Results for 'Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine'

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  1.  23
    Age and Location in Severity of COVID‐19 Pathology: Do Lactoferrin and Pneumococcal Vaccination Explain Low Infant Mortality and Regional Differences?Robert Root-Bernstein - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000076.
    Two conundrums puzzle COVID‐19 investigators: 1) morbidity and mortality is rare among infants and young children and 2) rates of morbidity and mortality exhibit large variances across nations, locales, and even within cities. It is found that the higher the rate of pneumococcal vaccination in a nation (or city) the lower the COVID‐19 morbidity and mortality. Vaccination rates with Bacillus Calmette–Guerin, poliovirus, and other vaccines do not correlate with COVID‐19 risks, nor do COVID‐19 case or death rates correlate (...)
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    Performing national independence through medical diplomacy: tuberculosis control and socialist internationalism in Cold War Vietnam.Michitake Aso - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Science 57 (2):205-220.
    This article explores medical diplomacy as a means of navigating distinct but related nation-building and internationalist projects during the Cold War. It examines how medical professionals from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) utilized their expertise to bolster foreign relations and assert national independence. This article focuses on how three tuberculosis (TB) specialists – Đặng Đức Trạch, Phạm Ngọc Thạch and Phạm Khắc Quảng – adopted, adapted and circulated techniques of TB control, including a modified version of bacillus (...)Guérin (BCG) vaccine. Amidst these endeavours, these medical-doctors-cum-diplomats navigated various forms of internationalism while soliciting medical assistance. Their roles within the DRV's state apparatus were prominently showcased from the 1950s to the 1970s, particularly at international gatherings such as the conferences of Ministers of Health of the Socialist Countries (MOHOSC). Because of the political complexities inherent in socialist internationalism, these conferences provided a crucial platform for dialogue among socialist nations when other avenues were limited. Consequently, the DRV's medical experts cultivated goodwill and garnered political support, despite encountering mixed results in their TB control initiatives. (shrink)
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    The Liminal Body: Comment on “Privacy in the Context of ‘Re-emergent’ Infectious Diseases” by Justin T. Denholm and Ian H. Kerridge.Paul H. Mason - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (4):565-566.
    If James has a latent tuberculosis infection , he is at risk of developing active tuberculosis disease but he is not yet sick. LTBI is a liminal space between health and illness. Diagnosed with LTBI, James could be conceptualised as having a liminal body. Treatments for LTBI are available, but why would a person seek treatment for a disease he does not yet have? One thing is definite: James needs to be educated about the symptoms and severity of active tuberculosis (...)
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    (1 other version)Exploring the ethics of tuberculosis human challenge models.Abie Rohrig, Josh Morrison, Gavriel Kleinwaks, Jonathan Pugh, Helen McShane & Julian Savulescu - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    We extend recent conversation about the ethics of human challenge trials to tuberculosis (TB). TB challenge studies could accelerate vaccine development, but ethical concerns regarding risks to trial participants and third parties have been a limiting factor. We analyse the expected social value and risks of different challenge models, concluding that if a TB challenge trial has between a 10% and a 50% chance of leading to the authorisation and near-universal delivery of a more effective vaccine 3–5 years (...)
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    The 'experimental stable' of the BCG vaccine: safety, efficacy, proof, and standards, 1921–1933.Christian Bonah - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (4):696-721.
    The anti-tuberculosis BCG vaccine was conceived and developed between 1905 and 1921 at Pasteur Institutes in France. Between 1921 and A. Calmette’s death in 1933, the vaccine went through a first period of national and international production and distribution for its use in humans. In France these activities were exclusively carried out by Calmette and his collaborators at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Initially improvised production in a small room in the cellar gave way in 1931 (...)
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    The 1925 Diphtheria Antitoxin Run to Nome - Alaska: A Public Health Illustration of Human-Animal Collaboration.Basil H. Aboul-Enein, William C. Puddy & Jacquelyn E. Bowser - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (3):287-296.
    Diphtheria is an acute toxin-mediated superficial infection of the respiratory tract or skin caused by the aerobic gram-positive bacillus Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The epidemiology of infection and clinical manifestations of the disease vary in different parts of the world. Historical accounts of diphtheria epidemics have been described in many parts of the world since antiquity. Developed in the late 19th century, the diphtheria antitoxin played a pivotal role in the history of public health and vaccinology prior to the advent of (...)
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    The Will Reconsidered: Hard Choices in Living Organ Donation.Robert M. Guerin, Elizabeth O’Toole & Barbara Daly - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (2):179-186.
