Results for 'Bartolomaeus Torres'

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  1. Traditional Language and Technological Language.Martin Heidegger & Wanda Torres Gregory - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Research 23:129-145.
    Heidegger reflects on technology, language, and tradition, and he guides us into rethinking the common conceptions of technology and language. He argues that the anthropological-instrumental conception of modem technology is correct but not true, as it does not capture what is most peculiar to technology: the demand to challenge nature. The common conception of language as a mere means for exchange and understanding, on the other hand, is taken to its extremes in the technological interpretation of language as information. Heidegger (...)
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    Embodied experience, embodied advantage, and the inclusion of transgender athletes in competitive sport: expanded framework, criticisms, and policy recommendations.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Cesar R. Torres - 2025 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (5):527-547.
    In a previous paper entitled ‘Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport,’ we claim that analyses of the inclusion or exclusion of transgender athletes in competitive sport must go beyond physiological criteria and incorporate the notions of embodied experience and embodied advantage. Our stance has recently been challenged as impractical and excessively exclusionary. In this paper, we address these challenges and build upon them to expand on the policy implications of our original (...)
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    A Damage Classification Approach for Structural Health Monitoring Using Machine Learning.Diego Tibaduiza, Miguel Ángel Torres-Arredondo, Jaime Vitola, Maribel Anaya & Francesc Pozo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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    Semioosiline tõlge: uus teoreetiline raam pedagoogilise suunitlusega subitreerimise rakendamiseks.Sergio Torres Martínez - 2015 - Sign Systems Studies 43 (1):130-130.
    In this paper, I explore a new type of semiotic translation in the context of Audiovisual Translation Studies (AVTS). To that end, a set of formulaic sequencesbestowed of pragmalinguistic value (hedging strings) is analysed. It is argued that the semiotic analysis of conversational features in English may contribute to facilitate their pedagogical exploitation in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. This analysis builds theoretically on a semiotic translational framework termed Semiosic Translation (and its subset, Semiosic Subtitling) predicated upon three (...)
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  5. Das palavras e das coisas curiosas: correspondência e escrita na coleção de notícias de Manuel Severim de Faria.Ana Paula Torres Megiani - 2007 - Topoi. Revista de História 8 (15):24-48.
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  6. The Future of War: The Ethical Potential of Leaving War to Lethal Autonomous Weapons.Steven Umbrello, Phil Torres & Angelo F. De Bellis - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):273-282.
    Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs) are robotic weapons systems, primarily of value to the military, that could engage in offensive or defensive actions without human intervention. This paper assesses and engages the current arguments for and against the use of LAWs through the lens of achieving more ethical warfare. Specific interest is given particularly to ethical LAWs, which are artificially intelligent weapons systems that make decisions within the bounds of their ethics-based code. To ensure that a wide, but not exhaustive, survey (...)
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    Aportes de las teorías del aprendizaje al diseño instruccional.Maritza Torres de Izquierdo & Alicia Inciarte - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (3):349-362.
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  8. El enfoque economicista de la elección social bajo una perspectiva estructural.Obdulia M. Torres González - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):65-79.
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  9. Ni vencedores ni vencidos en la guerra por los hijos, padre y madre compartiendo la custodia.Alberto Serrano Molina, Marta Sainz Torres & Isabel E. Lázaro González - 2005 - Critica 55 (928):26-29.
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  10. Vamos cantar histórias?Leila Mury Bergmann & Maria Cecília Ar Torres - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2).
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  11. Emancipación, liberación, mujeres y ciudadanía en México.René Torres Ruiz - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:473-485.
    El presente artículo tiene el propósito de reflexionar sobre las luchas que las mujeres mexicanas emprendieron desde los años sesenta y hasta la actualidad para alcanzar su liberación y el reconocimiento de sus derechos y, por tanto, de su ciudadanía largamente negada, clausurada. En una primera parte del artículo se revisan brevemente los postulados teóricos desarrollados por Betty Friedan, una autora norteamericana que influyó de manera determinante en los movimientos feministas de los años sesenta. En un segundo momento, el artículo (...)
