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  1. Ekphrastic Moral Mirrors in New Spain: : Sor Juana’s Neptuno Alegórico and Sigüenza’s Theatro de Virtudes Políticas.Sergio Armando Gallegos Ordorica - 2024 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 6:1-25.
    The goal of this paper is to argue that the Neptuno Alegórico and the Theatro de Virtudes Políticas, which were composed in 1680 by the Novohispanic philosophers Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora to accompany respectively two arches erected to celebrate the entry of the Spanish viceroy to Mexico City, are notable not only as examples of panegyrical Baroque literature but also as philosophical texts aimed at moral instruction. To be specific, I argue that (...)
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  2. Review of Sino peripatético. Un despertar americano by Daniel Campos Badilla. [REVIEW]Sergio Gallegos-Ordorica - 2023 - Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):52-55.
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  3. Nicolás Gómez Dávila, el barroco y la ética mundana de Baltasar Gracián.Enver Joel Torregroza Lara - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26:127-133.
    There are notorious differences between the Jesuit theology of Gracián’s Humanism and the Pascalian theology of grace of the Colombian thinker Nicolás Gómez Dávila. In addition, Gómez Dávila criticizes Spanish Baroque when he compares it with other literatures. However, the virtuous hero of Gracián and the philosophical way of life of the Colombian thinker are connected. Both philosophies develop a mundane ethic that solves a puzzle: how the human spirit can access transcendence through the dark labyrinths of earthly difficulties.
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  4. Ética, Política y Migración.Luis Diaz Cepeda, Amy Reed-Sandoval & Roberto Sánchez Benítez (eds.) - 2021 - Ciudad Juárez: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.
    Ciertamente, la migración es una problemática compleja que merece seguir siendo estudiada desde una perspectiva multidisciplinaria y con amplitud de miras. En Ética, política y migración acompañamos desde la filosofía, la sociología, la geo-grafía y las teorías educativas a los flujos migratorios que se dan en nuestra nación. Emprenderemos un viaje teórico desde las experiencias de las y los migrantes centroamericanos en la frontera sur de nuestro país hasta su llegada y recepción a la fronte-ra norte. Continuaremos nuestra jornada reflexionando (...)
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  5. Crítica ético-política al Corredor Energético-Militar México-Estados Unidos.Reyes Espinoza - 2021 - In Luis Diaz Cepeda, Amy Reed-Sandoval & Roberto Sánchez Benítez, Ética, Política y Migración. Ciudad Juárez: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. pp. 227-250.
    En este artículo, se presenta una crítica ético-política hacia una propuesta tecnológico-militar que llamaremos “Corredor Energético-Militar México-Estados Unidos”. Nuestro enfoque será el medioambiente y cómo este podría ser afectado por el Corredor Energético-Militar México-Estados Unidos, pero la migración también se tendrá en cuenta. Mientras se dé la lógica del desarrollo económico con el estilo universal en la arquitectura y una estrategia militar basada en la supuesta seguridad nacional estadounidense, habrá consecuencias ecológicas negativas hacia el medioambiente y la dominancia económico-militar estadounidense (...)
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  6. Reflections on Brutality, Culture and Personhood.Sergio Armando Gallegos-Ordorica - 2021 - Radical Philosophy Review 24 (2):231-237.
  7. The Foundations of a Mexican Humanism in Emilio Uranga's Análisis del ser del Mexicano.Sergio A. Gallegos-Ordorica - 2020 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 20 (1):13-18.
    In this paper, I examine the humanism articulated by Jean-Paul Sartre in Existentialism is a humanism and I show that his proposal is underpinned by some problematic assumptions and biases that shape its deployment. I also argue that the Mexican philosopher Emilio Uranga offers us in his most important work, Analísis del Ser del Mexicano, some conceptual resources that allow us to articulate a humanism that does not fall prey to the problems faced by that of Sartre.
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  8. Latinx Philosophy and the Ethics of Migration.José Jorge Mendoza - 2019 - In Jr Sanchez, Latin American and Latinx Philosophy: A Collaborative Introduction. Routledge. pp. 198-219.
