Results for 'Boltzmann Ludwig'

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  1. (1 other version)Populäre Schriften.Ludwig Boltzmann - 1906 - The Monist 16:320.
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  2. On the Development of the Methods of Theoretical Physics in Recent Times.Ludwig Boltzmann - 1968 - Philosophical Forum 1 (1):97.
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    Boltzmann's philosophy notes for three lectures (fall 1903).Ludwig Boltzmann - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):191-202.
    It is necessary to distinguish between Boltzmann’s original lecture notes, his extemporaneous lectures, the fair copy of philosophy lectures 3 to 18 by an unknown hand which are mostly on mathematics, and the multi-published versions which only include lectures 1 and 2. There is a difference between his real thought in his notes (or “honne” in Japanese) and what seems to have survived in lectures 1 and 2 for public consumption (“tatamae”). We have stuck with honne, but where it (...)
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    On the Methods of Theoretical Physics.Ludwig Boltzmann - 1915 - The Monist 25 (2):200-211.
  5. Editor's Note.Ludwig Boltzmann - 1968 - Philosophical Forum:123.
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  6. Über die frage nach der objectiven existenz der vorgänge in der unbelebten natur.Ludwig Boltzmann - 1897 - Wien,: Hof- und staatsdruckerei.
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  7. On the Necessity of Atomic Theories in Physics.Ludwig Boltzmann - 1901 - The Monist 12 (1):65-79.
  8. Principien der Naturfilosofi = Lectures on Natural Philosophy, 1903-1906.Ludwig Boltzmann, I. M. Fasol-Boltzmann, Stephen G. Brush & Gerhard Fasol - 1990
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    The Recent Development of Method in Theoretical Physics.Ludwig Boltzmann - 1901 - The Monist 11 (2):226-257.
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    Modèle.Ludwig Boltzmann, Michel Bourdeau & Stefan Neuwirth - 2024 - Cahiers Philosophiques 176 (1):86-94.
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  11. On the Monism of Professor Mach. [REVIEW]Ludwig Boltzmann - 1906 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 16:320.
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    Ich bin - also denke ich: die Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie.Franz Kreuzer, Engelbert Broda, Rupert Riedl & Ludwig Boltzmann - 1981
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    Ludwig Boltzmann: Man, Physicist, Philosopher.Engelbert Broda - 1983
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    Ludwig Boltzmanns Wege nach Berlin: ein Kapitel österreichisch-deutscher Wissenschaftsbeziehungen.Herbert Hörz & Andreas Laass - 1989
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    Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844-1906).Cristina de Amorim Machado, Antonio Augusto Passos Videira & Tatiana Roque - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (2):381-389.
    Esta introdução descreve os mais importantes dados biográficos da vida e da obra do físico teórico austríaco Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906). As principais contribuições científicas de Boltzmann situam-se nos domínios da teoria cinética dos gases e mecânica estatística, da qual ele foi um dos fundadores. A tese de que as teorias científicas são representações dos fenômenos naturais é encontrada em todos os artigos de Boltzmann. No verbete "modelo", ela é apresentada de modo mais organizado, o que o (...)
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    Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms.Carlo Cercignani - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book presents the life and personality, the scientific and philosophical work of Ludwig Boltzmann, one of the great scientists who marked the passage from 19th- to 20th-Century physics. His rich and tragic life, ending by suicide at the age of 62, is described in detail. A substantial part of the book is devoted to discussing his scientific and philosophical ideas and placing them in the context of the second half of the 19th century. The fact that (...) was the man who did most to establish that there is a microscopic, atomic structure underlying macroscopic bodies is documented, as is Boltzmann's influence on modern physics, especially through the work of Planck on light quanta and of Einstein on Brownian motion. Boltzmann was the centre of a scientific upheaval, and he has been proved right on many crucial issues. He anticipated Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions and proposed a theory of knowledge based on Darwin. His basic results, when properly understood, can also be stated as mathematical theorems. Some of these have been proved: others are still at the level of likely but unproven conjectures. The main text of this biography is written almost entirely without equations. Mathematical appendices deepen knowledge of some technical aspects of the subject. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)Ludwig Boltzmann und Das grundlagenproblem der quantentheorie.Ulrich Hoyer - 1984 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 15 (2):201-210.
