Results for 'Charles B. Lindemann'

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  1.  20
    The flagellar germ‐line hypothesis: How flagellate and ciliate gametes significantly shaped the evolution of organismal complexity.Charles B. Lindemann - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (3):2100143.
    This essay presents a hypothesis which contends that the development of organismic complexity in the eukaryotes depended extensively on propagation via flagellated and ciliated gametes. Organisms utilizing flagellate and ciliate gametes to propagate their germ line have contributed most of the organismic complexity found in the higher animals. The genes of the flagellum and the flagellar assembly system (intraflagellar transport) have played a disproportionately important role in the construction of complex tissues and organs. The hypothesis also proposes that competition between (...)
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    New Perspectives on Renaissance Thought: Essays in the History of Science, Education and Philosophy : in Memory of Charles B. Schmitt.Charles B. Schmitt - 1990 - Bloomsbury Academic.
  3.  2
    Aristotelismus und Renaissance: in Memoriam Charles B. Schmitt.Charles B. Schmitt & Eckhard Kessler (eds.) - 1988 - Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz.
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  4. The rediscovery of ancient skepticism in modern times.Charles B. Schmitt - 1983 - In Myles Burnyeat (ed.), The Skeptical Tradition. University of California Press. pp. 225--251.
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    Relational Quantum Mechanics and Intuitionistic Mathematics.Charles B. Crane - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (3):1-12.
    We propose a model of physics that blends Rovelli’s relational quantum mechanics (RQM) interpretation with the language of finite information quantities (FIQs), defined by Gisin and Del Santo in the spirit of intuitionistic mathematics. We discuss deficiencies of using real numbers to model physical systems in general, and particularly under the RQM interpretation. With this motivation for an alternative mathematical language, we propose the use of FIQs to model the world under the RQM interpretation, wherein we view the propensities that (...)
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  6. Conditional Excluded Middle.Charles B. Cross - 2009 - Erkenntnis 70 (2):173-188.
    In this essay I renew the case for Conditional Excluded Middle in light of recent developments in the semantics of the subjunctive conditional. I argue that Michael Tooley's recent backward causation counterexample to the Stalnaker-Lewis comparative world similarity semantics undermines the strongest argument against CXM, and I offer a new, principled argument for the validity of CXM that is in no way undermined by Tooley's counterexample. Finally, I formulate a simple semantics for the subjunctive conditional that is consistent with both (...)
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  7. Jonathan Bennett on 'even if'.Charles B. Cross - 1985 - Linguistics and Philosophy 8 (3):353-357.
    I show that given Jonathan Bennett's theory of 'even if,' the following statement is logically true iff the principle of conditional excluded is valid: (SE) If Q and if P wouldn't rule out Q, then Q even if P. Hence whatever intuitions support the validity of (SE) support the validity of Conditional Excluded Middle, too. Finally I show that Bennett's objection to John Bigelow's theory of the conditional can be turned into a (perhaps) more telling one, viz. that on Bigelow's (...)
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    Cicero Scepticus: A Study of the Influence of the Academica in the Renaissance.Charles B. Schmitt - 2013 - Springer Verlag.
    As originally planned this volume was meant to cover a somewhat wider scope than, in fact, it has turned out to do. When, in rg68, I initially conceived of preparing it, it was proposed to deal with several aspects of early modern scepticism, in addition to the fortuna of the Academica, and to publish various loosely related pieces under the title of 'Studies in the History of Early Modern Scepticism. ' Thereby, I foresaw that I would exhaust my knowledge of (...)
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  9. The paradox of the knower without epistemic closure.Charles B. Cross - 2001 - Mind 110 (438):319-333.
    In this essay I present a new version of the Paradox of the Knower and show that this new paradox vitiates a certain argument against epistemic closure. I then prove a theorem that relates the new paradox to epistemological scepticism. I conclude by assessing the use of the Knower in arguments against syntactical treatments of knowledge.
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    A characterization of imaging in terms of Popper functions.Charles B. Cross - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (2):316-338.
