Results for 'Asa Kâšer'

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  1.  36
    Belonging, Photography and the fanatical gaze in Åsa Johannesson's Belonging.Åsa Johannesson & Daniel Blight - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 3 (1):5-15.
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    Für das Sagbare: Ein Plädoyer für das Ethos des Erzählens im Angesicht von Gewalt und Unrecht.Matthias Käser - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Menschen bedürfen des Zeugnisses der Anderen, um sich zu vergewissern, was und wer sie sind oder was und wozu sie denken, reden und handeln - soweit eine gemeinhin unstrittige These. Doch gilt dies auch für die Zeug*innenschaft an Orten und in Momenten, in denen Menschen Opfer von extremem Unrecht, massiver Gewalt, Hass oder Diskriminierung werden? Lässt sich das Unsagbare eigentlich bezeugen? Matthias Käser plädiert mithilfe interdisziplinärer Zeug*innenschaftsdiskurse gegen das Unbeschreibliche und für das Ethos des Erzählens. Er zeigt auf, dass Erfahrungen (...)
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  3. Pragmatics and Chomsky's research program.Asa Kasher - 1991 - In Aka Kasher (ed.), The Chomskyan Turn. Blackwell. pp. 122--149.
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  4. What Is A Theory Of Use?Asa Kasher - 1977 - Journal of Pragmatics 1 (June):105-120.
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    Towards a conversational culture? How participants establish strategies for co-ordinating chat postings in the context of in-service training.Åsa Mäkitalo & Mona Nilsen - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (1):90-105.
    Within the research field of computer-mediated communication, extensive attention has been paid to the differences between CMC and spoken conversation, particularly in terms of sequential structure. In this study, the aim is to analyse how participants maintain continuity and handle discontinuities in institutionally arranged, computer-mediated communication. The empirical material consists of chat log files from in-service training courses for professionals in the food production industry. In the chat sessions we analysed, participants initially had some problems in co-ordinating their postings, that (...)
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  6. Philosophical Aspects on Emotions.Åsa Carlson (ed.) - 2004
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    On degrees of adequacy for formal semantics of natural languages.Asa Kasher - 1976 - Philosophica 18 (2):139-157.
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    The Spirit of Philosophia: 50 Years in Retrospect.Asa Kasher - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2193-2204.
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    The ethos of caring within midwifery: A history of ideas study.Åsa Larsson & Yvonne Hilli - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (6):808-818.
    Background: The midwifery profession in Sweden has a history since the early 1700s when government training for midwives began. Midwifery is historically well described, but the idea of caring within midwifery is not described. Aim: The aim was to describe the patterns of ideas of caring as they appeared in midwifery during the first half of the 20th century. Research design: This study has a hermeneutic approach and the method is history of ideas. Sources of material are taken from the (...)
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    Doctrine of the will.Asa Mahan - 1847 - New York: AMS Press.
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    Our Own Minds. Socio‐Cultural Grounds for Self‐Consciousness. By Radu J. Bogdan.Åsa Wikforss - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (253):814-816.
    © 2013 The Editors of The Philosophical QuarterlyOpening this book the philosopher might expect a treatise on self‐knowledge. However, despite its title, this is not a book on knowledge of our own minds, or even on self‐consciousness in the usual sense of being conscious of oneself. Rather, it is a book on developmental psychology, spelling out the fascinating details of the development of the human mind with a particular focus on the emergence of human consciousness. The question Radu J. Bogdan (...)
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    Reasoning about truth-telling in end-of-life care of patients with acute stroke.Åsa Rejnö, Gunilla Silfverberg & Britt-Marie Ternestedt - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (1):100-110.
    Background: Ethical problems are a universal phenomenon but rarely researched concerning patients dying from acute stroke. These patients often have a reduced consciousness from stroke onset and thereby lack ability to convey their needs and could be described as ‘incompetent’ decision makers regarding their own care. Objective: The aim of the study was to deepen the understanding of stroke team members’ reasoning about truth-telling in end-of-life care due to acute stroke. Research design: Qualitative study based on individual interviews utilizing combined (...)
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    (1 other version)Aspects of Scientific Explanation.Asa Kasher - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (4):747-749.
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  14.  66
    Does Semantics Need Normativity? Comments on Allan Gibbard, Meaning and Normativity.Åsa Wikforss - 2018 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61 (7):755-766.
