Results for 'Clément Vidal'

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  1. Metaphilosophical Criteria for Worldview Comparison.Clément Vidal - 2012 - Metaphilosophy 43 (3):306-347.
    Philosophy lacks criteria to evaluate its philosophical theories. To fill this gap, this essay introduces nine criteria to compare worldviews, classified in three broad categories: objective criteria (objective consistency, scientificity, scope), subjective criteria (subjective consistency, personal utility, emotionality), and intersubjective criteria (intersubjective consistency, collective utility, narrativity). The essay first defines what a worldview is and exposes the heuristic used in the quest for criteria. After describing each criterion individually, it shows what happens when each of them is violated. From the (...)
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  2. Computational and Biological Analogies for Understanding Fine-Tuned Parameters in Physics.Clément Vidal - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (4):375 - 393.
    In this philosophical paper, we explore computational and biological analogies to address the fine-tuning problem in cosmology. We first clarify what it means for physical constants or initial conditions to be fine-tuned. We review important distinctions such as the dimensionless and dimensional physical constants, and the classification of constants proposed by Lévy-Leblond. Then we explore how two great analogies, computational and biological, can give new insights into our problem. This paper includes a preliminary study to examine the two analogies. Importantly, (...)
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    Analysis of Some Speculations Concerning the Far Future of Intelligent Civilizations.Clément Vidal - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (1):43-46.
    I discuss some of the speculations proposed by Stewart ( 2010a ). These include the following propositions: the cooperation at larger and larger scales, the existence of larger scale processes, the enhancement of the tuning as the universe cycle repeats, the transmission between universes and the motivations to produce a new universe.
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  4. Fine-Tuning, Quantum Mechanics and Cosmological Artificial Selection.Clément Vidal - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (1):29-38.
    Jan Greben criticized fine-tuning by taking seriously the idea that “nature is quantum mechanical”. I argue that this quantum view is limited, and that fine-tuning is real, in the sense that our current physical models require fine-tuning. Second, I examine and clarify many difficult and fundamental issues raised by Rüdiger Vaas’ comments on Cosmological Artificial Selection.
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    Introduction to the special issue on the evolution and development of the universe.Clément Vidal - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (2):95-99.
  6. What is a worldview?Clément Vidal - 2001 - In Colin Allen (ed.), [Book Chapter] (in Press).
    The first part of this paper proposes a precise definition of what a worldview is, and why there is a necessity to have one. The second part suggests how to construct integrated scientific worldviews. For this attempt, three general scientific approaches are proposed: the general systems theory as the endeavor for a universal language for science, a general problem-solving approach and the idea of evolution, broadly construed. We close with some remarks about limitations of scientific worldviews.
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  7. Ethics and Complexity: Why standard ethical frameworks cannot cope with socio-technological change.Clément Vidal & Francis Heylighen - forthcoming - In P. Jorion (ed.), Investigating Transhumanisms and Their Narratives.
    : Standard ethical frameworks struggle to deal with transhumanism, ecological issues and the rising technodiversity because they are focused on guiding and evaluating human behavior. Ethics needs its Copernican revolution to be able to deal with all moral agents, including not only humans, but also artificial intelligent agents, robots or organizations of all sizes. We argue that embracing the complexity worldview is the first step towards this revolution, and that standard ethical frameworks are still entrenched in the Newtonian worldview. We (...)
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    Extending Planetary Health: Global Ethics and Global Governance in the Noosphere.Clément Vidal - 2023 - Humanistic Management Journal 8 (1):89-95.
    This essay proposes ways to extend the concept of _planetary health_, in the framework of major evolutionary transition applied to the planet as a whole. I argue that planetary health can be naturally extended to a fully planetary scale, including issues related to geo- bio- techno- and noo- spheres. I show the need and importance for ethics and governance to become global and I give some examples of physiological and psychological health issues from a planetary perspective.
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    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: a visionary in controversy.Clément Vidal - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (4):1-10.
    Teilhard de Chardin developed an evolutionary vision of our planetary future, currently developing from a sphere of life, or biosphere towards a sphere of mind, or noosphere. As a visionary, Teilhard was not only on the brink of formulating the internet, but he also anticipated current academic efforts to understand globalization, as well as human, cultural and technological evolution. However, his ideas are sources of enduring controversies in both scientific and theological circles. Here I uncover some of the core reasons (...)