    Despite the results of David Lewis, Peter Gärdenfors, and others, showing that imaging and classical conditionalization coincide only in the most trivial probabilistic models of belief revision, it turns out that imaging on a proposition A can always be described via Popper function conditionalization on a proposition that entails A. This result generalizes to any method of belief revision meeting certain minimal requirements. The proof is illustrated by an application of imaging in the context of the Monty Hall Problem.
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    Giulio Castellani (1528-1586): A Sixteenth-Century Opponent of Scepticism.Charles B. Schmitt - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (1):15-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Giulio Castellani (1528-1586): A Sixteenth-Century Opponent of Scepticism CHARLES B. SCH1VHTT THE PROBLEMOF THE ORIGINS of scepticism in early modern philosophy has been a much debated issue. Sanches, Montaigne, Charron, and Bayle all contributed to the milieu which made it possible for the sceptical direction of thought to develop into such a potent force by the time of David Hume. The actual origins of modern scepticism, which seem (...)
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  12. Cicero Scepticus: a study of the influence of the Academica in the Renaissance.Charles B. Schmitt - 1972 - Martinus Nijhoff.
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    An unknown seventeenth-century French translation of sextus empiricus.Charles B. Schmitt - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):69-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS 69 in pre-Socratic scholarship. But he does not do justice to the religious mood which pervades the whole poem (a mood which is set by the prologue which casts the whole work into the form of some kind of religious revelation). The prologue is considerably more than a mere literary device, and the poem is more than logic. Generally, Jaeger9 and Guthrie are surely correct in (...)
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  14. Coherence and truth conducive justification.Charles B. Cross - 1999 - Analysis 59 (3):186-193.
    In a 1994 ANALYSIS article Peter Klein and Ted Warfield show that an epistemically more coherent set of beliefs often has a smaller unconditional probability of joint truth than some of its less coherent subsets. They conclude that epistemic justification, as understood in one version of a coherence theory of justification, is not truth conducive. After getting clear about what truth conduciveness requires, I show that their argument does not tell against BonJour's coherence theory.
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  15. Cesare Cremonini, Un Aristotelico Al Tempo di Galilei.Charles B. Schmitt & Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venedig - 1980 - Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani.
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    An analysis of the subjunctive conditional.Charles B. Daniels & James B. Freeman - 1980 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21 (4):639-655.
  17.  80
    Counterfactuals and event causation.Charles B. Cross - 1992 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 70 (3):307 – 323.
    I compare the failure of counterfactual dependence as a criterion of event causation to the failure of stochastic dependence as a criterion of causal law. Counterexamples to the stochastic analysis arise from cases of Simpson's Paradox, and Nancy Cartwright has suggested a way of transforming the stochastic analysis into something that avoids these counterexample. There is an analogical relationship between cases of Simpson's Paradox and cases of causal overdetermination. I exploit this analogical relationship to motivate my own view about the (...)
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  18. The rise of the philosophical textbook.Charles B. Schmitt - 1988 - In C. B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler & Jill Kraye (eds.), The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 792--804.
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  19. Self-deception and interpersonal deception.Charles B. Daniels - 1974 - Personalist 55 (3):244-252.
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    What Happens When Students Are in the Minority: Experiences and Behaviors That Impact Human Performance.Charles B. Hutchison, Maria Abelquist, Tiffany Adams, Clifford Afam, Daniel Blankton, Brian Bongiovanni, Carletta Bradley, Winfree Brisley, Tracie S. Clark, David W. Cornett, Jim Cross, Betty Danzi, Arron Deckard, Ryan Delehant, Lauren Emerson, Angela Jakeway, LaTasha Jones, Stephanie Johnston, Kalilah Kirkpatrick, Karlie Kissman, Jeremy Laliberte, Melissa Loftis, Lisa McCrimmon, Anita McGee, Aja' Pharr, Crystal Sisk, Loretta Sullivan, Ora Uhuru & Ann Wright - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book offers both the theoretical background behind the minority effect, teachers' personal experiences as they experienced being a minority, and their analyses and insights for teaching diverse learners. This book uses real-life experiences of diverse people to illustrate that, if not understood and addressed, situational minorities at school or work are unlikely to perform at their highest potentials.
