Results for 'Chaitanya Veetarage'

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  1. Privilege: A critical inquiry.Chaitanya Joshi & Sushruth Ravish - 2023 - South African Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):63-73.
    The word “privilege” has become a part of our everyday conversations. However, it is not evident whether the various interlocutors in discussions on privilege are using it in the same sense. While different instances of privilege like white, male, or caste privilege have been discussed in contemporary academic discourses, we believe there is a lack of clarity regarding the notion of privilege. We critically analyse existing accounts of privilege to show that they leave some room for improvement. We offer an (...)
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    Chinmayi: an exhaustive commentary in English on Amr̥tānubhava (Bliss of being) of Sant Jñāneśvar Mahārāja.Sudhanshu Chaitanya - 1997 - Mumbai: Sat Bhavana Trust. Edited by Jñānadeva.
    Commentary, with text, on Amr̥tānubhava, Hindu philosophical work by Jñānadeva, fl. 1290.
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  3. Chant the name of the Lord.Sri Chaitanya - 1945 - In Christopher Isherwood, Vedanta for the Western world. Hollywood: The Marcel Rodd Co..
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  4. Discourses on Pañcadaśī.Sudhanshu Chaitanya - 1994 - Bombay, India: Central Chinmaya Mission. Edited by Mādhava.
    Verse compendium of the Advaita school in Hindu philosophy; includes complete Sanskrit text with English translation.
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    Freedom and transcendence.Krishna Chaitanya - 1982 - New Delhi: Manohar.
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  6. Managing life.Sudhanshu Chaitanya - 2006 - Ahmedabad: Ahmedabad Management Association.
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    Quantum Hydrodynamics: Kirchhoff Equations.K. V. S. Shiv Chaitanya - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (4):351-364.
    In this paper, we show that the Kirchhoff equations are derived from the Schrödinger equation by assuming the wave function to be a polynomial like solution. These Kirchhoff equations describe the evolution of n point vortices in hydrodynamics. In two dimensions, Kirchhoff equations are used to demonstrate the solution to single particle Laughlin wave function as complex Hermite polynomials. We also show that the equation for optical vortices, a two dimentional system, is derived from Kirchhoff equation by using paraxial wave (...)
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  8. Sri krsna and the ideal of life.Vidya Chaitanya - 2002 - In Ravīndra Kumāra Paṇḍā, Studies in Vedānta philosophy. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 95.
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    The biology of freedom.Krishna Chaitanya - 1975 - Bombay: Somaiya Publications.
    On the reintegration of the biological sciences and humanities; second portion of a projected formulation of a comprehensive philosophy of freedom.
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    The physics and chemistry of freedom.Krishna Chaitanya - 1972 - Bombay,: Somaiya Publications.
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    Vedāntanī udghoshaṇā, Vedāntaḍiṇḍimaḥ: mūḷa śloko - artha, anuvāda tathā ṭīkā sāthe.Sudhanshu Chaitanya - 2014 - Bhopal: Indra Publishing House. Edited by Jagadīśa Ke Parīkha.
    Treatise of the Vedanta philosophy ; based on discourses.
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  12. El tiempo lleva milenios detenido aquí" = "Hier seht die zeit seit jahrtausenden still".Chaitanya Marpakwar - 2022 - In Idalia Sautto, Laguna Trujillo, Maria Paula, Manuel Bueno Botello & Savannah Beck, Blickwinkel: marasmo. Ciudad de México: Goethe-Institut Mexiko.
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  13. Why Moral Epistemology is Not Just Epistemology Applied to Moral Beliefs.Sushruth Ravish & Chaitanya Joshi - 2020 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 34 (4):71-92.
    The current discourse on moral epistemology (ME), has hardly paid any attention to the question concerning the demarcation of the domain of ME within epistemology. Neither is the subject matter of ME considered unique, nor is the methodology adopted in its investigations considered distinct. We attempt to show in this paper that this omission does not restrict itself to a mere taxonomical oversight but rather leads to certain deeper conceptual concerns. We argue that a casual and porous understanding of the (...)
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    The interaction of a screw dislocation with point defects in bcc iron.Erin Hayward, Chaitanya Deo, Blas P. Uberuaga & Carlos N. Tomé - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (22):2759-2778.
