Results for 'Christian ethics Anglican authors'

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  1.  37
    Christian ethics in secular worlds.Robin Gill - 1991 - New York: T & T Clark International.
    A challenging book examining issues such as biotechnology, AIDS and nuclear weapons and demonstrating that Christian ethics has something important and ...
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    Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems.Michael C. Banner - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses such key ethical issues as euthanasia, the environment, biotechnology, abortion, the family, sexual ethics, and the distribution of health care resources. Michael Banner argues that the task of Christian ethics is to understand the world and humankind in the light of the credal affirmations of the Christian faith, and to explicate this understanding in its significance for human action through a critical engagement with the concerns, claims and problems of other ethics. He (...)
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  3. Christian ethics and secular society.Frank Russell Barry - 1966 - London,: Hodder & Stoughton.
    The author asks, "Can Christianity still be the moral guide to our fast-changing western society, in its moral confusion and spiritual bankruptcy?" "What is Christian mority and what has it to offer to to the twentieth century man?" In answering these questions, he considers such topics as "Charity and Chastity", "The Family and Society", Crime and Punishment", "The Sanctity of Human Life", and "Peace and War". He has intended the book for the general reader, but hopes that it will (...)
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    Worship and ethics: Lutherans and Anglicans in dialogue.Oswald Bayer & M. Alan (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    The Anglican Tradition of Moral Theology Alan M. Suggate Hooker and the via media For the English who experienced the impact of the Reformation on the ...
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    Behaving in Public: How to Do Christian Ethics.Nigel Biggar - 2011 - W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    Integrity, not distinctiveness -- Tense consensus -- Which public? -- Can a theological argument behave? -- So, what is the church good for? -- Conclusion: the via media: a Barthian Thomism.
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    Studying Christian Ethics: The Birth of the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics and the Context Out of Which It Grew.Stephen Platten - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (2):205-223.
    This article traces the history of the foundation of the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics. It glances back to the birth of the Church of England during the Reformation era and then proceeds to examine the development of Christian ethics and moral theology in the twentieth century. It places Anglican developments within the wider ecumenical context. Drawing on personal correspondence and the author’s own involvement in the Society the article is the first account (...)
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  7. The ethics of love in the human context.Eòm Sötötåiphan - 2004 - New Delhi: Serials Publications.
    Study with reference to philosophy of Joseph F. Fletcher on christian ethics.
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    The Market Economy and Christian Ethics.Peter H. Sedgwick - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Peter Sedgwick explores the relation of a theology of justice to that of human identity in the context of the market economy, and engages with critics of capitalism and the market. He examines three aspects of the market economy: first, how does it shape personal identity, through consumption and the experience of paid employment in relation to the work ethic? Second, what impact does the global economy have on local cultures? Finally, as manufacturing changes out of all recognition through the (...)
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  9. Situation ethics: the new morality.Joseph F. Fletcher - 1966 - Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press.
    This is a new edition of Joseph Fletcher's 1966 work that ignited a firestorm of controversy at the time of its publication.
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    An ethic for Christians and other aliens in a strange land.William Stringfellow - 1973 - Waco, Tex.,: Word Books.
    Identifying America as a fallen nation with the parable of Babylon in the Book of Revelation - not with Jerusalem the holy nation, as Americans are naively and vainly wont to do - Dr. Stringfellow issues as trenchant an indictment of our ...
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    Modern Christian living: a book on Christian approaches to social and ethical issues for use with the religious education syllabus of the East African Advanced Certificate of Education.B. Sharkey - 1979 - Nairobi: Oxford University Press. Edited by F. G. Welch.
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    Choices: ethics and the Christian.David Brown - 1983 - Oxford: Blackwell.
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    Resurrection and moral order: an outline for evangelical ethics.Oliver O'Donovan - 1986 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans.
    In this revision of a seminal work, O'Donovan describes the shape of a Christian moral theology which has wide implications for creation, history, knowledge, freedom, and authority--his purpose being to outline a system of theological ethics and to describe the nature of the moral response within redeemed creation: acts of surrender, obedience, and love.
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    The ethics of love in the human context.Eṃ St̲t̲īphan - 2004 - New Delhi: Serials Publications.
    Study with reference to philosophy of Joseph F. Fletcher on christian ethics.
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    An outline of Anglican moral theology.Lindsay Dewar - 1968 - London,: Mowbray.
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    The artifice of ethics.Gordon Reginald Dunstan - 1974 - London: S.C.M. Press.