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    Un nuevo enfoque en la investigación de la documentación árabe granadina romanceada.Manuel García & Juan Torres - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (1):191-247.
    Propuesta de un nuevo y complementario enfoque —el traductológico— para el estudio de los romanceamientos granadinos considerados en cuanto que testimonios únicos para la historia de la traducción del árabe al español y la historia del arabismo en España. Dicho enfoque se lleva aquí a la práctica ilustrado con dos romanceamientos inéditos llevados a cabo en 1517 por Bemardino Xarafí, escribano público y romanceador de la ciudad de Granada y su Reino. La edición de los mismos se acompaña de un (...)
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    The COVID-19 Infodemic: Twitter versus Facebook.Filippo Menczer, John Bryden, Christopher Torres-Lugo, David Axelrod, Pik-Mai Hui, Francesco Pierri & Kai-Cheng Yang - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    The global spread of the novel coronavirus is affected by the spread of related misinformation—the so-called COVID-19 Infodemic—that makes populations more vulnerable to the disease through resistance to mitigation efforts. Here, we analyze the prevalence and diffusion of links to low-credibility content about the pandemic across two major social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook. We characterize cross-platform similarities and differences in popular sources, diffusion patterns, influencers, coordination, and automation. Comparing the two platforms, we find divergence among the prevalence of popular (...)
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    Viruses as a survival strategy in the armory of life.Sávio Torres de Farias, Sohan Jheeta & Francisco Prosdocimi - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (4):45.
    Viruses have generally been thought of as infectious agents. New data on mimivirus, however, suggests a reinterpretation of this thought. Earth’s biosphere seems to contain many more viruses than previously thought and they are relevant in the maintenance of ecosystems and biodiversity. Viruses are not considered to be alive because they are not free-living entities and do not have cellular units. Current hypotheses indicate that some viruses may have been the result of genomic reduction of cellular life forms. However, new (...)
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  15. Acceleration dependent forces: reply to Smulsky.Andre Koch Torres Assis - 1995 - Apeiron 2 (1):25.
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    Toward a Pragmatist Anthropology of Race.Gabriel Alejandro Torres Colón & Charles A. Hobbs - 2016 - The Pluralist 11 (1):126-135.
    As we have discussed elsewhere, Franz Boas and John Dewey were intellectual and political allies at Columbia University for over thirty years.1 Dewey advocated for an increased role of anthropology for philosophical insight, and he often used anthropological knowledge as a starting point for his ethics and politics, including such knowledge as learned from Boas. We hold that Boas and Dewey shared a common core understanding of human global and evolutionary diversity, and that this shared understanding itself forms a core (...)
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    Psychometric Comparisons of Benevolent and Corrective Humor across 22 Countries: The Virtue Gap in Humor Goes International.Sonja Heintz, Willibald Ruch, Tracey Platt, Dandan Pang, Hugo Carretero-Dios, Alberto Dionigi, Catalina Argüello Gutiérrez, Ingrid Brdar, Dorota Brzozowska, Hsueh-Chih Chen, Władysław Chłopicki, Matthew Collins, Róbert Ďurka, Najwa Y. El Yahfoufi, Angélica Quiroga-Garza, Robert B. Isler, Andrés Mendiburo-Seguel, TamilSelvan Ramis, Betül Saglam, Olga V. Shcherbakova, Kamlesh Singh, Ieva Stokenberga, Peter S. O. Wong & Jorge Torres-Marín - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Global Report on Adult Learning and Education.L. Chisholm, A. Hasan, C. A. Torres, R. Desjardins, S. Schmelkes, S. Han & Uil - unknown
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    Conjectures of Rado and Chang and special Aronszajn trees.Stevo Todorčević & Víctor Torres Pérez - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (4):342-347.
    We show that both Rado's Conjecture and strong Chang's Conjecture imply that there are no special ℵ2-Aronszajn trees if the Continuum Hypothesis fails. We give similar result for trees of higher heights and we also investigate the influence of Rado's Conjecture on square sequences.