    This essay argues that Latinx philosophers are not only already providing important and original contributions to standard open-borders debates, but also changing the very nature of the ethics of migration. In making this case, the essay is divided into two parts. The first summarizes some of the important and original contributions of Latinx philosophers to the standard open-borders debate. Among the highlights are Jorge M. Valadez’s “conditional legitimacy of states” argument; José-Antonio Orosco’s communitarian-based argument for a more liberalized admissions policy; (...)
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  9. El principio ético de simetría: La teoría moral formal de Francisco Miró Quesada [The ethical princple of symmetry: The formal moral theory of Francisco Miró Quesada].Alonso Villaran - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):147-170.
    Como introducción interpretativa a la “segunda etapa” de la teoría moral de F. Miró Quesada (1918), se analizan sus tres últimos trabajos éticos para ver cómo intenta refi-nar la deontología kantiana, superar sus aparentes límites –materialismo encubierto, formalismo vacío y dualismo absurdo–, y repensar la moral como una moneda de dos caras: simetría y no arbitrariedad. Se presta especial atención a la simetría como condición suficiente para la ética.
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  10. (1 other version)El Principio Etico de No-Arbitrariedad: La Teoría Moral Formal de Francisco Miró Quesada [The Ethical Priniciple of Non-Arbitrariness: Francisco Miró Quesada's Formal Moral Theory].Alonso Villarán - 2019 - Pensamiento 75 (286 Extra):1339-1360.
    The goal of this article is to introduce, interpret, and defend the originality of the «first half» of the rational foundation of ethics of Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias (Lima 1918-2019). To do so, we will focus on his three first ethical works —«El Intelectual, el Occidente y la Política» (1965), «Sobre el Derecho Justo» (1976) y «Ser Humano Naturaleza, Historia» (1987)—, leaving his later works aside for a complementary work. We will show how Miró Quesada tries to refine Immanuel Kant’s (...)
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  11. (1 other version)La Ley Moral en la Filosofía de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias [The Moral Law in Francisco Miró Quesada's Moral Philosophy].Alonso Villarán - 2018 - In La Ley Moral en la Filosofía de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias [The Moral Law in Francisco Miró Quesada's Moral Philosophy]. Lima: pp. 97-108.
    The purpose of this paper is to think the moral law in Francisco Miró Quesada's version: What is its source? What does it orders? And why is it important for ethics? The paper answers this question while contrasting Miró Quesada's position with that of Thomas Aquinas and Immanuel Kant.
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  12. Eudaimonia and Neltiliztli: Aristotle and the Aztecs on the Good Life.Lynn Sebastian Purcell - 2017 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 16 (2):10-21.
    This essay takes a first step in comparative ethics by looking to Aristotle and the Aztec's conceptions of the good life. It argues that the Aztec conception of a rooted life, neltiliztli, functions for ethical purposes in a way that is like Aristotle's eudaimonia. To develop this claim, it not only shows just in what their conceptions of the good consist, but also in what way the Aztecs conceived of the virtues (in qualli, in yectli).
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  13. Sketch of a Decolonial Environmentalism.Lori Gallegos - 2015 - Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 6 (1).
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  14. Prospects of a Dusselian Ethics of Liberation among US Minorities: The Case of Affirmative Action in Higher Education.Sergio A. Gallegos - 2015 - Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):1-15.
    This paper proposes an application of Enrique Dussel’s ethics of liberation to an issue of crucial importance to US minorities: the debate on affirmative action. Over the past fifty years, this debate has been framed in terms of the opposition between advocates of affirmative action who claim that it is needed in order to achieve the integration and participation of traditionally oppressed groups to society without which there is no equality of rights, and critics who argue that affirmative action violates (...)
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  15. Latino/a Immigration: A Refutation of the Social Trust Argument.José Jorge Mendoza - 2015 - In Harald Bauder & Christian Matheis, Migration Policy and Practice: Interventions and Solutions. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 37-57.
    The social trust argument asserts that a political community cannot survive without social trust, and that social trust cannot be achieved or maintained without a political community having discretionary control over immigration. Various objections have already been raised against this argument, but because those objections all assume various liberal commitments they leave the heart of the social trust argument untouched. This chapter argues that by looking at the socio-historical circumstances of Latino/as in the United States, an inherent weakness of the (...)
