Results for 'Bruno Hellebrand'

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  1.  39
    Addressing concerns raised by critics of business schools by teaching multiple approaches to management.Bruno Dyck, Kent Walker, Frederick A. Starke & Krista Uggerslev - 2011 - Business and Society Review 116 (1):1-27.
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    Initial probabilities: A prerequisite for any valid induction.Bruno Finetti - 1969 - Synthese 20 (1):2 - 16.
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    Deleuze and the Work of Death: A Study from the Impulse-Images.Bruno Leites - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (2):229-254.
    When formulating the concept of the impulse-image, Deleuze never tires of asserting that these images are saturated with death and obsessed by degradation. They stand at a curious intersection in the taxonomy of images, a constitutively in-between space: they are formally inserted between affection-image and action-image in The Movement-Image, but produce a direct passage to the time-image. However, they do not reach the time-image due to obsession by the negative effects of time. This article introduces the concept of the impulse-image (...)
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  4. Technologia jako utrwalone społeczeństwo.Bruno Latour - 2013 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 4 (2):17-49.
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  5. General-Elimination Stability.Bruno Jacinto & Stephen Read - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):361-405.
    General-elimination harmony articulates Gentzen’s idea that the elimination-rules are justified if they infer from an assertion no more than can already be inferred from the grounds for making it. Dummett described the rules as not only harmonious but stable if the E-rules allow one to infer no more and no less than the I-rules justify. Pfenning and Davies call the rules locally complete if the E-rules are strong enough to allow one to infer the original judgement. A method is given (...)
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  6. Genealogy and Jurisprudence in Fichte’s Genetic Deduction of the Categories.G. Anthony Bruno - 2018 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 35 (1):77-96.
    Fichte argues that the conclusion of Kant’s transcendental deduction of the categories is correct yet lacks a crucial premise, given Kant’s admission that the metaphysical deduction locates an arbitrary origin for the categories. Fichte provides the missing premise by employing a new method: a genetic deduction of the categories from a first principle. Since Fichte claims to articulate the same view as Kant in a different, it is crucial to grasp genetic deduction in relation to the sorts of deduction that (...)
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    La politique du dehors.Bruno Karsenti - 2005 - Multitudes 3 (3):37-50.
    The courses by Michel Foucault recently published invite us to approach the question of the State, and more generally that of politics, from the point of view of governing and “governmentality”. Through such concepts surfaces a constant methodological urge to approach things from the outside, to study multiplicities, “connexions with the heterogeneous”, historical configurations where disparate elements interact while remaining disparate. The same approach structures the understanding of this form of governmentality known as liberalism. In order to understand its nature, (...)
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    What Is To Be Undone: An Interview with Bruno Bosteels.Pedro Erber, Facundo Vega & Bruno Bosteels - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (2):122-134.
    Abstract:Bruno Bosteels speaks about the influence of Heidegger's thought on his monograph Philosophies of Defeat: The Jargon of Finitude and his work overall.
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    Autorité et théologie.Bruno Karsenti - 2011 - Archives de Philosophie 74 (1):149-168.
    La distinction entre pouvoir et autorité, couramment admise et illustrée en sciences sociales, est plus rarement interrogée dans ses présupposés. En particulier, de quelle vision culturelle une telle distinction est-elle l’expression? À partir de la réflexion de Peterson sur la nature et le statut de la théologie, cet essai se propose d’éclairer la forme chrétienne d’une parole d’autorité, d’en dégager la structure générale et les implications en termes de conduite de vie. Il se concentre sur la définition de la dogmatique (...)
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  10. Droit et philosophie.Bruno Karsenti, Emmanuel Picavet, Sandra Laugier & Stéphane Courtois - 2004 - Archives de Philosophie 67 (4):555-642.
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    The author rebounds: Latour to Oldroyd.Bruno Latour - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (2):183.
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    The author responds: Latour to Oldroyd.Bruno Latour - 1987 - Social Epistemology 1 (4):347 – 350.
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    Le tournant linguistique et son contre-virage phénoménologique.Bruno Leclercq - 2012 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 100 (1):7.
  14. Size and Function.Bruno Whittle - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (4):853-873.
    Are there different sizes of infinity? That is, are there infinite sets of different sizes? This is one of the most natural questions that one can ask about the infinite. But it is of course generally taken to be settled by mathematical results, such as Cantor’s theorem, to the effect that there are infinite sets without bijections between them. These results settle the question, given an almost universally accepted principle relating size to the existence of functions. The principle is: for (...)