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    Corrected Four-Sphere Head Model for EEG Signals.Næss Solveig, Chintaluri Chaitanya, V. Ness Torbjørn, M. Dale Anders, T. Einevoll Gaute & K. Wójcik Daniel - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    An Automated Online Shopping System.B. Prasad, C. Chaitanya & Y. Naga Supraja - 2005 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 14 (1):25-44.
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    U.S. Multinationals and Human Rights: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of Extractive Versus Nonextractive Sectors.Indra de Soysa, Nicole Janz & Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):2136-2174.
    The consequences of foreign direct investment (FDI) for human rights protection are poorly understood. We propose that the impact of FDI varies across industries. In particular, extractive firms in the oil and mining industries go where the resources are located and are bound to such investment, which creates a status quo bias among them when it comes to supporting repressive rulers (“location-bound effect”). The same is not true for nonextractive multinational corporations (MNCs) in manufacturing or services, which can, in comparison, (...)
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  18. Understanding Biology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.Adham El Shazly, Elsa Lawerence, Srijit Seal, Chaitanya Joshi, Matthew Greening, Pietro Lio, Shantung Singh, Andreas Bender & Pietro Sormanni - manuscript
    Modern life sciences research is increasingly relying on artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to model biological systems, primarily centered around the use of machine learning (ML) models. Although ML is undeniably useful for identifying patterns in large, complex data sets, its widespread application in biological sciences represents a significant deviation from traditional methods of scientific inquiry. As such, the interplay between these models and scientific understanding in biology is a topic with important implications for the future of scientific research, yet it (...)
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  19. Combining Background Knowledge and Learned Topics.Mark Steyvers, Padhraic Smyth & Chaitanya Chemuduganta - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (1):18-47.
    Statistical topic models provide a general data - driven framework for automated discovery of high-level knowledge from large collections of text documents. Although topic models can potentially discover a broad range of themes in a data set, the interpretability of the learned topics is not always ideal. Human-defined concepts, however, tend to be semantically richer due to careful selection of words that define the concepts, but they may not span the themes in a data set exhaustively. In this study, we (...)
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    Effects of Combining Meditation Techniques on Short-Term Memory, Attention, and Affect in Healthy College Students.Samani Unnata Pragya, Neelam D. Mehta, Bassam Abomoelak, Parvin Uddin, Pushya Veeramachaneni, Naina Mehta, Stephanie Moore, Melissa Jean-Francois, Stephanie Garcia, Samani Chaitanya Pragya & Devendra I. Mehta - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Meditation refers to a family of self-regulation practices that focuses on training attention and awareness to foster psycho-emotional well-being and to develop specific capacities such as calmness, clarity, and concentration. We report a prospective convenience-controlled study in which we analyzed the effect of two components of Preksha Dhyāna – buzzing bee sound meditation and color meditation on healthy college students. Mahapran and leśya dhyāna are two Preksha Dhyāna practices that are based on sound and green color, respectively. The study population (...)
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    The philosophy of Chaitanya and his school.Chhanda Chatterjee - 1993 - New Delhi: Associated Pub. Co..
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    Śrī Chaitanya's life and teachings: the golden avatāra of divine love.Steven Rosen - 2017 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This book focuses on one of the greatest saint/avatāras of all time: Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu. This charismatic religious leader popularized song and dance as a yogic science and conveyed teachings as relevant today as they were in his native Bengal some five hundred years ago. This is the story of how his message spread throughout the world.
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    The philosophy & religion of Chaitanya and his followers.Jadunath Sinha - 1976 - Calcutta: Sinha Pub. House.
    On the philosophy of some Hindu Vaishnavaite religious leaders.
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    Steven J. Rosen, Śrī Chaitanya’s Life and Teachings: The Golden Avatāra of Divine Love: Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2017. Pp. xxvi + 230. Price: Not stated. [REVIEW]Narasingha P. Sil - 2022 - Journal of Dharma Studies 5 (2-3):185-187.
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    Ontological and morphological concepts of Lord Sri Chaitanya and his mission.Bhakti Prajnan Yati Maharaj - 1994 - Madras: Sree Gaudiya Math. Edited by Chaitanya & Bhakti Vilās Tīrtha Goswāmi Maharāj.
