Results for 'Arturo Alberto Cardozo Beltran'

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  1.  29
    L’imaginaire and the Sartrean discovery.Arturo Alberto Cardozo Beltran - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 67:149-165.
    From the first books published by Jean-Paul Sartre, it is possible to observe the criticism that the French author makes to the Western metaphysical tradition, directed specifically at philosophers of modernity. For example, L'imagination and L'Imaginaire are two texts dedicated to questioning “the great metaphysical systems”. Furthermore, in these early investigations, Sartre discovers a principle that would allow him to elabo- rate his work Being and nothingness. What is this principle? The main objective of this essay is to determine this (...)
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    Apuntes fenomenológicos sobre el ser (el ser-en-sí, el ser-para-sí) y su relación con la conciencia en la filosofía de Sartre.Arturo Cardozo - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 43 (126).
    En sus primeros escritos fenomenológicos, Jean-Paul Sartre sostiene la tesis de que la conciencia es exterioridad pura, es decir, no existe interioridad en la conciencia que pudiese albergar instancias metafísicas, como lo podría ser el yo, el cogito, el inconsciente, etc. Ya para El ser y la nada, el filósofo francés mantendrá dicha tesis, profundizándola y estableciendo un diálogo con su teoría del ser. En esta medida, el artículo se propone explorar tal relación, para conocer el lugar que ocupa la (...)
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    “Hoy en muchos lugares hay mujeres que tienen el poder supremo” – Thomas Hobbes y las amazonas.Julian Alberto Ramirez Beltran - 2023 - Dois Pontos 20 (3).
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  4. La comunidad política y la cuestión de los excluidos.Alberto Saoner & Miquel Beltrán - 1993 - Laguna 2:137-146.
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    Novel Word Learning: Event-Related Brain Potentials Reflect Pure Lexical and Task-Related Effects.Beatriz Bermúdez-Margaretto, David Beltrán, Fernando Cuetos & Alberto Domínguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  6.  41
    Brain Signatures of New Words: Visual Repetition in Associative and Non-associative Contexts.Beatriz Bermúdez-Margaretto, David Beltrán, Fernando Cuetos & Alberto Domínguez - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  7.  18
    The Effect of Psychology Objective Structured Clinical Examination Scenarios Presentation Order on Students Autonomic Stress Response.Alberto Bellido-Esteban, Ana Isabel Beltrán-Velasco, Pablo Ruisoto-Palomera, Pantelis T. Nikolaidis, Beat Knechtle & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The objective structured clinical examination is a method for assessment clinical competencies and skills. However, there is a need to improve its design in psychology programs. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the different scenario's presentation order with different complexity/difficulty on the autonomic stress response of undergraduate students undergoing a Psychology OSCE. A total of 32 students of Psychology Bachelor's Degree were randomly selected and assigned to two OSCE scenarios of different complexity. While undergoing the (...)
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    De la crítica a la modernidad a la autoafirmación del sujeto latinoamericano. Aportes desde el pensamiento de Arturo Roig.Johan Méndez Reyes & Lino Morán Beltrán - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):59-67.
    El presente trabajo propone, desde una perspectiva crítica, revisar los cuestionamientos que desde el pensamiento crítico latinoamericano, en especial desde la obra de Arturo Roig, se hacen a la hegemonía del pensamiento de la modernidad occidental que con su pretensión de universalizar su visión de..
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    competitividad de las PYMES en la industria ambiental en el Estado de Chihuahua.Helí Hassan Díaz González, Arturo Cesar López García & Alberto Escobedo Portillo - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (3):1-8.
    En un mundo que enfrenta cada día un mayor número de problemáticas ambientales, el presente trabajo busca demostrar la creciente necesidad de proveeduría en el sector de bienes y servicios ambientales en las distintas regiones, además, busca dar un panorama general de la competitividad y el crecimiento de las pymes en la Ciudad de Chihuahua, México, enfocadas en este sector. Con base en la construcción de un sector de estudio por medio de datos estadísticos, el análisis de las regulaciones de (...)
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    Ashish Kothari, Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Federico Demaria, Alberto Acosta, eds. Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary.Kalpita Bhar Paul - 2020 - Environmental Philosophy 17 (2):372-376.
  11.  26
    La “república invisible” de Beltrán Soler: “Glocalización” en la novela de Alberto fuguet las películas de mi Vida. [REVIEW]Adelaida Caro Martí - 2006 - Alpha (Osorno) 23.
