Results for 'Carnap'S. Logicism'

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  1. Herbert G. Bohnert.Carnap'S. Logicism - 1975 - In Jaakko Hintikka (ed.), Rudolf Carnap, logical empiricist: materials and perspectives. Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 73--183.
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    (1 other version)Carnap’s Untersuchungen: Logicism, Formal Axiomatics, and Metatheory.Georg Schiemer - 2012 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 16:13-36.
    This paper discusses Carnap’s attempts in the late 1920s to provide a formal reconstruction of modern axiomatics.1 One interpretive theme addressed in recent scholarly literature concerns Carnap’s underlying logicism in his philosophy of mathematics from that time, more specifically, his attempt to “reconcile” the logicist approach of reducing mathematics to logic with the formal axiomatic method. For instance, Awodey & Carus characterize Carnap’s manuscript Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik from 1928 as a “large-scale project to reconcile axiomatic definitions with (...), and transform implicit into explicit definitions.” It is argued that Carnap’s central idea was to balance a Fregean foundational stance with the modern model-theoretic viewpoint introduced in Hilbert’s Grundlagen der Geometrie ). It was also shown in recent literature that Carnap’s attempt to provide a logicist reconstruction of axiomatics is limited in several ways.2 No closer attention, however, has so far been dedicated to some of the details of his proposed reconciliation. (shrink)
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    Logicism and Principle of Tolerance: Carnap’s Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics.Stefano Domingues Stival - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (4):491-504.
    In this paper, the connection between logicism and the principle of tolerance in Carnap’s philosophy of logic and mathematics is to be presented in terms of the history of its development. Such development is conditioned by two lines of criticism to Carnap’s attempt to combine Logicism and Conventionalism, the first of which comes from Gödel, the second from Alfred Tarski. The presentation will take place in three steps. First, the Logicism of Carnap before the publication of The (...)
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    The Synthesis of Logicism and Formalism in Carnap’s Logical Syntax of Language.Thomas Oberdan - 1993 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 1:157-168.
    One important achievement Rudolf Carnap claimed for his book, The Logical Syntax of Language, was that it effected a synthesis of two seemingly antithetical philosophies of mathematics, logicism and formalism. Reconciling these widely divergent conceptions had been a goal of Carnap’s for several years. But in the years in which Carnap’s synthesis evolved, important intellectual developments influenced the direction of his efforts and, ultimately, the final outcome. These developments were, first of all, the epoch-making theorems proved by Kurt Gödel, (...)
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  5. In the tracks of the historicist movement: Re-assessing the Carnap-Kuhn connection.Guy S. Axtell - 1993 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 24 (1):119-146.
    Thirty years after the publication of Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, sharp disagreement persists concerning the implications of Kuhn’s "historicist" challenge to empiricism. I discuss the historicist movement over the past thirty years, and the extent to which the discourse between two branches of the historical school has been influenced by tacit assumptions shared with Rudolf Carnap’s empiricism. I begin with an examination of Carnap’s logicism --his logic of science-- and his 1960 correspondence with Kuhn. I focus (...)
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    Rudolf Carnap’s Ideas in Philosophy of Language in the Context of Conceptual Engineering.Irina N. Griftsova & Natalya Yu Kozlova - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (1):122-133.
    The past decade has seen notable development of conceptual engineering – a field of analytical philosophy that focuses on the critical evaluation of concepts. Most authors engaged with this area identify Rudolf Carnap’s ideas as its methodological framework and theoretical origin, placing particular emphasis on the philosopher’s method of explication. This article highlights the unquestionable influence Carnap’s thought had on conceptual engineering whilst by no means reducing it to the utilisation and advancement of explication within this field of analytical philosophy: (...)
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  7. Carnap, completeness, and categoricity:The gabelbarkeitssatz OF 1928. [REVIEW]S. Awodey & A. W. Carus - 2001 - Erkenntnis 54 (2):145-172.
    In 1929 Carnap gave a paper in Prague on Investigations in General Axiomatics; a briefsummary was published soon after. Its subject lookssomething like early model theory, and the mainresult, called the Gabelbarkeitssatz, appears toclaim that a consistent set of axioms is complete justif it is categorical. This of course casts doubt onthe entire project. Though there is no furthermention of this theorem in Carnap''s publishedwritings, his Nachlass includes a largetypescript on the subject, Investigations inGeneral Axiomatics. We examine this work here,showing (...)
