Results for 'Bhāṣyam Svāmī'

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    Vedantadīpaḥ. Rāmānuja & Bhāṣyam Svāmī - 2009 - Yādavādriḥ, Melukoṭe: Saṃskr̥ta Saṃśodhana Saṃsat. Edited by Bhāṣyam Svāmī & Bādarāyaṇa.
    Commentary on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa, work on the Vedanta philosophy.
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    Sudharma Svāmī's Bhagavatī Sūtra. Vol. I (Śatakas 1-2)Sudharma Svami's Bhagavati Sutra. Vol. I.Wilhelm Halbfass, K. C. Lalwani, Sudharma Svāmī & Sudharma Svami - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):151.
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    Scandals, cover-ups, and other imagined occurrences in the life of Rāmakṙṣṅa: An examination of Jeffrey Kripal’s Kālī’s child. [REVIEW]Svāmī Ātmajñānānanda - 1997 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 1 (2):401-420.
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    Brahmasūtra-bhāṣyam and Peculiarity of Indian Arguments.Hyoyeop Park - 2012 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 36:49-77.
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    Svāmī Vivekānanda’s Iconic Presence and Conventions of Nineteenth-Century Photographic Portraiture.Gwilym Beckerlegge - 2008 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 12 (1):1-40.
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  6. Svami Adidevananda, trans., Srinivasa, YATINDRAMATADIPIKA.James Norton - 1964 - Philosophy East and West 14 (3/4):371.
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    Svāmi-KārtikeyānuprekṣāSvami-Kartikeyanupreksa.U. P. S. & A. N. Upadhye - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (2):281.
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    Fallacious Arguments in Brahmasūtra-bhāṣyam.Hyoyeop Park - 2010 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 57:369-395.
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    Adhyāropāpavāda : Revisiting the Interpretations of Svāmi Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī and the Post-Śaṅkarādvaitins.Manjushree Hegde - forthcoming - Philosophy East and West.
    A fundamental difference in Svāmi Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī’s (SSS) and the Post-Śaṅkarādvaitins’ (PSA) exegeses of Advaita Vedānta lies in the pedagogic method of adhyāropa-apavāda (deliberate attribution of characteristics to the attribute-less brahman, and its corresponding/complementary contradiction). For SSS, adhyāropāpavāda is the sole method to negate avidyā (ignorance); other Upaniṣadic methods— lakṣaṇā and netivāda —are subsumed under it. For the PSA, on the other hand, adhyāropāpavāda plays a subsidiary, less consequential role in engendering gnosis; the primary role is that of mahāvākyas (the (...)
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    Adhyāropāpavāda : Revisiting the Interpretations of Svāmi Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī and The Post-Śaṅkarādvaitins.Manjushree Hegde - 2025 - Philosophy East and West 75 (1):139-162.
    A fundamental difference in Svāmi Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī’s (SSS) and the Post-Śaṅkarādvaitins’ (PSA) exegeses of Advaita Vedānta lies in the pedagogic method of adhyāropa-apavāda (deliberate attribution of characteristics to the attribute-less brahman and its corresponding/complementary contradiction). For SSS, adhyāropāpavāda is the sole method to negate avidyā (ignorance); other Upaniṣadic methods— lakṣaṇā and netivāda —are subsumed under it. For the PSA, on the other hand, adhyāropāpavāda plays a subsidiary, less consequential role in engendering gnosis; the primary role is that of mahāvākyas (the (...)
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  11. The dharmic journey of svami vivekananda : From the Apostle of hinduism universalism to hinduism as the religion eternal.George M. Williams - 2005 - In Ashok Vohra, Arvind Sharma & Mrinal Miri, Dharma, the categorial imperative. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 363.
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    The Synthesis of Jñāna and Bhakti in Advaita Vedānta Through Svāmī Vidyāraṇya’s Lens.Lalita Hotkar, R. Lalitha Sharma & K. Ramasubramanian - 2025 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 42 (1):1-15.
    The path of devotion (bhakti-mārga) is firmly rooted in duality, whereas the path of knowledge (jñāna-mārga), particularly in the Advaita tradition, establishes non-duality. Thus, the two streams seem to be quite divergent in nature, having no connection with each other. The present paper examines the pivotal role of bhakti in Advaita Vedānta, with a specific focus on Svāmī Vidyāraṇya’s elucidations. It explores the intrinsic connection between the paths of devotion and knowledge, highlighting their substantial role in the attainment of (...)
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    Śaṅkara’s Understanding on Yoga exposed in Brahmasūtra-bhāṣyam 2.1.3.Hyoyeop Park - 2012 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 34:95-120.
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    The Quest for Meaning of Svāmī Vívekānanda: A Study of Religious ChangeThe Quest for Meaning of Svami Vivekananda: A Study of Religious Change.Virginia Corwin & George M. Williams - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):356.
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  15. The Sāṃkhya Sūtras of Pañcaśikha and the Sāṃkhyatattvāloka; Svāmī Hariharanānda Āraṇya.Jajneswar Ghosh - 1981 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (2):125-125.
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  16. La mistica cristologica di Henri le saux (svāmī abhishiktānanda).Maurizio Gronchi - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (3-4):410-428.
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    Works on TantraArthur Avalon Ellen Avalon Purnananda Svami.P. Masson-Oursel - 1920 - Isis 3 (1):77-81.
  18. Jajneswar Ghosh, "The Samkhya Sutras of Pañcasikha and the Samkhyatattvaloka; Svamí Hariharananda Aranya".Bimal Krishna Matilal - 1981 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (2):125.
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    Founders of Sciences in Ancient India. Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati.Raman Srinivasan - 1989 - Isis 80 (2):308-309.
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    A message without an audience: Svāmī rāma tīrtha’s ‘practical vedānta’. [REVIEW]Robin Rinehart - 1998 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 2 (2):185-221.
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    Kramabaddhaparyāya.Hukamacanda Bhārilla - 1980 - Sonāgaṛha: prāpti-sthāna, Śrī Digambara Jaina Svādhyāya Mandira Ṭrasṭa.
    Interpretive study of the theory of evolution in a fixed sequence (kramabaddhaparyāya), propounded by Kānajī Svāmī, b. 1890, an exponent of Digambara Jainism.
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    Dṛgdṛśyaviveka: discernment between atman and non atman, attributed to Śaṅkara. Śaṅkarācārya - 2008 - New York, N.Y.: Aurea Vidyā. Edited by Raphael.
    The Author and the Editor invite us to Discern (viveka) between Real and non-real, between atman (Self) and non-atman (non-Self), between Infinite and finite, between Life and death. In Svami Nikhilananda's words: -This work, which contains only forty-six sloka (verses) is an excellent vade mecum (handbook) for students of advanced courses in Advaita philosophy-. Both Readers and Scholars will welcome the truly Monumental Bibliography. SHANKARA, the Author, has been one of the greatest philosophers of India, and has profoundly influenced not (...)
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