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    Leitura de uma manchete.Rubens Rodrigues Torres Filho - 2005 - Discurso 35:301-308.
    Texto em homenagem à Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
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    The complexity of historical time in the Latin American Marxism: Variegated social formations and structural heterogeneity in the work of René Zavaleta and Aníbal Quijano.Fabian Cabaluz & Tomás Torres López - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 182 (1):57-74.
    This article investigates the categories of variegated social formations and structural historical heterogeneity, which have been developed from Latin American Marxism as a theoretical attempt that aims to account for the complexity of the debates around historical time. For this, the work of René Zavaleta Mercado (Bolivia) and Aníbal Quijano (Peru) is analyzed, revealing their connections and divergences. It is concluded that there are important meeting points, but also disagreements.
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    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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  23. Técnica y legitimacion en J. Habermas.A. Jimenez Perona & S. Mas Torres - 1984 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 14 (3-4):511-546.
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    Ni el envejecimiento ni el descenso de la natalidad: Lo inviable es el actual esquema distributivo.María Sol Torres Minoldo - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    Frente al fenómeno de transición demográfica, en el que se produce el envejecimiento de la población y el descenso de las tasas de natalidad, predominan diagnósticos de catástrofe. La demografía es usada como fundamento de la inviabilidad de los sistemas previsionales, y también de discursos natalistas. La caída de la natalidad preocupa doblemente: por el proceso de envejecimiento demográfico al que contribuye; y por sus propias consecuencias económicas, dadas las perspectivas de una inminente disminución de población activa, o sea, de (...)
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  25. Lembranças de aluno mal comportado.Antonio Torres Montenegro - forthcoming - Tópicos.
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  26. Ensayos sobre automática.-Su definición. Extensión teórica y aplicaciones.Leonardo Torres Quevedo - 2003 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):1009.
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    La Eucaristía, encuentro vivo con El Señor.Andrés Torres Queiruga - 2008 - Horizonte 6 (12):21-40.
    Resumen Todos los sacramentos son celebraciones de la iglesia, de la comunidad de creyentes que acoge y se transforma ante la presencia salvadora de Dios. En este contexto, la eucaristía ocupa un lugar especial, preeminente y peculiar. Esta especificad no es ajena a la configuración simbólica en la que se organiza la eucaristía: una comida; ni al mandato de repetir el memorial. Por eso, aproximaciones a transformaciones mágicas, a explicaciones complejas y conceptuales, desvían y devalúan la comprensión y la experiencia (...)
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  28. Recursos bibliográfico-documentales para los estudios de las mujeres: procedencia, características, selección de fuentes.Isabel de Torres Ramírez - 2005 - Critica 55 (923):58-62.
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  29. ¿Qué es la política? Una lectura desde la "techné" política en Maquiavelo y Schmitt.Javier Antonio Torres Vindas - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (122):59-73.
  30. Con Nietzsche a través del "Banquete": "eros" y "logos" en perspectiva.Manuel Torres Vizcaya - 2010 - Estudios Filosóficos 59 (171):257-276.
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  31. Disparidad de género en la filosofía: El caso del alumnado de la FES Acatlán-UNAM.Atocha Aliseda & Erika Torres - 2022 - In Aurora Georgina Bustos Arellano & Jocelyn Martínez (eds.), Las filósofas que nos formaron. Injusticias, retos y propuestas en la filosofía. Nuevo Leon, Mexico: Centro de Estudios Humanísticos, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. pp. 133-154.
    In Philosophy, it is well known that of the total faculty population, the proportion of women is significantly lower than men. This disproportion is odd for a discipline within the humanities; these numbers seem more compatible with what is found in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) careers. These proportions are in turn a product of the low female presence that exists from the previous levels of academic training in philosophy. What happens in the case of the philosophy student body? For (...)
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    Capacidades y derechos de los animales: argumentos a favor de la teoría de M.C. Nussbaum.Mikel Torres Aldave - 2009 - Dilemata 1 (1).