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    From Carnap's Vienna To Meinong's Graz.Herbert Hochberg - 1994 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 48 (1):1-50.
    The development of the systematic ontology of Bergmannes posthumous 1992 work New Foundations of Ontology from its roots in his early criticisms of R. Camap's work on semantics to his acceptance of fundamental Meinongian ideas, is traced, critically examined and compared to views of others, such as G.E. Moore, B. Russell, W.V. Quine, and J. Searle. The discussion, focusing on main themes of his final metaphysical system, deals with problems posed by universals and particulars, predication and the Bradley "paradox", facts, (...)
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  9. Warren Goldfarb. Poincaré against the logicists. History and philosophy of modern mathematics, edited by William Aspray and Philip Kitcher, Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 11, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis1988, pp. 61–81. - Michael Friedman. Logical truth and analyticity in Carnap's “Logical syntax of language.”History and philosophy of modern mathematics, edited by William Aspray and Philip Kitcher, Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 11, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis1988, pp. 82–94. - Gregory H. Moore. The emergence of first-order logic. History and philosophy of modern mathematics, edited by William Aspray and Philip Kitcher, Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 11, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis1988, pp. 95–135. - Joseph W. Dauben. Abraham Robinson and nonstandard analysis: history, philosophy, and foundations of mathematics. History and philosophy of modern mathematics, edited by William As. [REVIEW]Michael Hallett - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):1315-1319.
  10. Inductive Logic and the Foundations of Probability Theory: A Revaluation of Carnap's Program.Maria Concetta Di Maio - 1992 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    In this thesis I defend and pursue that line about the foundations of probability theory which has come to be known as "the logicist view about probability", and, in particular, the shape which it took in Carnap's Inductive Logic. ;Most philosophers who now deal with probability theory claim that Carnap's program of Inductive Logic has failed. The main aim of my thesis is to show that this judgment is based on a fundamental misunderstanding about the nature and the aim of (...)
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    (1 other version)Logicism, Pragmatism, and Metascience: Towards a Pancritical Pragmatic Theory of Meta-Level Discourse.G. S. Axtell - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:39 - 49.
    The faults of logical empiricist accounts of metascientific discourse are examined through a study of the modifications Carnap makes to his version of the program over four decades. As empiricists acquiesced on the distinction between theory and observation, Carnap attempted to retain and insulate an equally suspect sharp distinction between the theoretic and the pragmatic. Carnap's later philosophy was understood as a modification of the program in the direction of pragmatism. But neither the key notion of "external questions" nor an (...)
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    Carnap, Logicism, and Ontological Commitment.Otávio Bueno - 2016 - In Sorin Costreie (ed.), Early Analytic Philosophy – New Perspectives on the Tradition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 337--352.
    Throughout most of his career, Rudolf Carnap attempted to articulate an empiricist view. Central to this project is the understanding of how empiricism can be made compatible with abstract objects that seem to be invoked in mathematics. In this paper, I discuss and critically evaluate three moves made by Carnap to accommodate mathematical talk within his empiricist program: the “weak logicism” in the Aufbau; the combination of formalism and logicism in the Logische Syntax; and the distinction between internal (...)
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    Rudolf Carnap, logical empiricist: materials and perspectives.Jaakko Hintikka (ed.) - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    "Homage to Rudolph Carnap."--Hempel, C. G. Rudolf Carnap, logical empiricist.--Wedberg, A. How Carnap built the world in 1928.--Eberle, R. A construction of quality classes improved upon the Aufbau.--Carnap, R. Observation language and theoretical language.--Kaplan, D. Significance and analyticity: a comment of some recent proposals of Carnap.--Wójcicki, R. The factual content of empirical theories.--Williams, P. M. On the conservative extensions of semantical systems: a contribution to the problem of analyticity.--Winnie, J. A. Theoretical analyticity.--Wedberg, A. Decision and belief in science.--Bohnert, H. G. (...)