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    Two Purposes of Black Hole Production.Clément Vidal - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (1):13-15.
    Crane envisions the speculative conjecture that intelligent civilizations might want and be able to produce black holes in the very far future. He implicitly suggests two main purposes of this enterprise: (i) energy production and (ii) universe production. We discuss those two options. The commentary is obviously highly speculative and should be read accordingly.
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  11. Getting things done: The science behind stress-free productivity.Francis Heylighen & Clément Vidal - 2007 - Cogprints.
    Allen (2001) proposed the “Getting Things Done” (GTD) method for personal productivity enhancement, and reduction of the stress caused by information overload. This paper argues that recent insights in psychology and cognitive science support and extend GTD’s recommendations. We first summarize GTD with the help of a flowchart. We then review the theories of situated, embodied and distributed cognition that purport to explain how the brain processes information and plans actions in the real world. The conclusion is that the brain (...)
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  12.  45
    Universal Ethics: Organized Complexity as an Intrinsic Value.Jean-Paul Delahaye & Clément Vidal - 2019 - In G. Georgiev, C. L. F. Martinez, M. E. Price & J. M. Smart (eds.), Evolution, Development and Complexity: Multiscale Evolutionary Models of Complex Adaptive Systems. Springer. pp. 135-154.
    ABSTRACT: How can we think about a universal ethics that could be adopted by any intelligent being, including the rising population of cyborgs, intelligent machines, intelligent algorithms or even potential extraterrestrial life? We generally give value to complex structures, to objects resulting from a long work, to systems with many elements and with many links finely adjusted. These include living beings, books, works of art or scientific theories. Intuitively, we want to keep, multiply, and share such structures, as well as (...)
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    Ana Iriarte & Laura Sancho Rocher (dir.), Los antiguos griegos desde el observatorio de París.Adeline Grand-Clément - 2011 - Clio 34:01-01.
    La disparition conjointe, à quelques mois d’écart, de Jean-Pierre Vernant (1914-2007) et de Pierre Vidal-Naquet (1930-2006) a donné lieu à toute une série de colloques, rencontres, conférences et publications consacrés à l’apport des recherches de ces deux grands hellénistes aux études classiques et aux échos qu’elles ont reçus par-delà les frontières nationales et disciplinaires. Les Américains ont donné le nom d’« école de Paris » à la nébuleuse de chercheurs qui s’est constituée autour des...
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  14. (1 other version)Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting.Daniel Clement Dennett - 1984 - London, England: MIT Press.
    Essays discuss reason, self-control, self-definition, time, cause and effect, accidents, and responsibility, and explain why people want free will.
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  15. Does the Phineas Gage Effect Extend to Aesthetic Value?Elzė Sigutė Mikalonytė & Clément Canonne - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    In the last twenty years, a large number of studies have investigated judgments of the identity of various objects (e.g., persons, material objects, institutions) over time. One influential strand of research has found that identity judgments are shaped by normative considerations. People tend to believe that moral improvement is more compatible with the continuity of identity of a person than moral deterioration, suggesting that persons are taken to be essentially morally good. This asymmetry is often referred to as the “Phineas (...)
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  16. Diferencia sexual, diferencia ideológica : Lecturas a contratiempo (Derrida lector de Marx y Althusser en la década de 1970 y más allá).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2019 - Demarcaciones 7.
    Este ensayo presenta una descripción de los escritos inéditos de Jacques Derrida sobre Marx y Louis Althusser en la década de 1970, y un estudio de conceptos como ideología, diferencia sexual, reproducción, violencia, dominación o hegemonía en perspectiva deconstructiva. Se trata de pensar en una otra economía, más allá de la economía del cuerpo propio. El artículo fue publicado en el Volumen 7 de la Revista Demarcaciones, "a 25 años de Espectros de Marx.".
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    Wired for Society: Cognizing Pathways to Society and Culture.Laurence Kaufmann & Fabrice Clément - 2014 - Topoi 33 (2):459-475.
    While cognitive scientists increase their tentative incursions in the social domains traditionally reserved for social scientists, most sociologists and anthropologists keep decrying those attempts as reductionist or, at least, irrelevant. In this paper, we argue that collaboration between social and cognitive sciences is necessary to understand the impact of the social environment on the shaping of our mind. More specifically, we dwell on the cognitive strategies and early-developing deontic expectations, termed naïve sociology, which enable well-adapted individuals to constitute, maintain and (...)
