Results for 'Carlo Μ Lucarini'

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  1.  35
    Per il Testo di Ermia Neoplatonico.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (1/2008).
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    Coniectanea.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2006 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 150 (2):350-354.
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    L’ἐκκύκλημα nel teatro greco dell’età classica.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2016 - Hermes 144 (2):138-156.
    The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the tragic poets of the fifth century BC used an engine called ekkyklema in order to reveal the scenes supposed to take place inside. I think I can indicate a passage, that clearly demonstrates the use of such an engine (Eur. Her. 1028 ff.), since the chorus’ words are otherwise unintellegibile. Comic poets used this engine only for paratragic purpose, because the distinction inside/outside was not relevant for comedy.
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    Per il testo di Ditti–Settimio.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2007 - Hermes 135 (2):234-237.
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    Philitas von Kos und die Entstehung der griechischen Bukolik.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2024 - Hermes 152 (3):375-381.
    The aim of this paper is to show that Philitas of Cos did not write bucolic poetry. The Scholia in Theocritus draw on ancient commentaries, which quoted Philitas, but no feature of the bucolic poetry is assigned to Philitas. Propertius opposes Philitas’ love poetry to the bucolic, and there is no clue that Longus Sophista or Vergil knew of Philitas’ bucolic poetry. Moreover, it seems that ancient poets and erudites were persuaded of the Sicilian (i. e. Theocritean) origin of the (...)
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    Zu Ampelius.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2021 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 165 (1):175-178.
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    Per il testo di eliodoro.Carlo Μ Lucarini - 2004 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 148 (2):355-361.
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    Zu Ps.-Skylax, Periplus 94.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2021 - Hermes 149 (2):232.
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    Congetture al nuovo Galeno.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (2):331-337.
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    Per l’interpretazione di Pind. Fr. 140 a S.-M.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (1):3-13.
    The fragment 140 a S.-M. = G 8 Ruth. is likely to deal with two different feats of Herakles. The lines b 21–b 33 seem to concern Cycnus, an impious hero killed by Herakles by order of Apollo. The rest of the fragment seems to concern the beginning of Herakles’ expedition against Laomedon. I think Pindarus presupposes a legend according to which Herakles spent the most part of his life in Thebes; such an interpretation might explain both the obscure expression (...)
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    Il nuovo Artemidoro.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2009 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 153 (1):109-134.
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    Una nuova testimonianza sul mito di Fineo di Paraibios.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (1):158-165.
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    Per la storia del testo di Plauto nell’antichità.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (2):260-291.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the Plautine Textgeschichte as reconstructed by M. Deufert may be regarded as convincing, although some aspects need to be corrected. A new examination of Gellius 3. 3, there is no reason to think that he devoted his editorial activity to Plautus. In the last part of the paper we discuss the famous problem of the identity of Sisenna. Although some recent scholars have tried to demonstrate that the Sisenna, who composed a (...)
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  14.  26
    Note ai Florida e all’ Apologia di Apuleio.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2021 - Hermes 149 (1):124.
    The aim of this paper is to cast new light on the textual constitution of some passages of Apuleius. For ca. 15 passages of Florida as well as for 5 passages of Apologia a new textual solution is proposed.
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    Zu Florus.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2021 - Hermes 149 (4):511.
    The aim of this paper is to cast new light on the textual constitution of some passages of Florus’ Epitoma, for which I propose a new textual solution.
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  16.  33
    Una Fonte di Properzio 3.14 e le Origine Greche dell´ Elegia d´ Amore Romana.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (2):246-269.
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  17. Nuovi passi inediti dell'Italia illustrata di Biondo Flavio.Carlo Martino Lucarini & Paolo Pontari - 2001 - Rinascimento 41:225-257.
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    La tradizione manoscritta del centone di Proba.Carlo M. Lucarini - 2014 - Hermes 142 (3):349-370.
