Results for 'Christian Sina Diatta'

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  1. Sciences, technologie et developpement.Christian Sina Diatta & Nucléaire Appliquée - forthcoming - Episteme: Rivista Critica di Storia Delle Scienze.
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    Studi su John Locke e su altri pensatori cristiani agli albori del secolo dei lumi.Mario Sina - 2015 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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  3. Metabolomic Profiles for Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Stratification and Disease Course Monitoring.Daniel Stoessel, Jan-Patrick Stellmann, Anne Willing, Birte Behrens, Sina C. Rosenkranz, Sibylle C. Hodecker, Klarissa H. Stürner, Stefanie Reinhardt, Sabine Fleischer, Christian Deuschle, Walter Maetzler, Daniela Berg, Christoph Heesen, Dirk Walther, Nicolas Schauer, Manuel A. Friese & Ole Pless - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:378428.
    Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) shows a highly variable disease progression with poor prognosis and a characteristic accumulation of disabilities in patients. These hallmarks of PPMS make it difficult to diagnose and currently impossible to efficiently treat. This study aimed to identify plasma metabolite profiles that allow diagnosis of PPMS and its differentiation from the relapsing-remitting subtype (RRMS), primary neurodegenerative disease (Parkinson’s disease, PD), and healthy controls (HCs) and that significantly change during the disease course and could serve as surrogate (...)
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    Josef Albo (um 1380-1444): jüdische Philosophie und christliche Kontroverstheologie in der frühen Neuzeit.Sina Rauschenbach - 2002 - Boston: Brill.
    Josef Albo, Spanish Rabbi and Jewish Philosopher, writes his Sefer ha-iqqarim in the interval between the Tortosa Disputation and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. The book is based on the ideas of Maimonides. In Early Modem Times it becomes an important source in Christian theological discussions.
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    Ibn Sīnā and Descartes on the Origins and Structure of the Universe.Hulya Yaldir - 2009 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 5:3-57.
    This article begins with an examination of Ibn Sīnā’s conception of emanation and its origin within the Greek and Islamic philosophical traditions. Secondly, I present his view of the multiplicity of the universe from a single unitary First Cause, followed by a discussion of the function of the Active Intellect in giving rise to the existence of the sublunary world and its contents. In the second part of the article, I consider Cartesian cosmology, without, however, going into detail about what (...)
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  6. In search of Ibn sīnā's “oriental philosophy” in medieval castile.Ryan Szpiech - 2010 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 20 (2):185-206.
    Abstract. Scholars have long debated the possibility of a mystical or illuminationist strain of thought in Ibn Sīnā 's body of writing. This debate has often focused on the meaning and contents of his partly lost work al-Mashriqiyyūn (The Easterners), also known as al-Ḥikma al-Mashriqiyya (EasternWisdom), mentioned by Ibn Sīnā himself as well as by numerous Western writers including Ibn Rushd and Ibn Ṭufayl. A handful of references to what is called Ibn Sīnā 's “Oriental Philosophy” are also found in (...)
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  7. Ibn Sina and Husserl on intention and intentionality.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (1):71-82.
    : The concepts of intention and intentionality were particularly significant notions within the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic medieval philosophical traditions, and they regained philosophical importance in the twentieth century. The theories of intention and intentionality of the medieval Islamic philosopher and physician Ibn Sina and the phenomenological philosopher and mathematician Edmund Husserl are examined, compared, and contrasted here, showing that Ibn Sina's conception of intention is naturalistic and, in its naturalism, is influenced by the medical professional culture (...)
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  8. Revisiting Ibn Sina's (Avicenna) heritage.H. Kadircan Keskinbora (ed.) - 2021 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    Even well after his lifetime, Ibn Sina was renowned, not just in medicine or philosophy, but in other areas, especially in the Islamic world. In brief, he was an authority in the Islamic East, or an “auctoritas”. However, in the west, his work was massively influential in not only the medical education curricula, but also in the important, innovative doctrines in philosophy. The most fundamental sections of his major encyclopedia, al-Shifâ being translated into Latin as early as the 12th (...)
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    Christian and Islamic philosophies of time.Sotiris Mitralexis & Marcin Podbielski (eds.) - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    This volume constitutes an attempt at bringing together philosophies of time--or more precisely, philosophies on time and, in a concomitant way, history--emerging from Christianity's and Islam's intellectual histories. Starting from the Neoplatonic heritage and the voice of classical philosophy, the volume enters the Byzantine and Arabic intellectual worlds up to Ibn Al-Arabi's times. A conscious choice in this volume is not to engage with, perhaps, the most prominent figures of Christian and Arabic philosophy, i.e., Augustine on the one hand (...)