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    Arturo Uslar Prieti y el antipositivismo en Venezuela.Antonio Tinoco Guerra - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (48):97-105.
    El antipositivismo en Latinoamérica debe ser visto como una serie de tendencias que surgieron como reacción a la interpretación limitada que hacia el positivismo de la realidad continental. En el caso venezolano el antipositivismo esta muy vinculado a una serie de tendencias de pensamiento que surgi..
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    On Salvadoran identity as exile.Rafael Lara Martínez - 2023 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (32):11-66.
    De la identidad literaria salvadoreña como exilio, se examina la obra clásica de nueve autores. Al aplicar una perspectiva psicoanalítica, el ensayo toma como punto de partida una tarjeta que Roque Dalton envió desde Cuba a una amante lejana en El Salvador. La escritura establece la deuda y la memoria como principios rectores para recuperar el pasado. Un compromiso subjetivo con el objeto del amor perdido la patria y la amante dicta el movimiento de la inscripción poética. Esta ausencia del (...)
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    Actas.Alfredo Sergio Burgos (ed.) - 1994 - Río Cuarto, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.
    Contiene una sección especial sobre Filosofía Latinoamericana, donde hay ponencias de los siguientes autores: Carlos Alemián, Abelardo Barra Ruatta, Alberto Buela y Oscar Wingartz Plata. Además, sobre Arturo A. Roig (dos artículos, uno de Estela Fernández y otro de Marisa Muñoz, Dante Ramaglia y Oscar Zalazar); sobre ensayo y fenomenología en América Latina (Clara Alicia Jalif de Bertranou); sobre Agustín Alvarez (Dante Ramaglia); y sobre Simón Rodríguez (Oscar Salazar). De otras secciones destacamos una ponencia de Arturo A. (...)
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  15. The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations.Anita Bandrowski, Ryan Brinkman, Mathias Brochhausen, Matthew H. Brush, Bill Bug, Marcus C. Chibucos, Kevin Clancy, Mélanie Courtot, Dirk Derom, Michel Dumontier, Liju Fan, Jennifer Fostel, Gilberto Fragoso, Frank Gibson, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Melissa A. Haendel, Yongqun He, Mervi Heiskanen, Tina Hernandez-Boussard, Mark Jensen, Yu Lin, Allyson L. Lister, Phillip Lord, James Malone, Elisabetta Manduchi, Monnie McGee, Norman Morrison, James A. Overton, Helen Parkinson, Bjoern Peters, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Alan Ruttenberg, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Richard H. Scheuermann, Daniel Schober, Barry Smith, Larisa N. Soldatova, Christian J. Stoeckert, Chris F. Taylor, Carlo Torniai, Jessica A. Turner, Randi Vita, Patricia L. Whetzel & Jie Zheng - 2016 - PLoS ONE 11 (4):e0154556.
    The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI) is an ontology that provides terms with precisely defined meanings to describe all aspects of how investigations in the biological and medical domains are conducted. OBI re-uses ontologies that provide a representation of biomedical knowledge from the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) project and adds the ability to describe how this knowledge was derived. We here describe the state of OBI and several applications that are using it, such as adding semantic expressivity to (...)
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  16. The moral obligation to be vaccinated: utilitarianism, contractualism, and collective easy rescue.Alberto Giubilini, Thomas Douglas & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (4):547-560.
    We argue that individuals who have access to vaccines and for whom vaccination is not medically contraindicated have a moral obligation to contribute to the realisation of herd immunity by being vaccinated. Contrary to what some have claimed, we argue that this individual moral obligation exists in spite of the fact that each individual vaccination does not significantly affect vaccination coverage rates and therefore does not significantly contribute to herd immunity. Establishing the existence of a moral obligation to be vaccinated (...)
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    An Argument for Compulsory Vaccination: The Taxation Analogy.Alberto Giubilini - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (3):446-466.
    I argue that there are significant moral reasons in addition to harm prevention for making vaccination against certain common infectious diseases compulsory. My argument is based on an analogy between vaccine refusal and tax evasion. First, I discuss some of the arguments for compulsory vaccination that are based on considerations of the risk of harm that the non‐vaccinated would pose on others; I will suggest that the strength of such arguments is contingent upon circumstances and that in order to provide (...)