    The manuscript tradition of Proba’s "Cento" was investigated by K. SCHENKL, whose edition (CSEL 1888) remains the basis of every further inquiry. He knew some 25 manuscripts, only eleven of which are reported in his apparatus. Going through catalogues I have discovered about 40 new manuscripts, most of which belong to the humanistic age. After listing all the manuscripts, I try to establish their relationships. Although I consider restricted evidence (I have collated systematically about 100 verses), some facts seem to (...)
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  19.  10
    "Ατακτα.Carlo Martino Lucarini - 2007 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 151 (1):164-172.
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  20. Scholia in scholia: su una nuova edizione di Hermias di Alessandria.Domenico Cufalo - 2017 - Exemplaria Classica. Journal of Classical Philology 21:227–242.
    Review of Carlo M. Lucarini et Claudio Moreschini, Hermias Alexandrinus, In Platonis Phaedrum scholia, Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2012, lxiv+293 pp., ISBN 978-3-11-020115-4.
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  21. Attention and Performance 15: Conscious and Nonconscious Information Processing.Carlo Umilta & Morris Moscovitch - 1994 - MIT Press.
  22. ‘Nobody tosses a dwarf!’ The relation between the empirical and the normative reexamined.Carlo Leget, Pascal Borry & Raymond de Vries - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (4):226-235.
    This article discusses the relation between empirical and normative approaches in bioethics. The issue of dwarf tossing, while admittedly unusual, is chosen as a point of departure because it challenges the reader to look with fresh eyes upon several central bioethical themes, including human dignity, autonomy, and the protection of vulnerable people. After an overview of current approaches to the integration of empirical and normative ethics, we consider five ways that the empirical and normative can be brought together to speak (...)
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  23. Fix, Express, Quantify: Disquotation After Its Logic.Carlo Nicolai - 2021 - Mind 130 (519):727-757.
    Truth-theoretic deflationism holds that truth is simple, and yet that it can fulfil many useful logico-linguistic roles. Deflationism focuses on axioms for truth: there is no reduction of the notion of truth to more fundamental ones such as sets or higher-order quantifiers. In this paper I argue that the fundamental properties of reasonable, primitive truth predicates are at odds with the core tenets of classical truth-theoretic deflationism that I call fix, express, and quantify. Truth may be regarded as a broadly (...)
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    Intuitionistic Epistemic Logic, Kripke Models and Fitch’s Paradox.Carlo Proietti - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (5):877-900.
    The present work is motivated by two questions. (1) What should an intuitionistic epistemic logic look like? (2) How should one interpret the knowledge operator in a Kripke-model for it? In what follows we outline an answer to (2) and give a model-theoretic definition of the operator K. This will shed some light also on (1), since it turns out that K, defined as we do, fulfills the properties of a necessity operator for a normal modal logic. The interest of (...)
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  25.  87
    The Sources of Political Normativity: the Case for Instrumental and Epistemic Normativity in Political Realism.Carlo Burelli & Chiara Destri - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (3):397-413.
    This article argues that political realists have at least two strategies to provide distinctively political normative judgements that have nothing to do with morality. The first ground is instrumental normativity, which states that if we believe that something is a necessary means to a goal we have, we have a reason to do it. In politics, certain means are required by any ends we may intend to pursue. The second ground is epistemic normativity, stating that if something is true, this (...)
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    Medals and Shells: On Morphology and History, Once Again.Carlo Ginzburg - 2019 - Critical Inquiry 45 (2):380-395.
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    Is Time’s Arrow Perspectival?Carlo Rovelli - unknown
    We observe entropy decrease towards the past. Does this imply that in the past the world was in a non-generic microstate? I point out an alternative. The subsystem to which we belong interacts with the universe via a relatively small number of quantities, which define a coarse graining. Entropy happens to depends on coarse-graining. Therefore the entropy we ascribe to the universe depends on the peculiar coupling between us and the rest of the universe. Low past entropy may be due (...)
