Results for 'Civil religion'

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  1. Civil religion: a dialogue in the history of political philosophy.Ronald Beiner - 2010 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Civil Religion offers philosophical commentaries on more than twenty thinkers stretching from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. The book examines four important traditions within the history of modern political philosophy and delves into how each of them addresses the problem of religion. Two of these traditions pursue projects of domesticating religion. The civil religion tradition, principally defined by Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Rousseau, seeks to domesticate religion by putting it solidly in the service (...)
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    Beyond ‘civil religion’ – on Pascalian influence in Tocqueville.Yuji Takayama - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (5):518-535.
    ABSTRACT In volume two of his work Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville argued that religion could guarantee individual liberties against the tyranny of the majority. However, in volume one of this work, Tocqueville presented a conventional ‘civil religion’ as a phenomenon that was identical to or subsumed by American social mores or opinions. Thus, the following questions are raised: How can such a religion represent a brake on potential tyranny? How can genuine religion be (...)
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    Civil religion in modern political philosophy: Machiavelli to Tocqueville.Steven Frankel & Martin D. Yaffe (eds.) - 2020 - University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A collection of essays on civil religion in modern political philosophy, exploring the engagement between modern thought and the Christian tradition.
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    Civil Religion and the Pursuit of Happiness from Machiavelli to Italian Theory.Miguel Vatter - 2019 - Giornale Critico di Storia Delle Idee 1:73-88.
    In this article I propose a conception of “civil religion” to bridge the tension between immanence and transcendence that has characterized Italian Theory to date. This tension is due to the two central components of Italian Theory, namely, the discourse on biopolitics and the discourse on political theology. In what follows I argue that this conception of “civil religion” originates with Machiavelli and is functional to his vision of democratic constitutionalism. I propose a new genealogy of (...)
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    Roman Civil Religion and the Question of Jewish Politics in Arendt.Miguel Vatter - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (2):573-606.
    This article discusses the question of how Arendt’s mature “neo-Roman” republican political theory relates to her early. It argues that her early reflections on the problem of Jewish politics in modernity already adopt one of the main pillars of her later republican political theory, i.e., the substitution of federalism for sovereignty. The article puts forth the hypothesis that Arendt’s republicanism takes up the idea that Romans and Jews, during their republican periods, both held a “civil” conception of religion. (...)
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    Civil Religion in Greece.Manussos Marangudakis - 2015 - ProtoSociology 32:187-215.
    The article examines the moral sources and the cultural codifications of civil religion in Greece as this has been shaped by a series of historical contingencies and social forces. It identifies a certain developmental process from a “sponsored” by state and church civil religion (1830–1974) to an autonomous civil religion (1974–today). This development was not the result of an automatic process of social differentiation, but a cultural mutation caused by historical contingencies and the presence (...)
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    Civil religion and anticlericalism in James Harrington.Ronald Beiner - 2014 - European Journal of Political Theory 13 (4):388-407.
    In the last few years, there has been a notable surge of interest in the themes of civil religion and the battle against “priestcraft” among historians of political thought. Examples include Eric Nelson’s The Hebrew Republic; Paul Rahe’s Against Throne and Altar; Jeffrey Collins’s The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes; Jonathan Israel’s work on the legacy of Spinoza; Justin Champion’s work on John Toland; and my own book, Civil Religion. Within the intellectual space created by this recent (...)
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    Civil Religion in Political Thought.Ronald L. Weed & John von Heyking (eds.) - 2010 - CUA Press.
    The essays in this volume blend historical and philosophical reflection with concern for contemporary political problems. They show that the causes and motivations of civil religion are a permanent fixture of the human condition, though some of its manifestations and proximate causes have shifted in an age of multiculturalism, religious toleration, and secularization.
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    Afrikaner Civil Religion and the Current South African Crisis.David J. Bosch - 1986 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 3 (2):23-30.
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    A Civil Religion For Modern Societies.Andrew Buchwalter - 2003 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 5 (1):271-275.
  11. Civil religion and the integration of society: A theoretical reflection and an application.Dobbelaere Karel - 1986 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 13 (2-3):127-146.