    In the book Gibbard proposes, first, that statements about meaning are normative statements and, second, that they can be given an expressivist treatment, along the lines of Gibbard’s preferred metaethics. In my paper, I examine the first step: The claim that meaning statements are to be construed as being normative, as involving ‘oughts’. Gibbard distinguishes two versions of the normativity of meaning thesis – a weak version, according to which every means implies an ought, and a strong version, according to (...)
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  15.  86
    Categories We Do Not Know We Live By.Åsa Burman - 2019 - Journal of Social Ontology 5 (2):235-243.
    I argue that a central claim of Ásta’s conferralist framework – that it can account for all social properties of individuals – is false, by drawing attention to (opaque) class. I then discuss an implication of this objection; conferralism does not meet its own conditions of adequacy, such as providing a theory that helps to understand oppression. My diagnosis is that this objection points to a methodological problem: Ásta and other social ontologists have been fed on a “one-sided diet” of (...)
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    Ideal and Nonideal Social Ontology.Åsa Burman - 2024 - Journal of Social Ontology 10 (3).
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    Ethical problems: In the face of sudden and unexpected death.Åsa Rejnö, Linda Berg & Ella Danielson - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (5):642-653.
    When people die suddenly and unexpectedly ethical issues often come to the fore. The aim of the study was to describe experiences of members of stroke teams in stroke units of ethical problems and how the teams manage the situation when caring for patients faced with sudden and unexpected death from stroke. Data were collected through four focus group interviews with 19 team members in stroke-unit teams, and analysed using interpretive content analysis. Three themes emerged from the analysis characterized by (...)
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    : Social Goodness: The Ontology of Social Norms.Åsa Burman - 2024 - Ethics 135 (1):222-226.
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    On eigenvectors, approximations and the Feynman propagator.Åsa Hirvonen & Tapani Hyttinen - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (1):109-135.
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    Strategies for handling ethical problems in sudden and unexpected death.Åsa Rejnö, Ella Danielson & Linda Berg - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (6):0969733012473770.
    How ethical praxis is shaped by different contexts and situations has not been widely studied. We performed a follow-up study on stroke team members’ experiences of ethical problems and how the teams managed the situation when caring for patients faced with sudden and unexpected death from stroke. A number of ways for handling ethical problems emerged, which we have now explored further. Data were collected through a three-part form used as base for individual interviews with 15 stroke team members and (...)
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    From Micro to Macro: The Combination of Consciousness.Asa Young, Isabella Robbins & Shivang Shelat - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Crick and Koch’s 1990 “neurobiological theory of consciousness” sparked the race for the physical correlates of subjective experience. 30 years later, cognitive sciences trend toward consideration of the brain’s electromagnetic field as the primary seat of consciousness, the “to be” of the individual. Recent advancements in laboratory tools have preceded an influx of studies reporting a synchronization between the neuronally generated EM fields of interacting individuals. An embodied and enactive neuroscientific approach has gained traction in the wake of these findings (...)
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  22. An a posteriori conception of analyticity?Åsa Maria Wikforss - 2003 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 66 (1):119-139.
    At the time that Quine wrote "Two Dogmas" an attack on analyticity was considered a simultaneous attack on the very idea of necessary truth. This all changed with Kripke's revival of a non-epistemic, non-linguistic notion of necessity. My paper discusses the question whether we can take Kripke one step further and free analyticity from its epistemic ties, thereby reinstating a notion of analyticity that is immune to Quine's attack, and compatible with his epistemic holism. I discuss this question by examining (...)
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    Gricean Inference Revisited.Asa Kasher - 1982 - Philosophica 29.
  24.  28
    Strategies for handling ethical problems in end of life care: obstacles and possibilities.Åsa Rejnö & Linda Berg - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (7):778-789.
    Background: In end of life care, ethical problems often come to the fore. Little research is performed on ways or strategies for handling those problems and even less on obstacles to and possibilities of using such strategies. A previous study illuminated stroke team members’ experiences of ethical problems and how the teams managed the situation when caring for patients faced with sudden and unexpected death from stroke. These findings have been further explored in this study. Objective: The aim of the (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Semantic normativity.Åsa Maria Wikforss - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 102 (2):203-26.
    My paper examines the popular idea, defended by Kripke, that meaning is an essentially normative notion. I consider four common versions of this idea and suggest that none of them can be supported, either because the alleged normativity has nothing to do with normativity or because it cannot plausibly be said that meaning is normative in the sense suggested. I argue that contrary to received opinion, we don’t need normativity to secure the possibility of meaning. I conclude by considering the (...)
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    Measuring dependence in metric abstract elementary classes with perturbations.Åsa Hirvonen & Tapani Hyttinen - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (4):1199-1228.
