Results for 'Arthur Augusto Catraio'

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  1.  18
    El fundamento teológico del concepto de soberanía de Carl Schmitt. La experiencia religiosa de la repetición.Rafael Augusto Campos García-Calderón - 2020 - Revista Filosofía Uis 20 (1):83-111.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo determinar el fundamento teológico del concepto de soberanía propuesto por el jurista alemán Carl Schmitt. Según nuestra hipótesis, tal fundamento teológico se encuentra en la filosofía del pensador danés Søren Kierkegaard, quien, en diferentes obras, desarrolló los importantes conceptos de excepción, decisión y suspensión teleológica de la ética en relación a la experiencia religiosa de la repetición. Como veremos, tales conceptos forman parte del fundamento teológico de la famosa definición schmittiana de la soberanía: “soberano (...)
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  2. The Form in Formal Thought Disorder: A Model of Dyssyntax in Semantic Networking.Farshad Badie & Luis M. Augusto - 2022 - MDPI AI 3:353–370.
    Formal thought disorder (FTD) is a clinical mental condition that is typically diagnosable by the speech productions of patients. However, this has been a vexing condition for the clinical community, as it is not at all easy to determine what “formal” means in the plethora of symptoms exhibited. We present a logic-based model for the syntax–semantics interface in semantic networking that can not only explain, but also diagnose, FTD. Our model is based on description logic (DL), which is well known (...)
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    Contradictions and emptiness all the way down?Pedro Augusto De Oliveira Barbalho - 2024 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 33 (4):649-655.
    Markus Gabriel’s pluralism and Graham Priest’s monism can be considered new forms of skepticism in contemporary philosophy. Gabriel considers ‘emptiness’ and Priest ‘nothingness’ as safe havens for logic and philosophy. In the same way, traditional skeptics also considered nothing secure. Furthermore, we observe in this book that whilst both Priest and Gabriel present rather eloquent theories, they nevertheless lack more substantial proofs, much like many important theories in philosophy, such as Leibniz’s monadology.
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  4. Fuzzy Networks for Modeling Shared Semantic Knowledge.Farshad Badie & Luis M. Augusto - 2023 - Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 14 (1):1-14.
    Shared conceptualization, in the sense we take it here, is as recent a notion as the Semantic Web, but its relevance for a large variety of fields requires efficient methods of extraction and representation for both quantitative and qualitative data. This notion is particularly relevant for the investigation into, and construction of, semantic structures such as knowledge bases and taxonomies, but given the required large, often inaccurate, corpora available for search we can get only approximations. We see fuzzy description logic (...)
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    Philosophy Matters: Steven Weinberg, Reductionism, and Inevitability.Bruno Nobre & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2018 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74 (1):249-278.
    According to Steven Weinberg, it is the goal of elementary particle physics to search for the final laws of physics, i.e. a simple set of principles from which everything we know about physics can be derived. The main criterion that guides the search for such a set of principles is, according to the author, the sense of inevitability of physical theories, which Weinberg conflates with the idea of beauty. The theoretical physicists’ task is, in this sense, to look for constraining (...)
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  6. From utopia to dystopia: the dissolution of the democratic public space.José Augusto dos Santos Alves - 2011 - Cultura:153-168.
    Num tempo em que os média, assoalhados pelas novas tecnologias, começam a deixar de cumprir a sua função mediadora e de teatro das operações sociais, tem lógica falar do esgotamento da utopia em favor da distopia. Não tem mais sentido abordar a utopia democrática, quando o poder apenas pretende garantir o lealismo do cidadão, a fidelidade acéfala no altar do politicamente correcto. O sistema categorial que caracterizava o espaço público em parte do século XX, espaço simbólico de democracia em acção, (...)
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    Os quatro preceitos metodológicos do Discurso do Método.César Augusto Battisti - 2022 - Cadernos Espinosanos 47:37-62.