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    Revisiting Ibn Sina's (Avicenna) heritage.Kadircan Hidir Keskinbora (ed.) - 2021 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    Even well after his lifetime, Ibn Sina was renowned, not just in medicine or philosophy, but in other areas, especially in the Islamic world. In brief, he was an authority in the Islamic East, or an “auctoritas”. However, in the west, his work was massively influential in not only the medical education curricula, but also in the important, innovative doctrines in philosophy. The most fundamental sections of his major encyclopedia, al-Shifâ being translated into Latin as early as the 12th (...)
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    Why the Christian Magistri Turned to Arabic and Jewish Falāsifa: Aquinas and Avicenna.R. E. Houser - 2012 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 86:33-51.
    Here, I should like to tell a story, beginning with how the works of Aristotelian philosophy came to exist in Latin translations, then moving to the project of transforming Christian theology into an Aristotelian “science.” After that, I would like to look a bit more closely at the case of Br. Thomas of Aquino and his dependence upon the Muslim philosopher Ibn Sīnā. Finally, I shall end by drawing some wider conclusions based upon this important example.
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    Vetera Novis Augere et Perficere: Thomas Aquinas and Christian-Muslim Dialogue.Joseph Ellul - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1231-1247.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Vetera Novis Augere et Perficere:Thomas Aquinas and Christian-Muslim DialogueJoseph Ellul, O.P.Pope Leo XIII's encyclical letter Aeterni Patris, issued on August 4, 1879, sought to address many issues that were challenging nineteenth-century Catholic scholarship and academic life. In proposing the thought of Thomas Aquinas as a model of Catholic teaching, the Pope intended, in his own words, "to strengthen and complete the old by aid of the new,"1 not (...)
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    Hobbes’s great divorce: civil religion in comparative and historical perspective.Jeremy Kleidosty - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (1):165-181.
    Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan is well known for presenting a political philosophy based on a mechanistic account of human beings that offers the pain–pleasure response (or the peace–fear response) as a basis on which to make political choices. Although it has been subjected to countless treatments over the centuries, its account of civil religion in Part 3, “Of a Christian Commonwealth”, based on a highly original reading of the Bible, is deserving of further examination. Following an overview of a long (...)
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  14. Divine simplicity.Mohammad Saeedimehr - 2007 - Topoi 26 (2):191-199.
    According to a doctrine widely held by most medieval philosophers and theologians, whether in the Muslim or Christian world, there are no metaphysical distinctions in God whatsoever. As a result of the compendious theorizing that has been done on this issue, the doctrine, usually called the doctrine of divine simplicity, has been bestowed a prominent status in both Islamic and Christian philosophical theology. In Islamic philosophy some well-known philosophers, such as Ibn Sina (980–1037) and Mulla Sadra (1571–1640), (...)
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  15. Offsetting and Risk Imposition.Christian Barry & Garrett Cullity - 2022 - Ethics 132 (2):352-381.
    Suppose you perform two actions. The first imposes a risk of harm that, on its own, would be excessive; but the second reduces the risk of harm by a corresponding amount. By pairing the two actions together to form a set of actions that is risk-neutral, can you thereby make your overall course of conduct permissible? This question is theoretically interesting, because the answer is apparently: sometimes Yes, sometimes No. It is also practically important, because it bears on the moral (...)
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    Tradurre il metodo tra metafisica e teologia. Alberto Magno lettore di Avicenna in Summa theologiae, I, q. V, cap. 3.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 65:219-245.
    Starting from the 13th century, the question of defining theology as a science gained prominence within a new epistemological reflection on the discipline. It has been hypothesized that the availability of new translations of Aristotelian works significantly contributed to the growing interest among theologians in the theory of science. One of the most prominent intellectuals who recognized the necessity of defining theology as a science and outlining its boundaries and investigative methods in relation to other disciplines, was Albert the Great (...)
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    (1 other version)Judgment aggregation: a survey.Christian List & Clemens Puppe - 2009 - In Paul Anand, Prasanta Pattanaik & Clemens Puppe (eds.), Handbook of Rational and Social Choice. Oxford University Press.
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    Freedom and Creation in Three Traditions by David B. Burrell, C.S.C.Peter Redpath - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):489-493.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 489 universe enjoys as an ordered whole. What happens if the model does not present a universal order, as seems to have been the case for the last three centuries? Should we then remove the corresponding perfection from our idea of universe's perfection? Or is there some metaphysical reason for asserting that the universe is an ordered whole, regardless of any particular model? If the latter, it (...)
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  19. The Role of Regulative Principles and Their Relation to Reflective Judgement.Christian Onof - 2020 - In Sorin Baiasu & Alberto Vanzo (eds.), Kant and the Continental Tradition: Sensibility, Nature, and Religion. New York: Routledge.
  20. Honesty.Christian Miller - 2017 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Christian Miller (eds.), Moral psychology. MIT Press. pp. 237–73.