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  14. Review: Potter, Reason's Nearest Kin: Philosophies of Arithmetic from Kant to Carnap.John MacFarlane - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):454-456.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 454-456 [Access article in PDF] Michael Potter. Reason's Nearest Kin: Philosophies of Arithmetic from Kant to Carnap.New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp. x + 305. Cloth, $45.00. This book tells the story of a remarkable series of answers to two related questions:(1) How can arithmetic be necessary and knowable a priori? [End Page 454](2) What accounts for the applicability of (...)
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    Jan Wolenski Carnap's metaphilosophy.Carnap'S. Metaphilosophy - 2003 - In Thomas Bonk (ed.), Language, Truth and Knowledge: Contributions to the Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 2--27.
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    Logicism and its Philosophical Legacy.William Demopoulos - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The idea that mathematics is reducible to logic has a long history, but it was Frege who gave logicism an articulation and defense that transformed it into a distinctive philosophical thesis with a profound influence on the development of philosophy in the twentieth century. This volume of classic, revised and newly written essays by William Demopoulos examines logicism's principal legacy for philosophy: its elaboration of notions of analysis and reconstruction. The essays reflect on the deployment of these ideas (...)
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  17. The problem with p-rules Thomas Oberdan clemson university.Carnap'S. Conventionalism - 2005 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 68 (1):119-137.
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  18. Richard C. Jeffrey.Carnap'S. Inductive Logic - 1975 - In Jaakko Hintikka (ed.), Rudolf Carnap, logical empiricist: materials and perspectives. Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 73--325.
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    Logicism and Principia Mathematica [review of William Demopoulos, Logicism and Its Philosophical Legacy. [REVIEW]Chris Pincock - 2015 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 35 (1):82-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:82 Reviews c:\users\arlene\documents\rj issues\type3501\rj 3501 061 red.docx 2015-07-10 4:07 PM LOGICISM BEYOND PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA Chris Pincock Philosophy / Ohio State U. Columbus, oh 43210–1365, usa [email protected] William Demopoulos. Logicism and Its Philosophical Legacy. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 2013. Pp. xii, 272. isbn: 9781107029804.£60.00; us$104.99 (hb). his book brings together eight previously published essays along with three new essays and a brief introduction. In one way or another, (...)
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    Carnap and Lewis on the External World.Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2014 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 18 (2):243.
    This paper compares the claims about our knowledge of the external world presented by Rudolf Carnap, in the book known as the Aufbau, to those of Clarence Irving Lewis, in Mind and the World-Order. This comparison is made in terms of the opposition to Kantian epistemology that both books establish; the Aufbau is regarded as the peak of the logicist tradition and Mind and the World-Order is taken in continuity with pragmatism. It is found that both books present knowledge of (...)
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    Carnap's internal and external questions: Part I: Quine's criticisms.I. Carnap'S. Distinctions - 2003 - In Thomas Bonk (ed.), Language, Truth and Knowledge: Contributions to the Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 2--97.
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    Ilkka Niiniluoto Carnap on truth.I. Carnap'S. Early Work - 2003 - In Thomas Bonk (ed.), Language, Truth and Knowledge: Contributions to the Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 2--1.
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    Lost on the way from Frege to Carnap: How the philosophy of science forgot the applicability problem.Torsten Wilholt - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 73 (1):69-82.
    This paper offers an explanation of how philosophy of science in the second half of the 20th century came to be so conspicuously silent on the problem of how to explain the applicability of mathematics. It examines the idea of the early logicists that the analyticity of mathematics accounts for its applicability, and how this idea was transformed during Carnap's efforts to establish a consistent and substantial philosophy of mathematics within the larger framework of Logical Empiricism. I argue that at (...)
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    Hume's Naturalized Philosophy.Yves Michaud - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (2):360-380.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:360 HUME'S NATURALI Z EP PHILOSOPHY In "Epistemology Naturalized," Quine claimed that the failure of reductive-foundationalist attempts in epistemology, after the model of Carnap' s Aufbau, must lead to a redefinition of epistemology's task. Instead of setting out to reconstruct the whole fabric of our knowledge from absolute data through deductive operations, we should investigate how human subjects derive their knowledge of nature from sensory inputs. Thus epistemology is (...)
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  25. Rudolf Carnap's analysis of `truth': Reply.Rudolf Carnap - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (2):300-304.
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    Quine, Russell, and Naturalism: From a Logical Point of View.Sean Morris - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (1):133-155.
