Results for 'C. W. Costas'

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  1. Bokk Review.Eleonore Stump, Charles B. Schmitt, James J. Murphy, M. Mugnai, Robin Smith, C. W. Kilmister, N. C. A. Da Costa, von G. Schenk, Robert Bunn, D. W. Barron & A. Grieder - 1982 - History and Philosophy of Logic 3 (2):213-240.
    MEDIEVAL LOGICS LAMBERT MARIE DE RIJK (ed.), Die mittelalterlichen Traktate De mod0 opponendiet respondendi, Einleitung und Ausgabe der einschlagigen Texte. (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Neue Folge Band 17.) Miinster: Aschendorff, 1980. 379 pp. No price stated. THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MARTA FATTORI, Lessico del Novum Organum di Francesco Bacone. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo 1980. Two volumes, il + 543, 520 pp. Lire 65.000. VIVIAN SALMON, The study of language in 17th century England. (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory (...)
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    O Sentido da Nova Logica.N. C. A. da Costa & W. O. Quine - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (2):688.
  3. Kantian and non-Kantian logics.L. Z. Puga, N. N. C. A. Da Costa & W. Carnielli - 1988 - Logique Et Analyse 31 (121/122):3-9.
    In a previous work [the second and the third author, “On paraconsistent deontic logic”, Philosophia 16, 293-303 (1986)] investigated certain systems of paraconsistent deontic in order to investigate the problem of contradiction in the domain of ethics. This paper continues this line of research, studying some paraconsistent systems containing alethic and deontic modalities. This approach allows us to treat the principles of Kant (OA→ \diamond A) and Hintikka (\square A → OA) from the classical and from the paraconsistent point of (...)
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    B. W. Häuptli: Seneca, Oedipus. (Editiones Helveticae.) Pp. 122 + 106; 15 black and white illustrations. Frauenfeld: Huber, 1983. Paper, Sw.frs. 14.80. [REVIEW]C. D. N. Costa - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (2):326-326.
  5. Differential vulnerability of substantia nigra and corpus striatum to oxidative insult induced by reduced dietary levels of essential fatty acids.Henriqueta D. Cardoso, Priscila P. Passos, Claudia J. Lagranha, Anete C. Ferraz, Eraldo F. Santos Júnior, Rafael S. Oliveira, Pablo E. L. Oliveira, Rita de C. F. Santos, David F. Santana, Juliana M. C. Borba, Ana P. Rocha-de-Melo, Rubem C. A. Guedes, Daniela M. A. F. Navarro, Geanne K. N. Santos, Roseane Borner, Cristovam W. Picanço-Diniz, Eduardo I. Beltrão, Janilson F. Silva, Marcelo C. A. Rodrigues & Belmira L. S. Andrade da Costa - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    P. C. W. Davies, The Physics of Time Symmetry, Survey University Press & Internet Publishing Ltd, 1974. 14 × 23, 214 p. avec fig. et index. [REVIEW]O. Costa de Beauregard - 1977 - Revue de Synthèse 98 (87-88):311-317.
  7. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Taking Other Religions Seriously: Some Ironies in the Current Debate on a Christian Theology of Religions.Gavin D'Costa - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):519-529.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TAKING OTHER RELIGIONS SERIOUSLY: SOME IRONIES IN THE CURRENT DEBATE ON A CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY OF RELIGJ:ONS * 1GAvIN D'CosTA West London Institute of Higher E'ducation Isleworth, Middlese111 HE QUESTION oi Christian attitudes to the world eligions is becoming increasingly important. An lnterpretatwn of Religion is emblematic of a growing trend, which runs across 1denominational lines, that attempts fo take other,religions seriously. John Hick.argues that for most of its ihistory (...)
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    National processes shaping food systems transformations : Lessons from Costa Rica, Ireland and Rwanda.W. J. Guijt, S. A. Wigboldus, J. H. Brouwer, L. C. Roosendaal, S. Kelly & P. Garcia-Campos - unknown
    Governments and other food system actors from the private sector, civil society, research and education institutions are being called upon to work together to enhance the sustainability, resilience and inclusiveness of food systems. The analysis presented in this study provides an insight into the process and direction of food system transformation, and the key capabilities required. It portrays the interplay of different internal and external dynamics combined with the capacity of food system actors to connect, forge alliances and commit to (...)
