Results for 'Bertah Hazan'

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  1. Ḳeriʼah le-ḥinukh.S. Yizhar, Bertah Hazan & Shamai Glander - 1984 - Tel-Aviv: Sifriyat poʻalim. Edited by Berṭah Ḥazan & Shamai Gelander.
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    The Location of Suicide: Cultural Parameters of a Public Health Territory.Haim Hazan & Raquel Romberg - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (6):731-747.
    The impetus driving this article is the uncritical uses of ‘culture’ as an explanatory variable in public health research of ‘suicide’, regarding its conceptualization and operationalization as a mentally riddled phenomenon clamped in nomothetic and epidemiological nomenclature. This reduction of suicide to its presumed ‘evidence based’ figures and graphs under the guise of the lingo of culture requires and yields not only ‘thin’ understandings but also non-committal conclusions. Thus, ‘culture’ merely appears as a ‘thing’ made of shared norms and values (...)
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    A Presença de Deus no Ser Humano segundo Heschel.Maria Gloria Hazan & Luiz Felipe Pondé - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (1):121-149.
    O artigo explora a relação do ser humano com o inefável e quais os caminhos para a presença de Deus na consciência religiosa, de acordo com Abraham Heschel, através da visão bíblica de mundo, nas seguintes categorias: sublime, maravilhoso, mistério, temor e glória. O resgate desses sentimentos dentro da religião é fundamental para a experiência da fé.
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  4. Dis-Membered Bodies—Re-Membered Selves: The Discourse of the Institutionalized Old.Haim Hazan - 2002 - In Lars Andersson (ed.), Cultural Gerontology. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 207--220.
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    Preliminary considerations.Haim Hazan - 2002 - In Lars Andersson (ed.), Cultural Gerontology. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 207.
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    The authorized self: How middle age defines old age in the postmodern.Haim Hazan & Aviad E. Raz - 1997 - Semiotica 113 (3-4):257-276.
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  7. Tilting the frame : Israeli suicide as an alternative to suicide in Israel.Haim Hazan & Raquel Romberg - 2018 - In Hagai Boas, Shai Joshua Lavi, Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, Dani Filc & Nadav Davidovitch (eds.), Bioethics and biopolitics in Israel: socio-legal, political and empirical analysis. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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    Y a-t-il une condition masculine?Marie Hazan - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 183 (1):81.
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    The effect of a history-based course in optics on students' views about science.Igal Galili & Amnon Hazan - 2001 - Science & Education 10 (1-2):7-32.
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    Experts' views on using history and philosophy of science in the practice of physics instruction.Igal Galili & Amnon Hazan - 2001 - Science & Education 10 (4):345-367.
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    Too Many False Targets for MicroRNAs: Challenges and Pitfalls in Prediction of miRNA Targets and Their Gene Ontology in Model and Non‐model Organisms.Arie Fridrich, Yael Hazan & Yehu Moran - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (4):1800169.
    Short (“seed”) or extended base pairing between microRNAs (miRNAs) and their target RNAs enables post‐transcriptional silencing in many organisms. These interactions allow the computational prediction of potential targets. In model organisms, predicted targets are frequently validated experimentally; hence meaningful miRNA‐regulated processes are reported. However, in non‐models, these reports mostly rely on computational prediction alone. Many times, further bioinformatic analyses such as Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment are based on these in silico projections. Here such approaches are reviewed, their caveats are highlighted (...)
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    The effects of high variability training on voice identity learning.Nadine Lavan, Sarah Knight, Valerie Hazan & Carolyn McGettigan - 2019 - Cognition 193:104026.
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    Onderzoek naar kiesstelselhervormingen doorgelicht.Monique Leyenaar & Reuven Y. Hazan - 2011 - Res Publica 53 (3):369-371.
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    Realism: An Attempt to Trace its Origin and Development in its Chief Representatives.La Theorie de la Connaissance chez les Neo-Realistes Anglais.Helen Huss Parkhurst, Syed Zafarul Hazan & Rene Kremer - 1930 - Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):44.
