  1.  34
    Catullus 68.C. J. Tuplin - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (01):113-.
    Catullus 68 has for generations been the site of hard-fought and inconclusive philological battles. This, it may be confidently predicted, will continue to be the case. The present contribution, therefore, can pretend to no more elaborate aim than the opening up of certain new fronts. It falls into two parts of unequal length: first some general observations on the contents of the poem — or poems, for the Einheitsfrage cannot be evaded — and the underlying theme thereof; second a detailed (...)
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  2.  48
    Pausanias and Plutarch's Epaminondas.C. J. Tuplin - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (02):346-.
    The view that Pausanias 9. 13. 1–15. 6 is a simple epitome of Plutarch's lost Epaminondas, first advanced by Wilamowitz in 1874 and later elaborated by Wilamowitz himself and by Ludwig Peper, has commonly been accepted, with little or no further discussion, by students of Plutarch, Pausanias and fourth-century history. In a recent general reaffirmation of the thesis John Buckler does note that what Pausanias says about Mantinea is hard to square with Plutarchan evidence and he therefore admits some contamination (...)
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  3.  65
    Xenophon: Hellenika II.3.11-IV.2.8. P Krentz. Kommentar zu Xenophons Anabasis: Bucher 1-7. O Lendle.C. J. Tuplin - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):286-288.
  4.  63
    The Other Aeneas Again.C. J. Tuplin - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (01):26-.
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  5.  73
    A. E. Raubitschek: The School of Hellas: Essays on Greek History, Archaeology and Literature. Edited by Dirk Obbink and Paul A. Vander Waendt. Pp. xvi + 384; frontispiece, 11 figs., 25 ills. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. £42. [REVIEW]C. J. Tuplin - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (1):211-211.
  6.  61
    The Greeks and India Klaus Karttunen: India in Early Greek Literature. (Studia Orientalia, 65.) Pp. vi + 293; 3 maps. Helsinki: Finnish Oriental Society, 1989. Paper, Fmks. 150. [REVIEW]C. J. Tuplin - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (02):385-386.
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  7.  47
    The Past as Text C. Pelling: Literary Texts and the Greek Historian . Pp. x + 338. London: Routledge, 2000. ISBN: 0415-07350-2, 0415-07351-0 (pbk). [REVIEW]C. J. Tuplin - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (02):322-.
  8.  70
    Thrasybulus R. J. Buck: Thrasybulus and the Athenian Democracy: the Life of an Athenian Statesman. (Historia Einzelschriften 120.) Pp. 141. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1998. ISBN: 3-515-07221-. [REVIEW]C. J. Tuplin - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (02):317-.