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  10. Arló-Costa, H., 479 Armour-Garb, B., 593 Azzouni, J., 329 Batens, D., 267.J. C. Beall, T. Bigaj, T. Fernando, B. Fitelson, N. Foo, W. Goldfarb, D. Gregory, T. Hailperin, H. Halvorson & K. Harris - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (619).
  11. Fibring non-truth-functional logics: Completeness preservation.C. Caleiro, W. A. Carnielli, M. E. Coniglio, A. Sernadas & C. Sernadas - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (2):183-211.
    Fibring has been shown to be useful for combining logics endowed withtruth-functional semantics. However, the techniques used so far are unableto cope with fibring of logics endowed with non-truth-functional semanticsas, for example, paraconsistent logics. The first main contribution of thepaper is the development of a suitable abstract notion of logic, that mayalso encompass systems with non-truth-functional connectives, and wherefibring can still be dealt with. Furthermore, it is shown that thisextended notion of fibring preserves completeness under certain reasonableconditions. This completeness transfer (...)
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    Kripke-type semantics for Da Costa's paraconsistent logic "C" w.Matthias Baaz - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27:523-527.
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    Electromagnetic gauge as an integration condition: De Broglie's argument revisited and expanded. [REVIEW]O. Costa de Beauregard - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (12):1485-1494.
    Einstein's mass-energy equivalence law, argues de Broglie, by fixing the zero of the potential energy of a system,ipso facto selects a gauge in electromagnetism. We examine how this works in electrostatics and in magnetostatics and bring in, as a “trump card,” the familiar, but highly peculiar, system consisting of a toroidal magnet m and a current coil c, where none of the mutual energy W resides in the vacuum. We propose the principle of a crucial test for measuring the fractions (...)
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  14. Cronica internacional.C. Anawati, F. van Steenberghen & E. W. Platzeck - 1963 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 1 (13):435.
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    Derecho, moral y preferencias valorativas.Leila C. Puga, Newton C. A. Da Costa & Roberto José Vernengo - 1990 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 5 (1-2):9-29.
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    Who Rules the Ruler? On the Misconduct of Journal Editors.Aurora A. C. Teixeira & Mariana Fontes da Costa - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (2):111-128.
    There are very few (published) accounts of editorial misconduct, and those that do exist are almost exclusively focused on medicine-related areas. In the present article we detail a case of editorial misconduct in a rather underexplored domain, the social sciences. This case demonstrates that although legal systems provide different instruments of protection to avoid, compensate for, and punish misconduct on the part of journal editors, the social and economic power unbalance between authors and publishers suggests the importance of alternative solutions (...)
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  17. Knowing Persons: A Study in Plato.C. C. W. Taylor - 2004 - Mind 113 (451):541-545.
  18. Commitment in Dialogue: Basic Concepts of Interpersonal Reasoning.Douglas Neil Walton & Erik C. W. Krabbe - 1995 - Albany, NY, USA: State University of New York Press.
    Develops a logical analysis of dialogue in which two or more parties attempt to advance their own interests. It includes a classification of the major types of dialogues and a discussion of several important informal fallacies.
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    Handbook of Argumentation Theory.Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, Erik C. W. Krabbe, A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, Bart Verheij & Jean H. M. Wagemans - 2014 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
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  20. From Axiom to Dialogue.E. M. Barth & E. C. W. Krabbe - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (2):228-230.
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    Field-testing the Euro-MCD Instrument: Experienced outcomes of moral case deliberation.Janine C. de Snoo-Trimp, Bert Molewijk, Gøril Ursin, Berit Støre Brinchmann, Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Henrica C. W. de Vet & Mia Svantesson - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):390-406.
    Background: Moral case deliberation is a form of clinical ethics support to help healthcare professionals in dealing with ethically difficult situations. There is a lack of evidence about what outcomes healthcare professionals experience in daily practice after moral case deliberations. The Euro-MCD Instrument was developed to measure outcomes, based on the literature, a Delphi panel, and content validity testing. To examine relevance of items and adequateness of domains, a field study is needed. Aim: To describe experienced outcomes after participating in (...)
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  22. The World of Colour.David Katz, R. B. Macleod & C. W. Fox - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (43):370-371.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Splitting a Difference of Opinion: The Shift to Negotiation.Jan Albert van Laar & Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (3):329-350.
