Results for 'Blagojka Zdravkovska-Adamova'

  1.  22
    Ellipsis in the macedonian noun phrase.Blagojka Zdravkovska-Adamova - 2017 - Seeu Review 12 (2):82-107.
    The aim of our paper is to present noun phrase ellipsis as a cohesive tie in the Macedonian language. We will start our paper briefly discussing a few definitions of the term ellipsis, emphasizing our understanding of this term, and more concretely its meaning when occurring in the NP. Namely, we define ellipsis as a complex phenomenon. In linguistics, it means the omitting of linguistic elements that need to be understood from the context, where the recipient should adequately fill the (...)
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  2.  24
    Development of Critical Thinking Skills for Macedonian Language for Professional Purposes 2 During the Online Teaching Period.Aleksandra P. Taneska & Blagojka Zdravkovska-Adamova - 2020 - Seeu Review 15 (1):60-70.
    The aim of this paper is to present the results of our analysis regarding the development of critical thinking skills for the subject Macedonian language for specific purposes 2, research conducted in the online teaching period in the academic 2019-2020. The appearance of COVID-19 virus in March 2020 and the pandemic that it caused seriously affected the educational process. But the well-established Google Meet and Google Classroom platforms have proven to be a solid foundation for teaching in extraordinary circumstances at (...)
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  3.  77
    Olga ADAMOVA-SLIOZBERG et alii, L'aujourd'hui blessé, Lagrasse, Éditions Verdier, collection « Slovo », 1997, 441 p.Jean-Paul Depretto - 2001 - Clio 13:256-258.
    Paru en URSS au moment de la perestroïka (1989), sous le titre Cela pèse jusqu'à aujourd'hui, ce recueil prend place dans une collection de qualité, qui a publié notamment des textes de V.Chalamov, connu pour ses Récits de Kolyma. Il regroupe quatorze témoignages de femmes qui ont été détenues dans les prisons et les camps soviétiques entre 1922 et 1965. Certes, ce n'est pas la première fois que le public français peut lire des souvenirs d'ex-prisonnières, mais ce volume vaut d'abord (...)
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