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  16. Doing Away with Juan Crow: Two Standards for Just Immigration Reform.José Jorge Mendoza - 2015 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 15 (2):14-20.
    In 2008 Robert Lovato coined the phrase Juan Crow. Juan Crow is a type of policy or enforcement of immigration laws that discriminate against Latino/as in the United States. This essay looks at the implications this phenomenon has for an ethics of immigration. It argues that Juan Crow, like its predecessor Jim Crow, is not merely a condemnation of federalism, but of any immigration reform that has stricter enforcement as one of its key components. Instead of advocating for increased enforcement, (...)
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  17. latin american ethics.Susana Nuccetelli - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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  18. Religiosity, Attitude Toward Business, and Ethical Beliefs: Hispanic Consumers in the United States. [REVIEW]Abhijit M. Patwardhan, Megan E. Keith & Scott J. Vitell - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (1):61-70.
    Growth of the Hispanic consumer population in America is changing the marketplace landscape. Due to their considerable buying power, a better understanding of Hispanic consumer behavior has become a necessity. The marketing literature has examined issues regarding religiosity and attitude toward business in regards to consumer ethical beliefs as well as research differentiating consumers on the basis of ethnicity due to their inherently different religious principles. Therefore, the present study contributes to the existing consumer ethics literature by examining the roles (...)
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  19. Catalyzing an Interregional Planetary Dialogue on Environmental Philosophy.Ricardo Rozzi - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (4):341-342.
    At the beginning of the twenty-first century, South America hosts the world’s greatest di­versity of plants and most animal groups, as well as a variety of environmental movements, involving urban and rural communities. South American academic philosophy, however, has given little consideration to this rich biocultural context. To nourish an emergent regional environmental philosophy three main sources can be identified. First, a variety of ancient and contemporary ecological worldviews and practices offer a rich biocultural array of South American environmental thought (...)
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  20. Bioética, ecología y género.Carmen Velayos Castelo - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 50 (127):91-102.
  21. Amos & Postmodernity: A Contemporary Critical & Reflective Perspective on the Interdependency of Ethics & Spirituality in the Latino-Hispanic American Reality. [REVIEW]David A. Escobar - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (1):59-72.
    This article argues that ethics and spirituality are therefore interdependent. One cannot be practiced without paying attention to the other. One needs to be shaped and informed by the other. This article intends to support this claim by briefly using the book and story of the Old Testament prophet Amos. Here, a brief but fair description and definition of postmodernity is provided in order to prepare the ground for an examination, discussion, and reflection of the interdependency of ethics and spirituality (...)
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  22. The fallacy of neutrality: The interruption of pregnancy of anencephalic fetus in Brazil.Ana Carolina da Costa E. FonsEca - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (8):458-462.
    Those who favor and those who oppose the interruption of pregnancy with anencephalic fetuses answer the question ‘what is the right to life?’ differently. Those in favor argue that life exists only when it is ‘viable’; that is to say, when cerebral activities occur or may occur. Those who oppose it argue that it is not possible to describe ‘life’ as residing in a particular quality, since life ‘exists from conception’. In fact, in both cases, the noun ‘life’ is being (...)
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  23. Climate change and philosophy in Latin America.Ernesto O. Hernández - 2011 - Journal of Global Ethics 7 (2):161 - 172.
    This paper aims at surveying the current philosophical issues concerning the climate change crisis in Latin America. The work attempts to analyze some central policies, particularly those that fostered economic progress in the region at the expense of human and environmental depletion. Historically, Latin America remained at the periphery of philosophical inquiry following the long standing multiple manifestations of colonialism. As a result, the systematic philosophical reflections about climate change in the region have been scarce at best. Here, I have (...)
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  24. Philosophers, Activists, and Radicals: A Story of Human Rights and Other Scandals. [REVIEW]Joseph Hoover & Marta Iñiguez De Heredia - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (2):191-220.
    Paradoxically, the political success of human rights is often taken to be its philosophical failing. From US interventions to International NGOs to indigenous movements, human rights have found a place in diverse political spaces, while being applied to disparate goals and expressed in a range of practices. This heteronomy is vital to the global appeal of human rights, but for traditional moral and political philosophy it is something of a scandal. This paper is an attempt to understand and theorize human (...)