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  26. Utkalaśrīmañjūṣā: proceedings of the National Seminar on Sri Jagannatha cult-Sri Chaitanya philosophy & Sri Jayadeva literature.D. Prahladacharya (ed.) - 2002 - Tirupati: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha.
    Contributed seminar papers with special reference to Orissa, India.
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    Studies on the nature of love: essays on Sri Chaitanya, Sri Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo and J. Krishnamurti.Sanat Kumar Sen - 2012 - Kolkata: Suchetana.
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    Jīva Gosvāmin's Tattvasandarbha: a study on the philosophical and sectarian development of the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava movement.Stuart Mark Elkman - 1986 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Edited by Jīva Gosvāmī.
    Exegesis, with text, of the classical treatise expounding the philosophy of Chaitanya school in Vaishnavism.
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  29. Śrī Tattvasandarbhaḥ: Ṣaṭsandarbha nāmno Bhāgavatasandarbhasya prathamaḥ sandarbhaḥ.Jīva Gosvāmī - 1982 - Vr̥ndāvana, Jilā Mathurā, Uttara Pradeśa: Śrīgadādharagaurahari Presa. Edited by Haridāsaśāstrī & Jīva Gosvāmī.
    Treatise, with commentaries, on ontology; according to the Chaitanya school in Vaishnavism.
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  30. Śrībhāgabatadharma.Dibākara Miśra - 1987 - Kaṭaka: Śrīgosvāmī Pres.
    On Bhakti and Bhāgavata philosophy according to Chaitanya school.
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  31. Śrīkr̥ṣṇasandarbhaḥ: "Sarvasamvādinī evaṃ Vinodinī" ṭīkopetaḥ.Jīva Gosvāmī - 1983 - Vr̥ndāvana, Jilā Mathurā, Uttara Pradeśa: Śrīgadādharagaurahari Presa. Edited by Haridāsaśāstrī & Jīva Gosvāmī.
    Classical interpretation of the ontology of Bhāgavatapurāṇa, mythological text, and Krishna, Hindu deity; viewpoint of the Chaitanya school in Vaishnavism.
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    Philosophers and Religious Leaders.Venkatarama Raghavan (ed.) - 1978 - New Delhi: New Delhi : Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.
    pt. 1. Ramanuja, Madhva, Chaitanya, Vedanta Desika, Meykandar, Asvaghosoa, Utpaladeva, Kumarila Bhatta, Udayanacharya.
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    Caitanya Vaiṣṇava philosophy: tradition, reason, and devotion.Ravi M. Gupta (ed.) - 2014 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub. Company.
  34. The philosophy of Śrī Jīva Goswāmi: Vaiṣṇava Vedānta of the Bengal school.Mahānāmabrata Brahmacārī - 1937 - Chicago: Institute of Oriental Students for the Study of Human Relations.
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    As good as God: the guru in Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism.Måns Broo - 2003 - Åbo [Finland]: Åbo Akademi University Press.
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    A Report on the Gaudiya Vaishnave Vedanta: Form of Vedic Ontology.Henry P. Stapp - 1994 - Bhaktivedanta Institute.
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    Siddhāntaratnam: Siddhānta-ratnam.Jīva Gosvāmī - 2019 - Vrindavan, UP, India: Jiva Institute. Edited by Demian Martins & Baladevavidyābhūṣaṇa.
    On concept of doctrine of Bhakti according to Chaitanya sect.
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  38. Śrīkr̥ṣṇasandarbha and its critical study.Jīva Gosvāmī - 1986 - Calcutta: Jadavpur University. Edited by Chinmayi Chatterjee & Jīva Gosvāmī.
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    Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu: his life, religion & philosophy.Swami Tapasyananda - 2008 - Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math.
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    Becoming Vaishnava in an ideal Vedic city.John Fahy - 2019 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    Becoming Vaishnava in an Ideal Vedic City centers on a growing multinational community of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) devotees in Mayapur, West Bengal. While ISKCON's history is often presented in terms of an Indian guru 'transplanting' Indian spirituality to the West, this book focusses on the efforts to bring ISKCON back to India. Paying particular attention to devotees' failure to consistently live up to ISKCON's ideals, and the ongoing struggle to realize the utopian vision of an 'ideal Vedic (...)
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