Results for 'Carmen Porta'

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    La importancia de la mirada en el comportamiento artístico: identidad histórica y percepción visual.Carmen Porta - 2011 - Aisthesis 49:11-28.
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    The Logic of Apuleius: Including a Complete Latin Text and English Translation of the Peri Hermeneias of Apuleius of Madaura.David George Londey & Carmen J. Johanson - 1987 - Brill Archive.
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    Editorial: Aging in the Digital Era.Carmen Moret-Tatay & Mike Murphy - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:475030.
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    Psychological Well-Being During Adolescence: Stability and Association With Romantic Relationships.Mercedes Gómez-López, Carmen Viejo & Rosario Ortega-Ruiz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Role of Relatedness in the Motivation and Vitality of University Students in Online Classes During Social Distancing.Vanda Capon-Sieber, Carmen Köhler, Ayşenur Alp Christ, Jana Helbling & Anna-Katharina Praetorius - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As part of the social distancing measures for preventing the spread of COVID-19, many university courses were moved online. There is an assumption that online teaching limits opportunities for fostering interpersonal relationships and students’ satisfaction of the basic need for relatedness – reflected by experiencing meaningful interpersonal connections and belonging – which are considered important prerequisites for student motivation and vitality. In educational settings, an important factor affecting students’ relatedness satisfaction is the teachers’ behavior. Although research suggests that relatedness satisfaction (...)
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    Morals, Markets and Sustainable Investments: A Qualitative Study of ‘Champions’.Alan Lewis & Carmen Juravle - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (3):483-494.
    Sustainable investment, which integrates social, environmental and ethical issues, has grown from a niche market of individual ethical investors to embrace institutional investors resulting in £764 billion in assets under management in the UK alone [Eurosif, 2008: ‘European SRI Study 2008’ ]. Explaining this growth is complex, involving shifts in personal and collective values, reactions to corporate scandals, scientific and media pronouncements about climate change, Government initiatives, responses from financial markets and the influence of SI innovators in The City of (...)
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    The Timeout in Sports: A Study of Its Effect on Volleyball.Carmen Fernández-Echeverría, Jara González-Silva, Inma T. Castro & M. Perla Moreno - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    What Do Teachers Think About Their Students’ Inclusion? Consistency of Students’ Self-Reports and Teacher Ratings.Martin Venetz, Carmen L. A. Zurbriggen & Susanne Schwab - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:458198.
    The aim of this study was to investigate the consistency between the self-reports and teacher ratings of students’ emotional and social inclusion at school as well as for their academic self-concept. The German version of the Perceptions of Inclusion Questionnaire (PIQ) was administered to 329 grade 8 students (50.8% female, Mage = 14.5 years, SDage = 0.5 years) and their teachers. First, the three-dimensional structure of both PIQ versions was confirmed by confirmatory item factor analysis. The  and  coefficients (...)
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    The experience of premature birth for fathers: the application of the Clinical Interview for Parents of High-Risk Infants to an Italian sample.Carla Candelori, Carmen Trumello, Alessandra Babore, Miri Keren & Roberta Romanelli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A New Kind of Containment: "the War on Terror," Race, and Sexuality.Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo & Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo (eds.) - 2009 - Rodopi.
    This book addresses "containment" as it relates to interlocking discourses around the "War on Terror" as a global effort and its link to race and sexuality within the United States. The project emerged from the recognition that the events of 11 September 2001, prompted new efforts at containment with both domestic and international implications. Philosophy of Peace (POP), in conjunction with Concerned Philosophers for Peace, explores socio-political and ethical perspectives on modern warfare, peacemaking, and conflict resolution, including the many forms (...)
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    Entre espectros y asedios. Jacques Derrida y la sobrevida.Carmen Gloria Ruiz Bustamante - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):37-58.
    Se examina la noción de espectro, propuesta en Espectros de Marx, para evidenciar la problematización que Jacques Derrida hace a la oposición, que se supone tajante, entre las nociones de vida y muerte. Se evidencia que Derrida no traza tal problematización exclusivamente a partir de Espectros de Marx, sino también desde diversos textos que dan cuenta de un constante asedio que ronda su pensamiento: la sobrevida. A su vez, se analiza la discusión que Derrida sostuvo con el espectro de Marx (...)
