Results for 'Bastian Strinz'

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  1.  39
    Private discrimination, marriage markets, and caste.Bastian Steuwer - forthcoming - Theoria.
    Anti‐discrimination laws draw a distinction between two kinds of discrimination by non‐state actors. Intimate choices are protected even if they are morally wrong. For example, even if it is morally wrong to discriminate on the basis of race in deciding whom to date, marry or befriend, anti‐discrimination laws permit these acts. By contrast, commercial decisions are commonly regulated. I argue that the reasons for regulating commercial decisions also extend to an intermediate case, commercial facilitators of marriage choices. In the context (...)
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    Mind wandering at the fingertips: automatic parsing of subjective states based on response time variability.Mikaël Bastian & Jérôme Sackur - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  3. The Brain as an Organ of Mind.H. Charlton Bastian - 1881 - Mind 6 (21):120-131.
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  4. Von Kant Zu Bastian Ein Beitrag Zum Verstèandnis des Wissenschaftlichen Konzepts von Adolf Bastian Mit Vier Kleinen Schriften von Demselben.Tapan Kumar Das Gupta & Adolf Bastian - 1990 - T.K. Das Gupta.
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  5. Liberating clocks: Developing a critical horology to rethink the potential of clock time.Michelle Bastian - 2017 - New Formations 1 (92):41-55.
    Across a wide range of cultural forms, including philosophy, cultural theory, literature and art, the figure of the clock has drawn suspicion, censure and outright hostility. In contrast, even while maps have been shown to be complicit with forms of domination, they are also widely recognised as tools that can be critically reworked in the service of more liberatory ends. This paper seeks to counteract the tendency to see clocks in this way, arguing that they have many more interesting possibilities (...)
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  6. One-by-one: moral theory for separate persons.Bastian Steuwer - 2020 - Dissertation, London School of Economics
    You and I lead different lives. While we share a society and a world, our existence is separate from one another. You and I matter individually, by ourselves. My dissertation is about this simple thought. I argue that this simple insight, the separateness of persons, tells us something fundamental about morality. My dissertation seeks to answer how the separateness of persons matters. I develop a precise view of the demands of the separateness of persons. The separateness of persons imposes both (...)
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  7. Limits to Aggregation and Uncertain Rescues.Bastian Steuwer - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (1):70-83.
    Limited aggregation holds that we are only sometimes, not always, permitted to aggregate. Aggregation is permissible only when the harms and benefits are relevant to one another. But how should limited aggregation be extended to cases in which we are uncertain about what will happen? In this article, I provide a challenge to ex post limited aggregation. I reconstruct a precise version of ex post limited aggregation that relies on the notion of ex post claims. However, building a theory of (...)
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  8. Constraints, you, and your victims.Bastian Steuwer - 2023 - Noûs 57 (4):942-957.
    Deontologists believe that it is wrong to violate a right even if this will prevent a greater number of violations of the same right. This leads to the paradox of deontology: If respecting everyone’s rights is equally important, why should we not minimize the number of rights violations? One possible answer is agent-based. This answer points out that you should not violate rights even if this will prevent someone else’s violations. In this paper, I defend a relational agent-based justification that (...)
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    Conceptual Injustice.Lisa Bastian - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (2):263-286.
    In recent years, there has been significant interest in injustices that do not consist in inflicting physical or material harm on others, but operate in more subtle ways, e.g. by targeting our status as epistemic agents. In a similar fashion, this paper aims to bring to the forefront a currently overlooked kind of injustice that occurs in relation to our concepts: conceptual injustice, which is characterised by wrongful in- or exclusion from the application of a concept. The first part of (...)
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  10. Aggregation, Balancing, and Respect for the Claims of Individuals.Bastian Steuwer - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (1):17-34.
    Most non-consequentialists “let the numbers count” when one can save either a lesser or greater number from equal or similar harm. But they are wary of doing so when one can save either a small number from grave harm or instead a very large number from minor harm. Limited aggregation is an approach that reconciles these two commitments. It is motivated by a powerful idea: our decision whom to save should respect each person who has a claim to our help, (...)
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    The Normativity of Rationality: An Imperfect Duty to Be Coherent.Lisa Bastian - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-24.
