Results for 'Bengtson Erik'

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  1. Forms of causal explanation.Erik Weber, Jeroen Van Bouwel & Robrecht Vanderbeeken - 2005 - Foundations of Science 10 (4):437-454.
    In the literature on scientific explanation two types of pluralism are very common. The first concerns the distinction between explanations of singular facts and explanations of laws: there is a consensus that they have a different structure. The second concerns the distinction between causal explanations and uni.cation explanations: most people agree that both are useful and that their structure is different. In this article we argue for pluralism within the area of causal explanations: we claim that the structure of a (...)
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  2. Consequentialism, alternatives, and actualism.Erik Carlson - 1999 - Philosophical Studies 96 (3):253-268.
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    Corroborating testimony, probability and surprise.Erik J. Olsson - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (2):273-288.
    Jonathan Cohen has claimed that in cases of witness agreement there is an inverse relationship between the prior probability and the posterior probability of what is being agreed: the posterior rises as the prior falls. As is demonstrated in this paper, this contention is not generally valid. In fact, in the most straightforward case exactly the opposite is true: a lower prior also means a lower posterior. This notwithstanding, there is a grain of truth to what Cohen is saying, as (...)
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  4. Kant, Herbart and Riemann.Erik C. Banks - 2005 - Kant Studien 96 (2):208-234.
    A look at the dynamical concept of space and space-generating processes to be found in Kant, J.F. Herbart and the mathematician Bernhard Riemann's philosophical writings.
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  5. (1 other version)The intrinsic value of non-basic states of affairs.Erik Carlson - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 85 (1):95-107.
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    An account of color without a subject?Erik Myin - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):42-43.
    While color realism is endorsed, Byrne & Hilbert's (B&H's) case for it stretches the notion of “physical property” beyond acceptable bounds. It is argued that a satisfactory account of color should do much more to respond to antirealist intuitions that flow from the specificity of color experience, and a pointer to an approach that does so is provided.
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    The structure of analogical reasoning in bioethics.Erik Weber & Qianru Wang - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (1):69-84.
    Casuistry, which involves analogical reasoning, is a popular methodological approach in bioethics. The method has its advantages and challenges, which are widely acknowledged. Meta-philosophical reflection on exactly how bioethical casuistry works and how the challenges can be addressed is limited. In this paper we propose a framework for structuring casuistry and analogical reasoning in bioethics. The framework is developed by incorporating theories and insights from the philosophy of science: Mary Hesse’s ideas on horizontal and vertical relations in analogical reasoning in (...)
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  8. Unification: What is it, how do we reach and why do we want it?Erik Weber - 1999 - Synthese 118 (3):479-499.
    This article has three aims. The first is to give a partial explication of the concept of unification. My explication will be partial because I confine myself to unification of particular events, because I do not consider events of a quantitative nature, and discuss only deductive cases. The second aim is to analyze how unification can be reached. My third aim is to show that unification is an intellectual benefit. Instead of being an intellectual benefit unification could be an intellectual (...)
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    Hardcore Heritage: Imagination for Preservation.Erik Rietveld & Ronald Rietveld - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Assessing the Legitimacy of “Open” and “Closed” Data Partnerships for Sustainable Development.Erik Wetter, Mette Morsing & Andreas Rasche - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (3):547-581.
    This article examines the legitimacy attached to different types of multi-stakeholder data partnerships occurring in the context of sustainable development. We develop a framework to assess the democratic legitimacy of two types of data partnerships: open data partnerships and closed data partnerships. Our framework specifies criteria for assessing the legitimacy of relevant partnerships with regard to their input legitimacy as well as their output legitimacy. We demonstrate which particular characteristics of open and closed partnerships can be expected to influence an (...)
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    The Role of Argument in Negotiation.Erik Krabbe & Jan Laar - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (4):549-567.
    The purpose of this paper is to show the pervasive, though often implicit, role of arguments in negotiation dialogue. This holds even for negotiations that start from a difference of interest such as mere bargaining through offers and counteroffers. But it certainly holds for negotiations that try to settle a difference of opinion on policy issues. It will be demonstrated how a series of offers and counteroffers in a negotiation dialogue contains a reconstructible series of implicit persuasion dialogues. The paper (...)
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    The Problem(s) of Constituting the Demos: A (Set of) Solution.Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen & Andreas Bengtson - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (4):1021-1031.
    When collective decisions should be made democratically, which people form the relevant demos? Many theorists think this question is an embarrassment to democratic theory: because any decision about who forms the demos must be made democratically by the right demos, which itself must be democratically constituted and so on ad infinitum; and because neither the concept of democracy, nor our reasons for caring about democracy, determine who should form the demos. Having distinguished between these three versions of the demos problem, (...)