    O artigo se propõe a cumprir dois objetivos: a) avaliar em que sentido podemos atribuir autossuficiência aos famosos quatro preceitos metodológicos da Segunda Parte do Discurso do Método; b) propor uma leitura destes preceitos que considere seu entorno, as outras obras metodológicas e o pensamento cartesiano como um todo, mas, principalmente, que reavalie elementos metodológicos tanto pouco quanto excessivamente valorizados. As conclusões correspondentes mais importantes são: (1) os quatro preceitos do Discurso contêm a totalidade do método, mas apenas de uma (...)
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    Distribución espacial de la pobreza. Distrito Federal de México 1990-2040.Gardy Augusto Bolívar Espinoza & Óscar Rogelio Caloca Osorio - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    A partir de una discusión sobre el concepto de pobreza desde la perspectiva de las necesidades, absoluta y relativa, y su satisfacción, se exponen estrategias metodológicas y alternativas para su medición. Considerando zonas espaciales, se estima la pobreza territorial para las delegaciones del Distrito Federal sincrónica y diacrónicamente en el periodo 2000-2040. Se hace uso del método de ESNBI a fin de comparar espacios territoriales demarcados por una división política, lo cual se desarrolla a través de variables de Necesidades Básicas (...)
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    Una paradoja de la situación intelectual contemporánea de las políticas de Estado. Una reflexión desde Kelsen y Kant.Gardy Augusto Bolívar Espinoza - 2004 - Polis 7.
    Situándose desde un cuestionamiento acerca de las “políticas de Estado”, el artículo busca contribuir al conocimiento de la transformación estatal y la sociedad en países periféricos. Esta preocupación metodológica se enfoca desde la filosofía del derecho y de la política mediante la perspectiva sociológica del “análisis de políticas públicas”. Aborda el trabajo las sociedades que recientemente han accedido a instituciones modernas de control y que las han adaptado de formas diversas. El hilo conductor supone que la “norma básica”, la “regla (...)
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    The value of currency in Oresme and Copernicus.Márcio Augusto Damin Custódio & Sueli Sampaio Damin Custódio - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (4):731-757.
    RESUMO Este artigo apresenta a noção de valor aplicado à análise da moeda, elaborada por Nicole Oresme, em 1355, e Nicolau Copérnico, em 1526. Mostramos que, para os autores, o valor da moeda deve ser estável e determinado pela comunidade em atividades de compra e venda. Também mostramos como esses autores opõem-se à instabilidade do valor, especialmente a desvalorização promovida pelo governante. Argumentamos que ambos os autores criam sistemas de medição e controle do valor da moeda em tempos de turbulência (...)
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    Politique de développement et politique de libération.Breno Augusto da Costa - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):381-402.
    The main aim of this paper is to articulate Politics of Development, constituted from the work of the Brazilian philosophers Álvaro Vieira Pinto and Roland Corbisier, with Politics of Liberation, as proposed by the Argentinean philosopher Enrique Dussel. The first step is the recompilation of the political theory related to Politics of Development, present in the work of the Brazilians, arguing favourably on the possibility of the conception of a Politics of Development as a branch of Philosophy of Development as (...)
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    ¿Es el cuerpo humano Una máquina nerviosa? La teoría Del cuerpo de Merleau-ponty Ante Los desafíos de la sociedad tecnológica / is the human body a nervous machine? Body theory of Merleau-ponty facing the challenges of the technological society.José Augusto Rey de Castro - 2013 - Synesis 5 (2):100-112.
    Este trabajo explora en algunas obras de Maurice Merleau-Ponty la posibilidad de considerar el cuerpo como una máquina nerviosa, tomando como marco su crítica a la mentalidad cientificista y positivista. Para cumplir con este propósito se estudia la relación entre el cuerpo y el mundo, dando particular atención a las reflexiones vinculadas a la ciencia y la técnica. Las obras que serán protagonistas en esta exploración son La fenomenología de la percepción (1945), El mundo de la percepción (conjunto de conferencias (...)
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    Observações sobre a meta final do modo de fazer filosofia de Ludwig Wittgenstein.Gustavo Augusto Fonseca - 2018 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 22 (3):411-438.