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  28.  41
    Space is blue and birds fly through it.Carlo Rovelli - unknown
    Quantum mechanics is not about 'quantum states': it is about values of physical variables. I give a short fresh presentation and update on the *relational* perspective on the theory, and a comment on its philosophical implications.
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    Is Mathematics Problem Solving or Theorem Proving?Carlo Cellucci - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (1):183-199.
    The question that is the subject of this article is not intended to be a sociological or statistical question about the practice of today’s mathematicians, but a philosophical question about the nature of mathematics, and specifically the method of mathematics. Since antiquity, saying that mathematics is problem solving has been an expression of the view that the method of mathematics is the analytic method, while saying that mathematics is theorem proving has been an expression of the view that the method (...)
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  30.  43
    Beyond demarcation: Care ethics as an interdisciplinary field of inquiry.Carlo Leget, Inge van Nistelrooij & Merel Visse - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):17-25.
    Background: For many years the body of literature known as ‘care ethics’ or ‘ethics of care’ has been discussed as regards its status and nature. There is much confusion and little structured discussion. The paper of Klaver et al. (2014) was written as a discussion article to which we respond. Objectives: We aim to contribute to the ongoing discussion about the status and nature of care ethics. Research design: Responding to ‘Demarcation of the ethics of care as a discipline’ by (...)
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  31. Il concetto filosofico di diritto in Giambattista Vico.Carlo Cantone - 1952 - Mazara,: Società editrice siciliana.
  32. Events, processes, and properties.Carlo Rossi - 2023 - In A. R. J. Fisher & Anna-Sofia Maurin (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Properties. London: Routledge.
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    Good with Her Hands: Women, Boxing, and Work.Carlo Rotella - 1999 - Critical Inquiry 25 (3):566-598.
  34.  23
    Filosofia e pedagogia.Carlo Sini - 2016 - Nóema 7 (1).
    Estratto da C. Sini, Le arti dinamiche. Filosofia e pedagogia, Jaca Book, Milano 2005, pp. 209-213. La forma del testo è quella di un dialogo tra il "Maestro" e il "Discepolo".
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  35. "Conscious experience depends on multiple brain systems": Response.Carlo Umiltà - 2000 - European Psychologist 5 (1):17-18.
  36. “Forget time”: Essay written for the FQXi contest on the Nature of Time.Carlo Rovelli - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (9):1475-1490.
    Following a line of research that I have developed for several years, I argue that the best strategy for understanding quantum gravity is to build a picture of the physical world where the notion of time plays no role at all. I summarize here this point of view, explaining why I think that in a fundamental description of nature we must “forget time”, and how this can be done in the classical and in the quantum theory. The idea is to (...)
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    Genuine versus bogus scientific controversies: the case of statins.Carlo Martini & Mattia Andreoletti - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (4):1-23.
    Science progresses through debate and disagreement, and scientific controversies play a crucial role in the growth of scientific knowledge. However, not all controversies and disagreements are progressive in science. Sometimes, controversies can be pseudoscientific; in fact, bogus controversies, and what seem like genuine scientific disagreements, can be a distortion of science set up by non-scientific actors. Bogus controversies are detrimental to science because they can hinder scientific progress and eventually bias science-based decisions. The first goal of this paper is to (...)
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    Motivi plotiniani; lezioni del corso dell'anno accademico, 1949-50.Carlo Giacon - 1950 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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  39. Posizione e criterio del discorso filosofico.Carlo Giacon - 1967 - Bologna,: R. Pàtron.
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    Un tema stoico in Seneca e in S. Agostino.Carlo Tibiletti - 1982 - Augustinianum 22 (3):585-593.
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    Political Normativity as Functional Normativity.Carlo Burelli - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Research 48:169-176.
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    Lab-Grown Meat and Veganism: A Virtue-Oriented Perspective.Carlo Alvaro - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (1):127-141.