    Most commentators have overlooked the impact of Russell on Quine, focusing instead on the influence of Carnap. In what follows, I will argue that the early Quine’s engagement with Russell’s logicism was a crucial stage in the development of his philosophy. More specifically, we can see Quine’s naturalism as developing out of a certain strand of Russell’s thought concerning scientific philosophy. In addition to giving us a better sense of the origins of Quine’s philosophy, this reading also shows how (...)
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    On Carnap's Elimination of Metaphysics.P. M. S. Hacker - 2001 - In Peter Michael Stephan Hacker (ed.), Wittgenstein: Connections and Controversies. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Carnap’s 1931–2 paper ‘The Elimination of Metaphysics through the Logical Analysis of Language’ is surveyed, and Carnap’s criticisms of metaphysics are elucidated. The relationship between Carnap’s views and the critique of metaphysics of the Tractatus is described. Carnap’s criticisms of metaphysics are compared with Wittgenstein’s later critique of metaphysics.
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  28. Organizing committee of the international congresses for the unity of science.R. Carnap, P. Frank, J. Jorgensen, C. W. Morris, O. Neurath, H. Reichenbach, L. Rougier & L. S. Stebbing - 1938 - Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis) 7:421.
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    Frege's Lectures on Logic: Carnap's Student Notes, 1910-1914.Gottlob Frege & Rudolf Carnap - 2003 - Chicago, IL, USA: Open Court.
    "By looking at Frege's lectures on logic through the eyes of the young Carnap, this book casts new light on the history of logic and analytic philosophy. As two introductory essays by Gottfried Gabriel and by Erich H. Reck and Steve Awodey explain, Carnap's notes allow us to better understand Frege's deep influence on Carnap and analytic philosophy, as well as the broader philosophical matrix from which both continental and analytic styles of thought emerged in the 20th century."--BOOK JACKET.
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  30. Psa 1970 in Memory of Rudolf Carnap : Proceedings of the 1970 Biennial Meeting, Philosophy of Science Association.Roger C. Buck, Rudolf Carnap & R. S. Cohen - 1971
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    Analytic Philosophy in America: And Other Historical and Contemporary Essays.Scott Soames - 2014 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    In this collection of recent and unpublished essays, leading analytic philosopher Scott Soames traces milestones in his field from its beginnings in Britain and Germany in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, through its subsequent growth in the United States, up to its present as the world's most vigorous philosophical tradition. The central essay chronicles how analytic philosophy developed in the United States out of American pragmatism, the impact of European visitors and immigrants, the midcentury transformation of the Harvard (...)
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  32. Carnap’s dream: Gödel, Wittgenstein, and Logical, Syntax.S. Awodey & A. W. Carus - 2007 - Synthese 159 (1):23-45.
    In Carnap’s autobiography, he tells the story how one night in January 1931, “the whole theory of language structure” in all its ramifications “came to [him] like a vision”. The shorthand manuscript he produced immediately thereafter, he says, “was the first version” of Logical Syntax of Language. This document, which has never been examined since Carnap’s death, turns out not to resemble Logical Syntax at all, at least on the surface. Wherein, then, did the momentous insight of 21 January 1931 (...)
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  33. Ontology and objectivity.Thomas Hofweber - 1999 - Dissertation, Stanford University
    Ontology is the study of what there is, what kinds of things make up reality. Ontology seems to be a very difficult, rather speculative discipline. However, it is trivial to conclude that there are properties, propositions and numbers, starting from only necessarily true or analytic premises. This gives rise to a puzzle about how hard ontological questions are, and relates to a puzzle about how important they are. And it produces the ontologyobjectivity dilemma: either (certain) ontological questions can be trivially (...)
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    The Elimination of Carnap’s Critical Arguments Against Metaphysics Through Formal Semantic Analysis of Natural Language.Ekaterina V. Vostrikova & Petr S. Kusliy - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (4):78-98.
    The authors explore Carnap’s (1931) famous critique of Heidegger’s metaphysics and argue that, from the perspective of contemporary formal semantics of natural language, Carnap’s criticism is not convincing. Moreover, they provide direct empirical objections to Carnap’s criticism. In particular, using empirical evidence from languages like Russian that have negative concord, they show that Heidegger cannot be accused of assigning illegitimate logical forms to his sentences about Nothing because terms like “Nothing” can be used non-quantificationally and the fact that it is (...)
