Results for 'Authors, Argentine'

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  1.  5
    Cartas: 1917-1941.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 2023 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos. Edited by Victoria Ocampo.
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    Enemiga pública: interrogatorios y disparos.Leonor Silvestri - 2017 - [Buenos Aires?]: Queen Ludd.
  3. Philosophy and History in the historiographical discussions between José Ingenieros and Alejandro Korn.Lucas Domínguez Rubio - 2017 - Prismas: Revista de Historia Intelectual 21:75-94.
    From 1912, Alejandro Korn and José Ingenieros began to publish articles that then would be part of their historical works, respectively, Influencias filosóficas en la evolución nacional and La evolución de las ideas argentinas. Therefore, they started to generate some discussion in reference to sections that they knew of each other's work. Being the first major works from a developing philosophical field about the history of Argentine thought, their authors sought to create cultural traditions to affirm their own academic, (...)
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    The Paradox of the Moral Irrelevance of the Government and the Law: A Critique of Carlos Nino's Approach.Juan Cianciardo - 2012 - Ratio Juris 25 (3):368-380.
    Some authors have speculated about the fact that if the law were connected to morality, then it would not be relevant, because morality would be enough to regulate social life. A study of this objection to the connection thesis will be outlined in this paper. In other words, the possible answers to the question about the practical difference that law gives to morality will be analyzed. The work of the Argentine philosopher Carlos Nino will be taken as the starting (...)
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    Toward a Philosophy of History.José Ortega Y. Gasset & Helene Weyl, Transl and Foreword - 1941 - Urbana: W. W. Norton, Co..
    Contents: Translator's foreword – Author's foreword – The Sportive Origin of the State (El origen deportivo del Estado, 1924) – Unity and Disunity of Europe (Prólogo para franceses, 1937) – Man the Technician (Meditación de la técnica, 1939) – History as a System (Historia como sistema, 1935) – The Argentine State and the Argentinean (El hombre a la defensiva, 1929).
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    Quotidian Disruption and Women's Activism in Times of Crisis, Argentina 2002-2003.Barbara Sutton & Elizabeth Borland - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (5):700-722.
    Argentina recently underwent a period of economic crisis that shook societal foundations. People turned to collective action for social and political change, and women were at the forefront of many protests. This crisis offers an opportunity to study a moment of “quotidian disruption”—when routine practices and ingrained assumptions are threatened—as an impetus for mobilization. The authors draw on ethnographic observations and analyze 44 in-depth interviews with activist women in Argentina to explore their responses to quotidian disruption. The authors show that (...)
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    Saúl Taborda y la pedagogí­a en clave de programa polí­tico.Ignacio German Barbeito - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 49 (1):023-023.
    In 1923, Saúl Taborda ventured into the German university milieu and, to a lesser extent, into that of other European universities. The studies he carries out have a profound impact on the development of his thinking, which will then focus on surveying and delimiting the place of pedagogy within the cultural evolution of societies. The knowledge of the European youth movements that, since the beginning of the 20th century, placed the conflict between authority and freedom at the center of modernization, (...)
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    Popular Culture in the Houses of Poe and Cortázar.Daniel Bautista - 2010 - Intertexts 14 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Popular Culture in the Houses of Poe and CortázarDaniel Bautista (bio)"[…]at the age of nine I read Edgar Allan Poe for the first time. That book I stole to read because my mother didn't want me to read it, she thought I was too young and she was right. The book scared me and I was ill for three months, because I believed in it."…—Julio Cortázar1In interviews and essays, (...)
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    De Angelis difusor de Vico: examen de un paradigma indiciario.José I. Sazbón - 1993 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 3:157.
    El autor trata de determinar si la recepción de G. Vico en el contexto de la cultura rioplatense decimonónica se debió directamente a De Angelis o Michelet, aparentemente influido a su vez por De Angelis. Si la primera idea es plausible, dada la estancia del mismo italiano en la Argentina, entonces la conclusión parece clara: el verdadero papel de De Angelis en la difusión decimonónica de Vico no es un hecho, sino algo desconocido. Sin embargo, el hecho de que algo (...)