    Summary Boltzmann's principle is part of classical physics, and one of the corner-stones of Planck's quantum theory. It is shown, why Planck's theory of radiation can be derived from this principle without abandoning classical physics, if due regard is taken of atomism. Finally, there is given an outline of a quantum theory completely based on statistical axioms without any appeal to nonclassical physical principles.
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  18. Ludwig Boltzmann's Mathematical Argument for Atomism.Torsten Wilholt - 2001 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:199-211.
    In recent years, the philosophy of Ludwig Boltzmann has become a point of interest within the field of history of philosophy of science. Attention has centred around Boltzmann’s philosophical considerations connected to his defense of atomism in physics. In analysing these considerations, several scholars have attributed a pragmatist stance to Boltzmann. In this paper, I want to argue that, whatever pragmatist traits may be found in Boltzmann’s diverse writings, his defense of atomism in physics can (...)
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    Ludwig Boltzmann als evolutionistischer Philosoph.Engelbert Broda - 1983 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 6 (1-4):103-114.
    The contributions of the great physicist Ludwig Boltzmann to philosophy and biology are not known sufficiently. In philosophy, he was a realist, and much opposed to his colleague's, Mach's, positivism, but also to Berkeley's, Kant's, Hegel's and Schopenhauer's idealisms. In biology, Boltzmann was a passionate Darwinist and tried to explain on the basis of evolution the meaning of photosynthesis as well as the origin of life and of the mind. Boltzmann argued for evolutionary epistemology. Opposing Kant, (...)
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  20. Ludwig Boltzmann's Bildtheorie and Scientific Understanding.Henk W. de Regt - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):113-134.
    Boltzmann’s Bildtheorie, which asserts that scientific theories are ‘mental pictures’ having at best a partial similarity to reality, was a core element of his philosophy of science. The aim of this article is to draw attention to a neglected aspect of it, namely its significance for the issue of scientific explanation and understanding, regarded by Boltzmann as central goals of science. I argue that, in addition to being an epistemological view of the interpretation of scientific theories Boltzmann’s (...)
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  21. Ludwig Boltzmann.Engelbert Broda - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (29):81-82.
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  22. Ludwig Boltzmann als Philosoph.Aloys Müller - 1907 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 20:85-90.
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    Ludwig Boltzmann—The Man Who Trusted Atoms.N. de Courtenay - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33 (1):125-128.
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    Das Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte - Integration von denken und handeln im Dienste der Sache.Nicole Lieger - 2005 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2006 (jg):345-346.
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    Die Atomistik bei Ludwig Boltzmann. Zur wissenschaftlichen und philosophischen Bedeutung einer kontroversen Position am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts.Juan Ignacio GÓMez Tutor - 2004 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 35 (2):371-384.
    The atomic hypothesis according to Ludwig Boltzmann. The scientific and philosophical importance of a controversial position at the close of the 19th century. This paper examines Boltzmann’s standpoint in the controversy over the existence of atoms between himself on the one hand and Mach, Ostwald, Helm and to some extent Duhem on the other hand. The latter wanted to develop a physics only constructed with perceptible phenomena. Because of the lack of empirical evidence of the atoms at (...)
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  26. Festschrift Ludwig Boltzmann.Gottlob Frege (ed.) - 1904 - Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth.
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    Ludwig Boltzmann: His Later Life and Philosophy, 1900-1906. Book 1: A Documentary History. John Blackmore.Rudolf Haller - 1997 - Isis 88 (2):364-365.
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    Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms. Carlo Cercignani.J. Dorfman - 2000 - Isis 91 (3):595-596.