    Negotiation is not only used to settle differences of interest but also to settle differences of opinion. Discussants who are unable to resolve their difference about the objective worth of a policy or action proposal may be willing to abandon their attempts to convince the other and search instead for a compromise that would, for each of them, though only a second choice yet be preferable to a lasting conflict. Our questions are: First, when is it sensible to enter into (...)
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    Important outcomes of moral case deliberation: a Euro-MCD field survey of healthcare professionals’ priorities.Mia Svantesson, Janine C. de Snoo-Trimp, Göril Ursin, Henrica C. W. de Vet, Berit S. Brinchmann & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):608-616.
    BackgroundThere is a lack of empirical research regarding the outcomes of such clinical ethics support methods as moral case deliberation (MCD). Empirical research in how healthcare professionals perceive potential outcomes is needed in order to evaluate the value and effectiveness of ethics support; and help to design future outcomes research. The aim was to use the European Moral Case Deliberation Outcome Instrument (Euro-MCD) instrument to examine the importance of various MCD outcomes, according to healthcare professionals, prior to participation.MethodsA North European (...)
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  25. Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory: A Handbook of Historical Backgrounds and Contemporary Developments.Frans H. van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst, Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, J. Anthony Blair, Ralph H. Johnson & Erik C. W. Krabbe - 1998 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 31 (1):71-74.
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    The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Vol. 1. Language.P. L. Heath, Ernst Cassirer, Ralph Manheim & C. W. Hendel - 1955 - Philosophical Quarterly 5 (19):184.
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    The Role of Argument in Negotiation.Jan Albert van Laar & Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (4):549-567.
    The purpose of this paper is to show the pervasive, though often implicit, role of arguments in negotiation dialogue. This holds even for negotiations that start from a difference of interest such as mere bargaining through offers and counteroffers. But it certainly holds for negotiations that try to settle a difference of opinion on policy issues. It will be demonstrated how a series of offers and counteroffers in a negotiation dialogue contains a reconstructible series of implicit persuasion dialogues. The paper (...)
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    Complexity and the Arrow of Time.Charles H. Lineweaver, Paul C. W. Davies & Michael Ruse (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    There is a widespread assumption that the universe in general, and life in particular, is 'getting more complex with time'. This book brings together a wide range of experts in science, philosophy and theology and unveils their joint effort in exploring this idea. They confront essential problems behind the theory of complexity and the role of life within it: what is complexity? When does it increase, and why? Is the universe evolving towards states of ever greater complexity and diversity? If (...)
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    The Burden of Criticism: Consequences of Taking a Critical Stance.Jan Albert Laar & Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (2):201-224.
    Some critical reactions hardly give clues to the arguer as to how to respond to them convincingly. Other critical reactions convey some or even all of the considerations that make the critic critical of the arguer’s position and direct the arguer to defuse or to at least contend with them. First, an explication of the notion of a critical reaction will be provided, zooming in on the degree of “directiveness” that a critical reaction displays. Second, it will be examined whether (...)
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    Cancer progression as a sequence of atavistic reversions.Charles H. Lineweaver, Kimberly J. Bussey, Anneke C. Blackburn & Paul C. W. Davies - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (7):2000305.
    It has long been recognized that cancer onset and progression represent a type of reversion to an ancestral quasi‐unicellular phenotype. This general concept has been refined into the atavistic model of cancer that attempts to provide a quantitative analysis and testable predictions based on genomic data. Over the past decade, support for the multicellular‐to‐unicellular reversion predicted by the atavism model has come from phylostratigraphy. Here, we propose that cancer onset and progression involve more than a one‐off multicellular‐to‐unicellular reversion, and are (...)
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    Navigating social and ethical challenges of biobanking for human microbiome research.Kieran C. O’Doherty, David S. Guttman, Yvonne C. W. Yau, Valerie J. Waters, D. Elizabeth Tullis, David M. Hwang & Kim H. Chuong - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1.
    BackgroundBiobanks are considered to be key infrastructures for research development and have generated a lot of debate about their ethical, legal and social implications. While the focus has been on human genomic research, rapid advances in human microbiome research further complicate the debate.DiscussionWe draw on two cystic fibrosis biobanks in Toronto, Canada, to illustrate our points. The biobanks have been established to facilitate sample and data sharing for research into the link between disease progression and microbial dynamics in the lungs (...)
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    The burden of criticism.Jan van Laar & Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (2):201-224.