    In The Principles of Mechanics, physicist Heinrich Hertz argues that instead of replying to the question “what is force?” like physicists and philosophers had been doing unsuccessfully, Newtonian physics should be reformulated without considering “force” a basic concept. Decades after Hertz’s book, Ludwig Wittgenstein considered the physicist’s proposal a perfect model for how philosophical problems should be solved, to the point that he made it the foundation of his way of doing philosophy. This article addresses Wittgenstein’s way of doing philosophy, (...)
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    Rio da Prata, século dezenove: fronteiras espaciais, textuais e ficcionais-doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v18i1.819.Cesar Augusto Barcellos Guazzelli - 2014 - Dialogos 18 (1).
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  15. Historia de la filosofía griega.Guardia Mayorga & César Augusto - 1953 - Cochabamba,: Impr. Universitaria.
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  16. Terminología filosófica.Guardia Mayorga & César Augusto - 1949 - Arequipa, Perú,:
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  17. Derechos humanos en el ser histórico Del hombre: Una proximación a la filosofía de Ignacio Ellacuría.G. Ramírez & César Augusto - 2007 - Escritos 15 (35):230-259.
    En la historia aparece el tema de los derechos humanos sólo en el siglo XX. Ninguna reflexión filosófica se había preocupado por la cuestión del ser humano como sujeto de unos derechos inherentes a su propio ser. La filosofía le había reconocido el derecho a la razón, Occidente y su tradición cristiana le había reconocido su derecho a la eternidad y dignidad de hijo de Dios para otorgarle la inmortalidad. Ahora bien, ¿por qué en esta tradición no aparece el hombre (...)
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    Nietzsche sobre Helvétius: “o último grande acontecimento da moral”.Oscar Augusto Rocha Santos - 2017 - Cadernos Nietzsche 38 (3):79-92.
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    Direito penal de emergência.Ricardo Augusto de Araújo Teixeira - 2014 - Belo Horizonte, MG: D'Plácido Editora.
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    A indissociabilidade entre Física e Visão de Mundo segundo Paul K. Feyerabend.Rafael Velloso & Antonio Augusto Passos - 2022 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 26 (3):509-537.
    Paul Feyerabend, entre os anos de 1948 e 1970, discutiu diversas questões concernentes à mecânica quântica: problema da medição, a complementaridade e o “corte” entre o regime macro e micro, foram alguns dos assuntos mais estudados. Desde seus primeiros trabalhos acadêmicos, é possível identificar aspectos que o serão caros durante toda sua vida, como é o caso da relação entre conhecimento físico e visões de mundo. A partir de uma reconstrução de seu pensamento (entre os anos de 1948 e 1970), (...)
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    Preparation for Meaningful Work and Life: Urban High School Youth’s Reflections on Work-Based Learning 1 Year Post-Graduation.Maureen E. Kenny, Christine Catraio, Janine Bempechat, Kelly Minor, Chad Olle, David L. Blustein & Joanne Seltzer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Chi cerca... cerca: un profilo a tutto tondo di Augusto Cavadi.Augusto Cavadi, Crispino Di Girolamo & Sylwia Proniewicz (eds.) - 2020 - Trapani: Il Pozzo di Giacobbe.
    Seekers know that they will search all their lives not only for what they have lost, but above all for what they do not yet know and that they are not even sure exists. Augusto Cavadi, to whom this book is dedicated on his 70th birthday, is an indomitable seeker. For this reason a group of friends and colleagues wrote these collected testimonies, reflections, ideas and suggestions inspired by his writings and his life as an anti-academic philosopher without a (...)
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    Augusto Del Noce e Ugo Spirito: un rapporto intellettuale attraverso l'epistolario (1954-1973.Giovanni Dessì, Augusto Del Noce & Ugo Spirito - 1994
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  24. Bridging mainstream and formal ontology: A causality-based upper ontology in Dietrich of Freiberg.Luis M. Augusto - 2021 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 2 (2):35.
    Ontologies are some of the most central constructs in today's large plethora of knowledge technologies, namely in the context of the semantic web. As their coinage indicates, they are direct heirs to the ontological investigations in the long Western philosophical tradition, but it is not easy to make bridges between them. Contemporary ontological commitments often take causality as a central aspect for the ur-segregation of entities, especially in scientific upper ontologies; theories of causality and philosophical ontological investigations often go hand-in-hand, (...)