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    El proceso de canonización de Manuel Puig en el contexto de la narrativa latinoamericana finisecular: Sistema Y cambio literarios.Horacio Simunovic Díaz & Daniela Oróstegui Iribarren - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 42:125-143.
    El presente trabajo se propone describir e interpretar, en una primera etapa, los mecanismos de canonización literaria de obra y autor en una comunidad cultural específica, la latinoamericana. El caso estudiado es el del escritor argentino Manuel Puig y su obra. La relación interactiva entre contexto cultural, institucionalidad y sistemas de significado social y valoración permite modelar una descripción e intento de explicación de las relaciones de significado entrañadas en la constitución de los repertorios literarios canonizados, sus criterios de selección, (...)
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    A somaesthetics of performative beauty: tangoing desire and nostalgia.Falk Heinrich - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book develops an original theory of performative beauty. Philosophical aesthetics has largely neglected one's own actions as a potential experience of the beautiful. Throughout the book, the author uses own experiences of Argentine tango as a case study; one important incentive for social dancing is to have pleasurable and beautiful experiences. This book begins by investigating the methodological causes for why beauty in modernity has been seen to result only from contemplating external objects. It then builds a theory (...)
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  12.  34
    Jorge Abelardo Ramos, the “inventor” of Ugarte: Marginality, canon and nation.Claudio Maíz - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (1):75-88.
    En el presente trabajo pretendemos indagar la manera como ciertas lecturas resultan “interesadas” y están motivadas en necesidades que emergen del presente mismo de la lectura. Estas políticas de lectura recuperan o ignoran obras y autores dentro del canon cultural de una nación. Jorge Abelardo Ramos editó por primera vez a Manuel Ugarte en la Argentina, un libro que databa de 1910 (El porvenir de la América Latina). Le introduce un prólogo al que llama “Redescubrimiento de Ugarte”. La figura de (...)
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  13.  8
    The Multilevel Politics of Enforcement: Environmental Institutions in Argentina.Candelaria Garay & Belén Fernández Milmanda - 2020 - Politics and Society 48 (1):3-26.
    Environmental protection presents a challenge for commodity-producing democracies. To account for the enforcement of environmental laws in decentralized systems, this article proposes a multilevel approach that highlights the importance of national laws and subnational implementation rules to the politics of enforcement. This approach contrasts with prominent scholarship that focuses on sanctions and the electoral incentives and bureaucratic resources of enforcers. The advantages of the multilevel approach are demonstrated by the enforcement of the native forest protection regime in the Argentine (...)
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  14.  25
    Francisco Romero: cartas con intelectuales mexicanos.Walter César Camargo - 2012 - Cuyo 29 (2):63-86.
    Francisco Romero es una de las personalidades más significativas de América Latina. Sus escritos, su labor pedagógica, la difusión de su pensamiento y el intercambio epistolar con figuras de renombre internacional dan muestra de ello. En el trabajo nos detenemos en este último aspecto para comprobar su manifiesta intención de construir una red intelectual de filósofos en América Latina. También están presentes las inquietudes editoriales tanto de Romero, como de sus pares mexicanos. Asimismo hacemos hincapié en el tópico del exilio (...)
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    La figura del negro soldado en La revolución es un sueño eterno de Andrés Rivera / The figure of the black soldier in La revolución es un sueño eterno by Andrés Rivera.Djibril Mbaye - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (1):99-108.
    Este artículo se propone estudiar la representación de la imagen del negro soldado en La revolución es un sueño eterno de Andrés Rivera. En efecto, frente a la negación por la historia del aporte épico de los afrodescendientes en las luchas por la emancipación, Andrés Rivera rescata la figura del afrosoldado argentino que se ha destacado heroicamente en los frentes bélicos para la defensa de la patria. Así, este trabajo analiza esta visión revolucionaria de la negritud argentina en Andrés Rivera. (...)