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  18. Alzheimer's disease -like pathology in aged monkeys after infantile exposure to environmental metal lead : evidence for a developmental origin and environmental link for AD.J. Wu, M. R. Basha, B. Brock, D. P. Cox, F. Cardozo-Pelaez, C. A. McPherson, J. Harry, D. C. Rice, B. Maloney, D. Chen, D. K. Lahiri & N. H. Zawia - 2008 - J Neurosci 28:3-9.
    The sporadic nature of Alzheimer's disease argues for an environmental link that may drive AD pathogenesis; however, the triggering factors and the period of their action are unknown. Recent studies in rodents have shown that exposure to lead during brain development predetermined the expression and regulation of the amyloid precursor protein and its amyloidogenic beta-amyloid product in old age. Here, we report that the expression of AD-related genes [APP, BACE1 ] as well as their transcriptional regulator were elevated in aged (...)
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  19. Fanaticism: On the Uses of an Idea.Alberto Toscano - unknown
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    A 40 años de Estudios: entrevista con su fundador, Rodolfo Vázquez.José Rafael González Díaz & Rodolfo Darío Vázquez Cardozo - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (150):17.
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    Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa: Maestro de la democracia venezolana.Lino Beltran - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (25):59-73.
    This ar ti cle is part of the anal y sis of the his tory of ideas in Latin Amer ica, which is a field of thought that con trib utes to re cov er ing con tri bu tions from di verse fields of knowl edge, and which has been fo cused on by in tel lec tu als who con sider our iden tity to be a theme..
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    Temporal-Comparative Feedback Facilitates Golf Putting.Suzete Chiviacowsky, Natália Maass Harter, Gisele Severo Gonçalves & Priscila Lopes Cardozo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Aletheia, revista quadrimestral editada pelo Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Luterana do Brasil, publica artigos originais, relacionados à Psicologia, pertencentes às seguintes categorias: artigos de pesquisa, artigos de atualização, resenhas e comunicações. Os artigos são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores e as opiniões e julgamentos neles contidos não expressam necessariamente o pensamento dos Editores ou Conselho Editorial.Bruna Baliari Espinosa, Teresa Rosado Gutiérrez, Maria Lívia do Nascimento, Alessandra Speranza Lacaz, Marilisa Travassos, Fabián Javier Marín Rueda, Fermino Fernandes Sisto, Cláudia Araújo da Cunha, Alexandre José Raad & Alcides Cardozo - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:1.
  24.  12
    Crónica.Paul Gilbert, Francis X. D'Sa & J. Cardozo-Duarte - 2001 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 57 (1):163 - 169.
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    Testing a procedure to determine spatial proximity in semi-free-ranging macaque groups.Laura Mármol, Hélène Meunier, Ruth Dolado & Francesc S. Beltran - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (1):24-54.
    Individuals’ spatial position is affected by social factors. The majority of studies correlating spatial position and social factors have used methods with drawbacks. A more complete method was developed by Dolado & Beltran (2011) in captive animals. The present study aimed to apply a modified version of this method in two semi-free-ranging macaque groups. The proposed method divides group’s surroundings into different subareas, selecting different points in each subarea and calculating the coordinates of these points. We filmed each group (...)
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  26. The Cosmos in Your Hand: A Note on Regiomontanus's Astrological Interests.Alberto Bardi - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (2):361-396.
    Johannes Müller von Königsberg (1436-1476), better known as Regiomontanus, is widely considered as the most influential astronomer and mathematician of 15th-century Europe. He was active as an astrologer and deemed astrology to be the queen of mathematical sciences. Despite this, Regiomontanus's astrological activity has yet to be fully explored. A brief examination of Regiomontanus's manuscripts shows that his astrological interests were accompanied by interests in the arts and in methods of prognostication. This article studies an unconventional astrological-chiromantical text, whose relevance (...)
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  27.  65
    A complete deductive-system for since-until branching-time logic.Alberto Zanardo - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 20 (2):131 - 148.
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    Undivided and indistinguishable histories in branching-time logics.Alberto Zanardo - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (3):297-315.
    In the tree-like representation of Time, two histories are undivided at a moment t whenever they share a common moment in the future of t. In the present paper, it will first be proved that Ockhamist and Peircean branching-time logics are unable to express some important sentences in which the notion of undividedness is involved. Then, a new semantics for branching-time logic will be presented. The new semantics is based on trees endowed with an indistinguishability function, a generalization of the (...)