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  12. El" Proyecto Gran Simio" y el concepto de persona: una cuestión de humanidad.Carmen Velayos Castelo - 2000 - Laguna 7:359-365.
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    Priming in word stem completion tasks: comparison with previous results in word fragment completion tasks.María J. Soler, Carmen Dasí & Juan C. Ruiz - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:127992.
    This study investigates priming in an implicit word stem completion (WSC) task by analyzing the effect of linguistic stimuli characteristics on said task. A total of 305 participants performed a WSC task in two phases (study and test). The test phase included 63 unique-solution stems and 63 multiple-solution stems. Analysis revealed that priming (mean = 0.22) was stronger in the case of multiple-solution stems, indicating that they were not a homogeneous group of stimuli. Thus, further analyses were performed only for (...)
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    Fenomenología y feminismo.María del Carmen López Sáenz - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63:45.
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    Les dieux égyptiens dans l’Onirocriticon d’Artémidore.María Carmen Barrígon Fuentes - 1994 - Kernos 7:29-45.
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  16. En los orígenes del Renacimiento Florentino: Arnolfo di Cambio.María del Carmen Vando del Blanco - 2006 - Critica 56 (932):84-87.
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  17. Reapertura de la casa de Augusto: el cofre del Palatino se abre de par en par para exponer al público su joya más valiosa.María del Carmen Vando del Blanco - 2008 - Critica 58 (955):82-85.
    Gracias a unas intervenciones de recuperación que se presentaban casi imposibles, dentro del amplio plan de restauración, precedido de investigaciones y estudios, de todo el conjunto de las edificaciones que bajo Augusto fueron realizadas en la colina del Palatino, se han abierto al público en Roma las puertas de la casa que Octaviano mandó edificar en el año 36 a.C., antes de convertirse en Augusto (27 a.C.-14d.C.).
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    II Gender Stereotypes.Elsa Leo-Rhynie & Carmen Pencle - 2002 - In Patricia Mohammed (ed.), Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Mona, Jamaica: Centre for Gender and Development Studies.
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  19. Agustín de Tagaste: el itinerario de la sabiduría.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 1988 - Revista Agustiniana 29 (90):435-500.
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    La influencia del diálogo "Hortensio" de Cicerón en S. Agustín.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 2001 - Anuario Filosófico 34 (70):555-564.
    One of the fundamental events in the life of Saint Augustine was its encounter with Cicero. The reading of the dialogue Hortensius led St. Augustine to study Philosophy. Cicero provided him with a vague concept of Wisdom that made him see that happiness is not in the material but in the spiritual world. However Saint Augustine was disappointed by the probabilism of Cicero in subjects as important as God, the immortality of human soul..., questions on which the Christian doctrine has (...)
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  21. Feminismo y racionalidad ampliada.María del Carmen López Sáenz - 2003 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 8:93-107.
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    Metáforas rígidas.Carmen González-Marín - 1997 - Arbor 156 (616):77-98.
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    The Phenomenological Approach as Epistemologically Support to Legitimize the Position of Oneself to the Other of Psychoanalysis.María del Carmen Rojas Hernández & Paulina Monjaraz Fuentes - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (9).
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    Aproximación fenomenológica a la razón mediadora de Zambrano. Intuición y creación.Carmen López Saénz - 2013 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 38 (2):35-59.
    Este artículo estudia la razón de Zambrano desde sus albores como razón mediadora. Su rechazo del sistema va unido a su comienzo en la intuición y a su decurso temporal, que analizamos en relación con Bergson y Husserl. La razón poética va más allá de ese núcleo intuitivo para revelar re-flexivamente incluso lo invisible. Su inmersión en las profundidades, en la pasividad actuante, en las entrañas, en la multiplicidad de los tiempos es paralela a la fenomenología de la génesis merleau-pontiana, (...)
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    La función de la fenomenología en las ciencias humanas.Mari Carmen López Sáenz - 1998 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 2:223.
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    Genetically modified animals, no human great apes.Carmen Velayos Castelo - 2008 - Arbor 184 (730).