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  15. Self-referential propositions.Bruno Whittle - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):5023-5037.
    Are there ‘self-referential’ propositions? That is, propositions that say of themselves that they have a certain property, such as that of being false. There can seem reason to doubt that there are. At the same time, there are a number of reasons why it matters. For suppose that there are indeed no such propositions. One might then hope that while paradoxes such as the Liar show that many plausible principles about sentences must be given up, no such fate will befall (...)
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  16. Tradurre è perdonare?Bruno Moroncini - 2003 - Studium 99 (5):713-729.
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  17. Aischylos' Isthmiastai.Bruno Snell - 1956 - Hermes 84 (1):1-11.
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  18. A mentalist framework for linguistic and extralinguistic communication.Bruno G. Bara & Maurizio Tirassa - 2010 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 9:182-193.
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    Gli scritti su Enzo Paci (1939-1985).Bruno Maiorca - 1986 - Idee 2:205-240.
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  20. Para perto futuro prometeu muita coisa republicana: a travessia da cultura política brasileira em Grande Sertão: Veredas1.Bruno Flávio Lontra Fagundes - 2008 - Topoi. Revista de História 9 (16):137-152.
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  21. Langage philosophique et parole littéraire.Bruno Curatolo - 2007 - In Bruno Curatolo & Jacques Poirier (eds.), Le style des philosophes. [Besançon]: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. pp. 369--378.
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    Portraits de philosophes: de l'idée à l'image: actes du colloque de Dijon, 18 et 19 novembre 1999, Centre de recherches Gaston Bachelard sur l'imaginaire et la rationalité.Bruno Curatolo & Jacques Poirier (eds.) - 2001 - Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
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    Andreas Urs Sommer: Nietzsche und die Folgen.Bruno Heidlberger - 2018 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 71 (1):8-15.
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    The Gestalt Theory.Bruno Petermann & Meyer Fortes - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (30):241-241.
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  25. Congruenza, schematismo, sintesi. Prospettive leibniziane intorno al criterio di verità secondo Giambattista Vico.Bruno Pinchard - 1990 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 20:141-156.
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  26. Generazione divina e produzione umana nell¿ architettonica vichiana.Bruno Pinchard - 1992 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 22:185-202.
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    Perspectives scolastiques sur la rhétorique de la pensée.Bruno Pinchard - 1989 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 16:67-88.
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    Positivistische begründung des philosophischen strafrechts (nach Wilhelm Stern) veröffentlicht in Hans Gross' "Archiv für kriminalanthropologie und kriminalistik".Bruno Stern - 1905 - Berlin,: H. Walther verlagsbuchhandlung g.m.b.h..
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    « Si je me bats seulement pour moi, que suis-je? » Leo Strauss et l'élection des juifs.Bruno Karsenti - 2014 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 111 (4):547-572.
    Cet essai analyse le sens que donne Leo Strauss à l’argument de l’élection des juifs, et tente à partir de là de comprendre sa position à l’égard des différentes options qui s’offrent aux juifs modernes (le retour à la tradition, l’assimilation, le sionisme politique). Le sens politique que Strauss confère à l’élection dans son diagnostic de la modernité et de la place que les juifs y occupent n’exclut pas, mais au contraire éclaire d’une manière nouvelle l’acception théologique du terme. Ce (...)
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  30. Oxford Studies in Metaphysics: Volume 9.Bruno Whittle - 2015 - Oxford University Press.
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    Antonio Rosmini.Bruno Brunello - 1941 - [Milano]: Garzanti.
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    Colour perception may optimize biologically relevant surface discriminations – rather than type-I constancy.Nicola Bruno & Stephen Westland - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (4):658-659.
    Trichromacy may result from an adaptation to the regularities in terrestrial illumination. However, we suggest that a complete characterization of the challenges faced by colour perception must include changes in surface surround and illuminant changes due to inter-reflections between surfaces in cluttered scenes. Furthermore, our trichromatic system may have evolved to allow the detection of brownish-reddish edibles against greenish backgrounds. [Shepard].
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    Ethical Representation by Patient Advocacy Organizations Also Requires Responsible Management of Potential Financial Conflicts of Interest.Bethany Bruno & Susannah Rose - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (4):59-61.
