  1.  19
    More Than a Feeling—Interrelation of Trust Layers in Human-Robot Interaction and the Role of User Dispositions and State Anxiety.Linda Miller, Johannes Kraus, Franziska Babel & Martin Baumann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:592711.
    With service robots becoming more ubiquitous in social life, interaction design needs to adapt to novice users and the associated uncertainty in the first encounter with this technology in new emerging environments. Trust in robots is an essential psychological prerequisite to achieve safe and convenient cooperation between users and robots. This research focuses on psychological processes in which user dispositions and states affect trust in robots, which in turn is expected to impact the behavior and reactions in the interaction with (...)
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    How Does Observational Learning Produce Placebo Effects? A Model Integrating Research Findings.Elżbieta A. Bajcar & Przemysław Bąbel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  3. Perceptual Fluency and Judgments of Vocal Aesthetics and Stereotypicality.Molly Babel & Grant McGuire - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (4):766-787.
    Research has shown that processing dynamics on the perceiver's end determine aesthetic pleasure. Specifically, typical objects, which are processed more fluently, are perceived as more attractive. We extend this notion of perceptual fluency to judgments of vocal aesthetics. Vocal attractiveness has traditionally been examined with respect to sexual dimorphism and the apparent size of a talker, as reconstructed from the acoustic signal, despite evidence that gender-specific speech patterns are learned social behaviors. In this study, we report on a series of (...)
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    Alles Mögliche: Sprechen, Denken und Schreiben des (Un)Möglichen.Reinhard Babel (ed.) - 2014 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  5. La pensée d'Albert Schweitzer.Henry Babel - 1954 - Neuchâtel:
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    Metafore zdravlja i bolesti u medicinskoj praksi.Krešimir Babel - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (1):121-138.
    U radu ću pokušati ukazati na moguće doprinose razmatranja metafora kao načela spoznaje raspravi o konceptualnim temeljima krize u medicini. Stoga ću u prvom dijelu rada dati sažeti prikaz temeljnih postavki kognitivne teorije metafore u djelu Georgea Lakoffa i Marka Johnsona koje će poslužiti kao smjernice u propitivanju metafora zdravlja i bolesti. U drugom dijelu u razmatranje ću uzeti primjere metafora vezanih uz pojmove zdravlja i bolesti uvriježenih kako u svakodnevnom govoru tako i u znanstvenim i stručnim medicinskim diskursima. Pokušat (...)
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    “The Idea of the University” Symposium. Cres, Croatia, 23–26 September 2012.Krešimir Babel - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (1):187-189.
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    Delayed discounting of pain with and without monetary reward.Przemysław Bąbel & Paweł Kicman - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (4):464-469.
    We investigated the effect of monetary rewards on the rate of pain discounting. Our aim, also, was to understand the effect of previous painful dental experiences on the rate of discounting pain. Two groups completed a discounting task. In the first group, delayed pain was weaker than immediate pain, and in the second group delayed pain was stronger than immediate pain. Two conditions were studied: pain was either accompanied by a monetary reward or not. We found that people preferred immediate (...)
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  9.  29
    Placebo Groups in Research on the Effectiveness of ABA Therapeutic Techniques.Przemysław Bąbel, Elżbieta Anita Bajcar, Katarzyna Marchewka & Katarzyna Sikora - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  10.  16
    The own-voice benefit for word recognition in early bilinguals.Sarah Cheung & Molly Babel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current study examines the self-voice benefit in an early bilingual population. Female Cantonese–English bilinguals produced words containing Cantonese contrasts. A subset of these minimal pairs was selected as stimuli for a perception task. Speakers’ productions were grouped according to how acoustically contrastive their pronunciation of each minimal pair was and these groupings were used to design personalized experiments for each participant, featuring their own voice and the voices of others’ similarly-contrastive tokens. The perception task was a two-alternative forced-choice word (...)
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    Filozofski život.Martina Šendula-Pavelić, Slaven Lendić, Krešimir Babel, Martina Blečić, Danijela Vitali, Martina Vuković, Rahela Jug, Josip Cmrečnjak, Nikolina Ćavar, Marko Kos, Željka Metesi Deronjić, Marija Selak, Demian Papo & Hrvoje Potlimbrzović - 2013 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 33 (2):363-386.
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    Filozofski život.Vinko Grgurev, Marijana Filipeti, Iris Vidmar, Ivan Andrijanić, Gabriela Bašić, Ljudevit Hanžek, Ivana Zagorac, Marija Selak, Ivana Greguric, Ivana Skuhala Karasman, Snježan Hasnaš, Tomislav Krznar, Željka Metesi Deronjić, Ruža Kovačević, Aleksandar Dimitriev, Vanja Brkljač, Krešimir Babel & Elvina Šehić - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (4):997-1042.
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    Filozofski život.Marija Lamot, Siniša Matić, Gabriela Bašić, Ljudevit Hanžek, Slaven Lendić, Igor Eterović, Krešimir Babel, Hajrudin Hromadžić, Bruno Ćurko & Elvina Šehić - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (2):465-484.
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    Language-general versus language-specific processes in bilingual voice learning.Line Lloy, Khushi Nilesh Patil, Khia A. Johnson & Molly Babel - 2024 - Cognition 250 (C):105866.
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    Filozofski život.Dunja Marušić Brezetić, Krunoslav Petrunić, Senka Suman, Snježan Hasnaš, Vinko Grgurev, Ivana Kragić, Tomislav Petković, Gabriela Bašić, Ljudevit Hanžek, Krešimir Babel, Ivana Greguric, Stjepan Radić, Tomislav Krznar, Marija Selak, Ksenija Matuš, Bruno Ćurko, Ivana Zagorac, Ivana Skuhala Karasman & Tina Marasović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):809-848.
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  16. As different as fear and anxiety: Introducing the fear and anxiety model of placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia.Daryna Rubanets, Julia Badzińska, Sofiia Honcharova, Przemysław Bąbel & Elżbieta A. Bajcar - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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  17. Humanismus und höfisch-städtische Eliten im 16. Jh.: 23. Deutsch-Französisches Historikerkolloquium des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Paris in Verbindung mit dem Fachbereich Geschichtswissenschaften der Philipps-Universität in Marburg vom 6.-9. April 1987 = Humanisme et élites des cours et des villes au XVIe siècle.Klaus Malettke, Jürgen Voss, Rainer Babel & Ute Müller (eds.) - 1989 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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