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  25. Democratic enlightenment: philosophy, revolution, and human rights 1750-1790.Jonathan Israel - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    That the Enlightenment shaped modernity is uncontested. Yet remarkably few historians or philosophers have attempted to trace the process of ideas from the political and social turmoil of the late eighteenth century to the present day. This is precisely what Jonathan Israel now does. In Democratic Enlightenment , Israel demonstrates that the Enlightenment was an essentially revolutionary process, driven by philosophical debate. The American Revolution and its concerns certainly acted as a major factor in the intellectual ferment that shaped the (...)
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  26. Bioethics in Chile and the need for Latin American bioethics.Miguel Kottow & Moises Russo - 2011 - In Catherine Myser, Bioethics Around the Globe. Oxford University Press.
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  27. Stem Cell Regulation in Mexico: Current Debates and Future Challenges.Maria de Jesús Medina-Arellano - 2011 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 5 (1):Article 2.
    The closely related debates concerning abortion, the protection of the embryo and stem cell science have captured the legislative agenda in Mexico in recent years. This paper examines some contemporary debates related to stem cell science and the legal and political action that has followed in the wake of the latest Supreme Court judgment on abortion, which debates are directly linked to the degrees of protection of the embryo stipulated in the Mexican Constitution. While some Mexican states have opted to (...)
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  28. Does "Sí Se Puede" Translate To "Yes We Can"?José Jorge Mendoza - 2011 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 18 (2):60-69.
    Philosophers of the American tradition should be more proactive in their inclusion of Latino/a thinkers, even when the work of these thinkers does not directly connect back to classical tradition of American philosophy. This argument has two mterrelated parts. First, if the American philosophical tradition is committed to a social and political philosophy that begins from "lived-experience," then one area it has largely overlooked is the Latino/a experience. Second, if the contributions of the Latino/a community go unrecognized as a part (...)
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  29. Guantánamo and the Logic of Colonialism.Robert C. Perez - 2011 - Radical Philosophy Review 14 (1):25-47.
    The creation of the prison camp at the U.S. naval base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba is part of a historical continuity of colonialism on the island. Over two hundred years before the United States sent the first "enemy combatants" to Cuba, the Spanish Empire began sending "enemy Indians" to the island. The rationales and circumstances that gave rise to the prison complex in Guantánamo share much in common with those that motivated Spain to imprison Apaches and other Native people on (...)
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  30. Survey of Teaching, Training, and Research in the field of Economic and Business Ethics in Latin America.Álvaro Pezoa Bissières & María Paz Riumalló Herl - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (S1):43-50.
    The purpose of this investigation is to indicate the current status of Economic and Business Ethics (BE) in Latin America (LA) as part of a broader global study. The investigation done shows that, in general terms, LA is not much developed in the BE field. Analysing the most important findings it is possible to conclude that more topics are being studied and that activities are growing in the field of BE in LA. However, it is also clear that the field (...)
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  31. The political economy of venezuela's bolivarian cooperative movement: A critique.Thomas Purcell - 2011 - Science and Society 75 (4):567 - 578.
  32. Local Perception of Environmental Change in a Semi-Arid Area of Northeast Brazil: A New Approach for the Use of Participatory Methods at the Level of Family Units. [REVIEW]Shana Sampaio Sieber, Patrícia Muniz Medeiros & Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):511-531.
    The diversity of plant resources in the Brazilian semi-arid region is being compromised by practices related to agriculture, pastures, and forest harvesting, especially in areas containing Caatinga vegetation (xeric shrublands and thorn forests). The impact of these practices constitutes a series of complex factors involving local issues, creating a need for further scientific studies on the social-environmental dynamics of natural resource use. Through participatory methods, the present study analyzed people’s representations about local environmental change processes in the Brazilian semi-arid region, (...)
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  33. ¿La cosificación genética de la 'raza'? Un análisis crítico.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2011 - In Carlos López-Beltrán, Genes (&) mestizos. Genómica y raza en la biomedicina mexicana.
  34. How do Leading Retail MNCs Leverage CSR Globally? Insights from Brazil.Luciano Barin Cruz & Dirk Michael Boehe - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S2):243-263.