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  12. Civil religion, civic republicanism, and enlightenment in Rousseau.Lee Ward - 2016 - In Geoffrey C. Kellow & Neven Leddy (eds.), On Civic Republicanism: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics. London: University of Toronto Press.
  13. Civilized Religion from Renaissance to Reformation and Counter-Reformation.Euan Cameron - 2000 - In Peter Burke & Brian Harrison (eds.), Civil Histories: Essays Presented to Sir Keith Thomas. Oxford University Press.
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    Revisiting Rousseau’s Civil Religion.Joshua Karant - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):1028-1058.
    As divisive as the work undoubtedly remains, ‘On Civil Religion’ merits renewed attention. Possessing the courage of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s convictions and contradictions both, it offers a flawed yet productive confrontation with still-enduring politico-theological tensions and, more broadly, a compelling case for the pedagogical value of provocation. By pressing these debates upon our collective attention, he alerts us, in no uncertain terms, to the vital role contentiousness plays in civic affairs. And in potentially fanning the flames of this still-burning (...)
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    The ideas of civil religion in the works of Mykola Kostomarov.Timofiy Zinkevich - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:79-85.
    T. Zinkevich. "The ideas of civil religion in the works of Mykola Kostomarov." The author based on the fact that a civil religion - it is a social and cultural phenomenon in which the light of a kind of religious language and the specific practices of the necessity of finding and approval of the national state, which has its roots in the community needs to find the sacred in the work, which is inherent in the transcendent, (...)
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    Hobbes’s great divorce: civil religion in comparative and historical perspective.Jeremy Kleidosty - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (1):165-181.
    Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan is well known for presenting a political philosophy based on a mechanistic account of human beings that offers the pain–pleasure response (or the peace–fear response) as a basis on which to make political choices. Although it has been subjected to countless treatments over the centuries, its account of civil religion in Part 3, “Of a Christian Commonwealth”, based on a highly original reading of the Bible, is deserving of further examination. Following an overview of a (...)
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    Civil Religion in Modern Political Philosophy: Machiavelli to Tocqueville ed. by Steven Frankel and Martin D. Yaffe.Michael Brodrick - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (4):628-630.
  18. Civil Religion and Political Theology.Leroy S. Rouner - 1988 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (3):181-182.
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    Civil Religion: Secularism as Religion?Judith Butler - 2020 - In Ann Laura Stoler, Stathis Gourgouris & Jacques Lezra (eds.), Thinking with Balibar: A Lexicon of Conceptual Practice. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 45-53.
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    Ideas of Civil Religion in the Creative Work of Cyril Methodians.Leonid Kondratyk - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 85:53-63.
    Kondratyk L. "Ideas of Civil Religion in the Creative Work of Cyril Methodians". The author is based on the fact that the civil religion is such a sociocultural phenomenon in which, through the prism of a peculiar religious language and specific practices, the necessity of acquiring and establishing a national state is substantiated, which originates in the need of the community to find the sacral in the activity that is inherent in the transcendent, eternally -linear character (...)
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    Democracy as Civil Religion: Reading Alexis De Tocqueville in India.Anindita Chakrabarti - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (1):14-25.
    The article explores Alexis de Tocqueville’s explication of democracy as ‘civil religion’ or the new sacred of modern times. In Democracy in America, Tocqueville analyzed democracy as a political system as well as a moral value. The article begins with Tocqueville’s analysis of the religious roots of American democracy. Dissociated from the affairs of the state through the principle of ‘disestablishment’, religion became secure in civil society, whereas the concept of democracy became inviolable and ‘set apart’ (...)
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    The phenomenon of "civil religion" in the verification of Ukrainian and world religious thought.Yuriy Vil’Khovy - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:284-293.
    The article reviews the works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers, the object of which was the phenomenon of «civil religion» in the context of harmonization of relations between church, state and society.
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    Civil Religion and Western Christianity.R. Bruce Douglass - 1980 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 55 (2):169-183.
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    On Confucianism as a Civil Religion and Its Significance for Contemporary China.Chen Ming - 2012 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 44 (2):76-83.
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    Confrontation Between Civilization, Religions and Professions of Faith.Marco Damonte - 2009 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 25:46-57.