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    To Value Functions or Services? An Analysis of Ecosystem Valuation Approaches.Erik Ansink, Lars Hein & Knut Per Hasund - 2008 - Environmental Values 17 (4):489-503.
    Monetary valuation of ecosystem services is a widely used approach to quantify the benefits supplied by the natural environment to society. An alternative approach is the monetary valuation of ecosystem functions, which is defined as the capacity of the ecosystem to supply services. Using two European case-study areas, this paper explores the relative advantages of the two valuation approaches. This is done using a conceptual analysis, a qualitative application, and an overall comparison of both approaches. It is concluded that both (...)
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    Explanation and emancipation in marxism and feminism.Erik Olin Wright - 1993 - Sociological Theory 11 (1):39-54.
    This paper explores a contrast between the Marxist and feminist traditions of emancipatory social theory: whereas in the Marxist tradition theorists have spent considerable time and energy discussing the problem of the viability of classlessness as an emancipatory project, feminists have spent relatively little time defending the viability of a society without male domination. The paper argues that this difference in preoccupations reflects, at least to some extent, differences in the relationship between prefigurative egalitarian micro experiences and macro institutional change (...)
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    Wrongful discrimination against non-pregnant people?Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Andreas Bengtson & Hugo Cosette-Lefebvre - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (1):26-27.
    Heloise Robinson argues that pregnant women have a higher moral status than non-pregnant persons and that, for this reason, pregnant women ought to be treated ‘noticeably’ better than non-pregnant persons.1 In this commentary, we present two challenges to Robinson’s argument. First, the compounding disadvantage objection: treating involuntarily, non-pregnant women worse than voluntarily pregnant women unjustly compounds their disadvantage. Second, the identity objection: treating non-pregnant people worse than pregnant people amounts to pro tanto wrongful discrimination based on a fundamental aspect of (...)
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  16. The myth of Egypt and its hieroglyphs in European tradition.Erik Iversen - 1965 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 155:506-509.
    i am doing a research for my university about the writing system of ancient egyptian.
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    Bontly on Harm and the Non-Identity Problem.Erik Carlson & Jens Johansson - 2019 - Utilitas 31 (4):477-481.
    The ‘non-identity problem’ raises a well-known challenge to the person-affecting view, according to which an action can be wrong only if it affects someone for the worse. In a recent article, however, Thomas D. Bontly proposes a novel way to solve the non-identity problem in person-affecting terms. Bontly's argument is based on a contrastive causal account of harm. In this response, we argue that Bontly's argument fails even assuming that the contrastive causal account is correct.
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  18. Temporality and class analysis: A comparative study of the effects of class trajectory and class structure on class consciousness in sweden and the united states.Erik Olin Wright & Kwang-Yeong Shin - 1988 - Sociological Theory 6 (1):58-84.
    Some of the important conceptual debates between different approaches to class analysis can be interpreted as reflecting different ways of linking temporality to class structure. In particular, processual concepts of class can be viewed as linking class to the past whereas structural concepts link class to the future. This contrast in the temporality of class concepts in turn is grounded in distinct intuitions about why class is explanatory of social conflict and social change. Processural approaches to class see its explanatory (...)
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  19.  37
    On What We Have Learned and Still Need to Learn about the Psychosocial Impacts of Genetic Testing.Erik Parens & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (S1):2-9.
    Since the start of the program to investigate the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of the Human Genome Project in 1990, many ELSI scholars have maintained that genetic testing should be used with caution because of the potential for negative psychosocial effects associated with receiving genetic information. More recently, though, some ELSI scholars have produced evidence suggesting that the original ELSI concerns were unfounded, exaggerated, or, at a minimum, misdirected. At least in the contexts that have been most studied, (...)
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    Forms, Matter and Mind: Three Strands in Plato’s Metaphysics.Erik Nis Ostenfeld - 1982 - The Hague/London/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
    The present work is an attempt to analyse critically Plato's views on mind and body and more particularly on the mind-body relationship within the wider setting of Plato's metaphysics. We seek to achieve this by a philosophical examination"-of the dialogues on the basis of a generally accepted order. Strictly speaking "soul" ought perhaps to be substituted for "mind" in the above. But it seems to be in terms of "mind" that modern philosophers deal with and refer to the problem that (...)
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    Motivation, time course, and heterogeneity in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Response to Taylor, McKay, and Abramowitz (2005).Erik Z. Woody & Henry Szechtman - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (3):658-661.
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    Priapic places of worship.Erik Hamer - 2008 - Classical Quarterly 58 (2):703.
