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    The anonymous temporality of animal life: Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze on the passive syntheses of the organic.Benjamin Décarie-Daigneault - forthcoming - Continental Philosophy Review:1-23.
    I argue that Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze both offer accounts of passivity capable of paving the way for a philosophy of time constitution operating outside the structure of human consciousness. Taking, as a point of departure, the fundamental role that temporalization plays in phenomenology as the universal grounding of givenness, I argue that both Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze offer similar and complementary accounts of “lower levels” of time constitution: they both think through the articulation of a non-anthropomorphic “here and now” that precedes (...)
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    Robert Bernasconi and the challenges of a Critical Philosophy of Race: (Un)learning to read and teach the history of moral philosophy.Benjamin Décarie-Daigneault - 2025 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 51 (2):324-343.
    This essay is an attempt to determine what Robert Bernasconi’s body of work in Critical Philosophy of Race can teach us about the way in which we, philosophers and professors of philosophy, ought to treat our institutional heritage. What should we make, for instance, of moral claims made by philosophers of the modern era who – tacitly or explicitly – manifested certain levels of endorsement toward the Atlantic Slave Trade? How should we comprehend the conceptual tools that we have inherited (...)
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    Du monde des pures choses au monde sauvage : étude sur les figures de la primordialité, de Husserl à Merleau-Ponty.Benjamin Décarie-Daigneault - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (2):455-476.
    Benjamin Décarie-Daigneault Le présent article se penche sur une préoccupation commune au transcendantalisme husserlien et à la phénoménologie « existentielle » de Merleau-Ponty : la mise au jour des fondements de l’expérience du monde. Par sa méthode « archéologique », Husserl met en lumière, dans les Méditations cartésiennes, les différentes strates de sens qui sous-tendent le phénomène du monde concret. Si cette description a pour point de départ l’ego philosophant qui thématise sa propre expérience, elle a pour point d’arrivée l’ego (...)
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