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  21. (1 other version)Al-Fārābi on the Role of Philosophy of History in the History of Civilization.Georgios Steiris - 2018 - In Steiris Georgios (ed.), Christian and Islamic Philosophies of Time. Vernon Press. pp. 135-144.
    This volume constitutes an attempt at bringing together philosophies of time—or more precisely, philosophies on time and, in a concomitant way, history—emerging from Christianity’s and Islam’s intellectual histories. Starting from the Neoplatonic heritage and the voice of classical philosophy, the volume enters the Byzantine and Arabic intellectual worlds up to Ibn Al-Arabi’s times. A conscious choice in this volume is not to engage with, perhaps, the most prominent figures of Christian and Arabic philosophy, i.e., Augustine on the one hand (...)
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    Robust Trust in Expert Testimony.Christian Dahlman, Lena Wahlberg & Farhan Sarwar - 2015 - Humana Mente 8 (28).
    The standard of proof in criminal trials should require that the evidence presented by the prosecution is robust. This requirement of robustness says that it must be unlikely that additional information would change the probability that the defendant is guilty. Robustness is difficult for a judge to estimate, as it requires the judge to assess the possible effect of information that the he or she does not have. This article is concerned with expert witnesses and proposes a method for reviewing (...)
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  23. Ästhetik als praktische Philosophie: Zur impliziten Ästhetik von Carl Stumpf.Christian G. Allesch - 2015 - In Denis Fisette & Riccardo Martinelli (eds.), Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Boston: Rodopi.
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    Constraint acquisition.Christian Bessiere, Frédéric Koriche, Nadjib Lazaar & Barry O'Sullivan - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244 (C):315-342.
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    Beauty, Genius, and Mathematics: Why Did Kant Change His Mind?Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2001 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 18 (4):415 - 432.
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    Social Avalanche: Crowds, Cities and Financial Markets.Christian Borch - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Individuality and collectivity are central concepts in sociological inquiry. Incorporating cultural history, social theory, urban and economic sociology, Borch proposes an innovative rethinking of these key terms and their interconnections via the concept of the social avalanche. Drawing on classical sociology, he argues that while individuality embodies a tension between the collective and individual autonomy, certain situations, such as crowds and other moments of group behaviour, can subsume the individual entirely within the collective. These events, or social avalanches, produce an (...)
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    A history of philosophy in the twentieth century.Christian Delacampagne - 1999 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    In A History of Philosophy in the Twentieth Century , Christian Delacampagne reviews the discipline's divergent and dramatic course and shows that its greatest figures, even the most unworldly among them, were deeply affected by events of their time. From Ludwig Wittgenstein, whose famous Tractatus was actually composed in the trenches during World War I, to Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger -- one who found himself barred from public life with Hitler's coming to power, the other a member of (...)
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    Heritage as a basis for creativity in creative industries: the case of taste industries.Christian Barrère - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (1):167-176.
    The aim of this paper is to focus on the specificities of the creative processes in taste industries: industries that have connected the artistic and industrial dimensions to supply goods and services—demand for which derives not from the logic of needs and necessity, but from the logic of pleasures, tastes, ethic preferences and hedonism. These taste industries belong to the creative industries but, unlike scientific and technological production, they work not on the basis of cumulative knowledge but through the creation (...)
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    What Does It Mean to be "Plausible"?Christian Dahlman - unknown
    This article explores what ‘plausible’ means in statements about legal evidence and shows that it is highly ambiguous. Twelve different meanings of ‘plausibility’ are identified and distinguished from each other by definitions. Contrary to what has been claimed by some evidence scholars (Allen and Pardo, 2019), the article shows that all uses of ‘plausibility’ can be captured in terms of probability. The author also shows that the exposed ambiguity is deeply problematic for legal practice and legal scholarship. The fundamental principle (...)
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    Konstitution und Reflexion.Christian Gremmels - 1975 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 19 (1):278-296.
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    Buchrezension: Aryeh Kosman, The Activity of Being: An Essay on Aristotle’s Ontology.Christian Kietzmann - unknown
    Aryeh Kosman’s The Activity of Being is the fruit of a lifetime of work on some of the most difficult and challenging texts of ancient philosophy.
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    The theory of judgment aggregation: an introductory review.Christian List - 2010 - The Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS), London School of Economics.
    This paper provides an introductory review of the theory of judgment aggregation. It introduces the paradoxes of majority voting that originally motivated the field, explains several key results on the impossibility of propositionwise judgment aggregation, presents a pedagogical proof of one of those results, discusses escape routes from the impossibility and relates judgment aggregation to some other salient aggregation problems, such as preference aggregation, abstract aggregation and probability aggregation. The present illustrative rather than exhaustive review is intended to give readers (...)