    Many publications in the field of animal ethics consider the theories of Peter Singer and Tom Regan as the main arguments for the direct moral consideration of non human animals. This paper argues that both those theories have to face serious problems that make them difficult to accept and to apply, and proposes instead an alternative based on the recent work of M. C. Nussbaum. She has drafted a theory in favor of the direct moral consideration of non human animals, (...)
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    Reflexiones sobre catálogos y catalogación de manuscritos árabes.Nuria Torres Santo Domingo - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):343-364.
    El presente estudio se basa en las colecciones de los manuscritos árabes que se conservan actualmente en España. Para ello se hace un análisis de las colecciones existentes. A continuación se lleva a cabo un estudio de los catálogos e inventarios aparecidos, desde los primeros en el siglo XVI hasta la actualidad, deteniéndose en los más destacados. La segunda parte del estudio se centra en la técnica del análisis documental, que engloba los trabajos de catalogación y descripción bibliográfica. Se repasa (...)
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    Rastreo de la Información en Páginas Web a través del Significado (Foraging Information in Webpages through Meaning).Francisco Torres Guerrero & Ernesto O. López Ramírez - 2010 - Daena 5 (2):308-323.
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    Xavier Zubiri y la relación filosofía-teología.Andrés Torres Queiruga - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:393-408.
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  36. Gene Section.Erika Patricia Rendon-Huerta, Ana C. Torres-Martínez & Luis Montaño - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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    On the Essence of Language: The Metaphysics of Language and the Essencing of the Word Concerning Herder's Treatise on the Origin of Language.Wanda Torres Gregory & Yvonne Unna (eds.) - 2004 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _This important early Heidegger text sheds new light on his later focus on language._.
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    Natural selection and operative conditioning: a critique of Fodor and Piatelli-Palmarini's analogy.Julio Torres Meléndez - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (3):599-614.
    RESUMENMe propongo examinar críticamente la analogía entre selección natural y condicionamiento operante que Fodor y Piattelli-Palmarini utilizan para sostener que los mismos argumentos que desacreditan la teoría conductista desacreditan la teoría de la selección natural. Estas teorías no son independientes ni conceptual ni históricamente y, por eso, no es razonable hacer una analogía entre ambas con las intenciones que se proponen Fodor y Piattelli-Palmarini. La selección natural es una condición causal del me­ca­nismo de condicionamiento operante, motivo por el cual la (...)
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    Aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías a la enseñanza de la Geología.José Eugenio Ortiz, Trinidad De Torres, Isabel Arribas & Domingo Martín-Sánchez - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):171-176.
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    What do subject pronouns do in discourse? Cognitive, mechanical and constructional factors in variation.Catherine E. Travis & Rena Torres Cacoullos - 2012 - Cognitive Linguistics 23 (4).
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    El impasse de la resistencia. La intersección entre Foucault y Deleuze a propósito de la salida del poder.Cristóbal Durán Rojas & Iván Torres Apablaza - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):107-128.
    This paper tries to propose a reading focused mainly on some of Foucault’s late works, developed since the first volume of his Histoire de la sexualité, from 1976. The aim of our reading tends to note that the distance between Foucault and Deleuze, even marked in an explicit rupture after the publication of that book, is not so much due to Foucault's “fascination” with power, or to his peremptory challenge of desire and its leakage power, or its supposed abandonment of (...)
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    Avoiding bad genes: oxidatively damaged DNA in germ line and mate choice.Alberto Velando, Roxana Torres & Carlos Alonso-Alvarez - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1212-1219.
    August Weismann proposed that genetic changes in somatic cells cannot pass to germ cells and hence to next generations. Nevertheless, evidence is accumulating that some environmental effects can promote heritable changes in the DNA of germ cells, which implies that some somatic influence on germ line is possible. This influence is mostly detrimental and related to the presence of oxidative stress, which induces mutations and epigenetic changes. This effect should be stronger in males due to the particular characteristics of sperm. (...)