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  12. Der Buddhismus Als Religions-Philosophisches System.Adolf Bastian - 1893 - Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.
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  13. Die mikronesischen Colonien aus ethnologischen Gesichtspunkten.Adolf Bastian - 1901 - The Monist 11:479.
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    From work sharing to temporal flexibility : working time policy in Belgium 1975-1990.Jens Bastian - 1992 - Res Publica 34 (1):35-51.
    The article focuses on working time policies introduced in Belgium during the period 1975-1990. As a country with early mass-unemployment, the magnitude of the unfolding Labour market problems fostered a specific set of responsive strategies. The initial trajectory of Belgian working time policies was centered around cutting standard weekly working hours in order to enhance Labour market effects. In the course of a marked issue transformation, work sharing objectives were substituted by the notion of temporal flexibility which focused primarily on (...)
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    Werner Konitzer/Johanna Bach/David Palme/Jonas Balzer (Hgg.), Vermeintliche Gründe. Ethik und Ethiken im Nationalsozialismus.Bastian Klug - 2021 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 128 (2):407-409.
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    Kontingenz und Dezision – ein notwendiges Verhältnis?Bastian Mokosch - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 4 (1-2):364-396.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 4 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 364-396.
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    Correction to: Avowals and the project of inferentialism.Bastian Reichardt - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (9):3011-3011.
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    Simone Weil.Bastian Ronge - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2).
    Der vorliegende Aufsatz entwickelt die These, dass Arbeitsteilung ein wesentliches Medium ist, um gesellschaftliche Verachtung zu organisieren und zu mobilisieren. Er tut dies im Ausgang und im Rückgriff auf Simone Weil. Ihre Überlegungen zu Arbeit und Arbeitsteilung erlauben es, einen Brückenschlag zwischen zwei aktuellen Forschungssträngen zu schlagen, die in der Regel nebeneinanderher laufen: die sozialphilosophische Diskussion um das Verhältnis von Anerkennung und Arbeit auf der einen Seite und die Debatte zur Frage bedeutungsvoller Arbeit (meaningful work) in der Politischen Philosophie auf (...)
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    A social dimension to enjoyment of negative emotion in art reception.Brock Bastian - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  20. Contractualism, Complaints, and Risk.Bastian Steuwer - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 19 (2).
    How should contractualists assess the permissibility of risky actions? Both main views on the question, ex ante and ex post, fail to distinguish between different kinds of risk. In this article, I argue that this overlooks a third alternative that I call “objective ex ante contractualism”. Objective ex ante substitutes discounting complaints by epistemic risk in favor of discounting by objective risk. I further argue in favor of this new view. Objective ex ante contractualism provides the best model of justifiability (...)
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  21. The contradictory simultaneity of being with others: Exploring concepts of time and community in the work of Gloria Anzaldúa.Michelle Bastian - 2011 - Feminist Review 97 (1):151-167.
    While social geographers have convincingly made the case that space is not an external constant, but rather is produced through inter-relations, anthropologists and sociologists have done much to further an understanding of time, as itself constituted through social interaction and inter-relation. Their work suggests that time is not an apolitical background to social life, but shapes how we perceive and relate to others. For those interested in exploring issues such as identity, community and difference, this suggests that attending to how (...)
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  22. Minimal disturbance: in defence of pragmatic reasons of the right kind.Lisa Bastian - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (12):3615-3636.
    This paper draws attention to an important methodological shortcoming in debates about what counts as a reason for belief. An extremely influential distinction in this literature is between reasons of the ‘right kind’ and the ‘wrong kind’. However, as I will demonstrate, arguments making use of this distinction often rely on a specific conception of epistemic rationality. Shifting focus to a reasonable alternative, namely a coherentist conception, can lead to surprising consequences—in particular, pragmatic reasons can, against orthodoxy, indeed be reasons (...)
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    Brahmanical Inscriptions in Buddhistic Temples in Siam.A. Bastian - 1866 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 8:377-379.