    Some critical reactions hardly give clues to the arguer as to how to respond to them convinc-ingly. Other critical reactions convey some or even all of the considerations that make the critic critical of the arguer’s position and direct the arguer to defuse or to at least contend with them. First, an explication of the notion of a critical reaction will be provided, zooming in on the degree of ‘directiveness’ that a critical reaction displays. Second, it will be examined whether (...)
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    Field-Testing the Euro-MCD Instrument: Important Outcomes According to Participants Before and After Moral Case Deliberation.J. C. de Snoo-Trimp, A. C. Molewijk, M. Svantesson, G. A. M. Widdershoven & H. C. W. de Vet - 2020 - HEC Forum 34 (1):1-24.
    Ethics support services like Moral Case Deliberation intend to support healthcare professionals in ethically difficult situations. To assess outcomes of MCD, the Euro-MCD Instrument has been developed. Field studies to test this instrument are needed and have been conducted, examining important outcomes before MCD participation and experienced outcomes. The current study aimed to describe how participants’ perceive the importance of MCD outcomes after MCD; compare these perceptions with those before MCD participation; and test the factor structure of these outcomes. Swedish, (...)
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    Defining and categorizing outcomes of Moral Case Deliberation (MCD): concept mapping with experienced MCD participants.Janine C. de Snoo-Trimp, Bert Molewijk & Henrica C. W. de Vet - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-14.
    To support healthcare professionals in dealing with ethically difficult situations, Clinical Ethics Support (CES) services like Moral Case Deliberation (MCD) are increasingly implemented. To assess the impact of CES, it is important to evaluate outcomes. Despite general claims about outcomes from MCD experts and some qualitative research, there exists no conceptual analysis of outcomes yet. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematically define and categorize MCD outcomes. An additional aim was to compare these outcomes with the outcomes in (...)
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    Fair and unfair strategies in public controversies.Jan Albert van Laar & Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2016 - Journal of Argumentation in Context 5 (3):315-347.
    Contemporary theory of argumentation offers many insights about the ways in which, in the context of a public controversy, arguers should ideally present their arguments and criticize those of their opponents. We also know that in practice not all works out according to the ideal patterns: numerous kinds of derailments are an object of study for argumentation theorists. But how about the use of unfairstrategiesvis-à-vis one’s opponents? What if it is not a matter of occasional derailments but of one party’s (...)
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    Modeling Behavior in a Clinically Diagnostic Sequential Risk-Taking Task.Thomas S. Wallsten, Timothy J. Pleskac & C. W. Lejuez - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):862-880.
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    On the theory of inconsistent formal systems.Newton C. A. Costa - 1972 - Recife,: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Instituto de Matemática.
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    From Matter to Life: Information and Causality.Sara Imari Walker, Paul C. W. Davies & George F. R. Ellis (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book tackles the most difficult and profound open questions about life and its origins from an information-based perspective.
  39.  20
    Contribution of moral case deliberations to the Moral Craftmanship of prison staff: A quantitative analysis.Marie Huysentruyt, A. I. Schaap, M. M. Stolper, M. Snijdewind, H. C. W. de Vet & A. C. Molewijk - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (2):389-405.
    This study explores the impact of participation in a series of moral case deliberations (MCD) on the moral craftsmanship (MCS) of Dutch prison staff. Between 2017–2020, ten MCDs per team were implemented in three prisons (i.e., intervention group). In three other prisons (i.e., control group) no MCDs were implemented. We compared the intervention and control group using a self-developed questionnaire, administered before (pre-measurement) and after the series of MCDs (post-measurement). Results After the MCDs, participants scored significantly higher on 7 of (...)
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    Pressure and Argumentation in Public Controversies.Jan Albert van Laar & Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2019 - Informal Logic 39 (3):205-227.
    When can exerting pressure in a public controversy promote reasonable outcomes, and when is it rather a hindrance? We show how negotiation and persuasion dialogue can be intertwined. Then, we examine in what ways one can in a public controversy exert pressure on others through sanctions or rewards. Finally, we discuss from the viewpoints of persuasion and negotiation whether and, if so, how pressure hinders the achievement of a reasonable outcome.
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  41. A Survey of Automatic Facial Micro-Expression Analysis: Databases, Methods, and Challenges.Yee-Hui Oh, John See, Anh Cat Le Ngo, Raphael C. -W. Phan & Vishnu M. Baskaran - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:336565.