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    Aesthetic Modes of the Infinite: Horror, Sublimity, and Relationality.Patricia García - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 47 (1):67-82.
    Abstract:What is the relationship between philosophical understandings of the infinite and their narrative expressions? This article explores the infinite in two aesthetic paradigms: the horror of the infinite in classical Greece, and Romanticism's glorification of the unlimited. It argues that these two approaches paved the way for a third, a "relational infinite" that emerged in the second half of the twentieth century. To illustrate this third paradigm, I draw on the works of Argentine author Jorge Luis Borges and on (...)
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  17. Chaos and Cosmos. The Imaginary and the Political in Jorge Luis Borges.Martin Plot - 2024 - Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Chaos and Cosmos offers a new and unique interpretation of Argentine essayist and fiction writer Jorge Luis Borges as a thinker of what continental twentieth century political theory called the political. While not a political writer in the traditional sense, Borges was indeed an author whose response to the advent of totalitarianism, in particular in its Nazi form, generated the most experimental, insightful, and rigorous short fiction and non-fiction political interrogation. -/- As is well known, Borges’ writing went beyond (...)
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  18. Briefly, “What are concepts?” and the handmaiden of colonialism again.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper makes two criticisms of the book Key Concepts in Social and Cultural Anthropology, by Nigel Rapport and Joanna Overing. The second criticism is that they do not acknowledge the Argentine author Jorge Luis Borges as the conceiver of the fictional Chinese encyclopaedia. What they say raises the worry that anthropologists have not moved on much from being the handmaiden of colonialism.
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  19. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École normale (...)
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  20.  8
    Nino on the Right to a Healthy Environment, Responsibility towards Current and Future Generations.María Teresa La Valle - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (Especial):87-94.
    The aim of this paper is to compare Carlos Nino’s (1992) stance on the right to a healthy environment as a collective right to M. Florencia Saulino’s (2015) interpretation. Saulino considers that, in view of the current environmental situation, Nino’s opinion about this crucial issue disrupts a legal system conceived for the protection of private goods. Nino’s notion of the environment as a collective good was included two years later when the Argentine Constitution was reformed in 1994, in Article (...)
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    Navigating Uncertainty: The Ambiguous Utopias of Le Guin, Gorodischer, and Jemisin.Jason A. Bartles - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (1):107-126.
    ABSTRACT The phrase “ambiguous utopia” was coined by Ursula K. Le Guin in the subtitle of her novel, The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia. That work appeared when utopian narratives had been displaced by dystopian imaginaries. This article embarks on a comparative analysis of three short stories: Ursula K. Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”, Angélica Gorodischer’s “Of Navigators”, and N. K. Jemisin’s “The Ones Who Stay and Fight”. Each author installs ambiguity at the center of their open-ended (...)
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  22. Cuestiones en torno a la filosofía de la India. Tendencias académicas en las universidades argentinas y dilemas (meta)filosóficos.Gabriel Martino - 2015 - Journal de Ciencias Sociales, UP 3 (5):38-59.
    In the present paper we discuss different issues concerning the Philosophy of India. We examine, in the first place, the current situation of the area in Argentinean universities and, more specifically, in the programme of the Licenciaturas in Philosophy taught in our country. We assess, with this purpose, the programme of the thirty two degrees in Philosophy offered by national private and public universities. In the second place, we provide a brief discussion of the up-to-date specialized bibliography about the dilemma (...)
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    Three Chilean Thinkers.Solomon Lipp - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
    Three Chilean Thinkers, a companion piece to Three Argentine Thinkers, attempts to examine some of the outstanding characters of Chile's intellectual development by way of analyzing the contribution of three of her distinguished representatives. Each thinker or philosopher, whichever the case may be, is symbolic of a definite sociopolitical movement which left its unmistakable imprint upon the cultural scene. Moreover, each thinker, no doubt, was strongly influenced by European philosophical trends, but should in now way be considered a mere (...)