    This study examines how multinational corporations (MNCs) from the retail sector deal with four challenges they face when adopting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies: the challenge of developing well-performing CSR projects and programs, building competitive advantages based on CSR, responding to local stakeholder issues in the host countries and learning from different CSR experiences on a worldwide basis. Based on in-depth case studies of two globally leading retail MNCs (with strong operations in Latin America), the concept of Transverse CSR Management (...)
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  35. Consumer Reactions to CSR: A Brazilian Perspective.Sergio W. Carvalho, Sankar Sen, Marcio de Oliveira Mota & Renata Carneiro de Lima - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S1):291 - 310.
    In this research, we evaluate the response of Brazilian consumers to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives accompanied by a price increase. We demonstrate that the extent to which Brazilian consumers perceive a company to be socially responsible (i.e., their CSR perceptions) is related to both the basic transactional outcome of purchase intentions as well as two relational outcomes: the likelihood to switch to a competitor and to complain about the CSR-based price increase. More interestingly, we find that these relationships are (...)
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  36. U.S. Border Wall.Kim Díaz - 2010 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 17 (1):1-12.
    Drawing on the work of John Rawls and Thomas Pogge, I argue that the U.S. is in part responsible for the immigration of Mexicans and Central Americans into the U.S. By seeking to further its national interests through its foreign policies, the U.S. has created economic and politically oppressive conditions that Mexican and Central American people seek to escape. The significance of this project is to highlight the role of the U.S. in illegal immigration so that we may first acknowledge (...)
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  37. Working with Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazilian Companies: The Role of Managers’ Values in the Maintenance of CSR Cultures.Fernanda Duarte - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (3):355-368.
    Corporate social responsibility refers to the duty of management to consider and respond to issues beyond the organization’s economic and legal requirements in line with social and environmental values. However, ‘management’ is constituted by real people responsible for routine decisions and formulation and implementation of policies. It can be said therefore that the ethical ideals and beliefs of these individuals – in particular their personal values – play an important role in their decisions. It is contended in this article that (...)
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  38. When the Third World Comes to the First: Ethical Considerations When Working With Hispanic Immigrants.Michael A. Flynn & Donald E. Eggerth - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (3-4):229-242.
    This article briefly reviews concerns related to the “cultural colonialism” of applying Western biomedical models of research ethics to non-Western groups. The feasibility of alternate ethical models is discussed and found wanting. In practical terms, many academic researchers in the United States are funded by federal agencies and are required to adhere to Title 45, Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations , legislation that is clearly grounded in the Western biomedical research tradition. Consequently, the question is not whether (...)
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  39. Children’s Labor Market Involvement, Household Work, and Welfare: A Brazilian Case Study.J. Lawrence French - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):63-78.
    The large numbers of children working in developing countries continue to provoke calls for an end to such employment. However, many reformers argue that efforts should focus on ending the exploitation of children rather than depriving them of all opportunities to work. This posture reflects recognition of the multiplicity of needs children have and the diversity of situations in which they work. Unfortunately, research typically neglects these complexities and fails to distinguish between types of labor market jobs, dismisses household chores (...)
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  40. National Bioethics Council: a Brazilian proposal.V. Garrafa & H. ten Have - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2):99-102.
    The number of national bioethics commissions has burgeoned since the establishment of the first one in 1983. They provide an arena in which stakeholders with widely differing moral views can discuss, interact and negotiate about controversial matters. The establishment of the Brazilian committee is used as an example of how such bodies can be introduced. If such councils are to be implemented effectively and regarded as legitimate, the society as a whole should be included in the construction of the proposal (...)
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  41. ‘Take Your Rosaries Out of Our Ovaries:’ Women's Rights in Argentina and Bolivia.Caitlin Guse - 2010 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 1 (2).
    Despite being neighbouring countries, Bolivia and Argentina appear to be a world apart in terms of economics, international relations, and women’s rights. Historically, women’s rights have been fairly similar in both countries, but while one country seemingly made “progress,” the other country appeared to be stagnating. By exploring violence against women, and the current state of contraception and abortion laws it becomes apparent that “progress” does not necessarily bring about social change.
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  42. Historical Social and Indigenous Ecology Approach to Social Movements in Mexico and Latin America.José G. Vargas Hernández & Mohammad Reza Noruzi - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):P176.