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  18. Uses of “the Pluriverse”: Cosmos, Interrupted — or the Others of Humanities.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2019 - Ostium 15 (2).
    In this paper, I engage with the motif of “the pluriverse” such as it has increasingly been used in the past few years in several strands of critical humanities pertaining to the so-called “ontological turn”: science and technology studies (Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers), critical geography and political ontology (Mario Blaser), cultural anthropology (Marisol de la Cadena, Arturo Escobar, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro), decolonial thought (Walter Mignolo), or posthuman feminism (Donna Haraway). These various iterations of the figure of the pluriverse constitute (...)
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  19. Resisting Legitimacy: Weber, Derrida, and the Fallibility of Sovereign Power.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2016 - Global Discourse 6 (3):374-391.
    In this article, I engage with Derrida’s deconstructive reading of theories of performativity in order to analyse Max Weber’s sovereignty–legitimacy paradigm. First, I highlight an essential articulation between legitimacy and sovereign ipseity (understood, beyond the sole example of State sovereignty, as the autopositioned power-to-be-oneself). Second, I identify a more originary force of legitimation, which remains foreign to the order of performative ipseity because it is the condition for both its position and its deconstruction. This suggests an essential fallibility of the (...)
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  20. à corps: The corpus of deconstruction.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2019 - Parallax 25 (2):111-118.
    This article pursues the exploration of how contemporary works of deconstruction can challenge preconceptions of the body and embodiments and interrogate their limits, particularly in relation to intertwined foldings of desire, gender, race and sexuality. Through readings of Jacques Derrida and Sarah Kofman, the authors show that deconstruction allows for an understanding of the body or bodies that goes beyond the present body — indexed as human, male, white, able, living body — thus opening up towards the thinking of bodies (...)
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  21. corps à: Body/ies in deconstruction.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2019 - Parallax 25 (1):1-7.
    This essay explores how contemporary works of critical theory and deconstruction can challenge preconceptions of the body and embodiments and interrogate their limits, particularly in relation to intertwined foldings of desire, gender, race and sexuality. It aims to suggest that Jacques Derrida’s acute concern for the question of translation might help challenge and re-configure the conventional dichotomy between understandings of the body either as physical/material or as socio-culturally constructed. The authors then analyse the questions of translation and untranslatability in relation (...)
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    Applying the Dual Filial Piety Model in the United States: A Comparison of Filial Piety Between Asian Americans and Caucasian Americans.Amy J. Lim, Clement Yong Hao Lau & Chi-Ying Cheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:786609.
    The definition and measurement of filial piety in existing research primarily focuses on the narrow conceptualizations of Asian filial piety, which would inflate cultural differences and undermine cultural universals in how people approach caring for their elderly parents. Employing the Dual Filial Piety Model (DFPM), this study aimed to examine the relationship between filial piety and attitude toward caring for elderly parents beyond the Asian context. In our study (N= 276), we found that reciprocal filial piety (RFP) does not differ (...)
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    The psychology of St. Bonaventure and St. Thomas Aquinas..Clement Maria O'Donnell - 1937 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America.
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    Psychology and Spiritual Formation: The State of the Union.Theresa Clement Tisdale - 2014 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 7 (2):220-228.
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    Teaching and Practicing Spiritual Formation and Soul Care in Educational Settings.Theresa Clement Tisdale - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):228-229.
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    Teacher–Practitioner Multiple-Role Issues in Sport Psychology.Jack C. Watson Ii, Damien Clement, Brandonn Harris, Thad R. Leffingwell & Jennifer Hurst - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (1):41-59.
    The potential for the occurrence of multiple-role relationships is increased when professors also consult with athletic teams on their campuses. Such multiple-role relationships have potential ethical implications that are unclear and largely unexplored, and consultants may find multiple-role relationships both difficult to deal with and unavoidable. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the nature of teacher-practitioner multiple-role relationships. Participants (N=35) were recruited from Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP) certified consultants (CCs) who were also (...)
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    Tacitus, Annals i. 28.G. Clement Whittick - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (01):7-.
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    Tacitus, Annals, i. 35.G. Clement Whittick - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):11-.
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    An anchoring theory of lightness perception.Alan Gilchrist, Christos Kossyfidis, Frederick Bonato, Tiziano Agostini, Joseph Cataliotti, Xiaojun Li, Branka Spehar, Vidal Annan & Elias Economou - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (4):795-834.