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  24.  31
    A Critical View of “On TB Vaccines, Patients’ Demands, and Modern Printed Media in Times of Biomedical Uncertainties: Buenos Aires, 1920–1950”. [REVIEW]Estela B. Quiñones, Lucas Goldin, Inés M. I. Bignone & Roberto A. Diez - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):19-22.
    The putative Pueyo’s vaccine was a commercial venture that obtained marketing authorization in 1946, a turbulent period of Argentine history. After a few months, health authorities withdrew financial support from the state to buy the vaccine and required patients to sign a written consent to receive that product. An independent investigation did not find any evidence of benefit in non-clinical and clinical evaluation of the putative vaccine.
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    Una mirada a la infancia: el espanto social en Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego, de Mariana Enríquez.Carmen Álvarez Lobato - 2022 - Escritos 30 (64):60-76.
    This article analyzes five stories from the volume Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego, by Mariana Enríquez: The Dirty Boy, Adela's House, Pablito nailed a little nail: an evocation of Big-Eared Petiso, My neighbor's yard and Under the black water, where the author rewrites the theme of childhood. This rewriting is far from an idyllic vision, since it deals with the problematization of modern childhood; the main characters of these stories are children who violate or are violated and who, (...)
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  26. Argentina: “argenti philosophia” (Argentina y la preocupación por la plata).William R. Daros - 2004 - Enfoques 16 (1):31-46.
    The present is not determined by the past, though the latter conditions the present and pro-vides it with a frame for a possible interpretation. Within this context, the author briefly reviews the past events at the “River Plate region”, where he finds records which show a way of life and values whi..
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  27. Discours sur l'altérité dans l'argentine moderne Par Arnd Schneider.Dans L'argentine Moderne - 1998 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 105:341-360.
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    Authority and the Individual.Vol. IIIndependence, Convergence, and Borrowing in Institutions, Thought, and Art.Vol. III.E. A. J. Johnson & Various Authors - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47 (4):442.
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    Author's response.Review author[S.]: Philip S. Kitcher - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (3):653-673.
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  30. 60 philosophical papers dedicated to professor Wlodek Rabinowicz.Various Authors - manuscript
    Contributing Authors: Lilli Alanen & Frans Svensson, David Alm, Gustaf Arrhenius, Gunnar Björnsson, Luc Bovens, Richard Bradley, Geoffrey Brennan & Nicholas Southwood, John Broome, Linus Broström & Mats Johansson, Johan Brännmark, Krister Bykvist, John Cantwell, Erik Carlson, David Copp, Roger Crisp, Sven Danielsson, Dan Egonsson, Fred Feldman, Roger Fjellström, Marc Fleurbaey, Margaret Gilbert, Olav Gjelsvik, Kathrin Glüer & Peter Pagin, Ebba Gullberg & Sten Lindström, Peter Gärdenfors, Sven Ove Hansson, Jana Holsanova, Nils Holtug, Victoria Höög, Magnus Jiborn, Karsten Klint Jensen, (...)
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    Entretien avec Ali Ben Makhlouf.No Author - 2003 - Astérion 1.
    Ali Benmakhlouf est actuellement maître de conférences à l’Université de Paris-X Nanterre. Spécialiste de logique et des œuvres de Frege, Russel et Whitehead, il est par ailleurs depuis dix ans la cheville ouvrière de la convention passée entre la Fondation du Roi Abdul Aziz pour les études islamiques et les sciences humaines (Casablanca) et le Collège international de Philosophie (Paris). Cinq volumes, publiés par les éditions Le Fennec en français et en arabe, témoignent de cet échange : La Raison et (...)
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    Benedetto Croce: Collected Works.Various Authors - 1950 - Routledge.