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    Choisir son « monstre » : la quête de l’enfant parfait.Vincent Guérin - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4 (4):67-78.
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    On Transference in Clinical Ethics Consultation: Recognizing and Working through the Past in Surrogate Decision Making.Robert M. Guerin - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (1):17-26.
    Clinical ethics consultants often confront the most difficult clinical encounters, typically in the setting of chronically critically ill patients and surrogate decision makers. These encounters require not only analytical skills but interpersonal skills as well. In this article, I focus on an interpersonal skill absent from the American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities Task Force’s Core Competencies for Healthcare Ethics Consultation. I introduce the psychoanalytic concept of transference and argue that knowledge and use of transference phenomena are sometimes indispensable (...)
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    Christian Myth and Naturalistic Deity.Wilfred Louis Guerin - 1962 - Renascence 14 (2):80-89.
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    Richard W. McCormick and Alison Guenther-Pal, eds. (2004) German Essays on Film.Francis Guerin - 2006 - Film-Philosophy 10 (3):95-100.
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  12. The placement of shadows : what's inside William Kentridge's Black box/Chambre Noire?Frances Guerin - 2011 - In John David Rhodes & Elena Gorfinkel (eds.), Taking Place: Location and the Moving Image. University of Minnesota Press.
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    Nietzsche: Socrate héroïque.Michel Guérin - 1975 - Paris: Grasset & Fasquelle.
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    Mechanisms of defense in clinical ethics consultation.Robert M. Guerin - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (1):119-130.
    Clinical ethics consultants respond to a multitude of issues, ranging from the cognitive to the emotional. As such, ethics consultants must be prepared to analyze as well as empathize. And yet, there remains a paucity of research and training on the interpersonal and emotional aspects of clinical ethics consultations—the so-called skills in “advanced ethics facilitation.” This article is a contribution to the need for further understanding and practical knowledge in the emotional aspects of ethics consultation. In particular, I draw attention (...)
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  15. Patrocinio, comunicación y deporte.Mc Carroggio Guerín - 1994 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 38.
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    La géographie et les espaces dominés dans la mondialisation : considérations épistémologiques Nord-Sud.Catherine Fournet-Guérin - 2021 - Diogène n° 271-272 (3):90-109.
    A partir de l’étude d’un corpus de travaux de géographes en français et en anglais depuis les années 1990, l’article est consacré à la manière dont les études géographiques portant sur les espaces dits des Suds, entendus comme faisant partie des pays dominés à l’échelle mondiale, intègrent la notion de mondialisation. Le constat de la faible prise en compte des pays des Suds dans les études portant sur la mondialisation est d’abord établi. En réaction, nombre de géographes concernés ont intégré (...)
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    Espaces de médiation et autonomie féminine.Isabelle Guerin - 2003 - Hermes 36:57.
    Depuis une vingtaine d'années, on assiste en France à un vaste mouvement d'initiatives féminines citoyennes que l'on peut qualifier d'espaces de médiation. Leur point commun est de créer, souvent en partenariat avec les collectivités locales, des espaces de proximité visant à résoudre les problèmes vécus au quotidien par les femmes et leurs familles. À partir d'exemples concrets, nous montrons que ces espaces de proximité sont susceptibles d'aider les femmes à acquérir une certaine autonomie à condition qu'ils reposent sur une double (...)
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  18. La revolución semántica de Guillermo de Ockham.Ignasi Mirabell Guerin - 1988 - Anuario Filosófico 21 (1):35-50.
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    Through Amateur Eyes: Film and Photography in Nazi Germany.Frances Guerin - 2011 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    A history of rare archival amateur photographs and films from Nazi Germany.
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  20. Una mirada al ocaso del medievo y a los albores de la modernidad.Ignasi Mirabell Guerin - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (3):685-702.
    The origin of Modernity is a problem often neglected in current debate, and several landmarks are often suggested, such as the new science, the Renaissance, Descartes philosophical approach or the Illustration. In this paper it is suggested that the roots of Modernity could pre-date those conventional landmarks, and could be found in the great political and cultural conflicts that occurred in Europe in the Low Middle Age.
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  21. Introduction.M. Hubert Guérin - 1946 - Synthese 5 (3/4):116.
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  22. Ivo of Chartres, his Ivories and his Inheritors.Sarah M. Guérin - 2024 - Convivium 11 (2):16-36.