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  25. Categories and foundational ontology: A medieval tutorial.Luis M. Augusto - 2022 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 3 (1):1-56.
    Foundational ontologies, central constructs in ontological investigations and engineering alike, are based on ontological categories. Firstly proposed by Aristotle as the very ur- elements from which the whole of reality can be derived, they are not easy to identify, let alone partition and/or hierarchize; in particular, the question of their number poses serious challenges. The late medieval philosopher Dietrich of Freiberg wrote around 1286 a tutorial that can help us today with this exceedingly difficult task. In this paper, I discuss (...)
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  26. Toward a general theory of knowledge.Luis M. Augusto - 2020 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 1 (1):63-97.
    For millennia, knowledge has eluded a precise definition. The industrialization of knowledge (IoK) and the associated proliferation of the so-called knowledge communities in the last few decades caused this state of affairs to deteriorate, namely by creating a trio composed of data, knowledge, and information (DIK) that is not unlike the aporia of the trinity in philosophy. This calls for a general theory of knowledge (ToK) that can work as a foundation for a science of knowledge (SoK) and additionally distinguishes (...)
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    Sebeoks semiotics and education.Augusto Ponzio - 2002 - Semiotica 2002 (138).
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  28. Two-level grammars: Some interesting properties of van Wijngaarden grammars.Luis M. Augusto - 2023 - Omega - Journal of Formal Languages 1:3-34.
    The van Wijngaarden grammars are two-level grammars that present many interesting properties. In the present article I elaborate on six of these properties, to wit, (i) their being constituted by two grammars, (ii) their ability to generate (possibly infinitely many) strict languages and their own metalanguage, (iii) their context-sensitivity, (iv) their high descriptive power, (v) their productivity, or the ability to generate an infinite number of production rules, and (vi) their equivalence with the unrestricted, or Type-0, Chomsky grammars.
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  29. Emotions and moral motivation.Augusto Blasi - 1999 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29 (1):1–19.
    One question in moral psychology concerns the role of emotions to motivate moral action. This question has recently become more urgent, because it is now clearer that cognitive developmental theories cannot offer a complete explanation of moral functioning. This paper suggests that emotion, as is typically understood in psychology, cannot be seen as the basis for an acceptable explanation of moral behaviour and motivation. However, it is argued that it is possible to understand emotions as embedded in agentic processes, and (...)
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  30. Languages, machines, and classical computation.Luis M. Augusto - 2019 - London, UK: College Publications.
    3rd ed, 2021. A circumscription of the classical theory of computation building up from the Chomsky hierarchy. With the usual topics in formal language and automata theory.
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  31. Formal logic: Classical problems and proofs.Luis M. Augusto - 2019 - London, UK: College Publications.
    Not focusing on the history of classical logic, this book provides discussions and quotes central passages on its origins and development, namely from a philosophical perspective. Not being a book in mathematical logic, it takes formal logic from an essentially mathematical perspective. Biased towards a computational approach, with SAT and VAL as its backbone, this is an introduction to logic that covers essential aspects of the three branches of logic, to wit, philosophical, mathematical, and computational.
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  32. Global communication, proximity, and responsibility: Beyond the logic of identity.Augusto Ponzio & Susan Petrilli - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (150):23-38.
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  33. Who's Afraid of Idealism?: Epistemological Idealism From the Kantian and Nietzschean Points of View.Luis M. Augusto - 2005 - University Press of America.
    In Who's Afraid of Idealism? the philosophical concept of idealism, the extent to which reality is mind-made, is examined in new light. Author Luis M. Augusto explores epistemological idealism, at the source of all other kinds of idealism, from the viewpoints of Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche, two philosophers who spent a large part of their lives denigrating the very concept. Working from Kant and Nietzsche's viewpoints that idealism was a scandal to philosophy and the cause of nihilism, (...) evaluates these philosophers and their role in shaping epistemological idealism. Using textual evidence from their writings and their reactions to western philosophers such as Plato, Descartes, and Hegel, Who's Afraid of Idealism? argues that in fact Kant and Nietzsche were really idealists at heart. In accessible prose, this text puts forward a theory that goes against current scholarly opinion, and even Kant and Nietzsche's opinions of themselves. (shrink)
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    Repensar a Augusto Salazar Bondy: homenaje a los 90 años de su nacimiento.Augusto Salazar Bondy - 2015 - Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Fondo Editorial. Edited by Joel Rojas Huaynates, Segundo Montoya Huamani & Oscar Martínez Salirosas.
