Results for 'Bizzarri Bizzarri'

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  1.  64
    SMT and TOFT: Why and How They are Opposite and Incompatible Paradigms.Mariano Bizzarri & Alessandra Cucina - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (3):221-239.
    The Somatic Mutation Theory has been challenged on its fundamentals by the Tissue Organization Field Theory of Carcinogenesis. However, a recent publication has questioned whether TOFT could be a valid alternative theory of carcinogenesis to that presented by SMT. Herein we critically review arguments supporting the irreducible opposition between the two theoretical approaches by highlighting differences regarding the philosophical, methodological and experimental approaches on which they respectively rely. We conclude that SMT has not explained carcinogenesis due to severe epistemological and (...)
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  2.  51
    Gravity Constraints Drive Biological Systems Toward Specific Organization Patterns.Mariano Bizzarri, Maria Grazia Masiello, Alessandro Giuliani & Alessandra Cucina - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (1):1700138.
    Different cell lineages growing in microgravity undergo a spontaneous transition leading to the emergence of two distinct phenotypes. By returning these populations in a normal gravitational field, the two phenotypes collapse, recovering their original configuration. In this review, we hypothesize that, once the gravitational constraint is removed, the system freely explores its phenotypic space, while, when in a gravitational field, cells are “constrained” to adopt only one favored configuration. We suggest that the genome allows for a wide range of “possibilities” (...)
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  3.  54
    Beyond the oncogene paradigm: Understanding complexity in cancerogenesis.M. Bizzarri, A. Cucina, F. Conti & F. D’Anselmi - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (3):173-196.
    In the past decades, an enormous amount of precious information has been collected about molecular and genetic characteristics of cancer. This knowledge is mainly based on a reductionistic approach, meanwhile cancer is widely recognized to be a ‘system biology disease’. The behavior of complex physiological processes cannot be understood simply by knowing how the parts work in isolation. There is not solely a matter how to integrate all available knowledge in such a way that we can still deal with complexity, (...)
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  4. Condillac.Romualdo Bizzarri - 1945 - Brescia,: "La Scuola" editrice.
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  5. Machiavelli antimachiavellico.Edoardo Bizzarri - 1940 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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    Studi sull' estetica.Romualdo Bizzarri - 1914 - Firenze,: Libreria editrice fiorentina.
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  7.  8
    Vida de Segundo: versión castellana de la Vita Secundi de Vicente de Beauvais. Vincent & Hugo O. Bizzarri - 2000 - Exeter, Devon, UK: University of Exeter Press. Edited by Hugo O. Bizzarri.
    Includes Spanish version of Vita Secundi (Life of Secundus of Athens) by Vincent of Beauvais, and the Spanish version (Castellana) by Walter Burley (Gualterus Burlaeus) with the Latin version in his "Tractatus de vita et moribus philosophorum et de quibusdam dictis eorum" from his ms. in the "Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid Vit. 18-7 (Olim T. 9), fols. 50r-51v"--See page 33.
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  8.  20
    Constraints Shape Cell Function and Morphology by Canalizing the Developmental Path along the Waddington's Landscape.Mariano Bizzarri, Alessandro Giuliani, Mirko Minini, Noemi Monti & Alessandra Cucina - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (4):1900108.
    Studies performed in absence of gravitational constraint show that a living system is unable to choose between two different phenotypes, thus leading cells to segregate into different, alternative stable states. This finding demonstrates that the genotype does not determine by itself the phenotype but requires additional, physical constraints to finalize cell differentiation. Constraints belong to two classes: holonomic (independent of the system's dynamical states, as being established by the space‐time geometry of the field) and non‐holonomic (modified during those biological processes (...)
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  9.  11
    La Palabra del Predicador.Hugo O. Bizzarri - 2006 - Mediaevalia 27 (1):65-92.
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  10. Zu: Bizzarri und bullingers briefwechsel.Ulrich Gäbler - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (1):99-100.
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  11.  41
    SMT and TOFT Integrable After All: A Reply to Bizzarri and Cucina.Baptiste Bedessem & Stphanie Ruphy - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 65 (1):81-85.
    In a previous paper recently published in this journal, we argue that the two main theories of carcinogenesis should be considered as compatible, at the metaphysical, epistemological and biological levels. In a reply to our contribution, Bizzarri and Cucina claim we are wrong since SMT and TOFT are opposite and incompatible paradigms. Here, we show that their arguments are not satisfactory. Indeed, the authors go through the same mistakes that we already addressed. In particular, they confuse reductionism, as an (...)
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  12.  46
    Alfonso Traina: Forma e suono. (Ricerche di Storia della Lingua Latina 14.) Pp. 227. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri, 1977. Paper, L. 6,000.M. M. Willcock - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (1):171-171.
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  13.  86
    Partheneia - Claude Calame: Les Choeurs de jeunes filles en Grèce archaïque. Two vols. I. Morphologie, fonction religieuse et sociale. II. Alcman. pp. 506, 212; 2 plates. Rome: Edizioni dellἈteneo e Bizzarri, 1977. Paper, L.14,000 and 6,000. [REVIEW]A. M. Bowie - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (01):1-3.
  14.  61
    Guido Paduano: Sui Persiani di Eschilo. Problemi difocalizzazione drammatica. (Filologia e Critica, 27.) Pp. 106. Rome: Edizioni dell' Ateneo & Bizzarri, 1978. Paper, L. 4,000. [REVIEW]James Diggle - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (1):105-105.
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  15.  6
    Hermeneutic of Aquinas’s Texts: Notes on the Index Thomisticus.Paolo Guietti - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (4):667-686.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HERMENEUTIC OF AQUINAS'S TEXTS: NOTES ON THE INDEX THOMISTICUS PAOLO GurnTTI Universita Cattolica Augustinianum Milan, Italy I. Introduction: First Impressions of the Index Thomisticus UPON ENTERING an excellent library of philosophy, one cannot help but notice the 56 volumes of the Inde:c Thomisticus.1 Anyone with a scholarly interest in Saint 1 Index Thomisticus: Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Operum omnium Indices et concordantiae... (Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 1974-1980). Reference to this work in (...)
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  16.  20
    La disinformazione felice: cosa ci insegnano le bufale.Fabio Paglieri - 2020 - Bologna: Il mulino.
    Elefanti nani, inesistenti regni medievali, parodie politiche scambiate per vere, panzane virali e dibattiti privi di senso sui social media. Le bufale un tempo erano oggetto di curiosità, bizzarri orpelli della credulità umana di cui discutere fra il serio e il faceto. Oggi causano allarme sociale, come ci dimostra la cronaca recente: la baraonda digitale prodotta dal diffondersi di un'epidemia può minare alla radice i tentativi di combatterla, o al contrario facilitare una risposta collettiva sensata ed efficace. Perché la (...)
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