    Community and Convention Insight and Institution: 1. In the Bible Insight and Institution 2. In a Church Born to Rule Dying to Order Conventions in Restraint of Power.
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    The Christian moral life: practices of piety.Timothy F. Sedgwick - 1999 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans.
    This book, a re-issue of the 1999 edition, demonstrates that the way of life we call Christian is lived in relationships to others.
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    Christian morals today.John Arthur Thomas Robinson - 1964 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
    Fixity and freedom.--Law and love.--Authority and experience.
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    Oliver O’Donovan’s Moral Theology: Tensions and Triumphs .Samuel Tranter - 2020 - New York: T&T Clark.
    This book offers the first sustained, full-length treatment of the wide-ranging work of major Anglican theologian Oliver O'Donovan. Analysing key texts written across forty years, including Resurrection and Moral Order, The Desire of the Nations, and Ethics as Theology, Samuel Tranter focuses in particular on what he argues is an area of real tension in O'Donovan's evolving vision of moral theology: the relationship between eschatology and ethics. This tension is traced as it plays out with regard to (...)
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  20.  1
    The principles of Christian religion.Thomas Becon - 1552 - Norwood, N.J.: W. J. Johnson.
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    Liberating creation: foundations of religious social ethics.Gibson Winter - 1981 - New York: Crossroad.
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    Christian freedom in a permissive society.John Arthur Thomas Robinson - 1970 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
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    The Christian moral vision.Earl H. Brill - 1979 - New York: Seabury Press.
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    Christian morality.Herbert Hensley Henson - 1936 - Oxford,: The Clarendon press.
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    What is right?Michael Keeling - 1969 - Valley Forge [Pa.]: Judson Press.
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    Moralne konsekwencje wiary.Sławomir Nowosad - 2016 - Lublin: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II.
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    Odnowa anglikańskiej teologii moralnej w XX wieku.Sławomir Nowosad - 2001 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Moral responsibility.Joseph F. Fletcher - 1967 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
  29.  13
    The principles of moral and Christian philosophy: philosophical works and correspondence of George Turnbull.George Turnbull - 2005 - Indianapolis: Liberty Fund. Edited by Alexander Broadie.
    v. 1. The principles of moral philosophy -- v. 2. Christian philosophy.
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  30. Christianity in Thought and Practice.William Temple - 1936 - Milwaukee, Morehouse Publishing Co..
    The relations between philosophy and religion.--Personality in theology and ethics.--Christian ethics in application to individuals and to groups.
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  31.  48
    Society and Sacrament: The Anglican Left and Sacramental Socialism, Ritual as Ethics.Nicholas Groves - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):71-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 71-84 [Access article in PDF] Christian Views on Ritual Practice Society and Sacrament: The Anglican Left and Sacramental Socialism, Ritual as Ethics Nicholas GrovesLoyola University Introduction August in New York City is frequently a time of intense heat, where the congestion of city living kindles tempers to the breaking point. This is true in a special way in the tenements of (...)
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  32.  7
    Reflections for an age: essays contributed to The Age, Melbourne between August 1980 and June 1994.James Ralph Darling - 2006 - [Lonsdale, Vic.: Robjon Partners]. Edited by John Bedggood & Neville Clark.
    Collection of the 391 essays produced by Sir James Darling in his fortnightly column 'Reflections'. Covering universal themes, topical matters and events as they occured, the essays also reflect Sir James's remarkable insight and wisdom, and his compassion and humour.
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  33.  8
    Cultural patterns and moral laws.Greg Forster - 1977 - Bramcote: Grove Books.
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    Engineering: mechanical or moral science?Lewis Stretch - 1986 - Oxford: Becket Publications.
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    Moral issues in Kenya: a personal view.Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye - 1996 - Nairobi: Uzima Press.
    Redeeming the Time: Traditional and Contemporary Morality See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, ...
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  36. You & the new morality.James A. Pike - 1967 - New York,: Harper & Row.
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  37.  21
    The principles of moral philosophy: (1740).George Turnbull - 1740 - New York: G. Olms.
  38.  11
    The mandate of heaven: the divine command and the natural order.Michael Keeling - 1995 - Edinburgh: T&T Clark.
    The aim of this book is to re-establish the concept of 'law' in Christian ethics without at the same time sacrificing any of the gains in moral freedom that have come from the concept of situation ethics. Michael Keeling argues that there is a common human search for morality in which the specific contribution of Christians is the idea of freedom as the primary gift of God to human beings. However, within this freedom it should be possible (...)
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    Response to Hans Ulrich: The Future and Way of Anglican Ethics.Joan Lockwood O’Donovan - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (2):181-185.