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    Civil Religion in the Age of Reason: Thomas Paine on Liberalism, Redemption, and Revolution.Wilson Mcwilliams - 1987 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 54.
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    The trap of intellectual success: Robert N. Bellah, the American civil religion debate, and the sociology of knowledge.Matteo Bortolini - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (2):187-210.
    Current sociology of knowledge tends to take for granted Robert K. Merton’s theory of cumulative advantage: successful ideas bring recognition to their authors, successful authors have their ideas recognized more easily than unknown ones. This article argues that this theory should be revised via the introduction of the differential between the status of an idea and that of its creator: when an idea is more important than its creator, the latter becomes identified with the former, and this will hinder recognition (...)
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    Politische Kultur als Civil Religion?: Die »Kieler AfTäre« im Spiegel der Presse.Rolf Schieder - 1988 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 32 (1):107-118.
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    Cement of society? Why civil religion is unfit to create social bonds.Michaela Rehm - 2014 - In Dieter Thomä, Christoph Henning & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), Social Capital, Social Identities: From Ownership to Belonging. De Gruyter. pp. 123-134.
  30. Augustine and Roman Civil Religion : Some Critical Reflections.Ernest Fortin - 1980 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 26 (3-4):238-256.
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    Civil Religion and Political Theology. [REVIEW]Bruce M. Stephens - 1990 - Social Philosophy Today 4:440-441.
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  32. Rousseau's Civil Religion.Charles Sherover - 1980 - Interpretation 8 (2/3):114-122.
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    10. Natural Law and Civil Religion: De legibus Book II.Jed W. Atkins - 2017 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Ciceros Staatsphilosophie: Ein Kooperativer Kommentar Zu ›de Re Publica‹ Und ›de Legibus‹. De Gruyter. pp. 167-186.
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    Liberty and Compulsory Civil Religion in Rousseau’s Social Contract.Charles L. Griswold - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (2):271-300.
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    Beginnings and the essence of civil religion.Timofiy Zinkevich - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 77:11-17.
    In the article T.Zinkevich "Beginnings and the essence of civil religion" the question of the beginnings of civil religion and the peculiarity of this phenomenon are studied. It is proved that civil religion is a socio-cultural phenomenon, in which, through the prism of a peculiar religious language and specific practices, the ultimate determination of the establishment and confirmation of a national state, which originates from the need of the community to find sacred in a (...)
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    Christianity and Civil Religion in Hobbes’s Leviathan.Sarah Mortimer - 2013 - In Aloysius Martinich & Kinch Hoekstra (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Hobbes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Hobbes was an unusual Christian, and one that recognized the potential power of the Christian story to strengthen commonwealths. This chapter discusses the account of Christianity found in Leviathan, which was designed to replace contemporary versions with one that would promote stability and obedience within the state. Hobbes’s religious ideas, like his political philosophy, began from his understanding of human beings; he insisted that religious belief was natural to humans, stemmed from anxiety, and needed to be coordinated by a sovereign (...)
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    A complementary perspective on business ethics in South Korea: Civil religion, common misconceptions, and overlooked social structures.Sven Horak & Inju Yang - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (1):1-14.
    Following the recent call for advancement in knowledge about business ethics in East Asia, this study proposes a complementary perspective on business ethics in South Korea. We challenge the conventional view that South Korea is a strictly collectivist country, where group norms and low trust determine the norms and values of behavior. Using the concept of civil religion, we suggest that the center of the South Korean civil religion can be seen in the affective ties and (...)
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    European Religious Education And European Civil Religion.Liam Gearon - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (2):151-169.
    This paper challenges a foundational conjecture of the Religion in Education Dialogue or Conflict (REDCo) project, that increased interest in religion in public and political life as manifested particularly in education is evidence of counter-secularisation. The paper argues that rather than representing counter-secularisation, such developments represent an emergent and secularising European civil religion facilitated through European religious education.
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    2012 Arthur O. Lovejoy Lecture Civil Religion—Metaphysical, Not Political: Nature, Faith, and Communal Order in European Thought, c. 1150–c. 1550. [REVIEW]Cary J. Nederman - 2013 - Journal of the History of Ideas 74 (1):1-22.