    Selection of Salazar Bondy's works with new critical materials.
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    Man as a Sign: Essays on the Philosophy of Language.Augusto Ponzio - 1990 - Mouton De Gruyter. Edited by Susan Petrilli.
  36. Lost in dissociation: The main paradigms in unconscious cognition.Luis M. Augusto - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:293-310.
    Contemporary studies in unconscious cognition are essentially founded on dissociation, i.e., on how it dissociates with respect to conscious mental processes and representations. This is claimed to be in so many and diverse ways that one is often lost in dissociation. In order to reduce this state of confusion we here carry out two major tasks: based on the central distinction between cognitive processes and representations, we identify and isolate the main dissociation paradigms; we then critically analyze their key tenets (...)
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  37. Unconscious knowledge: A survey.Luis M. Augusto - 2010 - Advances in Cognitive Psychology 6:116-141.
    The concept of unconscious knowledge is fundamental for an understanding of human thought processes and mentation in general; however, the psychological community at large is not familiar with it. This paper offers a survey of the main psychological research currently being carried out into cognitive processes, and examines pathways that can be integrated into a discipline of unconscious knowledge. It shows that the field has already a defined history and discusses some of the features that all kinds of unconscious knowledge (...)
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  38. Unconscious representations 2: Towards an integrated cognitive architecture.Luis M. Augusto - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (1):19-43.
    The representational nature of human cognition and thought in general has been a source of controversies. This is particularly so in the context of studies of unconscious cognition, in which representations tend to be ontologically and structurally segregated with regard to their conscious status. However, it appears evolutionarily and developmentally unwarranted to posit such segregations, as,otherwise, artifact structures and ontologies must be concocted to explain them from the viewpoint of the human cognitive architecture. Here, from a by-and-large Classical cognitivist viewpoint, (...)
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  39. From symbols to knowledge systems: A. Newell and H. A. Simon's contribution to symbolic AI.Luis M. Augusto - 2021 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 2 (1):29 - 62.
    A. Newell and H. A. Simon were two of the most influential scientists in the emerging field of artificial intelligence (AI) in the late 1950s through to the early 1990s. This paper reviews their crucial contribution to this field, namely to symbolic AI. This contribution was constituted mostly by their quest for the implementation of general intelligence and (commonsense) knowledge in artificial thinking or reasoning artifacts, a project they shared with many other scientists but that in their case was theoretically (...)
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  40. Entities and their genera: Slicing up the world the medieval way--and does it matter to formal ontology?Luis M. Augusto - 2022 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 3 (2):4-47.
    Genera, typically hand-in-hand with their branching species, are essential elements of vocabulary-based information constructs, in particular scientific taxonomies. Should they also feature in formal ontologies, the highest of such constructs? I argue in this article that the answer is “Yes” and that the question posed in its title also has a Yes-answer: The way medieval ontologists sliced up the world into genera does matter to formal ontology. More specifically, the way Dietrich of Freiberg, a Latin scholastic, conceived and applied strictly (...)
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  41. Unconscious representations 1: Belying the traditional model of human cognition.Luis M. Augusto - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (4):1-19.
    The traditional model of human cognition (TMHC) postulates an ontological and/or structural gap between conscious and unconscious mental representations. By and large, it sees higher-level mental processes as commonly conceptual or symbolic in nature and therefore conscious, whereas unconscious, lower-level representations are conceived as non-conceptual or sub-symbolic. However, experimental evidence belies this model, suggesting that higher-level mental processes can be, and often are, carried out in a wholly unconscious way and/or without conceptual representations, and that these can be processed unconsciously. (...)
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    La cuestión agraria: análisis de las tendencias de la agricultura moderna y de la política agraria de la socialdemocracia.Augusto Salazar Bondy - 1980 - México]: Siglo XXI.