    Ivo of Chartres (1040–1115) offers a case study about how objects – ivories in particular – knitted together social relations and established kinship networks across medieval France. An active reformer amidst the Investiture Controversy, Ivo is best known today for his lively and compelling correspondence. This article, however, argues that Ivo should also be remembered for the carved ivories in his possession. At least three ivories from the late eleventh century (although two are now lost) can be associated with Ivo: (...)
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    Leonardo Polo y el realismo gnoseologico en la actualidad.Ignacio Miralbell Guerín - 2004 - Studia Poliana:165-179.
    Este artículo revisa la situación de la teoría filosófica del conocimiento en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y el aporte de L. Polo a la misma. Se considera la importancia del aporte de L. Polo al realismo gnoseológico que se ha ido abriendo paso en esta época postmoderna, después de los excesos del criticismo inmanentista moderno. Se destacan dos aspectos relevantes de la teoría del conocimiento de L. Polo: a) su propuesta de una versión realista, no husserliana-cartesiana, de la (...)
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    La revolución semántica de Guillermo de Ockham.Ignacio Miralbell Guerín - 1988 - Anuario Filosófico 21 (1):35-50.
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    Relationships Matter: The Role for Social-Emotional Learning in an Interprofessional Global Health Education.Toby Treem Guerin - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (S2):38-44.
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    Dynamo, Virgin, and Cyclotron.Wilfred L. Guerin - 1976 - Renascence 28 (3):139-146.
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    Patience de la main.Henri Guérin - 1996 - Paris: Cerf.
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    Stories of moving on HASS PhD graduates’ motivations and career trajectories inside and beyond academia.Cally Guerin - 2019 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 19 (3):304-324.
    It is widely accepted that the academic job market is very limited and unlikely to expand any time soon, yet enrolments in PhDs continue to rise. If the PhD is no longer preparation for academia, w...
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    Attention Guides the Motor-Timing Strategies in Finger-Tapping Tasks When Moving Fast and Slow.Ségolène M. R. Guérin, Juliette Boitout & Yvonne N. Delevoye-Turrell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Human beings adapt the spontaneous pace of their actions to interact with the environment. Yet, the nature of the mechanism enabling such adaptive behavior remains poorly understood. The aim of the present contribution was to examine the role of attention in motor timing using time series analysis, and a dual task paradigm. In a series of two studies, a finger-tapping task was used in sensorimotor synchronization with various tempi and motor complexity. Time series analyzes indicated that two different timing strategies (...)
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    John Henry and the Beloved: Newman Reading the Fourth Gospel.Jean-Louis Guérin-Boutaud - 2015 - Newman Studies Journal 12 (1):14-29.
    Before he recognized the role of the Tradition in the Church, Newman rooted his life in the Bible, memorizing the King James Version. He commented on it throughout his life. This essay canvasses Newman’s reading of the Fourth Gospel, and brings to light the theology of the word presupposed by Newman’s interpretation of Scripture.
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    La dette est-elle bonne ou mauvaise ?Isabelle Guérin - 2012 - Multitudes 49 (2):192-197.
    Résumé Le microcrédit, en Inde comme ailleurs, a été présenté ces dernières années comme un outil d’éradication de la pauvreté, permettant d’abolir des formes d’endettement informelles asservissantes, de soutenir la diffusion du capitalisme populaire et de promouvoir l’émancipation féminine. Plusieurs années de recherche en Inde rurale du Sud (Tamil Nadu) montrent que le microcrédit a surtout pour effet de renforcer une « démocratie de patronage ». La dette, sous toutes ses formes, reste un puissant moteur de paupérisation des travailleurs pauvres (...)
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    Temporal Dynamics of Natural Static Emotional Facial Expressions Decoding: A Study Using Event- and Eye Fixation-Related Potentials.Anne Guérin-Dugué, Raphaëlle N. Roy, Emmanuelle Kristensen, Bertrand Rivet, Laurent Vercueil & Anna Tcherkassof - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La terreur et la pitié.Michel Guérin - 1990 - Arles: Actes Sud.
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  34. Oratorum bonorum duo genera sunt : La definition de l'excellence stylistique et ses consequences theoriques dans le Brutus.C. Guerin - 2014 - In David Carr (ed.), Experience and History: Phenomenological Perspectives on the Historical World. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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    Essai pour une philosophie ésotérique de l'histoire.Pierre Guérin - 1977 - Paris: Dervy-Livres.