    Over the last few years, automatic facial micro-expression analysis has garnered increasing attention from experts across different disciplines because of its potential applications in various fields such as clinical diagnosis, forensic investigation and security systems. Advances in computer algorithms and video acquisition technology have rendered machine analysis of facial micro-expressions possible today, in contrast to decades ago when it was primarily the domain of psychiatrists where analysis was largely manual. Indeed, although the study of facial micro-expressions is a well-established field (...)
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    Targeting cancer's weaknesses (not its strengths): Therapeutic strategies suggested by the atavistic model.Charles H. Lineweaver, Paul C. W. Davies & Mark D. Vincent - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (9):827-835.
    In the atavistic model of cancer progression, tumor cell dedifferentiation is interpreted as a reversion to phylogenetically earlier capabilities. The more recently evolved capabilities are compromised first during cancer progression. This suggests a therapeutic strategy for targeting cancer: design challenges to cancer that can only be met by the recently evolved capabilities no longer functional in cancer cells. We describe several examples of this target‐the‐weakness strategy. Our most detailed example involves the immune system. The absence of adaptive immunity in immunosuppressed (...)
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    Assessment of physician-assisted death by members of the public prosecution in The Netherlands.J. M. Cuperus-Bosma, G. van der Wal, C. W. Looman & P. J. van der Maas - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (1):8-15.
    OBJECTIVES: To identify the factors that influence the assessment of reported cases of physician-assisted death by members of the public prosecution. DESIGN/SETTING: At the beginning of 1996, during verbal interviews, 12 short case-descriptions were presented to a representative group of 47 members of the public prosecution in the Netherlands. RESULTS: Assessment varied considerably between respondents. Some respondents made more "lenient" assessments than others. Characteristics of the respondents, such as function, personal-life philosophy and age, were not related to the assessment. Case (...)
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    States, Activities and Performances.Timothy C. Potts & C. C. W. Taylor - 1965 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 39 (1):65-102.
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    Understanding consciousness: A collaborative attempt to elucidate contemporary theories.Alfredo Pereira Jr, J. C. W. Edwards, C. Nunn, A. Trehub & M. Velmans - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (5-6):5-6.
    Nature Network Groups hosted an invited workshop on 'Theories of Consciousness' during the second semester of 2009. There were presentations by each of 15 authors active in the field, followed by debate with other presenters and invitees. A week was allocated to each of the theories proposed; general discussion threads were also opened from time to time, as seemed appropriate. We offer here an account of the principal outcomes. It can be regarded as a contemporary, 'state of the art' snapshot (...)
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    The Greeks and the Environment.Laura Westra, Thomas M. Robinson, Madonna R. Adams, Donald N. Blakeley, C. W. DeMarco, Owen Goldin, Alan Holland, Timothy A. Mahoney, Mohan Matten, M. Oelschlaeger, Anthony Preus, J. M. Rist, T. M. Robinson, Richard Shearman & Daryl McGowan Tress (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Environmental ethicists have frequently criticized ancient Greek philosophy as anti-environmental for a view of philosophy that is counterproductive to environmental ethics and a view of the world that puts nature at the disposal of people. This provocative collection of original essays reexamines the views of nature and ecology found in the thought of Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, and Plotinus. Recognizing that these thinkers were not confronted with the environmental degradation that threatens contemporary philosophers, the contributors to this book find that (...)
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    Why Integrated Information Theory Must Fail on its Own Causal Terms.T. van Stekelenburg & J. C. W. Edwards - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (7-8):144-164.
    In defining physical (i.e. causal dynamic) units to which conscious experience is to be ascribed, integrated information theory (IIT) raises three notable requirements: (1) that a unit to which consciousness is ascribed must be defined, or circumscribed, by some intrinsic aspect or property, where intrinsic implies existing 'for itself' or 'from its point of view'; (2) that the intrinsic aspect that defines the unit to which consciousness is ascribed must be dynamic (i.e. involve causal power) rather than purely structural or (...)
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    A study of the relationship between lattice fringes and lattice planes in electron microscope images of crystals containing defects.D. J. H. Cockayne, J. R. Parsons & C. W. Hoelke - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (187):139-153.
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    Cross-modal, bidirectional priming in grapheme-color synesthesia.Chris L. E. Paffen, Maarten J. Van der Smagt & Tanja C. W. Nijboer - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:325-333.
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    Influence of crystalline defects on 2-beam crystal lattice images-Experimental.J. R. Parsons, M. Rainville & C. W. Hoelke - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (174):1105-1117.
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