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    Rethinking selective prohibitions: the inconsistency of a generational smoking ban in a permissive society.Alberto Boretti - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The ‘tobacco-free generation’ policy, which bans cigarette sales based on birth year, presents a bold public health initiative but raises significant ethical and practical concerns. As behaviours like drug use become legal and criminal penalties are reduced, singling out smoking for generational restriction appears inconsistent within an increasingly permissive society. Kniess1 critiques this approach for creating inequities by selectively limiting freedoms, conflicting with principles of fairness and adult autonomy. A more balanced public health strategy could involve uniform restrictions on harmful (...)
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  30. Análisis de Un pobre hombre rico o el sentimiento cómico de la vida, de Miguel de Unamuno.Alberto Oya - 2021 - Estudios Filosóficos 70:367-374.
    En este artículo defiendo que la novela Un pobre hombre rico o el sentido cómico de la vida expresa, bajo una forma irónica, la noción de fe religiosa de Miguel de Unamuno.
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    On Fraïssé’s conjecture for linear orders of finite Hausdorff rank.Alberto Marcone & Antonio Montalbán - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (3):355-367.
    We prove that the maximal order type of the wqo of linear orders of finite Hausdorff rank under embeddability is φ2, the first fixed point of the ε-function. We then show that Fraïssé’s conjecture restricted to linear orders of finite Hausdorff rank is provable in +“φ2 is well-ordered” and, over , implies +“φ2 is well-ordered”.
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  32. The maximal linear extension theorem in second order arithmetic.Alberto Marcone & Richard A. Shore - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (5-6):543-564.
    We show that the maximal linear extension theorem for well partial orders is equivalent over RCA0 to ATR0. Analogously, the maximal chain theorem for well partial orders is equivalent to ATR0 over RCA0.
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  33. Berkeley: sobre el conocimiento nocional de la mente.Alberto Luis López - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (1).
    En este artículo expongo y analizo la propuesta berkeleyana del conocimiento nocional, que representa entre otras cosas el intento del irlandés por conocer a la mente o espíritu, esto es, a aquella cosa pensante y activa que por su propia actividad resulta irrepresentable como idea. Como el conocimiento nocional ya se menciona en los Comentarios Filosófi cos me remitiré a ellos para conocer los orígenes del mismo; sin embargo, como tal conocimiento aparece con mayor detalle en obras posteriores me serviré (...)
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  34. Digital Habitus or Personalization Without Personality.Alberto Romele & Dario Rodighiero - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (37).
    Most of the existing studies on Bourdieu and the digital regards the social and class distinctions in the use of digital technologies, thus presupposing a certain transparency of technologies themselves. Our proposal is to refer to this attitude as “Bourdieu outside the digital.” Yet in this paper, another perspective called “Bourdieu inside the digital” is developed, which moves the focus on the effects of some emerging technologies on social distinctions and discrimination. The main hypothesis is that algorithms of machine learning (...)
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    On the complexity of admissible search algorithms.Alberto Martelli - 1977 - Artificial Intelligence 8 (1):1-13.
  36.  70
    Filosofia e mistérios: leitura do Proêmio de Parmênides.Alberto Bernabé - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 10:37-55.
    Tem-se analisado, recorrentemente, a influência de Homero e de Hesíodo no proêmio do poema de Parmênides. As possíveis influências da poesia órfica tem sido apenas consideradas. Todavia, diversas descobertas de textos órficos aconselham voltar a analisar os vestígios da tradição mistérica, em geral, e órfica, em particular, no poema do filósofo de Eléia, sem minimizar, com isso, as outras influências já postas em relevo. O autor assinalou, em um trabalho anterior, algumas conexões entre Parmênides e os textos órficos; neste artigo, (...)
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  37.  5
    Selected Writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo.Benjamin Nathan Cardozo & Margaret E. Hall - 1967 - Fallon Publications.
  38. Selected Writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo the Choice of Tycho Brahe, Including Also the Complete Texts of Nature of the Judicial Process, Growth of the Law, Paradoxes of Legal Science, Law and Literature.Benjamin N. Cardozo & Margaret E. Hall - 1979 - Matthew Bender.
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    Forgetting Machines: Knowledge Management Evolution in Early Modern Europe.Alberto Cevolini - 2016 - Brill.
    _Forgetting Machines. Knowledge Management Evolution in Early Modern Europe_ investigates the evolution of scholarly practices and the transformation of cognitive habits in the early modern age, focussing on the development of note-taking systems and data storage devices.
