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  1.  83
    (1 other version)From Rechtsphilosophie to Staatsökonomie: Hegel and the philosophical foundations of political economy.Bernardo Ferro - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):80-96.
    Although Hegel is increasingly recognized as an important figure in the history of political economy, his economic views are never strictly economic. In contrast to other modern thinkers, his primary concern is not the economic efficacy of different practices or institutions but the extent to which they enable and promote the development of human freedom. In this article, I argue that Hegel's pioneering critique of modern liberal economy plays out simultaneously at a more empirical level, corresponding to the properly economic (...)
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    Adorno’s dynamic theory of ideology.Bernardo Ferro - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Adorno’s conception of ideology was denounced by Habermas as incompatible with a viable form of social critique. By conflating ideology and the ‘identity principle’ inherent to modern Western reason, he argues, Adorno offered an overly negative characterisation of modernity and failed to recognise its rational potential. This paper questions this line of criticism by revisiting Adorno’s position. While he does sometimes associate ideology with identity-thinking, this association does not exhaust his views on the subject. For Adorno, ideology is just as (...)
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  3.  69
    Hegel, Liberalism and the Pitfalls of Representative Democracy.Bernardo Ferro - 2019 - Hegel Bulletin 40 (2):215-236.
    Although Hegel is very critical of representative democracy, his views on political participation are in many ways richer and more sophisticated than the ones favoured today by most Western societies. The present paper aims to shed light on this apparent paradox by dispelling some of the misunderstandings still associated with Hegel’s ethical and political thought. I argue, on the one hand, that Hegel’s emphasis on the notion of freedom does not amount to an endorsement of political liberalism, but to a (...)
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  4.  33
    Freedom beyond liberalism : a reconstruction of Hegel’s social and political philosophy.Bernardo Ferro - unknown
    In the last decades, Hegel’s mature political philosophy has come to be associated with some form of social or welfare liberalism. Challenging this line of interpretation, this study aims to show that his work harbours a more ambitious philosophical programme, grounded in a different vision of the modern state. However, this programme is only partly spelled out in the Philosophy of Right. While the conceptual logic that guides Hegel’s dialectical progression points beyond the modern liberal standpoint, some of his concrete (...)
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  5.  24
    The owl of Minerva and the dialectic of human freedom: A heterodox reading.Bernardo Ferro - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    In the preface to the Philosophy of Right, Hegel compares the philosopher’s work to the flight of the owl of Minerva: just as the latter begins only with the fall of dusk, so too is philosophy bound to ‘come on the scene’ too late to teach ‘what the world ought to be’. This well-known passage has been read in many quarters as a heavy, if not fatal blow to philosophy’s critical role. While some interpreters regard Hegel’s metaphor as an outright (...)
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  6.  44
    Against realism: Hegel and Adorno on philosophy’s critical role.Bernardo Ferro - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (2):183-202.
    Key representatives of the dialectical tradition, Hegel and Adorno conceived philosophy as a critical tool, directed both at the naive realism of ordinary reason and the more sophisticated realism of modern scientific discourse. For the two authors, philosophy’s main task is to question received ideas and practices and to expose their underlying contradictions, thereby enabling meaningful forms of cultural and political change. But while for Hegel this procedure takes the form of a systematic enquiry, leading from a spurious to a (...)
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  7.  24
    Deve haver Limites para a Liberdade de Expressão?Bernardo Ferro - 2022 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (1-2):473-498.
    Can the freedom of expression be rightfully restricted? If so, how should one distinguish between what may and may not be expressed to others? To answer these questions, I focus on the liberal approach to free speech, introduced by Kant and Stuart Mill, and discuss its main limitations. Based on this analysis, I propose a new normative framework grounded in a critical reassessment of the concept of harm. I argue that this concept must be clarified and expanded so as to (...)
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  8.  26
    Vox populi, vox neminis: Crowds, Interactivity and the Fate of Communication.Bernardo Ferro - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (4):330-345.
    Philosophy’s engagement with mass media has often been ambiguous: many critical theorists, from Benjamin to Bourdieu, recognised the emancipatory potential of modern communication technologies, but they also denounced the economic, political and ideological forces at work in the creation and dissemination of public opinion. Looking at different media, these authors emphasised the dialectical tension between the plurality of the public sphere and different forms of control and manipulation. In the present paper, I argue that this line of criticism, albeit important, (...)
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  9.  22
    Abazari, Arash. Hegel’s Ontology of Power: The Structure of Social Domination in Capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020, xvii + 218 pp. [REVIEW]Bernardo Ferro - 2023 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105 (1):191-195.
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    Gary Browning. A History of Modern Political Thought. The Question of Interpretation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN: 978-0-19-968229-4 . Pp. 431. £30. [REVIEW]Bernardo Ferro - 2019 - Hegel Bulletin 40 (3):505-507.
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    Review. Bruce Gilbert. The Vitality of Contradiction. Hegel, Politics and the Dialectic of Liberal-Capitalism. Montreal: McGill–Queen’s University Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-7735-4258-7 . Pp. 350. $28.23. [REVIEW]Bernardo Ferro - 2016 - Hegel Bulletin 37 (2):337-343.
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