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  24. Cerebellum.A. J. Bastian, E. Mugnaini & W. T. Thach - 1999 - In M. J. Zigmond & F. E. Bloom (eds.), Fundamental Neuroscience. pp. 973--992.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Dialogue: Bypassing Elected Staff Representatives?Fanny Bastian, Rachel Bocquet & Nicolas Poussing - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    The adoption of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has implications for a company's relationships with its stakeholders. Specifically, by engaging in social dialogue, companies can promote direct relationships with employees, or indirect relationships with them, through elected staff representatives. This study investigates the relationships between companies' involvement in CSR and their engagement in social dialogue, both with employees and elected staff representatives. The results of two surveys, carried out among company representatives and elected staff representatives, indicate that employers do not implement (...)
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    Can the inherence heuristic explain vitalistic reasoning?Brock Bastian - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (5):482-483.
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  27. Der Buddhismus in seiner Psychologie, mit einer Karte des buddhistischen Weltsystems.A. Bastian - 1884 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 17:341-341.
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  28. Protestantisme et révolution au mexique, 1872-1911.Jean-Pierre Bastian - 2010 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 90 (2):199-217.
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  29. Religion et politique dans Les révolutions latino-américaines contemporaines.Jean-Pierre Bastian - 2012 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 92 (1):139-152.
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    Sicherheit und staatliches Gewaltmonopol: Thesen und Hypothesen zur Sozialethik staatlicher Gewalt.Hans-Dieter Bastian - 1976 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 20 (1):245-263.
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    Mendelssohns „alles zermalmender“ Kant.Bastian Lemitz - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (2):132-144.
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    Philosophical Posthumanism.Bastian Muñoz Oñate - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 6:247-250.
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    Kapitalismus als Rätsel? Zur Kritik der Marxʼschen Kritik der politischen Ökonomie.Bastian Ronge - 2018 - In Matthias Spekker, Anna-Sophie Schönfelder & Matthias Bohlender (eds.), »Kritik Im Handgemenge«: Die Marx'sche Gesellschaftskritik Als Politischer Einsatz. Transcript Verlag. pp. 203-220.
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  34. Equal and ashamed? Egalitarianism, anti-discrimination, and redistribution.Bastian Steuwer - 2025 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 24 (1):72-97.
    One prominent criticism of luck egalitarianism is that it requires either shameful revelations or otherwise problematic declarations by the state toward those who have had bad brute luck. Relational egalitarianism, by contrast, is portrayed as an alternative that requires no such revelations or declarations. I argue that this is false. Relational equality requires the state to draft anti-discrimination laws for both state and private action. The ideal of relational egalitarianism requires these laws to be asymmetric, that is to allow affirmative (...)
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    L’ancrage idéologique du Séminaire vaudois de culture théologique.Jean-Pierre Bastian - 2024 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 155 (4):355-365.
    Afin de préciser l’héritage théologique dans lequel le Séminaire de culture théologique s’est inscrit par ses fondateurs, il convient d’explorer la manière dont les libristes ont développé leur enseignement théologique au fil du temps au sein de leur Faculté fondée à Lausanne en 1847. Il nourrit la formation octroyée aux laïcs mettant en œuvre une pédagogie de la conviction ancrée dans la théologie du Réveil propagée durant plus d’un siècle (1847-1966) par l’Église évangélique libre du canton de Vaud et par (...)
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    Community and Capital in Conflict: Plant Closings and Job Loss.Klaus-Peter Köpping & Adolf Bastian - 1982 - University of Queensland Press(Australia).
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  37. The Poverty Discrimination Puzzle.Bastian Steuwer & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2024 - Political Philosophy 1 (2):292-320.
    Discrimination laws usually prohibit discrimination based on some traits, like race, caste, and sex, and not on others, like sports team allegiance. Should socioeconomic class be included among the protected traits? We examine an argument for the view that it should which leads to the conclusion that both direct and indirect socioeconomic discrimination should be prohibited by the state. The argument has three premises: (1) direct paradigmatic discrimination should be prohibited by law; (2) if direct paradigmatic discrimination should be prohibited (...)
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    Rethinking Rationality Attributions.Lisa Bastian - 2024 - Logos and Episteme 15 (3):261-283.