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    Professional Ethics and Collective Professional Autonomy A Conceptual Analysis.Asa Kasher - 2005 - Ethical Perspectives 12 (1):67-97.
    The purpose of this article is to outline a systematic answer to the question of collective autonomy, its conceptual nature and lmimits, and apply it by way of example to the case of the engineering profession.In the first section, it is argued that a professional activity involves systematic knowledge and proficiency, a form of continuous improvement of the related bodies of knowledge and proficiency, as well as two levels of understanding: a local one, which is the ability to justify and (...)
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  28.  57
    The Principle of Distinction.Asa Kasher - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (2):152-167.
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    Two Types of Social Norms.Åsa Burman - 2024 - Analyse & Kritik 46 (1):25-36.
    In Morality and Socially Constructed Norms, Laura Valentini poses and answers this overall question: When and why, if at all, are socially constructed norms morally binding? Valentini develops an original account, the agency-respect view, that offers an answer to this general question by offering a moral criterion in terms of agency respect. I agree with the criterion proposed by the agency-respect view, given the account of socially constructed norms that it assumes. However, its account of socially constructed norms seems too (...)
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    Dignity at stake: Caring for persons with impaired autonomy.Åsa Rejnö, Britt-Marie Ternestedt, Lennart Nordenfelt, Gunilla Silfverberg & Tove E. Godskesen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):104-115.
    Dignity, usually considered an essential ethical value in healthcare, is a relatively complex, multifaceted concept. However, healthcare professionals often have only a vague idea of what it means to respect dignity when providing care, especially for persons with impaired autonomy. This article focuses on two concepts of dignity, human dignity and dignity of identity, and aims to analyse how these concepts can be applied in the care for persons with impaired autonomy and in furthering the practice of respect and protection (...)
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    Butler's Unduly Worry about Foucault. The Paradoxically Constituted and Constructed Body.Åsa Carlson - 2008 - SATS 9 (2):74-90.
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    Science of moral philosophy.Asa Mahan - 1848 - Naples, FL: Alethea In Heart. Edited by Richard M. Friedrich.
    With this treatise, Mahan attempts to do justice to the subject of moral philosophy and, therefore, challenge the student who tries to fathom the depths and ascend the heights of thought.
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    Corrigendum: Moderating effects of striving to avoid inferiority on income and mental health.Asa Nagae, Kenichi Asano & Yasuhiro Kotera - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Social Externalism and Non-Empirical Errors.Åsa Maria Wikforss - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 32:138-144.
    I consider an individualist reply to Burge's well-known anti-individualist thought experiment. It is commonly assumed that the individualist has one of two options: accept that reference is socially determined and opt for a bifurcation of content ; or reject the conclusions of the thought experiment and insist that Burge's patient uttering "I have arthritis in my thigh" has her or his own "arthritis"-concept and utters a true belief. I suggest that neither of these options is very attractive and thus the (...)
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  35. Extended belief and extended knowledge.Åsa Wikforss - 2014 - Philosophical Issues 24 (1):460-481.
    The paper discusses the thesis of extended belief and its implications for the possibility of extending ordinary, personal level knowledge. A common worry is that knowledge will overextend, that there will be ‘cognitive bloat’. If the subject’s standing beliefs can be realized in devices such as notebooks and smart phones, what is there to prevent the conclusion that she knows everything stored on such devices? One response to this worry is to block the move from belief to knowledge, and argue (...)
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  36. Social Externalism and Conceptual Errors.Asa Maria Wikforss - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (203):217-231.
    Ever since Putnam and Burge launched their respective attacks on individualist accounts of meaning the individualist has felt squeezed for space.1 Very little maneuvering room, it seems, is left for the philosopher who wants to deny that meaning and mental content depend on the speaker's social environment. One option, popular amongst individualists, is to grant that reference is socially determined but argue that there is nevertheless a notion of meaning or content that can be understood individualistically. That is, the individualist (...)
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  37. The normativity of meaning and content.Kathrin Glüer, Asa Wikforss & Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini - 2022 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Normativism in the theory of meaning and content is the view that linguistic meaning and/or intentional content are essentially normative. As both normativity and its essentiality to meaning/content can be interpreted in a number of different ways, there is now a whole family of views laying claim to the slogan “meaning/content is normative”. In this essay, we discuss a number of central normativist theses, and we begin by identifying different versions of meaning normativism, presenting the arguments that have been put (...)
