  1.  17
    Withdrawing Tube Feeding - Medico-moral Considerations.Brian Pollard - 1999 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 4 (4):10.
  2. Fatal Licence: Commentary on the 'Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care (Voluntary Euthanasia) Amendment Bill 2008'. [REVIEW]Brian Pollard - 2010 - Bioethics Research Notes 22 (2):19.
    Pollard, Brian The extreme difficulties in attempting to make safe euthanasia law, with an argument of treatment in case of patients who can ask for death to escape from pain and patients who are not in a position to ask, are documented. Published findings of five large inquiries into the issue show that it would not be possible to make such law without endangering the lives of some of those who did not want to die.
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