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    Strategic Thinking: A Resource to Generate Value and Cross the Valley of Death of SMEs.Galvarino Casanueva-Yánez, Jorge Torres-Vásquez, Mitzi Linares-Vizcarra, Milena Lukich-Valdivia, Evelyn Montero-Zuñiga, Reina Pérez-Vargas, Claudia Torres-Calvimonte & Raúl Rengifo-Lozano - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:177-191.
    The most challenging period for a company is the first three years following its inception, a period often referred to as the "valley of death." This article examines the factors contributing to the high mortality rate of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the town of Melipilla, Chile, and presents potential strategies for reducing or preventing this mortality. The study employs an exploratory-descriptive approach, utilizing a qualitative methodology and a cross-sectional sample size collected through convenience sampling and semi-structured interviews. Upon (...)
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    A Veil of Separation.Douglas W. McLaughlin & Cesar R. Torres - 2014 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (2):353-372.
    The Olympic Games and the soccer World Cup are large international mega-events that demonstrate how highly valued sport is around the world. However, alongside the celebrations of sporting excellences is the opportunity to reflect upon and criticize the International Olympic Committee, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, and the host cities for ethical concerns that often accompany these events. One recent example is FIFA’s decision to ban women’s soccer players from wearing hijabs. Yet the IOC has encoded in its own (...)
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    Codeswitching: A Bilingual Toolkit for Opportunistic Speech Planning.Anne L. Beatty-Martínez, Christian A. Navarro-Torres & Paola E. Dussias - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Spontaneity, temporality and reflection.Alexandre de Oliveira Torres Carrasco - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:95-106.
    This article intends to present and compare two moments in which the problem of reflection and its direct antecedents are treated in Sartre's work. This comparison is expected to draw consequences on the problem of reflection as such and on the problems of interpreting Sartre's journey.
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    Basque Ethnic Identity and Collective Empowerment: Two Key Factors in Well-Being and Community Participation.Jon Zabala, Susana Conejero, Aitziber Pascual, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Alberto Amutio, Barbara Torres-Gomez, Sonia Padoan De Luca & Saioa Telletxea - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:606316.
    Social identity is a factor that is associated with well-being and community participation. Some studies have shown that ethnic identity goes along with empowerment, and that interaction between the two leads to greater indices of well-being and community participation. However, other works suggest a contextual circumstance (i.e., perceiving one’s own group as a minority and/or being discriminated) may condition the nature of these relations. By means of a cross-sectional study, we analyzed the relations of social identification (or identity fusion) and (...)
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    How Does the Categorical System Account for Socioeconomic Background and Embodied Advantage? A Policy Development Dialogue.Francisco Javier López Frías & Cesar R. Torres - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):40-42.
    Working within the parameters of (their reconstruction of) World Athletics’ (WA) definition of fairness, Katerina Jennings and Esther Braun (2024) propose a categorical system better suited to meet...
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  49. Self-existing objects and auto-generated information in chronology-violating space-times: A philosophical discussion.Gustavo E. Romero & Diego F. Torres - 2001 - Modern Physics Letters A 16 (19):1213-1222.
    Closed time-like curves (CTCs) naturally appear in a variety of chronology-violating space{times. In these space{times, the principle of self-consistency demands a harmony between local and global a airs that excludes grandfather-like paradoxes. However, selfexisting objects trapped in CTCs are not seemingly avoided by the standard interpretation of this principle, usually constrained to a dynamical framework. In this letter we discuss whether we are committed to accept an ontology with self-existing objects if CTCs actually occur in the universe. In addition, the (...)
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  50. Vamos cantar histórias?Leila Mury Bergmann & Maria Cecília A. R. Torres - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2).
    Resumo Palavras-chave Keywords : Children’s literature. Music. Pedagogical practice : This article’s main purpose is to present a few possibilities of work with activities that involve pieces of children’s literature and music in the perspective of Children’s Education and first years of Primary School. As theoretical support, the paper presents several studies from authors such as Brito (2003), Ponso (2008), Souza (2006), Torres and Gallicchio (2004), among others who suggest developing activities of sound exploration through audition/appreciation and improvise/ sound (...)
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