    Originally published between 1921 and 1950 the volumes in this collection showcase many of the most important philosophical, political and literary works of Benedetto Croce. The volumes Discuss key political, philosophical and aesthetic issues such as freedom and historical judgment Reveal notes made by Croce from private meetings with Allied forces during 1943 and 1944 Examine and explain the literature of Dante, Goethe, Shakespeare, Ariosto and Corneille Discuss the conception of liberty, liberalism and the relation of individual morality to the (...)
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    Ouvrages reçus.No Author - 2004 - Methodos 3 (2):230.
    HADOT, Ilsetraut et Pierre, Apprendre à philosopher dans l'Antiquité. L'enseignement du "Manuel d'Epictète" et son commentaire néoplatonicien, Paris, Librairie générale Française, "Le livre de poche", 2004, 219 p. LAKS, André, Le vide et la haine. Eléments pour une histoire archaïque de la négativité, Paris, PUF, "Libelles", 2004, 49 p. PLATON, Hippias mineur - Hippias majeur, traduction, introduction, notes et index J.-F. Balaudé, Paris, Librairie Générale Française, "Le livre de poche",..
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  34. Advanced Higher Philosophy NABs.Scottish Qualifications Authority - 2001 - Philosophy 428 (13).
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  35. Heidi M. Hurd.Interpreting Authorities - 1995 - In Andrei Marmor (ed.), Law and interpretation: essays in legal philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 405.
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    Mitteilungen/News.Various Authors - 2005 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 13 (2):118-124.
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    Ouvrages reçus en 2007.No Author - 2008 - Methodos 8.
    M. A. Andrisano (éd.), Biblioteche del mondo antico. Dalla tradizione orale alla cultura dell'Impero, Rome, 2007 Max Bense, Aesthetica. Introduction à la nouvelle esthétique, trad. fr. J. Yacar, Paris, Cerf, « Passages », 2007, 473 p. Pascale Bermon, L’assentiment et son objet chez Grégoire de Rimini, Paris, Vrin, 2007 [voir compte-rendu dans ce numéro]. Ernst Bertram, Nietzsche. Essai de mythologie, trad. fr. R. Pitrou, Le Félin, « Les marches du temps », 2007, 461 p. Hans Blumenberg, Paradi..
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    Pappas/De Chiara-Quenzer Bibliography.An Author - 2017 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 32 (1):66-67.
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  39. Semantic Cell Transplantation.Various Authors - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5).
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    Les Mathematiques et la Realite.Various Authors, Barkley Rosser & Ferdinand Gonseth - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48 (1):85.
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  41. An Exchange on Theory and Cultural Studies.Various Authors - 2013 - Cultural Studies Review 12 (1).
    The following exchange grew out of a series of posts to the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia discussion list. As a talking point leading into a regular meeting for early career cultural studies researchers in Brisbane, Melissa Gregg, Jean Burgess and Joshua Green quoted a passage from Simon During’s recent Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction in the hope of provoking a wider debate about the current state of Australian cultural studies. Various members of the list were duly provoked, and the (...)
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  42. Milton F. lunch.Authority Of Ftc - 1983 - In James Hamilton Schaub, Karl Pavlovic & M. D. Morris (eds.), Engineering professionalism and ethics. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co..
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    Routledge Library Editions: Gramsci.Various Authors - 2014 - Routledge.
    In the years since the publication of the _Prison Notebooks_, the interest and importance of Antonio Gramsci’s contribution to Marxist thought and political analysis has become widely recognised. The concern to explore and identify the structures of the capitalist state is both the principal characteristic of Gramsci’s theoretical and political writings and also the inspiration for his writings on Italian history. This set re-issues four volumes by leading commentators on Gramsci's politics and philosophy which were originally published between 1979 and (...)
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    Habilitations à diriger des recherches soutenues en 2010.No Author - 2011 - Methodos 11.