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  38. Semantic Externalism and Psychological Externalism.Åsa Wikforss - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (1):158-181.
    Externalism is widely endorsed within contemporary philosophy of mind and language. Despite this, it is far from clear how the externalist thesis should be construed and, indeed, why we should accept it. In this entry I distinguish and examine three central types of externalism: what I call foundational externalism, externalist semantics, and psychological externalism. I suggest that the most plausible version of externalism is not in fact a very radical thesis and does not have any terribly interesting implications for philosophy (...)
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    Sentences and Utterances Reconsidered.Asa Kasher - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8 (3):313-345.
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    Verisimilitude is a Surface Concept.Asa Kasher - 1972 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):21-27.
  41.  13
    On the Importance of Female Friendship.Åsa Moberg - 2012 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 28 (1):84-86.
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    Caring for older people with dementia reliving past trauma.Åsa Gransjön Craftman, Anna Swall, Kajsa Båkman, Åke Grundberg & Carina Lundh Hagelin - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):621-633.
    Background: The occurrence of behavioural changes and problems, and degree of paranoid thoughts, are significantly higher among people who have experienced extreme trauma such as during the Holocaust. People with dementia and traumatic past experiences may have flashbacks reminding them of these experiences, which is of relevance in caring situations. In nursing homes for people with dementia, nursing assistants are often the group of staff who provide help with personal needs. They have firsthand experience of care and managing the devastating (...)
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    Public Trust in a Military Force.Asa Kasher - 2003 - Journal of Military Ethics 2 (1):20-45.
    The purpose of this paper is to portray the nature of public trust in a military force within a democratic state and explain its importance. On grounds of a general conception of 'profession' and 'professional ethics', it is argued that a military force in a democratic state ought to nurture genuine public trust in itself, to take the form of a commonly or at least very broadly held presumption of proper functioning in all professional respects, including effectiveness, improvement and ethics. (...)
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  44.  12
    Ethics of War and Conflict.Asa Kasher (ed.) - 2013 - Routledge.
    Standing on the shoulders of thinkers who have sought carefully to delineate proper behaviour in armed conflict—not least to distinguish just from illegitimate wars—military ethics is a subdiscipline enjoying renewed interest and, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, increasing practical relevance. It is particularly vibrant and expansive at the moment due to the emergence of novel forms of military activity. Whereas classical warfare involved a near symmetrical encounter between opposing forces, present-day asymmetric conflicts (such as fighting terrorists and insurgents) (...)
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    Human Life in the War on Terrorism: a Response to “the Risk Dilemma” by Michael Walzer.Asa Kasher & Amos Yadlin - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (2):295-308.
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    On Pragmatic Demarcation of Language.Asa Kasher - 1979 - In Rainer Bäuerle, Urs Egli & Arnim von Stechow (eds.), Semantics from different points of view. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 188--194.
  47.  32
    Rationality and limits of science.Asa Kasher - 1974 - Philosophia 4 (4):563-563.
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  48. Military ethics of fighting terror: Principles.Asa Kasher & Amos Yadlin - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (1):75-84.
    The purpose of the present document is to briefly present principles that constitute a new doctrine within the sphere of Military Ethics : The Just War Doctrine of Fighting Terror.The doctrine has been developed by a team we have headed at the Israel Defense Force College of National Defense. However, the work has been done on the general levels of moral, ethical and legal considerations that should guide a democratic state when it faces terrorist activities committed against its citizens. Accordingly, (...)
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  49. Externalism and incomplete understanding.Asa Maria Wikforss - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (215):287-294.
    Sarah Sawyer has challenged my claim that social externalism depends on the assumption that individuals have an incomplete grasp of their own concepts. Sawyer denies that Burge's later sofa thought-experiment relies on this assumption: the unifying principle behind the thought-experiments supporting social externalism, she argues, is just that referents play a role in the individuation of concepts. I argue that Sawyer fails to show that social externalism need not rely on the assumption of incomplete understanding. To establish the content externalist (...)
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  50. Military Ethics of Fighting Terror: An Israeli Perspective.Asa Kasher & Amos Yadlin - 2005 - Journal of Military Ethics 4 (1):3-32.
    The present paper is devoted to a detailed presentation of a new Military Ethics doctrine of fighting terror. It is proposed as an extension of the classical Just War Theory, which has been meant to apply to ordinary international conflicts. Since the conditions of a fight against terror are essentially different from the conditions that are assumed to hold in the classical war (military) paradigm or in the law enforcement (police) paradigm, a third model is needed. The paper proposes such (...)
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