    Dans la ligne de pensée de Guénon et de Schuon, constamment évoqués sinon invoqués au cours de l'ouvrage, une sérieuse investigation sur le sens de l'histoire sous l'angle de la Tradition. Poursuite d'un projet déjà instauré avec "Le véritable secret de Nostradamus" (1971), ce livre esquisse le bilan actuel où un syncrétisme inhérent à la Tradition qu'il suppose ne nuit pas au sérieux des réflexions de l'auteur.
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  36. To Bridge the Gap between Sensorimotor and Higher Levels, AI Will Need Help from Psychology.F. Guerin - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):56-57.
    Open peer commentary on the article “A Computational Constructivist Model as an Anticipatory Learning Mechanism for Coupled Agent–Environment Systems” by Filipo Studzinski Perotto. Upshot: Constructivist theory gives a nice high-level account of how knowledge can be autonomously developed by an agent interacting with an environment, but it fails to detail the mechanisms needed to bridge the gap between low levels of sensorimotor data and higher levels of cognition. AI workers are trying to bridge this gap, using task-specific engineering approaches, without (...)
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  37. ANDRÉ BURNIER, A propos de "la Morale antique" de Léon Robin.Pierre GuÉrin - 1940 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie:280.
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  38. Essai pour une philosophie ésotérique de l'histoire, coll. « Histoire et tradition ».Pierre Guérin - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (3):358-358.
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  39. Les conditions actuelles de la philosophie religieuse.Pierre GuÉrin - 1940 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 28 (16):262.
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    Le concept de topoïétique.Michel Guérin - 1997 - Philosophiques 24 (1):127-140.
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  41. L'idée de Dieu d'après Laberthonnière.Pierre GuÉrin - 1939 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 27 (10):5.
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    La méthode du discours : la philosophie.Michel Guérin - 1995 - Philosophiques 22 (2):247-263.
    Au premier degré, cette étude se lit comme une réflexion sur le concept de méthode. L'examen des textes cartésiens permet de dégager les caractères de la méthode , mais surtout ce qu'on peut appeler son « esprit ». Il tient tout entier, semble-t-il, dans la découverte - qui vaut invention - de la fécondité du principe : la pensée élaborée, en effet, aperçoit d'un même mouvement l'homogénéité du principe et de la fin, d'une part, l'homologie entre la pensée et l'Être, (...)
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    Morale et Religion.Pierre Guérin - 1939 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 127 (5/6):325 - 359.
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    Animal-Assisted Intervention for trauma: a systematic literature review.Marguerite E. O'Haire, Noémie A. Guérin & Alison C. Kirkham - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    La dynamique familiale des couples en attente de procréation par iad.Jean-Pierre Durif-Varembont, Jean-François Guérin, Patricia Mercader, Nathalie Dumet, Zohra Perret & André Luiz de Souza - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):77-90.
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    The effectiveness of clinical guideline implementation strategies – a synthesis of systematic review findings.Mathew Prior, Michelle Guerin & Karen Grimmer-Somers - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):888-897.
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    Strengths of the French end-of-life Law as Well as its Shortcomings in Handling Intractable Disputes Between Physicians and Families.Jonathan Messika, Noël Boussard, Claude Guérin, Fabrice Michel, Saad Nseir, Hodane Yonis, Claire-Marie Barbier, Anahita Rouzé, Virginie Fouilloux, Stephane Gaudry, Jean-Damien Ricard, Henry Silverman & Didier Dreyfuss - 2020 - The New Bioethics 26 (1):53-74.
    French end-of-life law aims at protecting patients from unreasonable treatments, but has been used to force caregivers to prolong treatments deemed unreasonable. We describe six cases (five intensi...
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    Questioning Participation and Solidarity as Goals of Citizenship Education.Piet van der Ploeg & Laurence Guérin - 2016 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 28 (2):248-264.
    ABSTRACTAccording to many governments and educationalists, education should aim to develop dispositions conducive to political participation and solidarity, because democratic citizenship presupposes participation and solidarity. But there are radically different views on the nature of good citizenship. We examine the implications of this dissensus for citizenship education. Education, we contend, should involve and develop autonomy and open-mindedness. We argue that this requires a more critical approach than is possible when political participation and solidarity are conceived of as goals of education.
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  49. Introduction.Charles Guerin et Sophie Aubert-Baillot - 2014 - In David Carr (ed.), Experience and History: Phenomenological Perspectives on the Historical World. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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    Pas par hobby, mais par survie!Floriane Bolazzi, Isabelle Guérin & Kaveri Haritas - 2021 - Multitudes 84 (3):19-28.
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