  29. Ludwig Boltzmann: His Later Life and Philosophy, 1900-1906. [REVIEW]John Blackmore - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (4):630-632.
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  30. Festschrift Ludwig Boltzmann Gewidmet Zum Sechzigsten Geburtstage.S. Meyer (ed.) - 1904 - Leipzig: Barth.
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    Ludwig Boltzmanns Wege nach Berlin: Ein Kapital österreichisch-deutscher Wissenschaftsbeziehungen. Herbert Hörz, Andreas LaassLudwig Boltzmann: Altmeister der klassischen Physik. Wolfgang Stiller.Andrew Wilson - 1991 - Isis 82 (4):754-755.
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    Ludwig Boltzmann, Theoretical Physics and Philosophical Problems, Selected Writings.Martin V. Curd - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (1):148-149.
  33. Ludwig Boltzmann-the man who Trusted atoms - cercignani, Carlo, oxford university press, oxford, 1998, 348 pp., price US $60.00, UK £29.50 hardback, ISBN 0-19-850154-. [REVIEW]N. Courtenay - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33 (1):125-128.
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    Ludwig Boltzmann: His Later Life and Philosophy, 1900-1906. Book 2: The Philosopher. John Blackmore. [REVIEW]Henk de Regt - 2000 - Isis 91 (3):595-595.
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    Models, Their Application, and Scientific Anticipation: Ludwig Boltzmann’s Work as Tacit Knowing.Richard Henry Schmitt - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (3):200-205.
    Ludwig Boltzmann’s work in theoretical physics exhibits an approach to the construction of theory that he transmitted to the succeeding generation by example. It involved the construction of clear models, allowed more than one, and was not based solely on the existing facts, with the intent of examining and criticizing the assumptions that made each model work. This tacit program influenced physicists like Ehrenfest and Einstein and the philosopher Wittgenstein, suggesting ways that they used to make further advances.
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  36. Ludwig Boltzmann, Mensch, Physiker, Philosoph by Engelbert Broda. [REVIEW]Gerald Holton - 1956 - Isis 47:385-386.
  37. Ludwig Boltzmann. Ort in einer Philosophie der Zeit in Osterreichische Philosophen und Ihr Einfluss auf die analytische Philosophie der Gegenwart. Band 1. [REVIEW]Rainer Born - 1977 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 11 (28-30):129-150.
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    Ludwig Boltzmann e la mecanica statistica. Carlo Cercignani.Angelo Baracca - 1999 - Isis 90 (2):373-374.
  39.  21
    Ludwig Boltzmann Gesamtausgabe, herausgegeben von Roman U. Sexl. Band 1: Vorlesungen über Gastheorie. I. und II. Teil. Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Bibliographie von Stephen G. Brush. - Band 2: Vorlesungen über Maxwells Theorie der Elektricität und des Lic. [REVIEW]Karl von Meyenn - 1982 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 5 (3-4):263-264.
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    Ludwig Boltzmann: Man--Physicist--Phylosopher by Engelbert Broda; Larry Gay. [REVIEW]Martin Curd - 1984 - Isis 75:423-423.
  41. Boltzmann's Approach to Statistical Mechanics.Sheldon Goldstein - unknown
    In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, Ludwig Boltzmann explained how irreversible macroscopic laws, in particular the second law of thermodynamics, originate in the time-reversible laws of microscopic physics. Boltzmann’s analysis, the essence of which I shall review here, is basically correct. The most famous criticisms of Boltzmann’s later work on the subject have little merit. Most twentieth century innovations – such as the identification of the state of a physical system with a probability distribution (...)
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  42. Boltzmann et la Mécanique Classique DOI:10.5007/1808-1711.2011v15n2p361.Antonio A. P. Videira - 2011 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 15 (2):361-379.
