a case study to illustrate the lived experiences of women affected by this exclusion. In this space, women freely critique Dutch society through mundane moments of truth-telling, venting, and joking, which enable individual problems to rise to a community level. I explore how subtle configurations of Black feminist organizing can be key sites of healing, experimentation, (...)
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    Acroteleutium’s sapphic infatuation.Ariana Traill - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55 (02):518-533.
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    Menander, New Comedy and the Visual by Antonis K. Petrides.Ariana Traill - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (2):267-268.
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    The foundations of Islam and Islamic thought.Ariana Wolff (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Britannica Educational Publishing.
    The foundations of Islam: Islamic doctrine -- Fundamental practices and institutions -- Islamic theology -- Islamic philosophy -- Islamic social and ethical principles.
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    Xunzi: The Complete Text.Eric L. Hutton - 2014 - Princeton: Princeton University Press. Edited by Eric L. Hutton.
    This is the first complete, one-volume English translation of the ancient Chinese text Xunzi, one of the most extensive, sophisticated, and elegant works in the tradition of Confucian thought. Through essays, poetry, dialogues, and anecdotes, the Xunzi articulates a Confucian perspective on ethics, politics, warfare, language, psychology, human nature, ritual, and music, among other topics. Aimed at general readers and students of Chinese thought, Eric Hutton's translation makes the full text of this important work more accessible in English than (...)
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  19. Moral Experience: Perception or Emotion?James Hutton - 2022 - Ethics 132 (3):570-597.
    One solution to the problem of moral knowledge is to claim that we can acquire it a posteriori through moral experience. But what is a moral experience? When we examine the most compelling putative cases, we find features which, I argue, are best explained by the hypothesis that moral experiences are emotions. To preempt an objection, I argue that putative cases of emotionless moral experience can be explained away. Finally, I allay the worry that emotions are an unsuitable basis for (...)
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  20.  19
    British Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century.Sarah Hutton - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Sarah Hutton presents a rich historical study of one of the most fertile periods in philosophy. It was in the seventeenth century that Britain first produced philosophers of international stature. Bacon, Hobbes, and Locke, and many other thinkers are shown in their intellectual, social, political, and religious context.
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  21.  40
    Anne Conway: A Woman Philosopher.Sarah Hutton - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 2004 book was the first intellectual biography of one of the very first English women philosophers. At a time when very few women received more than basic education, Lady Anne Conway wrote an original treatise of philosophy, her Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, which challenged the major philosophers of her day - Descartes, Hobbes and Spinoza. Sarah Hutton's study places Anne Conway in her historical and philosophical context, by reconstructing her social and intellectual milieu. She (...)
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  22. Women, philosophy and the history of philosophy.Sarah Hutton - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (4):684-701.
    ABSTRACTIt is only in the last 30 years that any appreciable work has been done on women philosophers of the past. This paper reflects on the progress that has been made in recovering early-modern...
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  23.  23
    Abortion restrictions and medical residency applications.Kellen Mermin-Bunnell, Ariana M. Traub, Kelly Wang, Bryan Aaron, Louise Perkins King & Jennifer Kawwass - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):79-86.
    Residency selection is a challenging process for medical students, one further complicated in the USA by the recentDobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization(Dobbs) decision over-ruling the federal right to abortion. We surveyed medical students to examine howDobbsis influencing the ideological, personal and professional factors they must reconcile when choosing where and how to complete residency.Between 6 August and 22 October 2022, third-year and fourth-year US medical students applying to US residency programmes were surveyed through social media and direct outreach to (...)
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  24. Character, Situationism, and Early Confucian Thought.Eric Hutton - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (1):37-58.
  25.  86
    What Attentional Moral Perception Cannot Do but Emotions Can.James Hutton - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (6):106.
    Jonna Vance and Preston Werner argue that humans’ mechanisms of perceptual attention tend to be sensitive to morally relevant properties. They dub this tendency “Attentional Moral Perception” (AMP) and argue that it can play all the explanatory roles that some theorists have hoped moral perception can play. In this article, I argue that, although AMP can indeed play some important explanatory roles, there are certain crucial things that AMP cannot do. Firstly, many theorists appeal to moral perception to explain how (...)
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  26. Han Feizi's Criticism of Confucianism and its Implications for Virtue Ethics.Eric Hutton - 2008 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 5 (3):423-453.
    Several scholars have recently proposed that Confucianism should be regarded as a form of virtue ethics. This view offers new approaches to understanding not only Confucian thinkers, but also their critics within the Chinese tradition. For if Confucianism is a form of virtue ethics, we can then ask to what extent Chinese criticisms of it parallel criticisms launched against contemporary virtue ethics, and what lessons for virtue ethics in general might be gleaned from the challenges to Confucianism in particular. This (...)
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    'Blue-Eyed Philosophers Born on Wednesdays': An Essay on Women and History of Philosophy.S. Hutton - 2015 - The Monist 98 (1):7-20.