    The struggle for the recognition of indigenous rights is one of the most important social movements in Mexico. Before the 1970s, existing peasant organizations did not represent indigenous concerns. Since 1975 there has been a resurgence of indigenous movements and have raised new demands and defense of their cultural values. However, indigenous social mobilization had been laid in local and regional peasant struggles across the 1970s and 1980s. Also the indigenous movement is not homogeneous and does not include all ethnic (...)
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  43. Postcard From the Periphery: a View From Mexico.María Pía Lara - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 100 (1):41-45.
  44. (1 other version)Paulo Freire's Last Laugh: Rethinking critical pedagogy's funny bone through Jacques Rancière.Tyson Edward Lewis - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5):635-648.
    In several enigmatic passages, Paulo Freire describes the pedagogy of the oppressed as a ‘pedagogy of laughter’. The inclusion of laughter alongside problem‐posing dialogue might strike some as ambiguous, considering that the global exploitation of the poor is no laughing matter. And yet, laughter seems to be an important aspect of the pedagogy of the oppressed. In this paper, I examine the role of laughter in Freire's critical pedagogy through a series of questions: Are all forms of laughter equally emancipatory? (...)
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  45. Corporate Social Responsibility in Colombia: Making Sense of Social Strategies.Adam Lindgreen, José-Rodrigo Córdoba, François Maon & José María Mendoza - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S2):229 - 242.
    As corporate social responsibility (CSR) grows increasingly well known and accepted worldwide, organizations attempt to make sense of their social strategies bridge the gap between their current situation and what their stakeholders expect of them. If social strategies represent a potential stepping stone to more sophisticated forms of CSR, then research must investigate the strategies that organizations have adopted. After defining a framework for classifying and analyzing organizations' social strategies, this article considers empirical evidence from 10 case studies in Colombia (...)
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  46. On moral incoherence and hidden battles: Stem cell research in argentina.Florencia Luna & Arleen Salles - 2010 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (3):120-128.
    In this article, the authors focus on Argentina's activity in the developing field of regenerative medicine, specifically stem cell research. They take as a starting point a recent article by Shawn Harmon (published in this journal) who argues that attempts to regulate the practice in Argentina are morally incoherent. The authors try to show first, that there is no such ‘attempt to legislate’ on stem cell research in Argentina and this is due to a number of reasons that they explain. (...)
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  47. Commentary: The need for balancing the reproductive rights of women and the unborn in the mexican court room.María de Jesús Medina Arellano - 2010 - Medical Law Review 18 (3):427-33.
  48. The Evolution of Corporate Social Reporting Practices in Mexico.Moriah Meyskens & Karen Paul - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S2):211 - 227.
    This study analyzes corporate social reporting in Mexico as it has evolved in recent years, expanding and updating a previous study. Two sets of Mexican companies were identified, each of whom had expressed a commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) through social responsibility reports and practices on their websites. One set (" first generation") were identified as early adopters of CSR reporting in Mexico by a previous study published in 2006. The second set ("second generation") has adopted CSR reporting practices (...)
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  49. Evaluating end of life practices in ten Brazilian paediatric and adult intensive care units.J. Piva, P. Lago, J. Othero, P. C. Garcia, R. Fiori, H. Fiori, L. A. Borges & F. S. Dias - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (6):344-348.
    Objective To evaluate the modes of death and treatment offered in the last 24 h of life to patients dying in 10 Brazilian intensive care units (ICUs) over a period of 2 years. Design and setting Cross-sectional, multicentre, retrospective study based on medical chart review. The medical records of all patients that died in seven paediatric and three adult ICUs belonging to university and tertiary hospitals over a period of 2 years were included. Deaths in the first 24 h of (...)
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  50. In the Name of Conservation: CAFE Practices and Fair Trade in Mexico. [REVIEW]Marie-Christine Renard - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):287 - 299.
    Consumers' concerns for the environment have led to the creation of niche markets, quality certifications and labelling systems. Built by activists and NGOs, these systems were adopted by agribusiness. Such firms try to capture consumers and react to opinion campaigns, whilst appropriating the conservation (or 'fair') discourse. This leads to the rise of new forms of third-party certifications of food production based on private standards and, hence, to new forms of contract relations between producers and buyers. The nature of these (...)
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