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    Sustained behavior under delayed reinforcement.Charles B. Ferster - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 45 (4):218.
  22. Hand and eye: The role of craft in R. G. Collingwood's aesthetic theory.Charles B. Fethe - 1982 - British Journal of Aesthetics 22 (1):37-51.
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    Note on colourization.Charles B. Daniels - 1990 - British Journal of Aesthetics 30 (1):68-70.
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    John Case and Aristotelianism in Renaissance England.Charles B. Schmitt - 1983 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    This perceptive study of John Case, teacher of philosophy at Oxford from the mid-1560s until his death in 1600 and author of expositions of Aristotle which became standard textbooks of the time, focuses on his intellectual and cultural milieu and reveals.
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    The search for meaningful existence.Charles B. Ketcham - 1968 - New York,: Weybright & Talley.
  26.  54
    From Conversations to Digital Communication: The Mnemonic Consequences of Consuming and Producing Information via Social Media.Charles B. Stone & Qi Wang - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):774-793.
    Stone & Wang collate the nascent research examining the mnemonic consequences associated with social media use. In particular, they highlight two important factors in understanding how social media use shapes the way individuals and groups remember the past: the type of information (personal vs. public) and the role (producer vs. consumer) individuals undertake when engaging with social media. Stone and Wang investigate those two features in relation to induced forgetting for personal information and false memories/truthiness for public information.
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  27. Perception, thought, and reality.Charles B. Daniels - 1988 - Noûs 22 (3):455-464.
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  28. Antecedent-Relative Comparative World Similarity.Charles B. Cross - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (2):101-120.
    In “Backward Causation and the Stalnaker–Lewis Approach to Counterfactuals,” Analysis 62:191–7, (2002), Michael Tooley argues that if a certain kind of backward causation is possible, then a Stalnaker–Lewis comparative world similarity account of the truth conditions of counterfactuals cannot be sound. In “Tooley on Backward Causation,” Analysis 63:157–62, (2003), Paul Noordhof argues that Tooley’s example can be reconciled with a Stalnaker–Lewis account of counterfactuals if the comparative world similarity relation on which the Stalnaker–Lewis account relies is allowed to be antecedent-relative. (...)
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  29. The afterlife myth in Plato's gorgias.Charles B. Daniels - 1992 - Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (2):271-279.
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    5. Pragmatism or Hermeneutics? Epistemology after Foundationalism.Charles B. Guignon - 1991 - In David R. Hiley, James Bohman & Richard Shusterman (eds.), The Interpretive turn: philosophy, science, culture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. pp. 81-101.
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    Heidegger and the Problem of Knowledge.Charles B. Guignon - 1983 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    " admirably clear account of Heidegger's relation to the philosophical tradition, and especially of his criticism of Cartesianism." -- Richard Rorty, University of Virginia.
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    Television and Technical Literacy.Charles B. Crawford - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):279-281.
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  33.  9
    This is Medical Ethics?Charles B. Moore - 1974 - Hastings Center Report 4 (5):1-3.
  34.  40
    John case on art and nature.Charles B. Schmitt - 1976 - Annals of Science 33 (6):543-559.
    John Case , the most important English Aristotelian of the Renaissance period, has not yet received the attention he deserves. In his Lapis philosophicus , an exposition of Aristotle's Physics, is found a discussion of the relation of nature to art which parallels in many ways that formulated a few years later in the writings of Francis Bacon. Case argues, in a way more reminiscent of the works of Giambattista della Porta than of those of Aristotle, that the natural philosopher (...)
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  35. Galatians.Charles B. Cousar - 1982
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    Abortion and Potential.Charles B. Daniels - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (2):220-223.
    In a recent article “Abortion and Simple Consciousness', Werner S. Pluhar puts forward the following view:A few words of explanation are in order. The reasoning can, I think, be summed up as follows: If one thinks that being conscious is what gives beings rights, then what justifies preferential treatment for humans as opposed to sentient members of other species? The fact, or so the answer goes, that humans have a higher degree of consciousness than do members of other species. But (...)