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  28.  11
    Assessment of export flows of the Russian Federation to the EAEU countries using gravity modeling.Maria Mikhailovna Tsvil & Ariana Olegovna Kusaya - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):68-72.
    The article is devoted to the identification of factors influencing the export trade flows of the Russian Federation to the EAEU member states. Gravity modeling (H. Linnemann's model) was used as a research tool. The introduction of dummy variables is justified. A comparative analysis of the identified factors is presented. A forecast of export trade flows of the Russian Federation to the EAEU countries for 2020-2022 has been made.
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    History as an Art of Memory.Patrick H. Hutton - 1993 - University Press of New England.
    Hutton considers the ideas of philosophers, poets, and historians to seek outthe roots of fact as mere recollection.
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    A chasm or harmony between imagination and reason? A critical examination of Religionskritik Spinozas by Leo Strauss................ Agustín VOLCO-Guillermo SIBILIA Thomas Hobbes and Sigmund Freud: two thinkers of (dis) order. [REVIEW]Ariana Reano, Daniel Blanch, Demetrio CAStRO, Laura Adrián-Lara & BOOk CRItIqUES - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9.
  31.  34
    ¿ Abismo o armonía entre la imaginación y la razón? Una aproxi-mación crítica a la Religionskritik Spinozas de Leo Strauss........ Agustín VOLCO-Guillermo SIBILIA Thomas Hobbes y Sigmund Freud: pensadores del (des) orden..... [REVIEW]Ariana Reano, Daniel Blanch, Demetrio CAStRO & Laura Adrián-Lara - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9.
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    Alexis - (A.) Lukinovich Mélodie, mètre et rythme dans les vers d'Alexis. Le savoir-faire d'un poète comique. Pp. 501, figs. Grenoble: Éditions Jérôme Millon, 2009. Paper, €30. ISBN: 978-2-841-37250-8. [REVIEW]Ariana Trall & Brian Demarco - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):74-76.
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    (1 other version)Unreliable emotions and ethical knowledge.James Hutton - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    How is ethical knowledge possible? One promising answer is Moral Empiricism: we can acquire ethical knowledge through emotional experiences. But Moral Empiricism faces a serious problem. Our emotions are unreliable guides to ethics, frequently failing to fit the ethical status of their objects, so the habit of basing ethical beliefs on one's emotions seems too unreliable to yield knowledge. I develop a new, virtue-epistemic solution to this problem, with practical implications for how we approach ethical decision-making. By exploiting a frequently (...)
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  34. Kant, Animal Minds, and Conceptualism.James Hutton - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (8):981-998.
    Kant holds that some nonhuman animals “are acquainted with” objects, despite lacking conceptual capacities. What does this tell us about his theory of human cognition? Numerous authors have argued that this is a significant point in favour of Nonconceptualism—the claim that, for Kant, sensible representations of objects do not depend on the understanding. Against this, I argue that Kant’s views about animal minds can readily be accommodated by a certain kind of Conceptualism. It remains viable to think that, for Kant, (...)
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  35. Emotion-enriched moral perception.James Hutton - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    This article provides a new account of how moral beliefs can be epistemically justified. I argue that we should take seriously the hypothesis that the human mind contains emotion-enriched moral perceptions, i.e. perceptual experiences as of moral properties, arising from cognitive penetration by emotions. Further, I argue that if this hypothesis is true, then such perceptual experiences can provide regress-stopping justification for moral beliefs. Emotion-enriched moral perceptions do exhibit a kind of epistemic dependence: they can only justify moral beliefs if (...)
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  36. Epistemic normativity in Kant's “Second Analogy”.James Hutton - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):593-609.
    In the “Second Analogy,” Kant argues that, unless mental contents involve the concept of causation, they cannot represent an objective temporal sequence. According to Kant, deploying the concept of causation renders a certain temporal ordering of representations necessary, thus enabling objective representational purport. One exegetical question that remains controversial is this: how, and in what sense, does deploying the concept of cause render a certain ordering of representations necessary? I argue that this necessitation is a matter of epistemic normativity: with (...)
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  37.  99
    Intellectual History and the History of Philosophy.Sarah Hutton - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (7):925-937.
    The issue which I wish to address in this paper is the widespread tendency in Anglophone philosophy to insist on a separation between the history of philosophy and the history of ideas or intellectual history. This separation reflects an anxiety on the part of philosophers lest the special character of philosophy will be dissolved into something else in the hands of historians. And it is borne of a fundamental tension between those who think of philosophy's past as a source of (...)
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  38.  26
    Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Xunzi.Eric L. Hutton (ed.) - 2016 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This volume presents a comprehensive analysis of the Confucian thinker Xunzi and his work, which shares the same name. It features a variety of disciplinary perspectives and offers divergent interpretations. The disagreements reveal that, as with any other classic, the Xunzi provides fertile ground for readers. It is a source from which they have drawn—and will continue to draw—different lessons. In more than 15 essays, the contributors examine Xunzi’s views on topics such as human nature, ritual, music, ethics, and politics. (...)