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    Incompatibility, loneliness, and “limerence”.Phillip Shaver & Cindy Hazan - 1985 - In W. J. Ickes (ed.), Compatible and Incompatible Relationships. Springer Verlag. pp. 163--184.
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    Contesting Religious Authoriality: The Immanuel “Beis-Yaakov” School Segregation Case. [REVIEW]Shulamit Almog & Lotem Perry-Hazan - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (1):211-225.
    This paper will focus on two textual articulations that emerged in the Immanuel “Beis-Yaakov” school segregation case. The first is a declaration of the Admor from Slonim that was published when the ultra-Orthodox fathers who refused to send their daughters to an integrated school were imprisoned. The second is a letter to the Supreme Court that was written by an Ashkenazi mother whose daughter attended the “Beis Yaakov” school. A semiotic reading of the articulations reveals several opposing characteristics. The Admor’s (...)
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    Why should it be my concern? How teachers in low- and high-ses primary schools mobilise their pupils’ online rights.Shiran German Ben-Hayun & Lotem Perry-Hazan - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (3):327-346.
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    Rancière, Jacques, What Times Are We Living In? A Conversation with Eric Hazan.Jessie Joshua Lino - 2021 - Kritike 15 (2):151-156.
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    What times are we living in?: a conversation with Eric Hazan.Jacques Rancière - 2021 - Medford, MA: Polity Press. Edited by Steve Corcoran.
    A leading radical thinker reflects on the state of contemporary politics.
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    Joseph-Emile Muller, Frank Elgar, Un siècle de peinture moderne. Paris, Fernand Hazan, 1972, 24 × 31, 192 p., nombr. ill. en noir et coul., relié toile, jaquette illustrée. [REVIEW]Albert Delorme - 1974 - Revue de Synthèse 95 (73-74):207-210.
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    Reflections on anti-semitism.Alain Badiou - 2013 - New York: Verso. Edited by Éric Hazan & Ivan Segré.
    Since the beginning of the War on Terror, Israel has become increasingly salient to imperial strategy and ever more aggressive in its policies toward the Palestinians. In this context, a key ideological weapon is the cynical accusation of "anti-Semitism." For historical reasons, this has been deployed most forcefully in France, and Alain Badiou and Eric Hazan caustically demolish the "anti-Semitism is everywhere" allegation, used to bludgeon opponents of the Israeli state and those who stand in solidarity with the banlieue (...)
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    “PRE-POSTMODERN” Four Jewish Nationalist Thinkers of the Last Century.Avinoam Rosenak - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):292-311.
    For some years now, an opposition has been drawn, not only among Israeli academics but among politicians and journalists as well, between Jewish nationalist or Zionist thought and the kind of thinking that is called “postmodern.” The argument is that a Zionist cannot be a postmodernist and vice versa, the two being incompatible. It appears that this opposition originated with an identification made between “post-Zionist” historical revisionism (of the kind associated with Ilan Pappe, Benny Morris, Avi Shlaim, Simha Flapan, and (...)
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 3 (Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayısı).Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1073-1076.
    Gayretimin bir kısmı bilim dünyasına hizmet, ama diğer çok mühim bir gayesi ise; koskoca bir İslam aleminin yitirmiş olduğu kendine hürmeti, güveni ve insanlık tarihindeki yerini hatırlatmak, kaybettiklerini inşa etmek içindir. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin anısına ithaf ettiğimiz Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayımıza hoşgeldiniz. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, 24 Ekim 1924 tarihinde Bitlis’te dünyaya gelen Fuat Sezgin, il-kokulu Doğubayazıt’ta, ortaokul ve liseyi ise Erzurum’da bitirdikten sonra 1943 yılında İstanbul’a geldi. İstanbul Üniversitesi şarkiyat (Doğu bilimi) Araştırmaları (...)
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