    Nathalie Gasiglia, Des usages en corpus aux descriptions dictionnairiques. HDR soutenue le 6 décembre 2010 à l’Université de Lille 3. Composition du jury Pierre Zweigenbaum, Professeur à l’Université de Paris Sud Jean PruvostP, Professeur à l’Université de Cergy Pontoise Dany Amiot, Professeur à l’Université Charles de Gaulle -Lille 3 Gaston Gross, Professeur à l’Université de Paris XVIII Ulrich Heid, Professeur à l’Université de Stuttgart en Allemagne Serge Verlinde, Professeur à l’Institut..
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    Composition du comité de lecture du numéro.No Author - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Ont été sollicités pour évaluer les articles de ce numéro : Dominique Abry Florentina Fredet Enrica Galazzi Bertrand Lauret Régine Llorca Grégory Miras Chiara Molinari Christos Nikou (responsable du c...
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    Quia inter doctores est magna dissentio. Colloques et journées d'études.No Author - 2004 - Methodos 3.
    Quia inter doctores est magna dissentio (Université de Parme, 17-18 mai 2002) Au cours de ces dernières années, les études sur la philosophie naturelle au XIVe siècle se sont multipliées, modifiant profondément la vision traditionnelle d'un siècle marqué par le nominalisme d'Ockham et de J. Buridan. L'UMR « Savoirs et Textes » et l'Université de Parme (J.Celeyrette et S.Caroti) ont donc pris l'initiative d'organiser les 17 et 18 mai 2002 à l’Université de Parme un colloque international.
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    (11 other versions)Colloques et Journées d'étude.No Author - 2005 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 5.
    Colloque « Les instruments de la compréhension. Enquête sur les concepts de l’herméneutique » Organisé dans le cadre du réseau international de recherche sur « Herméneutique, mythe et images ». Lille, 10 et 11 décembre 2004. Programme en annexe Journée d'étude sur « La vie pulsionnelle. Entre philosophie, métapsychologie, éthique et politique ». 1ère partie : « Problématisations philosop...
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    Publications.No Author - 2004 - Methodos 4.
    Fabienne Blaise« L'expérience délirante de la raison divine : les Bacchantes d'Euripide », Methodos 3 (Figures de l'irrationel), 2003, p. 35-60. Jean Bollack– L'écrit. Une poétique dans l'oeuvre de Celan, Paris (PUF, « Perspectives germaniques »), 2003, 231 p. – Empédocle. Les purifications. Un projet de paix universelle, édité, traduit et commenté par J. Bollack, Paris (Seuil, « Points. Essais »), 2003, 144p. – « Une autre Antigone et un autre Œdipe », dans C. Botella, Penser les limites. Éc..
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    Paroles de singes. Anthologie assemblée et annotée par Laurent Dubreuil.No Author - 2012 - Labyrinthe 38 (38):103-126.
    Bosse-de-Nage, singe papion Ha ha. Alfred Jarry, Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll, pataphysicien (1898), II, x, et passim. Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon, savant humain L’homme rend par un signe extérieur ce qui se passe au-dedans de lui, il communique sa pensée par la parole, ce signe est commun à toute l’espèce humaine, l’homme sauvage parle comme l’homme policé, & tous deux parlent naturellement, & parlent pour se faire entendre : aucun des Animaux n’a ce signe de la pensée, ce (...)
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    (1 other version)Séminaires.No Author - 2004 - Methodos 4:236-236.
    La composition de l'Odyssée Ce séminaire a repris le problème de la composition de l'Odyssée. Après avoir fait le point sur la critique homérique et analysé les apports essentiels fournis par les études qui se sont intéressées aux codes narratifs mis en œuvre par les traditions de poésie orale, ont été discutés des éléments du poème que la critique a souvent eu tendance à considérer comme superficiellement rattaché à l'ensemble : l'Orestie (rapport entre chants XI et XXIV), les récits de (...)
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