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  35. De-synthesizing the relative a priori.Thomas Uebel - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (1):7-17.
    This paper considers the question whether the notion of the relative apriori, central to Michael Friedman’s transcendentalist programme for philosophy of science, is available also to philosophers who reject appeals to a synthetic a priori. After tracing the rediscovery of the relative a priori and delineating its potential, the question is considered whether Friedman’s arguments against Quinean naturalism and Carnap’s attenuated logicism tell against a conception of philosophy as scientific metatheory that combines logical and empirical inquiries. Finding an opening (...)
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    Rudolf Carnap, Hans Hahn, Otto Neurath, Moritz Schlick, Friedrich Waissman: Manifeste du Cercle de Vienne et Autres Ecrits.Rudolf Carnap, Hans Hahn, Otto Neurath, Moritz Schlick & Friedrich Waissman - 2010 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Autour du Manifeste de Vienne se trouvent reunis des textes fondateurs ecrits autour de 1929. Leurs auteurs: Carnap, Hahn, Neurath, Schlick l'ame du Cercle de Vienne, et Waismann plus proche de Wittgenstein, temoignent d'un courant philosophique constituant aujourd'hui la tradition analytique de source continentale a la fois empiriste et logique. Forme de maniere informelle a Vienne, au coeur de l'Europe, le Cercle reunissait des savants de differentes branches qui voulaient se donner une philosophie susceptible d' unifier leurs vues. Echo aux (...)
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  37. The Logicist Foundations of Mathematics.Rudolf Carnap - 1964 - In Paul Benacerraf & Hilary Putnam (eds.), Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 41--52.
  38. Carnap's work in the foundations of logic and mathematics in a historical perspective.Jaakko Hintikka - 1992 - Synthese 93 (1-2):167 - 189.
    Carnap's philosophy is examined from new viewpoints, including three important distinctions: (i) language as calculus vs language as universal medium; (ii) different senses of completeness: (iii) standard vs nonstandard interpretations of (higher-order) logic. (i) Carnap favored in 1930-34 the "formal mode of speech," a corollary to the universality assumption. He later gave it up partially but retained some of its ingredients, e.g., the one-domain assumption. (ii) Carnap's project of creating a universal self-referential language is encouraged by (ii) and by the (...)
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  39. Carnap’s early metatheory: scope and limits.Georg Schiemer, Richard Zach & Erich Reck - 2017 - Synthese 194 (1):33-65.
    In Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik and Abriss der Logistik, Carnap attempted to formulate the metatheory of axiomatic theories within a single, fully interpreted type-theoretic framework and to investigate a number of meta-logical notions in it, such as those of model, consequence, consistency, completeness, and decidability. These attempts were largely unsuccessful, also in his own considered judgment. A detailed assessment of Carnap’s attempt shows, nevertheless, that his approach is much less confused and hopeless than it has often been made out to (...)
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  40. Carnap’s Early Semantics.Georg Schiemer - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (3):487-522.
    This paper concerns Carnap’s early contributions to formal semantics in his work on general axiomatics between 1928 and 1936. Its main focus is on whether he held a variable domain conception of models. I argue that interpreting Carnap’s account in terms of a fixed domain approach fails to describe his premodern understanding of formal models. By drawing attention to the second part of Carnap’s unpublished manuscript Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik, an alternative interpretation of the notions ‘model’, ‘model extension’ and ‘submodel’ (...)
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  41. Carnap's Noncognitivism about Ontology.Vera Flocke - 2020 - Noûs 54 (3):527-548.
    Do numbers exist? Carnap (1956 [1950]) famously argues that this question can be understood in an “internal” and in an “external” sense, and calls “external” questions “non-cognitive”. Carnap also says that external questions are raised “only by philosophers” (p. 207), which means that, in his view, philosophers raise ”non-cognitive” questions. However, it is not clear how the internal/external distinction and Carnap’s related views about philosophy should be understood. This paper provides a new interpretation. I draw attention to Carnap’s distinction between (...)
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    Carnap's ideal of explication and naturalism.Pierre Wagner (ed.) - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Carnap's ideal of explication has become a key concept in analytic philosophy and the basis of a method of analysis which may be considered as an alternative to various forms of naturalism, including Quine's conception of a naturalized epistemology. More recently, new light has been shed on this aspect of the classical Carnap-Quine debate by contemporary philosophers. Whereas Michael Friedman articulated a notion of relativized a priori which owes much to Carnap's internal/external distinction, André Carus attempted to restate Carnap's ideal (...)