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    „Ihr müsst da hingehen, wo es weh tut!“ – Formen, Funktionen und Folgen moralischer Kommunikation im Spitzensport/ “If It Doesn’t Hurt, You’re Not Doing It Right” – Forms, Functions, and Implications of Moral Communication in Elite Sports.Klaus Cachay & Carmen Borggrefe - 2013 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 10 (2):143-173.
    Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag untersucht den Gebrauch von Moral in der Kommunikation zwischen Trainer und Ath­leten im Spitzensport. Dabei wird moralische Kommunikation aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive als soziale Tatsache konstruiert, um im Lichte dieser Konstruktion konkrete Beispiele aus den Sport­arten Handball und Hockey analysieren und im Hinblick auf ihre Funktionen und Folgen reflektie­ren zu können. Die Ergebnisse dieser Analysen münden in Empfehlungen an Trainer, die zu einem sensiblen Umgang mit Moral raten, da insbesondere dem polemogenen Charakter moralischer und moralisierender Kommunikation Rechnung zu (...)
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    Gutiérrez Lombardo, raúl Y sanmartín esplugues, José : La filosofía desde la ciencia. México: Centro de estudios filosóficos, políticos Y sociales Vicente Lombardo toledano.Carmen María Callizo Romero - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 76:227-231.
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    Analyzing the Relationship Between Child-to-Parent Violence and Perceived Parental Warmth.M. Carmen Cano-Lozano, F. Javier Rodríguez-Díaz, Samuel P. León & Lourdes Contreras - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Do All Dimensions of Sustainable Consumption Lead to Psychological Well-Being? Empirical Evidence from Young Consumers.Isabel Carrero, Carmen Valor & Raquel Redondo - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (1):145-170.
    AbstarctThis research responds to the call for a greater understanding of how sustainable consumption leads to quality of life. Previous studies have not yielded conclusive evidence regarding whether individuals’ sustainable consumption promotes well-being. We theorize that both well-being and sustainable consumption should be conceptualized and measured as multi-faceted constructs to reconcile and understand the contradictory previous findings. This study examines the association between three dimensions of sustainable consumption: purchasing, simplifying and activism, and the six markers of psychological well-being in a (...)
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    La frontera animal-humano.Carmen Velayos Castelo - 2013 - Arbor 189 (763):a065.
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    Clonación humana: las preguntas «por qué no» y «por qué sí».Carmen Velayos Castelo - 2002 - Isegoría 27:193-209.
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    Presentació Ètica i política del paisatge.Carmen Velayos Castelo - 2014 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 53.
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    Immanuel Kant. "Lecciones de filosofía moral. Mrongovius II". Edición bilingüe de Alba Jiménez Rodríguez. Ediciones Sígueme, Salamanca, 2016, ISBN: 978-84-301-1954-7. [REVIEW]Carmen Sánchez Polo - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):889-891.
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    Dante Aliguieri. Oeuvres complètes, Tome I: Le Banquet. Traduction et édition critique par Bruno Pinchard. Établissement du texte italien par Franca Brambilla Ageno. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023, 818p. IBSN 9782406142034. [REVIEW]Carmen Luz Olmos de Aguilera - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):155-159.
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    Five warrants for medical decision making: some considerations and a proposal to better integrate evidence‐based medicine into everyday practice. Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence‐based approaches.Massimo Porta - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):265-268.
  37. Armenian text].Sergio La Porta - 2008 - In Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy. Lovanii [Louvain, Belgium]: Peeters.
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    David Ricardo: Notes on Malthus's 'Measure of Value'.Pier Luigi Porta (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a companion volume to the Royal Economic Society edition of The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, edited by Piero Sraffa with the collaboration of Maurice Dobb. It completes the record on Ricardian value theory by showing Ricardo's reaction to Malthus's pamphlet The Measure of Value Stated and Illustrated of 1823. Ricardo's Notes are, in Sraffa's words, 'the only considerable item' not appearing in the Royal Economic Society edition of his works. In addition, the recent publication by (...)
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  39. Mujeres con autoridad en el cristianismo antigüo, de Carmen Bernabé Urbieta, Elisa Estévez, Carmen Soto, Fernando Rivero y Carolyn Osiek.Carmen Peña - 2008 - Critica 58 (955):87.