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  30. Inside Jokes: Using Humor to Reverse-Engineer the Mind.Matthew M. Hurley, Daniel Clement Dennett & Reginald B. Adams - 2011 - MIT Press.
    Why do we spend so much of our time passing on amusing anecdotes, making wisecracks,watching The Simpsons? In Inside Jokes, Matthew Hurley, DanielDennett, and Reginald Adams offer an evolutionary and cognitive perspective.
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  31. The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul.Douglas R. Hofstadter & Daniel Clement Dennett (eds.) - 1981 - New York: Basic Books.
    Essays from some of the 20th century's greatest thinkers explore topics as diverse as artificial intelligence, evolution, science fiction, philosophy, reductionism, and consciousness, presenting a variety of conflicting visions of the self and the soul. Illustrations.
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    Forgetting auxiliary atoms in forks.Felicidad Aguado, Pedro Cabalar, Jorge Fandinno, David Pearce, Gilberto Pérez & Concepción Vidal - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 275 (C):575-601.
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    Neural decoding of expressive human movement from scalp electroencephalography.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Zachery R. Hernandez, Sargoon Nepaul, Karen K. Bradley & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  34.  61
    Between the needy and the greedy: the quest for a just and fair ethics of clinical research.V. Garrafa, J. H. Solbakk, S. Vidal & C. Lorenzo - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8):500-504.
    The acceleration of the market globalisation process over the last three decades has internationalised clinical research and influenced both the way in which it is funded and the development and application of research practices. In addition, in recent years international multicentre randomised clinical trials have become the model par excellence for research on new medicines. The neoliberal model of globalisation has induced a decline in state power, both with regard to establishing national research for health priorities and to influencing the (...)
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    Did India’s CSR Mandate Enhance or Diminish Firm Value?Rajat Panwar, Vivek Pandey, Roy Suddaby & Natalia G. Vidal - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (2):401-433.
    Can mandated adoption of corporate social responsibility (CSR) improve firm value? Most CSR adoption is purely voluntary. However, governments regularly encourage CSR adoption with soft regulations that vary from simply endorsing and symbolically supporting CSR to requiring the adoption of specific practices. Governments have resisted fully mandating CSR because there is some concern universally that mandated CSR may reduce firm value. There is, however, no empirical clarity as to whether mandated CSR impedes or improves firm value. We address this uncertainty (...)
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    Temporal equilibrium logic: a survey.Felicidad Aguado, Pedro Cabalar, Martín Diéguez, Gilberto Pérez & Concepción Vidal - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (1-2):2-24.
    This paper contains a survey of the main definitions and results obtained to date related to Temporal Equilibrium Logic, a nonmonotonic hybrid approach that combines Equilibrium Logic (the best-known logical characterisation for the stable models semantics of logic programs) with Linear-Time Temporal Logic.
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    Self and Other Mentalizing Polarities and Dimensions of Mental Health: Association With Types of Symptoms, Functioning and Well-Being.Sergi Ballespí, Jaume Vives, Carla Sharp, Lorena Chanes & Neus Barrantes-Vidal - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research suggests that the ability to understand one’s own and others’ minds, or mentalizing, is a key factor for mental health. Most studies have focused the attention on the association between global measures of mentalizing and specific disorders. In contrast, very few studies have analyzed the association between specific mentalizing polarities and global measures of mental health. This study aimed to evaluate whether self and other polarities of mentalizing are associated with a multidimensional notion of mental health, which considers symptoms, (...)
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    Hidden risks associated with clinical trials in developing countries.C. Lorenzo, V. Garrafa, J. H. Solbakk & S. Vidal - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2):111-115.
    The academic literature in research ethics has been marked in the past decade by a much broader focus on the need for the protection of developing communities subjected to international clinical trials. Because of the proximity of the revision of the Declaration of Helsinki, completed in October 2008, most papers have addressed the issue of a double standard of care following the use of placebo. However, other no less important issues, such as interactions between the lifestyles structures of low-income communities (...)