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    Biomedical, Neurodiverse, and Mad Affinities: The Constraints of Collective Epistemic Resources.Shaun Respess & Ariana D’Alessandro - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):39-41.
    Knopes (2025) captures the lasting debate between biomedical, neurodiverse, and mad approaches to mental health and disability, while meaningfully centering the testimonies of peer providers who ha...
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    Socially Responsible Investing.R. Bruce Hutton, Louis D'Antonio & Tommi Johnsen - 1998 - Business and Society 37 (3):281-305.
    Socially responsible investing (SRI) is the practice of making investment decisions on the basis of both financial and social performance. The SRI movement has grown into a $1.185 trillion business, accounting for about 1 in 10 U.S. invested dollars. Not surprisingly, the industry has suffered severe growing pains along the way in the form of issues of credibility, demand, and performance. And, to date, the product itself has been limited to equity investing. This article explores these critical issues and whether (...)
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  41.  44
    Salving the phenomena of mind: energy, hegemonikon, and sympathy in Cudworth.Sarah Hutton - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (3):465-486.
    Ralph Cudworth’s theory of mind was the most fully developed philosophical psychology among the Cambridge Platonists. Like his seventeenth-century contemporaries, Cudworth discussed mental powers in terms of soul rather than mind and considered the function of the soul to be not merely intellectual, but vital and moral. Cudworth conceived the soul as a single self-determining unit which combined many powers. He developed this against a philosophical agenda set by Descartes and Hobbes. But he turned to ancient philosophy, especially the philosophy (...)
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    Becoming Changemakers: How Social-Emotional Learning Can Enhance Civic Agency Development.Tom Nachtigal, Ariana Zetlin & Lisa Utzinger Shen - 2024 - Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (4):223-242.
    To better prepare students for active and thoughtful participation in a democratic society, civic education should foster an array of civic competencies. Cultivating student civic agency—an under-studied civic competency—is of particular importance to equip students to authentically use their voice in their communities. But what does it look like to foster student civic agency in a classroom setting? This article leverages a social and emotional learning (SEL) framework to uncover the active curricular ingredients and educational mechanisms through which a student-led (...)
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  43. Emilie du Châtelet's Institutions de physique as a document in the history of French Newtonianism.Sarah Hutton - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (3):515-531.
    This paper discusses the contribution of Madame Du Châtelet to the reception of Newtonianism in France prior to her translation of Newton’s Principia. It focuses on her Institutions de physique, a work normally considered for its contribution to the reception of Leibniz in France. By comparing the different editions of the Institutions, I argue that her interest in Newton antedated her interest in Leibniz, and that she did not see Leibniz’s metaphysics as incompatible with Newtonian science. Her Newtonianism can be (...)
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  44. In Dialogue with Thomas Hobbes: Margaret Cavendish’s Natural Philosophy.Sarah Hutton - 1996 - Women’s Writing 4:421-32.
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    Moral reasoning in Aristotle and Xunzi.Eric Hutton - 2002 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 29 (3):355–384.
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    Themes in Greek and Latin Epitaphs.James Hutton & Richmond Lattimore - 1923 - American Journal of Philology 65 (3):302.
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  47. Goodness in Anne Conway's metaphysics.Sarah Hutton - 2018 - In Emily Thomas, Early Modern Women on Metaphysics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  48. Damaris cudworth, lady masham: Between platonism and enlightenment.Sarah Hutton - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 1 (1):29 – 54.
  49.  29
    Expanding relationship science to unpartnered singles: What predicts life satisfaction?Lisa C. Walsh, Ariana M. Gonzales, Lucy Shen, Anthony Rodriguez & Victor A. Kaufman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Singles are an understudied yet growing segment of the adult population. The current study aims to expand the lens of relationship science by examining the well-being of unpartnered, single adults using latent profile analysis. We recruited singles closely matched to the United States census for an exploratory cross-sectional survey using five variables that strongly predict well-being. All five variables significantly predicted life satisfaction for the full sample. Latent profile analyses detected 10 groups of singles. Half of the profiles were happy (...)
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    Religion and women’s rights: Susan Moller Okin, Mary Wollstonecraft, and the multiple feminist liberal traditions.Eileen Hunt Botting & Ariana Zlioba - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (8):1169-1188.
    ABSTRACTWe trace Susan Moller Okin’s reception of Mary Wollstonecraft with respect to the relationship between religion and feminist liberalism, by way of manuscripts housed at Somerville College, Oxford and Harvard University. These unpublished documents – dated from 1967 to 1998 – include her Somerville advising file, with papers dated from 1967 to 1979; her 1970 Oxford B.Phil. thesis on the feminist political theory of Wollstonecraft, William Thompson, and J.S. Mill; her teaching notes on Wollstonecraft originating in 1978, for her course (...)
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