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    The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap.Rudolf Carnap - 1963 - Open Court. Edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp.
    The first volume of the Library of Living Philosophers (LLP) appeared in 1939, the brainchild of the late Professor Paul A. Schilpp. Schilpp saw that it would help to eliminate confusion and endless sterile disputes over interpretation if great philosophers could be confronted by their capable philosophical peers and asked to reply. As well as a number of critical essays with the chosen philosopher's replies to each essay, each volume would include an intellectual autobiography and an up-to-date bibliography The LLP (...)
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    The unity of science.Rudolf Carnap & Max Black - 1934 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co.. Edited by Max Black.
    As a leading member of the Vienna Circle, Rudolph Carnap's aim was to bring about a "unified science" by applying a method of logical analysis to the empirical data of all the sciences. This work, first published in English in 1934, endeavors to work out a way in which the observation statements required for verification are not private to the observer. The work shows the strong influence of Wittgenstein, Russell, and Frege.
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  45. Husserl on Analyticity and Beyond.Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock - 2008 - Husserl Studies 24 (2):131-140.
    Quine’s criticism of the notion of analyticity applies, at best, to Carnap’s notion, not to those of Frege or Husserl. The failure of logicism is also the failure of Frege’s definition of analyticity, but it does not even touch Husserl’s views, which are based on logical form. However, some relatively concrete number-theoretic statements do not admit such a formalization salva veritate. A new definition of analyticity based not on syntactical but on semantical logical form is proposed and argued for.
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    Carnap’s Problem for Modal Logic.Denis Bonnay & Dag Westerståhl - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):578-602.
    We take Carnap’s problem to be to what extent standard consequence relations in various formal languages fix the meaning of their logical vocabulary, alone or together with additional constraints on the form of the semantics. This paper studies Carnap’s problem for basic modal logic. Setting the stage, we show that neighborhood semantics is the most general form of compositional possible worlds semantics, and proceed to ask which standard modal logics (if any) constrain the box operator to be interpreted as in (...)
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    Carnap's conventionalism : logic, science, and tolerance.Noah Friedman-Biglin - 2014 - Dissertation, University of St Andrews
    In broadest terms, this thesis is concerned to answer the question of whether the view that arithmetic is analytic can be maintained consistently. Lest there be much suspense, I will conclude that it can. Those who disagree claim that accounts which defend the analyticity of arithmetic are either unable to give a satisfactory account of the foundations of mathematics due to the incompleteness theorems, or, if steps are taken to mitigate incompleteness, then the view loses the ability to account for (...)
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    Carnap’s Transformation of Epistemology and the Development of His Metaphilosophy.Thomas Uebel - 2018 - The Monist 101 (4):367-387.
    Carnap’s lectures at the 1935 Paris Congress for the Unity of Science marked the beginning of his mature metaphilosophy. This paper considers what role remained for epistemology once it was “purified” of all psychological elements as Carnap there demanded. It is argued that while this did mean the end of traditional epistemology, room was found for nontraditional versions in the course of the further development of Carnap’s logic of science.
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    'as'-(~ p--qY and'(3x) f (xY as'-(x)~ f (x)\ It is the logicist thesis, then, that the logical concepts just given suffice to define all mathemati-cal concepts, that over and above them no specifically mathematical con-cepts are required for the construction of mathematics. Already before Frege, mathematicians in their investigations of the).Rudolf Carnap - 1996 - In Moritz Schlick, Rudolf Carnap, Otto Neurath & Sahotra Sarkar (eds.), Logical empiricism at its peak: Schlick, Carnap, and Neurath. New York: Garland. pp. 2--112.
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  50. La fundamentación logicista de la matemática.Rudolf Carnap - 2020 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 10 (2):63--72.
    This is the Spanish translation, by Valeria Sol Valiño, of Rudolf Carnap’s classical text “Die logizistische Grundlegung der Mathematik”, which was originally presented at the Königsberg’s Symposium on Philosophy of Mathematics in 1930, and finally published in Erkenntnis in 1931.
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