    In conversation with Hans Ulrich, this response considers the future and the path of Anglican ethics in the Reformation tradition.
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    Principles and Virtues in AI Ethics.I. N. Notre Dame, Science Before Receiving A. Phd in Moral Theology From Notre Dame He has Published Widely on Bioethics, Technology Ethics He is the Author of Science Religion, Christian Ethics, Anxiety Tomorrow’S. Troubles: Risk, Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance, The Ethics of Precision Medicine & Encountering Artificial Intelligence - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):251-263.
    One of the most common contemporary approaches for developing an ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) involves elaborating guiding principles. This essay explores the limitations of this approach, using the history of bioethics as a comparative case. The examples of bioethics and recent AI ethics suggest that principles are difficult to implement in everyday practice, fail to direct individual action, and can frequently result in a pure proceduralism. The essay encourages an additional attention to virtue, which forms the dispositions (...)
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    Introduction to Special Section on Virtue in the Loop: Virtue Ethics and Military AI.D. C. Washington, I. N. Notre Dame, National Securityhe is Currently Working on Two Books: A. Muse of Fire: Why The Technology, on What Happens to Wartime Innovations When the War is Over U. S. Military Forgets What It Learns in War, U. S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group The Shot in the Dark: A. History of the, Global Power Competition His Writing has Appeared in Russian Analytical Digest The First Comprehensive Overview of A. Unit That Helped the Army Adapt to the Post-9/11 Era of Counterinsurgency, The New Atlantis Triple Helix, War on the Rocks Fare Forward, Science Before Receiving A. Phd in Moral Theology From Notre Dame He has Published Widely on Bioethics, Technology Ethics He is the Author of Science Religion, Christian Ethics, Anxiety Tomorrow’S. Troubles: Risk, Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance, The Ethics of Precision Medicine & Encountering Artificial Intelligence - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):245-250.
    This essay introduces this special issue on virtue ethics in relation to military AI. It describes the current situation of military AI ethics as following that of AI ethics in general, caught between consequentialism and deontology. Virtue ethics serves as an alternative that can address some of the weaknesses of these dominant forms of ethics. The essay describes how the articles in the issue exemplify the value of virtue-related approaches for these questions, before ending with (...)
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  42. A soul in the making.F. S. M. Bennett - 1926 - London,: Simpkin, Marshall & co..
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  43.  8
    Outspoken: coming out in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand.Liz Lightfoot - 2011 - Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
    "In 2007, I underwent a crisis of sexual identity. I was married, with two young children, when I became attracted to another woman. The hostility I encountered at the Anglican church I was attending made me curious about other people's experiences. It seemed to me imperative that stories of being gay in the Church be heard, especially in the context of the current maelstrom within the Anglican community in which the Church has been encouraged to undergo a 'listening (...)
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  44. Christian ethics.Alvin Daniel Mattson - 1947 - Rock Island, Ill.,: Augustana book concern.
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  45. Christian ethics: moral theology in the light of Vatican II.Karl H. Peschke - 1986 - Alcester, Warwickshire: C. Goodliffe Neale.
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    The foundation of ethical theory in the clinic.John Collins Harvey - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):343-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Foundation of Ethical Theory in the ClinicJohn Collins Harvey (bio)William Osler has had a very profound and lasting effect on American medical education and medical practice. He set the pattern, still followed today, for the clinical training of medical students at the patient’s bedside and in the clinical laboratory. In such settings Osler was able to demonstrate to his pupils the principles, ethics, and standards of medical (...)
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    Christian ethics and human nature.Terence Penelhum - 2000 - Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International.
    "In this book (originally delivered as the John Albert Hall Lectures in Victoria, British Columbia) Terence Penelhum identifies what distinguishes the ethics of the Christian from the ethics of a secular world that commonly sees itself as having adopted Christian principles. He also tries to locate the understanding of human nature and its defects which is implied by Christian ethics. In both cases he maintains that there are continuities as well as sharp differences between (...)
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    Christian ethics.Leo Richard Ward - 1952 - St. Louis,: Herder.
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  49. The common good and Christian ethics.David Hollenbach - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Common Good and Christian Ethics rethinks the ancient tradition of the common good in a way that addresses contemporary social divisions, both urban and global. David Hollenbach draws on social analysis, moral philosophy, and theological ethics to chart new directions in both urban life and global society. He argues that the division between the middle class and the poor in major cities and the challenges of globalisation require a new commitment to the common good and that (...)
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    Authority in morals: an essay in Christian ethics.Gerard J. Hughes - 1978 - Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
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