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    Saving the Differences: Gadamer and Rorty.Charles B. Guignon - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:360 - 367.
    Bernstein's attempt to identify a convergence in the ethical and political implications of the writings of Gadamer and Rorty is found to be inadequate on two counts. First, by accepting the extreme antifoundationalism in Rorty, Bernstein tends to undermine the humanistic ideals he wishes to defend. And, second, the important differences in the conception of history in Gadamer and Rorty are concealed. It is argued that Gadamer's view of 'effective-history' offers a basis for enduring values which would not be possible (...)
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    Ricerche sull'aristotelismo del Rinascimento: Marcantonio Zimara, volume 2, Dal periodo salernitano al secondo periodo padovano.Charles B. Schmitt - 1981 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (4):506-507.
  39. A Critical Survey and Bibliography of Studies on Renaissance Aristotelianism.Charles B. Schmitt - 1977 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 33 (2):254-254.
  40.  40
    A correction to “Nonmonotonic inconsistency” [Artificial Intelligence 149 (2003) 161–178].Charles B. Cross - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 160 (1-2):191-192.
    This note corrects an error in the statement and proof of Propositions 9 and 10 of [C. Cross, Nonmonotonic inconsistency, Artificial Intelligence 149 (2) (2003) 161–178]. Both results turn out to depend on the postulate of Consistency Preservation.
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    A study of the sense epithets of Shelley and Keats.Charles B. Bliss - 1899 - Psychological Review 6 (3):332-332.
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  42. Philippians and Philemon: A Commentary.Charles B. Cousar - 2009
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    A theorem concerning syntactical treatments of nonidealized belief.Charles B. Cross - 2001 - Synthese 129 (3):335 - 341.
    [IMPORTANT CORRECTION - See end of abstract.] In Syntactical Treatments of Modality, with Corollaries on Reflexion Principles and Finite Axiomatizability, Acta Philosophica Fennica 16 (1963), 153–167, Richard Montague shows that the use of a single syntactic predicate (with a context-independent semantic value) to represent modalities of alethic necessity and idealized knowledge leads to inconsistency. In A Note on Syntactical Treatments of Modality, Synthese 44 (1980), 391–395, Richmond Thomason obtains a similar impossibility result for idealized belief: under a syntactical treatment of (...)
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    La psychologie à l'école primaire.Charles B. Bliss - 1898 - Psychological Review 5 (6):659-662.
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    Henry of Ghent, Duns Scotus and Gianfrancesco Pico on Illumination.Charles B. Schmitt - 1963 - Mediaeval Studies 25 (1):231-258.
  46. Pity, fear, and catharsis in Aristotle's poetics.Charles B. Daniels & Sam Scully - 1992 - Noûs 26 (2):204-217.
  47. Ontology and method in Wittgenstein's tractatus.Charles B. Daniels & John Davison - 1973 - Noûs 7 (3):233-247.
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  48. La presenza dell'aristotelismo padovano nella filosofia della prima modernità: atti del colloquio internazionale in memoria di Charles B. Schmitt: Padova, 4-6 settembre 2000.Charles B. Schmitt & Gregorio Piaia (eds.) - 2002 - Roma: Antenore.
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    Toward an ontology of number, mind, and sign.Charles B. Daniels - 1986 - [Atlantic Highlands] N.J.: Humanities Press. Edited by James B. Freeman & Gerald W. Charlwood.
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    Should rapid tests for hiv infection now be mandatory during pregnancy? Global differences in scarcity and a dilemma of technological advance.Charles B. Smith, Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis & Jay A. Jacobson - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):86–103.
    Since testing for HIV infection became possible in 1985, testing of pregnant women has been conducted primarily on a voluntary, ‘opt-in’ basis. Faden, Geller and Powers, Bayer, Wilfert, and McKenna, among others, have suggested that with the development of more reliable testing and more effective therapy to reduce maternal-fetal transmission, testing should become either routine with ‘opt-out’ provisions or mandatory. We ask, in the light of the new rapid tests for HIV, such as OraQuick, and the development of antiretroviral treatment (...)
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