    Esta obra permanece aún como la primera y la más brillante demostración ñdespués de Marxñ de que la agricultura no puede producir por sí misma los elementos que ne cesita para llegar al socialismo, es decir que íla industria somete a la agricultura de modo que el desarrollo industrial determina siempre más la ley del desarrollo agrarioî. íY en esto ñdice Kautskyñ, en haber evidenciado la industrialización de la agricultura, es donde yo veo la idea central de mi libro.î La (...)
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  43. O/ontology.Luis M. Augusto - 2022 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 3 (3):1-2.
    The gulf between philosophical and formal ontology can and should be bridged. In this Editorial, I elaborate briefly on this subject.
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  44. What of multi- and interdisciplinarity? A (personal) case study.Luis M. Augusto - 2022 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 3 (2):1-3.
    An analysis of--yet another--case of academic failure in multi- and interdisciplinarity. An editorial of the Journal of Knowledge Structures & Systems.
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  45. Many-valued logics. A mathematical and computational introduction.Luis M. Augusto - 2020 - London: College Publications.
    2nd edition. Many-valued logics are those logics that have more than the two classical truth values, to wit, true and false; in fact, they can have from three to infinitely many truth values. This property, together with truth-functionality, provides a powerful formalism to reason in settings where classical logic—as well as other non-classical logics—is of no avail. Indeed, originally motivated by philosophical concerns, these logics soon proved relevant for a plethora of applications ranging from switching theory to cognitive modeling, and (...)
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    Transitions Versus Dissociations: A Paradigm Shift in Unconscious Cognition.Luis M. Augusto - 2018 - Axiomathes (3):269-291.
    Since Freud and his co-author Breuer spoke of dissociation in 1895, a scientific paradigm was painstakingly established in the field of unconscious cognition. This is the dissociation paradigm. However, recent critical analysis of the many and various reported dissociations reveals their blurred, or unveridical, character. Moreover, we remain ignorant with respect to the ways cognitive phenomena transition from consciousness to an unconscious mode. This hinders us from filling in the puzzle of the unified mind. We conclude that we have reached (...)
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    Fondamenti di filosofia del linguaggio.Augusto Ponzio, Patrizia Calefato & Susan Petrilli - 1994 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by Patrizia Calefato & Susan Petrilli.
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    Two Kinds of Process or Two Kinds of Processing? Disambiguating Dual-Process Theories.Rafael Augusto - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (1):277-298.
    Dual-Process Theories (D-PTs) claim there are two qualitatively different types of processes in the human brain-mind. Despite forming the basis for several areas of cognitive science, they are still shrouded in ambiguity: critics erroneously attack D-PTs as a whole (e.g., Evans and Stanovich Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8(3), 2013), the qualitative/quantitative distinction is not clear enough (De Neys Perspectives on Psychological Science 16 (6): 1412–1427, 2021; Dewey 2022) and, given this criterion, deciding between qualitative or quantitative differences may even be (...)
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    Little ado about meaning: The intrinsic semantics of van Wijngaarden grammars.Luis M. Augusto - 2024 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 5 (2):1-42.
    Much ado – and increased complexity – is generally the case when it comes to checking formally the (intended) meaning of programs, as formal semantics for programs are typically extrinsic to both them and the formal grammars that generate the programming languages in which they are written. The van Wijngaarden grammars, on the contrary, have an intrinsic semantics in the sense that their rules contain or express the (intended) meaning of the terminal strings generated by them. This intrinsicness allows for (...)
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  50. Deductive Computing over Knowledge Bases: Prolog and Datalog.Luis M. Augusto - 2024 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 5 (1):1-62.
    Knowledge representation (KR) is actually more than representation: It involves also inference, namely inference of “new” knowledge, i.e. new facts. Logic programming is a suitable KR medium, but more often than not discussions on this programming paradigm focus on aspects other than KR. In this paper, I elaborate on the general theory of logic programming and give the essentials of two of its main implementations, to wit, Prolog and Datalog, from the viewpoint of deductive computing over knowledge bases, which includes (...)
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