    Volume 20, Issue 4, May 2020, Page 59-61.
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    Forma e memoria: scritti in onore di Vittorio Stella.Raffaele Bruno, Silvia Vizzardelli & Vittorio Stella (eds.) - 2005 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    F. M. Kamm, Almost Over: Aging, Dying, Dead (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. xii + 330.Teresa Bruno-Niño - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (3):348-351.
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  36. O beskonechnosti, vselennoĭ i mirakh.Giordano Bruno - 1936 - Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėkonomicheskoe izdatelʹstvo. Edited by V. Vandek, V. Timosko & A. I. Rubin.
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    présence de la Psychanalyse dans la Philosophie de la Nouvelle Musique d’Ornement.Bruno Carvalho - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):121-144.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the presence of psychoanalysis in Adorno’s ’Philosophy of the new music’. He draws on the Benjaminian scheme of understanding Baudelaire’s poetry (understood as an elaboration of the shock experiences in life in post-industrial Revolution capitalism), but uses it in music criticism. The works of Schönberg and Stravinsky, the mostimportant composers of two schools of the so-called “new or modern music”, deals with different compositional subjects and their ways of dealing with the shocks (...)
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    La guerre, la multitude, Biden.Bruno Cava - 2023 - Multitudes 90 (1):119-127.
    L’article inscrit la guerre d’Ukraine dans le cadre d’une politique clausewitzienne de contre-révolution mondiale. Cette guerre interétatique est le résultat du cycle de déploiement des printemps et des soulèvements de la dernière décennie et a des répercussions synchroniques sur un clivage interne qui traverse d’autres pays. L’article se conclut par une vision alternative entre un conflit inter-impérialiste dans lequel l’Europe est menacée par le bloc atlantiste et une dichotomie autocraties/démocraties.
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    Globalisierung ohne Weltregierung.Bruno S. Frey - 2003 - Analyse & Kritik 25 (2):121-134.
    Since international trade leads to prosperity, most economics are in favor of globalization. This basic conviction is shared in this paper. Several standard arguments brought forward by critics of globalization - e.g. the claims that globalization increases poverty, destroys jobs, undermines the welfare state, enables international corporations to seize power and leads to environmental degradation and uniform culture - are shown to be invalid. Nevertheless, compared to orthodox economists, a more critical view of globalization is proposed in this paper, and (...)
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  40. Lettura dell'Ave verum corpus. L'Eucaristia nella fede e nel pensiero cristiano.Bruno Luiselli - 2007 - Studium 103 (2):189-205.
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    Naturalismo e alessandrismo nel Rinascimento.Bruno Nardi - 2012 - Travagliato, Brescia: Torre d'Ercole. Edited by Marco Sgarbi.
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  42. Henri Bremond et l'Angleterre.Bruno Neveu - 2000 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 84 (4):593-622.
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    Les départements français d'Amérique: Unité et diversité.Bruno Ollivier - 2002 - Hermes 32:207.
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  44. Coester, Robert. Die Rechtskraft der Staatsakte.Bruno V. Oppen - 1928 - Kant Studien 33:286.
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    Droit et modernité.Bruno Oppetit - 1998 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cet ouvrage se propose de décrire les tendances, considérées à travers certaines des manifestations les plus caractéristiques de la vie juridique, d'une société gagnée à la modernité et saisie par le doute. Les notions de droit et de modernité, en effet, s'éclairent l'une l'autre ; d'un côté, l'approche juridique fournit une grille d'analyse essentielle de la modernité, tant la référence au droit lui paraît intimement liée et imprègne la société moderne dans ses aspirations comme dans sa quotidienneté ; réciproquement, seule (...)
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    Странный, очень странный, как во сне.Bruno Osimo - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (1):188-189.
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  47. Nabakov's selftranslations: interpretation problems and solutions in" Lolita's" Russian version.Bruno Osimo - 1999 - Σημιοτκή-Sign Systems Studies 1:215-233.
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  48. Nabokov's translations and his method.Bruno Osimo - 1999 - Sign Systems Studies 27:215-233.
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  49. Das Naturgesetz.Bruno Bauch - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (1):29-29.
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  50. (1 other version)Jacobi's Dare: McDowell, Meillassoux, and Consistent Idealism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2020 - In Idealism, Relativism and Realism: New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide.
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