    Civil religion” has been a topic much on the minds recently of intellectual historians, political theorists, social scientists, and others concerned about the relationship between the “public sphere” broadly construed and forms of religious belief. I argue that certain Christian thinkers during the medieval period accepted the view that religious faith formed a useful feature of social order, but they did so from an essentially metaphysical perspective. I consider the writings of John of Salisbury, Marsilius of Padua, and (...)
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    Religion Civique, Religion Civile, Religion Séculière L’ombre d’un doute.Patrick Boucheron - 2013 - Revue de Synthèse 134 (2):161-183.
    L’usage de la notion de religion civique s’est imposé aux historiens, et notamment aux historiens médiévistes, du fait sans doute de sa souplesse conceptuelle. Le présent article part de l’hypothèse que les historiens auraient beaucoup à gagner à mettre au jour les relations, parfois subreptices, que la notion entretient avec des concepts contigus – ceux, notamment, de la religion civique gréco-romaine, de la religion civile du temps des Lumières ou de la religion séculière telle que les (...)
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    Andrew Shanks, Civil Society, Civil Religion, Oxford: Blackwell, 1995, pp 245.Gary K. Browning - 1996 - Hegel Bulletin 17 (2):64-66.
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    G.I. Messiahs: Soldiering, War, and American Civil Religion.Jonathan H. Ebel - 2015 - Yale University Press.
    Jonathan Ebel has long been interested in how religion helps individuals and communities render meaningful the traumatic experiences of violence and war. In this new work, he examines cases from the Great War to the present day and argues that our notions of what it means to be an American soldier are not just strongly religious, but strongly Christian. Drawing on a vast array of sources, he further reveals the effects of soldier veneration on the men and women so (...)
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  43. A religious people-political-philosophy, civil religion and the american polity.Wf Baumgarth - 1982 - Journal of Dharma 7 (1):26-45.
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    4. Machiavelli, “Ancient Theology,” and the Problem of Civil Religion.Miguel Vatter - 2017 - In David Johnston, Nadia Urbinati & Camila Vergara (eds.), Machiavelli on Liberty and Conflict. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 113-136.
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    Does civilization need religion?Reinhold Niebuhr - 1927 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
    Does Civilization Need Religion? sets out from the fact that religion's inability to make its ethical and social resources available for the solution of the moral problems of modern civilization is one, and the neglected one, of the two chief causes responsible for its debilitated condition. It is convinced that if Christian idealists are to make religion socially effective they will be forced to detach themselves from the dominant secular desires of the nations as well as from (...)
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  46. Lincoln and the Problem of Civil Religion.Michael P. Zuckert - forthcoming - Law and Philosophy: The Practice of Theory, Eds. John Murley and William T. Braithwaite (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1992).
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    Prodicus on the Rise of Civilization: Religion, Agriculture, and Culture Heroes.Stavros Kouloumentas - 2018 - Philosophie Antique 18:127-152.
    Prodicus gained a reputation for formulating a novel theory concerning the origins of religious belief, sometimes labelled as atheistic in antiquity, notably by the Epicureans. He suggests that humans initially regarded as gods whatever was useful for their survival such as fruits and rivers, and in a more advanced stage they deified culture heroes such as Demeter and Dionysus. I first suggest that Prodicus’ theory can be connected with other doctrines attributed to him, especially the speech concerning “Heracles’ choice” and (...)
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    Does Civilization Need Religion?: A Study in the Social Resources and Limitations of Religion in Modern Life.Reinhold Niebuhr - 2010 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    Does Civilization Need Religion? sets out from the fact that religion's inability to make its ethical and social resources available for the solution of the moral problems of modern civilization is one, and the neglected one, of the two chief causes responsible for its debilitated condition. It is convinced that if Christian idealists are to make religion socially effective they will be forced to detach themselves from the dominant secular desires of the nations as well as from (...)
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    The Neo-Nationalist Response to the Aum Crisis: A Return of Civil Religion and Coercion in the Public Sphere?Mark Mullins - 2012 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 39 (1):99-125.
  50. Book Review: Civil Religion: A Dialogue in the History of Political Philosophy. [REVIEW]Robert P. George - 2012 - Political Theory 40 (2):246-249.
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