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    Women in the Class Structure.Erik Olin Wright - 1989 - Politics and Society 17 (1):35-66.
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    Classical Black Holes Are Hot.Erik Curiel - unknown
    In the early 1970s it is was realized that there is a striking formal analogy between the Laws of black-hole mechanics and the Laws of classical thermodynamics. Before the discovery of Hawking radiation, however, it was generally thought that the analogy was only formal, and did not reflect a deep connection between gravitational and thermodynamical phenomena. It is still commonly held that the surface gravity of a stationary black hole can be construed as a true physical temperature and its area (...)
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    Authority and authoritative texts in the Platonist tradition.Michael Erler, Jan Erik Hessler & Federico M. Petrucci (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    All disciplines can count on a noble founder, and the representation of this founder as an authority is key in order to construe a discipline's identity. This book sheds light on how Plato and other authorities were represented in one of the most long-lasting traditions of all time. It leads the reader through exegesis and polemics, recovery of the past and construction of a philosophical identity. From Xenocrates to Proclus, from the sceptical shift to the re-establishment of dogmatism, from the (...)
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    A General Framework for the Analysis of Class Structure.Erik Olin Wright - 1984 - Politics and Society 13 (4):383-423.
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    Commentary: Early Risk Detection of Burnout: Development of the Burnout Prevention Questionnaire for Coaches.Erik Lundkvist, Henrik Gustafsson, Markus Gerber, Carolina Lundqvist, Andreas Ivarsson & Daniel J. Madigan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Opaque Theism and Divine Testimony.Erik Wielenberg - 2024 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 9 (1).
    A much-discussed objection to skeptical theism is that skeptical theism implies that divine testimony cannot provide us with knowledge. Here I argue that it is not skeptical theism that raises doubts about the trustworthiness of divine testimony; rather, the vast amount of inscrutable evil in our world together with God’s track record of deception is the source of the trouble. I draw on that insight to develop further my divine deception argument (Wielenberg 2014). The argument I will defend goes roughly (...)
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  29. From a sensorimotor account of perception to an interactive approach to psychopathology.Erik Myin, Kevin O'Regan & Inez Myin-Germeys - 2015 - In Rocco J. Gennaro (ed.), Disturbed Consciousness: New Essays on Psychopathology and Theories of Consciousness. MIT Press.
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  30. Craig’s God Cannot Create a Temporal Universe.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2021 - Philosophia Christi 23 (2):329-340.
    William Lane Craig’s inuential kalam cosmological argument concludes that the universe has a cause of its beginning. Craig provides some supplementary reasoning to suggest that the first cause is God—a God that exists timelessly without the universe and temporally with the universe. I argue that Craig’s hypothesis about the nature of the first cause is impossible. In particular, it cannot be the case that God timelessly wills to create the universe and the universe begins to exist.
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  31. The Moral Argument for God’s Existence; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Godless Morality.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 86:93-98.
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    Debunking Arguments in Ethics, written by Hanno Sauer.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2020 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 10 (2):178-183.
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    Are Classical Black Holes Hot or Cold?Erik Curiel - unknown
    In the early 1970s it is was realized that there is a striking formal analogy between the Laws of black-hole mechanics and the Laws of classical thermodynamics. Before the discovery of Hawking radiation, however, it was generally thought that the analogy was only formal, and did not reflect a deep connection between gravitational and thermodynamical phenomena. It is still commonly held that the surface gravity of a stationary black hole can be construed as a true physical temperature and its area (...)
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    World models and inconsistencies.Erik Weber & Wim Christiaens - 1998 - Foundations of Science 3 (2):285-311.
    A worldview has six components. We concentrate on the first two: the descriptive world model and the explanatory world model. In the first half of the paper we make some general remarks on the methodology of world construction. In the second part, we discuss inconsistencies in world models. Adding new fragments to our world model can lead to inconsistencies. Three strategies are distinguished: (i) a partial return to instrumentalism, (ii) paraconsistency, and (iii) the adaptive option. The latter option is elaborated (...)
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    Fiona Ellis, God, Value, and Nature: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, 220 pp., $99.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 78 (1):131-135.
    In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle claims that just about everyone agrees that the highest good is eudaimonia while disagreeing with one another about what eudaimonia is. A similar situation exists among many contemporary philosophers: they agree that naturalism is true while disagreeing with one another about what naturalism is. By their lights, the claim that a given entity exists is worth taking seriously only if the entity in question is compatible with naturalism ; otherwise, the entity is queer or spooky (...)