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    Progressive Social Movements and the Creation of European Public Spheres.Donatella Della Porta - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (4):51-65.
    While the normative debate on European integration has addressed the importance of the construction of truly democratic institutions as well as the establishment of social rights at EU level, the role of progressive social movements has not been much debated. Building upon theorization and research in social movement studies, I argue that progressive social movements are indeed already contributing to the construction of European public spheres. Not one liberal (or bourgeois), public sphere but the proliferation of subaltern counterpublics could allow (...)
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  41. Polizia e ordine pubblico.Donatella Della Porta & Herbert Reiter - 1996 - Polis 10:333-336.
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    Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy.Sergio La Porta (ed.) - 2008 - Lovanii [Louvain, Belgium]: Peeters.
    These two volumes consist of a critical edition and English translation of the two earliest known Armenian sets of scholia on the Heavenly Hierarchy of Dionysius the Areopagite. Composed in the monastic schools of Erznka in the late thirteenth century, these scholia provide significant insight into how the Heavenly Hierarchy in particular, and Armenian translations of Greek texts in general, were understood by Armenian scholars in the Middle Ages. This editio princeps of the scholia represents a rare critical edition of (...)
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    Crítica al psicologismo y concepción de subjetividad en frege.Mario Ariel González Porta - 2014 - Manuscrito 37 (2):357-413.
    La remisión del problema relativo al como de la captación de pensamientos a la psicología por parte de Frege ha llevado a que se imponga entre los críticos la idea de que toda consideración subjetiva está ausente en este autor. La crítica fregueana al psicologismo, sin embargo, se concentra en una crítica a la concepción psicologista de subjetividad y, correlativamente, implica una concepción de subjetividad novedosa en el contexto de la filosofía alemana de la segunda mitad del s. XIX que, (...)
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  44. Real-Time Analysis of Eye Behaviour for Enhanced E-Learning.Marco Porta - 2008 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 41 (1-2):41-60.
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    Nel mercato dei non saggi: lo sfruttamento della vita in Dante.Juan Varela-Portas de Orduña - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27 (1):141-157.
    In questo lavoro si esplora la possibilità che l’inserzione dello sfruttamento umano all’interno del processo lavorativo e la conseguente apparizione sociale dell’uomo-merce abbiano lasciato tracce nell’opera di Dante. Si rintracciano così in una selezione di passi i problemi che questo processo impone alla nascente concezione dell’identità individuale e all’assunzione in una cornice ideologica ancora sacralizzata della distinzione fra ambito pubblico e ambito privato, che caratterizzerà il capitalismo fino a poche decadi fa.
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    Estimating the Relative Sociolinguistic Salience of Segmental Variables in a Dialect Boundary Zone.Carmen Llamas, Dominic Watt & Andrew E. MacFarlane - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Role and Position of Scientific Voices: Reported Speech in the Media.Carmen López Ferrero & Helena Calsamiglia - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (2):147-173.
    The aim of this study is twofold: one, to determine the presence and function of scientific knowledge when it is required by such cases as `mad cow' disease, when the crisis breaks in the press; and two, to explore the role of scientific information through the analysis of quoted speech used by journalists in their discourse. Citation is the most explicit form of inclusion of other-discourse in one's-discourse. Within the framework of the theory of énonciation, in combination with a critical (...)
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    Frege sobre “decisiones” : intencionalidad y motivación en Frege y Husserl.Mario González Porta - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (37):289.
    Existe en Frege no solo una concepción intencional de la conciencia, sino también uma concepción motivacional de su causalidad, esto es, Frege concibe la idea de una causalidade específica, diferente de la científico-natural, y que tiene como presupuesto la existência de estados intencionales. En tal sentido, existe un interesante punto de contacto entre Frege y Husserl.
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    Carmen de Burgos, traductora.María Del Carmen Simón Palmer - 2010 - Arbor 186 (Extra):157-168.
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    Conmemoraciones mediáticas del pasado reciente en Argentina.Eva Da Porta - 2005 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 1.
    Conmemoraciones mediáticas del pasado reciente en Argentina.
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