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  33. Huellas krausianas en Federico García Lorca.Christian Rubio - 2017 - In Ricardo Pinilla (ed.), El krausismo y el pensamiento filosófico en la España moderna. Madrid: Ápeiron.
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    Einleitung zur Sittenlehre.Christian Thomasius - 1968 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms.
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    Grundzüge eines ganzheitlichen systems des rechtes.Christian Vogel - 1935 - Leipzig und Wien,: F. Deuticke.
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  36. Kripke's standard meter : a religious dream?Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2024 - In Martin Gustafsson, Oskari Kuusela & Jakub Mácha (eds.), Engaging Kripke with Wittgenstein: the standard metre, contingent apriori, and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Empirical Approaches to Moral Character.Christian Miller - 201y - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The turn of the century saw a significant increase in the amount of attention being paid by philosophers to empirical issues about moral character. Dating back at least to Plato and Aristotle in the West, and Confucius in the East, philosophers have traditionally drawn on empirical data to some extent in their theorizing about character. One of the main differences in recent years has been the source of this empirical data, namely the work of social and personality psychologists on morally (...)
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    Schleiermachers Theorie der Frömmigkeit: ihr wissenschaftlicher Ort und ihr systematischer Gehalt in den Reden, in der Glaubenslehre und in der Dialektik.Christian Albrecht - 1994 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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    Gesammelte Werke.Christian Wolff & Rengerische Buchhandlung - 1980 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Jean Ecole.
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    Ratio dependence in small number discrimination is affected by the experimental procedure.Christian Agrillo, Laura Piffer, Angelo Bisazza & Brian Butterworth - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    On How Expertise Ascriptions Work.Christian Quast - 2020 - Analyse & Kritik 42 (2):399-430.
    Expertise is often ascribed to persons who are considered exceptionally competent in a particular subject matter. In contrast to this traditional approach, the present paper introduces a contextual understanding of expertise ascriptions. More precisely, this paper introduces two different kinds of contextuality by advancing and advocating the thesis that expertise ascriptions are true if and only if their content within their context of use is true against standards in the context of assessment. This means that expertise ascriptions have indexical content (...)
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    Noematic Sinn.Christian Beyer - 2008 - In Filip Mattens (ed.), Meaning and Language: Phenomenological Perspectives. Springer. pp. 75--88.
  43. Jean 1, 14 (-18) dans son contexte et à la lumière de la littérature intertestamentaire.Christian Grappe - 2000 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (1):153-169.
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  44. Platon als "Gewährsmann" Husserls? Zur Platonrezeption im husserlschen werk.Christian Möckel - 1999 - Recherches Husserliennes 12:77-112.
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    Desarrollo de la complejidad sintáctica en recontados narrativos de niños preescolares y escolares.Christian Peñaloza, Claudia Araya & Carmen Julia Coloma - 2017 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 27 (2):334-349.
    El aumento de la complejidad sintáctica evidencia el desarrollo lingüístico de los niños. El uso de ciertas medidas de lenguaje permite dar cuenta de dicho proceso, lo que ha sido corroborado en niños preescolares hispanohablantes y en niños en etapas tardías de desarrollo. Este trabajo propone explorar dicho desarrollo contrastando a un grupo de niños chilenos con desarrollo típico que asisten a preescolar con un grupo de primer año básico. Las medidas incluyeron índices primarios y secundarios de complejidad y se (...)
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  46. Haptisch-visuelle Kommunikation: der Mensch in seiner Beziehung z. tech. u. ästhet. Umwelt.Christian Speer - 1973 - Ravensburg: Maier.
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    Paulus Unter den Philosophen.Christian Strecker, Joachim Valentin & Micha Brumlik (eds.) - 2013 - Kohlhammer.
    English summary: Was Paul of Tarsus a philosopher? Does he even rank amongst those philosophers who influenced occidental live and thought? The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben says, that the Epistle to the Romans is the fundamental messianic text of the western culture. The Jewish scholars Jacob Taubes and Daniel Boyarin insist on the philosophical and political Force of Pauline thinking. Long before that, Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger dealt intently with the Epistle. Was Paul a Philosopher? In any case he (...)
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  48. Entre Zoom et zimzoum, une étoile de la rédemption? Pour une issue humaniste et eschatologique au problème de l'altérité chez Nicolas de Cues.Christian Trottmann - 2017 - In Hervé Pasqua (ed.), Infini et altérité dans l'oeuvre de Nicolas de Cues (1401-1464). Bristol, CT: Peeters.
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  49. Per un’ “archeologia delle fonti”: della teoria plotiniana dell’immaginazione artistica.Christian Vassallo - 2008 - Studi di Estetica 37:181-194.
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  50. System der werttheorie.Christian Ehrenfels - 1897 - Leipzig,: O.R.Reisland.
    I. Allgemeine werttheorie, psychologie des begehrens.--II. Grundzüge einer ethik.
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