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    Coercion and Consent in Contested Exchange.Erik Olin Wright & Michael Burawoy - 1990 - Politics and Society 18 (2):251-266.
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    Equality, Community, and “Efficient Redistribution”.Erik Olin Wright - 1996 - Politics and Society 24 (4):353-367.
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    Errata for "Women in the Class Structure".Erik Olin Wright - 1989 - Politics and Society 17 (2):246-247.
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    Making Capital Socially Accountable: An Introduction to Robin Blackburn and Ewald Engelen.Erik Olin Wright - 2006 - Politics and Society 34 (2):131-134.
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    Martin Sklar's Theory of Capitalism and Socialism.Erik Olin Wright - 2019 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2019 (186):139-148.
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    Political Power, Democracy, and Coupon Socialism.Erik Olin Wright - 1994 - Politics and Society 22 (4):535-548.
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    Postscript to Gastil and Wright: The Anticapitalist Argument for Sortition.Erik Olin Wright - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (3):331-335.
    The author makes the case for sortition from a Marxist perspective, explaining how sortition could become part of an anticapitalist political strategy.
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  43. Why something like socialism is necessary for the transition to something like communism.Erik Olin Wright - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (5):657-672.
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    Norm-Supporting Emotions: From Villages to Complex Societies.Cristina Bicchieri & Erik Thulin - 2017 - In Thomas Christiano, Ingrid Creppell & Jack Knight (eds.), Morality, Governance, and Social Institutions: Reflections on Russell Hardin. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 327-349.
    How do socially imposed rules develop into internalized pro-social codes? In the article “From Bodo Ethics to Distributive Justice”, Russell Hardin discusses one of the central themes of his work: How we “export” social order from a small, insular community to a large, anonymous society. In Bodo’s small village, everyone knows everyone else, interactions are face-to-face, and people live relatively isolated from other communities. In this context, the social norms developed by the community are easily enforceable. But what about large, (...)
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    Editor's Note.Erik Doxtader - 2019 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 52 (3):vi-vii.
    With this issue, Philosophy & Rhetoric launches two features. The first is a dedicated Special Section, a space for shorter articles addressed to a specific theme, problem, or question. The second, In Focus, is a book forum in which several scholars take up a recent leading monograph and the author of the monograph offers a reply to their reflections. These new features will appear regularly in coming issues. Individually and together, they seek to encourage directed study and hopefully a bit (...)
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    The Contemporary possibility of Debate: Introduction.Erik Doxtader - 2019 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 52 (1):47-48.
    Rhetoric and philosophy have long attended to the conditions, dynamics, and relative benefits of debate. Antiquity's deep concern for the relationship between debate and city-serving pedagogy remains an open question. In part through a shared commitment to argumentation theory, rhetoric and philosophy have agreed on and sparred over debate's constitutive and performative role in truth seeking, critical understanding, and collective action. With different and shared idioms, they have touted debate as a fundament of public life, investigated how debate may productively (...)
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    Categories with families and first-order logic with dependent sorts.Erik Palmgren - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (12):102715.
    First-order logic with dependent sorts, such as Makkai's first-order logic with dependent sorts (FOLDS), or Aczel's and Belo's dependently typed (intuitionistic) first-order logic (DFOL), may be regarded as logic enriched dependent type theories. Categories with families (cwfs) is an established semantical structure for dependent type theories, such as Martin-Löf type theory. We introduce in this article a notion of hyperdoctrine over a cwf, and show how FOLDS and DFOL fit in this semantical framework. A soundness and completeness theorem is proved (...)
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    Was the University of Christian III a Twopenny University, or Was the Salary Demanded by Leonhart Fuchs Unreasonable? The Professors'Pay in the 16th Century.Erik Warburg - 1971 - Centaurus 15 (1):72-106.
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    Une problématique générale pour l'analyse des classes.Erik Olim Wright & Nicole Dubois - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):55.
    E.O. Wright, using the labourtransfer and game theory approach of J. Roemer, provides a general framework for a comparative analysis of the different class systems, the historical variations of which are founded on the peculiar nature of the "asset" the dominant class appropriates.
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    Dynamic Inconsistency and Performable Plans.Carlson Erik - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 113 (2):181 - 200.
    An agent may abandon an initiated action plan, although he doesnot acquire new information or encounter unforeseen obstacles.Such dynamic inconsistency can be to the agent'';s guaranteeddisadvantage, and there is a debate on how it should rationallybe avoided. The main contenders are the sophisticated andthe resolute approaches. I argue that this debate is misconceived,since both approaches rely on false assumptions about theperformability of action plans. The debate can be reformulated,so as to avoid these mistaken assumptions. I try to show that sucha (...)
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