    The project of growing meat artificially represents for some the next best thing to humanity. If successful, it could be the solution to several problems, such as feeding a growing global population while reducing the environmental impact of raising animals for food and, of course, reducing the amount and degree of animal cruelty and suffering that is involved in animal farming. In this paper, I argue that the issue of the morality of such a project has been framed only in (...)
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  43. Physics Needs Philosophy. Philosophy Needs Physics.Carlo Rovelli - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (5):481-491.
    Contrary to claims about the irrelevance of philosophy for science, I argue that philosophy has had, and still has, far more influence on physics than is commonly assumed. I maintain that the current anti-philosophical ideology has had damaging effects on the fertility of science. I also suggest that recent important empirical results, such as the detection of the Higgs particle and gravitational waves, and the failure to detect supersymmetry where many expected to find it, question the validity of certain philosophical (...)
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    Assisted procreation: too little consideration for the babies?Carlo Bellieni & Giuseppe Buonocore - 2006 - Ethics and Medicine 22 (2).
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    Comment on "relative simultaneity in the special theory of relativity".Carlo Giannoni - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (2):306-309.
    In their recent paper, Jackson and Pargetter have attempted to prove that simultaneity is not a matter of convention. They attempt to show that it is an empirical fact whether or not a moving rod A′B′ is perpendicular to a plane XY. If it is an empirical fact, then such a perpendicular rod can be used to synchronize clocks. We shall show that it is not an empirical fact, but it is in fact synchronization dependent.
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    New perspectives in metaontology: introduction to the special issue.Carlo Rossi & Kyle Mitchell - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):1-5.
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  47. Cuestiones contemporáneas de filosofía de la religión.Carlo Rossi & Robert Garcia (eds.) - forthcoming - Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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    (1 other version)Wittgenstein’s Thought Experiments and Relativity Theory.Carlo Penco - 2019 - In A. C. Grayling, Shyam Wuppuluri, Christopher Norris, Nikolay Milkov, Oskari Kuusela, Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Beth Savickey, Jonathan Beale, Duncan Pritchard, Annalisa Coliva, Jakub Mácha, David R. Cerbone, Paul Horwich, Michael Nedo, Gregory Landini, Pascal Zambito, Yoshihiro Maruyama, Chon Tejedor, Susan G. Sterrett, Carlo Penco, Susan Edwards-Mckie, Lars Hertzberg, Edward Witherspoon, Michel ter Hark, Paul F. Snowdon, Rupert Read, Nana Last, Ilse Somavilla & Freeman Dyson (eds.), Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 341-362.
    In this paper, I discuss the similarity between Wittgenstein’s use of thought experiments and Relativity Theory. I begin with introducing Wittgenstein’s idea of “thought experiments” and a tentative classification of different kinds of thought experiments in Wittgenstein’s work. Then, after presenting a short recap of some remarks on the analogy between Wittgenstein’s point of view and Einstein’s, I suggest three analogies between the status of Wittgenstein’s mental experiments and Relativity theory: the topics of time dilation, the search for invariants, and (...)
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  49. Dionysus, the Cretan: Contributions To the Religious History of Europe.Carlo Kerenyi & Edith Cooper - 1957 - Diogenes 5 (20):1-20.
    We are still far from a religious history of Europe (l'histoire réligieuse de l'Europe) which would satisfy the requirements of modern religious scholarship. We do, however, have a picture of the religions of Europe, the old and the new, of their metamorphoses and effects on the intellectual world of European man, which we can use as a temporary survey. A modification in this survey concerns not only scholars; the religious history of Europe is our religious history, regardless of the value (...)
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  50. Ethical Veganism, Virtue, and Greatness of the Soul.Carlo Alvaro - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (6):765-781.
    Many moral philosophers have criticized intensive animal farming because it can be harmful to the environment, it causes pain and misery to a large number of animals, and furthermore eating meat and animal-based products can be unhealthful. The issue of industrially farmed animals has become one of the most pressing ethical questions of our time. On the one hand, utilitarians have argued that we should become vegetarians or vegans because the practices of raising animals for food are immoral since they (...)
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