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    Beyond a Division: Giulio Preti and the Dispute between Analytic and Continental Philosophy.Alberto Peruzzi - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (4):47-58.
    This paper discusses the positions of Italian philosopher Giulio Preti (1911?1972) in relation to the quarrel between Analytic and Continental philosophy. Preti?s thought appears as a systematic thought permitting to overcome, through his logical, epistemological and linguistic reflection, the divide between these two approaches. The different features of his philosophy are analyzed here in detail and compared to the main theoretical assumptions of Analytic and Continental philosophy.
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    Acerca de la vigencia del ideal de objetividad científica.Alberto Cupani - 2011 - Scientiae Studia 9 (3):501-525.
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    El carácter ambivalente de los conceptos carne y carnalidad en la teología cristiana.Alberto Fernando Roldán - 2010 - Enfoques 22 (1):53-69.
    En el presente trabajo se interpretan los sentidos teológicos de los términos bíblicos "carne" y "carnalidad" mostrando su carácter ambivalente que surge de binomios cargados tanto de connotaciones negativas como positivas. Se tratará de mostrar que las primeras parten de una interpretación parcial ..
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    Digital Hermeneutics as Hermeneutics of the Self.Alberto Romele - 2020 - Discipline filosofiche. 30 (2):187-203.
    In this article, the author deals with the status of the self and personal identity in the digital milieu. In the first section, he presents his general approach to digital media and technologies, which he has called “digital hermeneutics”. He distinguishes between three perspectives in digital hermeneutics, namely the deconstructive, epistemological, and ontological approaches. In the second part, he focuses on digital hermeneutics as hermeneutics of the self. He compares Paul Ricoeur’s narrative identity to Pierre Bourdieu’s habitus. His first thesis (...)
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    John Dewey: el caràcter científic de l’educació.Alberto Oya - 2019 - Col·Loquis de Vic (Xxiii). L’Educació:45-48.
    L’objectiu d’aquesta comunicació és posar de manifest el contingut de l’obra Les fonts de la ciència de l’educació [The Sources of a Science of Education (1929)], on Dewey defensa la possibilitat de dotar de caràcter científic la disciplina de l’educació i respon a alguns dels principals interrogants que aquesta possibilitat suscita. -/- [Referència: OYA, A. “John Dewey: el caràcter científic de l’educació” [“John Dewey: The Scientific Character of Education”]. In Monserrat i Molas, Josep; Roviró, Ignasi, eds. 2019. Col·loquis de Vic (...)
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    The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies.Alberto Moreiras - 2001 - Duke University Press.
    DIVA sophisticated theoretical reconsideration of Latin American studies, critiquing past work and proposing new frameworks for the discipline./div.
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    Normative prudence as a tradition of statecraft.Alberto R. Coll - 1991 - Ethics and International Affairs 5:33–51.
    Coll clearly advocates the Aristotelian notion that "moral principles are ultimately realized only in specific acts which human beings choose to carry out." He cites Washington, Lincoln, and Churchill as examples of leaders whose moral wisdom in political reasoning led to a statecraft explicitly derived from prudence.
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    Religious Perspectives on Bioethics and Human Rights.Alberto Garcia, Kai Man Kwan & Joseph Tham (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book deals with the thorny issue of human rights in different cultures and religions, especially in the light of bioethical issues. In this book, experts from Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism and Confucianism discuss the tension between their religious traditions and the claim of universality of human rights. The East-West contrast is particularly evident with regards to human rights. Some writers find the human rights language too individualistic and it is foreign to major religions where the self does (...)
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  48. Stop Wishing. Start Doing!: Motivational Enhancement Is Already in Use.Alberto Giubilini & Steve Clarke - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (1):29-31.
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    Wittgenstein según Blumenberg.Alberto Fragio - 2009 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 42:261 - 286.
    In this paper I will undertake a review on Hans Blumenberg’s analysis of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s works. My point is underline the peculiar position that Wittgenstein has in Blumenberg’s texts. I will consider his impolite commentaries concerning the Philosophical Investigations and Wittgenstein’s decision of becoming a teacher. I will try to characterize Blumenberg’s conception of Wittgenstein as an intellectual figure and on the most popular contributions of Wittgenstein’s thought.
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    On Scatter, the Trace Structure, and the Opening of Politics: An Interview with Geoffrey Bennington.Alberto Moreiras - 2017 - Diacritics 45 (2):34-51.
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