    Although much has been written about the property of rationality, its requirements, and whether it is normative, rationality attributions themselves have not received much attention. The main aim of this paper is to address this oversight by focussing directly on rationality attributions and their complexities. After offering a diagnosis for why attributions have been largely overlooked, the paper introduces three problems that have plagued the rationality debate as a result: implausible symmetry, conflicts within rationality, and with reasons. Brunero’s (2012) answer (...)
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  39. Is Long-Term Thinking a Trap?: Chronowashing, Temporal Narcissism, and the Time Machines of Racism.Michelle Bastian - 2024 - Environmental Humanities 16 (2):403–421.
    This provocation critiques the notion of long-term thinking and the claims of its proponents that it will help address failures in dominant conceptions of time, particularly in regard to environmental crises. Drawing on analyses of the Clock of the Long Now and Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future, the article suggests that we be more wary of the concept’s use in what we might call chronowashing. Like the more familiar greenwashing, where environmental issues are hidden by claims to (...)
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    Paired Publication: A Way to Lower One Barrier between Philosophical Insight and Bioethics.Bastian Steuwer, Nir Eyal & Monica Magalhães - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (12):33-35.
    Blumenthal-Barby et al. (2022) are right. Philosophers should pay greater attention to bioethics and bioethicists should pay greater attention to insights from philosophy. This commentary extends t...
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  41. Time (The New Basics).Michelle Bastian - 2022 - The Philosopher 110 (2):51-54.
  42.  19
    The Relative Importance of Target and Judge Characteristics in Shaping the Moral Circle.Bastian Jaeger & Matti Wilks - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (10):e13362.
    People's treatment of others (humans, nonhuman animals, or other entities) often depends on whether they think the entity is worthy of moral concern. Recent work has begun to investigate which entities are included in a person's moral circle, examining how certain target characteristics (e.g., species category, perceived intelligence) and judge characteristics (e.g., empathy, political orientation) shape moral inclusion. However, the relative importance of target and judge characteristics in predicting moral inclusion remains unclear. When predicting whether a person will deem an (...)
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  43. Haraway’s Lost Cyborg and the Possibilities of Transversalism.Michelle Bastian - 2006 - Signs 43 (3):1027-1049.
    This article explores Donna Haraway’s overlooked theories of coalition-building along with the tactics of transversalism. I initially outline Haraway’s contributions and discuss why the cyborg of coalition has been ignored. I then relate this work to transversal politics, a form of coalition-building that acknowledges both the need for more open understandings of the subject and also the threatening circumstances that form these ‘hybrid’ subjects. The intriguing alliance that can be formed between them offers ways of dealing with the fears and (...)
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    The "Scholastic" Realism of C. S. Peirce.Ralph J. Bastian - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (2):246 - 249.
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    Die Bundeswehr in der Bildungsgesellschaft.Hans-Dieter Bastian - 1973 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 17 (1):321-333.
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  46. Die Lehre vom Denken zur Ergänzung der naturwissenschaftlichen Psychologie.Adolf Bastian - 1902 - [Colombo, Ceylon,: Printed by H. W. Cave & co.].
    I. Einleitung. Ethnische ethik. Die religion. Das zoopolitikon. Nachwort.
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    Die probleme humanistischer fragestellungen und deren beantwortungsweisen unter den zeichen der zeit.Adolf Bastian - 1901 - Berlin,: D. Reimer.
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  48. On the Neural Processes underlying Attention and Volition.H. C. Bastian - 1892 - Philosophical Review 1:468.
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  49. Protestantisme et comportement économique. La thèse wébérienne à l'épreuve du Costa Rica.J. -P. Bastian - 1998 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 78 (4):451-466.
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    Shared Adversity Increases Team Creativity Through Fostering Supportive Interaction.Brock Bastian, Jolanda Jetten, Hannibal A. Thai & Niklas K. Steffens - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:383816.
    In the current era, building more innovative teams is key to organizational success, yet there is little consensus on how best to achieve this. Common wisdom suggests that positive reinforcement through shared positive rewards builds social support within teams, and in turn facilitates innovation. Research on basic group processes, cultural rituals, and the evolution of pro-group behavior has, however, revealed that sharing adverse experiences is an alternative path to promoting group bonding. Here, we examined whether sharing an adverse experience not (...)
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