    The purpose of the article is to present the ideas that the Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann developed on the role of classical mechanics in physics. He had elaborated them at a time when classical mechanics began to be considered as not being any more the ground for all other physical theories. Boltzmann never accepted this conclusion. He rejected it, developing at the same time some ideas on the epistemological nature of scientific theories. According to him, scientific theories (...)
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    Principien der Naturfilosofi: Lectures on Natural Philosophy, 1903-1906. Ludwig Boltzmann, Ilse M. Fasol-Boltzmann.Erwin Hiebert - 1992 - Isis 83 (4):680-681.
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    Ludwig Wittgenstein.Ray Monk - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 5–20.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein was born on 26 April 1889, the eighth and youngest child of one of the wealthiest and most remarkable families of Habsburg Vienna. Though Karl Wittgenstein was brought up in the Protestant faith, and though, by the time Ludwig was born, the family had long ceased to identify themselves as members of the Jewish community, the family was originally Jewish. The founder of the family fortunes was Moses Maier, Karl's grandfather and Ludwig's great‐grandfather, who was (...)
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  45. Boltzmann and Wittgenstein or how pictures became linguistic.Henk Visser - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):135-156.
    Emphasis in historiography of science is naturally placed on the discoveries and inventions which scientists make and generally less on new methods of doing science, but sometimes the latter can he an important clue to help us understand the former. For example, while we all acknowledge how great the contributions of Maxwell, Boltzmann, Planck, and Einstein were to physics from roughly 1870 to 1920, we often overlook the significance of a methodological phrase which was popular during that same period, (...)
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    Wittgenstein, Hertz and Boltzmann.John Preston - unknown
    Many commentators agree that Wittgenstein took the idea that propositions are Bilder, or at least the terminology of Bilder, from Heinrich Hertz, or from Hertz and Ludwig Boltzmann. Boltzmann, the great Viennese theoretical physicist, was the founder of statistical thermodynamics, the modern theory of heat. The context within which Hertz and Boltzmann worked was one in which many prominent theoretical physicists accepted the Kantian restriction that our thought cannot access 'things in themselves', but works only with (...)
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    Constructivism and Realism in Boltzmann’s Thermodynamics’ Atomism.Luiz Pinguelli Rosa, Elaine Andrade, Paulo Picciani & Jean Faber - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1270-1293.
    Ludwig Boltzmann is one of the foremost responsible for the development of modern atomism in thermodynamics. His proposition was revolutionary not only because it brought a new vision for Thermodynamics, merging a statistical approach with Newtonian physics, but also because he produced an entirely new perspective on the way of thinking about and describing physical phenomena. Boltzmann dared to flirt with constructivism and realism simultaneously, by hypothesizing the reality of atoms and claiming an inherent probabilistic nature related (...)
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    Boltzmann and epistemology.John Blackmore - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):157-189.
    This paper is an attempt to clarify why Ludwig Boltzmann from about 1895 to 1905 seemed to adopt a series of extreme epistemological positions, ranging from phenomenalism to pragmatism, while emphatically rejecting what he called ‘metaphysics’ (by which he meant all traditional philosophy). He concluded that all philosophical differences were merely linguistic and most were ultimately meaningless. But at about the time that young Ludwig Wittgenstein began absorbing these desperate ideas (1905), Boltzmann himself under the influence (...)
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    (1 other version)John Blackmore, Ludwig Boltzmann: His later life and philosophy, 1900–1906 book one: A documentary history. Book two: The philosopher. Dordrecht, kluwer academic publishers, 1995, cloth bk1 $89.50, bk2 $130.00 630632. [REVIEW]Lawrence Sklar - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (4):630-632.
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    Gesamtausgabe. Volume VIII: Ludwig Boltzmann: Internationale Tagung anlasslich des 75. Jahrestages seines Todes, 1981: Ausgewahlte Abhandlungen. Ludwig Boltzmann, Roman U. Sexl, John Blackmore. [REVIEW]Don Howard - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):621-621.
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