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    Stuck Outside and Inside: An Exploratory Study on the Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Italian Parents and Children’s Internalizing Symptoms.Cristiano Crescentini, Susanna Feruglio, Alessio Matiz, Andrea Paschetto, Enrico Vidal, Paola Cogo & Franco Fabbro - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  40. Demographic and Parental Factors Associated With Developmental Outcomes in Children With Intellectual Disabilities.Rosa Vilaseca, Magda Rivero, Rosa M. Bersabé, María-José Cantero, Esperanza Navarro-Pardo, Clara Valls-Vidal & Fina Ferrer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Spanish Validation of the PICCOLO.Rosa Vilaseca, Magda Rivero, Rosa M. Bersabé, Esperanza Navarro-Pardo, Maria Jose Cantero, Fina Ferrer, Clara Valls Vidal, Mark S. Innocenti & Lori Roggman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership.L. B. Capulso, G. C. Magulod Jr, J. N. S. Nisperos, J. M. M. Dela Cruz, Jupeth Pentang, A. M. Dizon, J. B. Ilagan, G. C. Salise, C. J. E. Vidal & M. A. P. Dugang - 2021 - Macabebe, Pampanga, Philippines: Beyond Books Publication.
  43.  69
    Your Brain on Art: Emergent Cortical Dynamics During Aesthetic Experiences.Kimberly L. Kontson, Murad Megjhani, Justin A. Brantley, Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Sho Nakagome, Dario Robleto, Michelle White, Eugene Civillico & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  44. The cost of being watched: Stroop interference increases under concomitant eye contact.Laurence Conty, David Gimmig, Clément Belletier, Nathalie George & Pascal Huguet - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):133-139.
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    Temporal Equilibrium Logic with past operators.Felicidad Aguado, Pedro Cabalar, Martín Diéguez, Gilberto Pérez & Concepción Vidal - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3-4):161-177.
    In this paper, we study the introduction of modal past temporal operators in Temporal Equilibrium Logic, an hybrid formalism that mixes linear-time modalities and logic programs interpreted under stable models and their characterisation in terms of Equilibrium Logic. We show that Kamp’s translation can also be used to translate the new extension of TEL with past operators into Quantified Equilibrium Logic. Additionally, we provide a method for removing past operators that consists in replacing past-time subformulas by fresh auxiliary atoms, obtaining (...)
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  46.  15
    Reasoning from last conflict(s) in constraint programming.Christophe Lecoutre, Lakhdar Saïs, Sébastien Tabary & Vincent Vidal - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (18):1592-1614.
  47.  35
    Modulation of Neural Activity during Guided Viewing of Visual Art.Guillermo Herrera-Arcos, Jesús Tamez-Duque, Elsa Y. Acosta-De-Anda, Kevin Kwan-Loo, Mayra de-Alba, Ulises Tamez-Duque, Jose L. Contreras-Vidal & Rogelio Soto - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  48.  33
    New Experimental Limit on the Pauli Exclusion Principle Violation by Electrons—The VIP Experiment.C. Curceanu, S. Bartalucci, S. Bertolucci, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, S. Di Matteo, J. -P. Egger, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, T. Ishiwatari, M. Laubenstein, J. Marton, E. Milotti, D. Pietreanu, T. Ponta, A. Romero Vidal, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, L. Sperandio, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann & J. Zmeskal - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):282-287.
    We present an experimental test of the validity of the Pauli Exclusion Principle for electrons based on the concept put forward a few years ago by Ramberg and Snow. In this experiment we perform a very accurate search of X-rays from the Pauli-forbidden atomic transitions of electrons in the already filled 1S shells of copper atoms. Although the experiment has a simple structure, it poses deep conceptual and interpretational problems. Here we describe the experimental method and recent experimental results, which (...)
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    Central banking and inequalities: Taking off the blinders.Peter Dietsch, François Claveau & Clément Fontan - 2016 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 15 (4):319-357.
    What is the relation between monetary policy and inequalities in income and wealth? This question has received insufficient attention, especially in light of the unconventional policies introduced since the 2008 financial crisis. The article analyzes three ways in which the concern central banks show for inequalities in their official statements remains incomplete and underdeveloped. First, central banks tend to care about inequality for instrumental reasons only. When they do assign intrinsic value to containing inequalities, they shy away from trade-offs with (...)
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    The interface of science: the case for a broader definition of research management.Marta Agostinho, Catarina Moniz Alves, Sandra Aresta, Filipa Borrego, Júlio Borlido-Santos, João Cortez, Tatiana Lima Costa, José António Lopes, Susana Moreira, José Santos, Margarida Trindade, Carolina Varela & Sheila Vidal - 2020 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 24 (1):19-27.
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