Results for 'Cluster Descriptive Theory'

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  1. Kripke's Objections to Description Theories of Names.Michael McKinsey - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):485 - 497.
    In “Naming and Necessity” Saul Kripke describes some cases which, he claims, provide counterexamples both to cluster theories and, more generally, to description theories of proper names. My view of these cases is that while they do not provide counterexamples to cluster theories, they can be used to provide evidence against single-description theories. In this paper I shall defend both of the claims involved in my view.
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    Cluster Theory: Resurrection.Peter Alward - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (2):269.
    ABSTRACT: The cluster theory of names is generally thought to have been to have been utterly discredited by the objections raised against it by Kripke in Naming and Necessity. In this paper, I develop a new version of the cluster theory in which the role played by clusters of associated descriptions is occupied by teams of cognitive relations. And I argue that these teams of relations find a home in an account of the meanings of expressions (...)
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    McKinsey on Kripke's Assault on Cluster Theories.Rod Bertolet - 1980 - Philosophy Research Archives 6:466-473.
    This paper attempts to undermine Michael McKinsey’s Important objections to Kripke’s attempts to refute cluster versions of description theories of name reference. McKinsey argues that Kripke Ignores descriptions to which a clustser theorist might appeal In constructing his counterexamples, but that these same descriptions are what guide our intuitions In evaluating the examples. I argue that the descriptions McKinsey offers are question-begging, and thus of no help to a cluster theorist. In a second brief section, I offer an (...)
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    A defense of McKinsey’s theory of reference appealing to buck-passing descriptions. 이풍실 - 2021 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 148:81-112.
    맥킨지는 우선권 부여 사용의 경우에 고유명의 의미론적 지시체가 어떻게 결정되는지를 책임전가기술구를 통해 설명한다. 최근에 나는 크립키의 비판을 기초로 하여 맥킨지의 설명이 실패한다고 논증하였다. 그러나 이러한 나의 논증은 맥킨지의 기술구주의 지칭이론을 충실하게 반영하지 못한 채 맥킨지의 입장을 단순화시키고 있다. 본 논문에서 나는 맥킨지의 책임전가기술구 전략이 무엇인지 정확하게 설명하고, 이를 바탕으로 맥킨지 측에서 설득력 있는 반론을 내놓을 수 있음을 보일 것이다. 따라서 맥킨지의 지칭 이론을 경쟁 이론들과 비교하는 작업의 초점은 책임전가기술구 전략이 적용되는 우선권 부여 사용이 아니라 우선권 비부여 사용을 비롯한 그 외의 (...)
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    How Do Proper Names Really Work?: A Metadescriptive Version of the Cluster Theory.Claudio Ferreira-Costa - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    For fifty years the philosophy of language has been experiencing a stalemating conflict between the old descriptive and internalist orthodoxy (advocated by philosophers such as Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Strawson, and Searle) and the new causal-referential and externalist orthodoxy (mainly endorsed by Kripke, Putnam, and Kaplan). Although the latter is dominant among specialists, the former retains a discomforting intuitive plausibility. The ultimate goal of this book is to overcome the stalemate by means of a non-naïve return to the old descriptivist-internalist (...)
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    A Test of the Calculability of a Three-Body Relativistic, Cluster Decomposable, Unitary, Covariant Scattering Theory.Marcus Alfred & James Lindesay - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (8):1253-1264.
    In this work a calculation of the cluster decomposable formalism for relativistic scattering as developed by Lindesay, Markevich, Noyes, and Pastrana (LMNP) is made for an ultra-light quantum model. After highlighting areas of the theory vital for calculation, a description is made of the process to go from the general theory to an eigen-integral equation for bound state problems, and calculability is demonstrated. An ultra-light quantum exchange model is then developed to examine calculability.
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    How Can the Word “Cow” Exclude Non-cows? Description of Meaning in Dignāga’s Theory of Apoha.Kiyotaka Yoshimizu - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (5):973-1012.
    Dignāga’s theory of semantics called the “theory of apoha ” has been criticized by those who state that it may lead to a circular argument wherein “exclusion of others” is understood as mere double negation. Dignāga, however, does not intend mere double negation by anyāpoha. In his view, the word “cow” for instance, excludes those that do not have the set of features such as a dewlap, horns, and so on, by applying the semantic method called componential analysis. (...)
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    Una discusión con Pablo Melogno sobre los compromisos semánticos de Kuhn: ¿una interpretación inflacionaria o deflacionaria?Daian-Tatiana Florez-Quintero - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
    El pensamiento de Pablo Melogno ha ejercido una profunda influencia entre los estudiosos de la filosofía kuhniana en Latinoamérica gracias al minucioso análisis arqueológico de los inéditos de Kuhn, a partir del cual se propone sacar a la luz los compromisos semánticos del autor de The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Entre la abundante literatura que Melogno nos deja como legado intelectual, sobresale un trabajo que cautiva no solo por su rigor, sino por lo provocadores que resultan sus planteamientos. Me refiero (...)
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    Identifikácia jednotlivín, referencia a vlastné mená.Marián Zouhar - 1999 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 6 (4):338-357.
    The paper mainly deals with the problem of reference of proper names. Unlike definite descriptions, proper names in themselves possess no exact necessary and sufficient conditions for making successful performance of reference. This is the consequence of the fact that proper names just name their bearers and do not describe them. It is argued that Frege’s theory violates this fact, and therefore can be taken only as a view about the meaning of proper names, not as a theory (...)
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    “Inquiring Love of This World”: An Implicit Love Theory of Chinese University Students.Zhaoxu Li & Fuyang Yu - 2009 - Asian Culture and History 1 (1):P14.
    This paper reports a preliminary descriptive approach to the representation of the concept of love. Based on Spreading Activation Model, the word of love was presented as a stimulus to which 278 college students were asked to respond with at least 15 words/phrases that came to mind. Then top 100 love-related words/phrases with frequency above 4.3% were collected as units of analysis. Based on the interrelations among those words/phrases, a complete-linkage cluster analysis reached 5 high-order clusters, i.e. the (...)
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    Ethnomedical Specialists and their Supernatural Theories of Disease.Aaron D. Lightner, Cynthiann Heckelsmiller & Edward H. Hagen - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (2):611-646.
    Religious healing specialists such as shamans often use magic. Evolutionary theories that seek to explain why laypersons find these specialists convincing focus on the origins of magical cognition and belief in the supernatural. In two studies, we reframe the problem by investigating relationships among ethnomedical specialists, who possess extensive theories of disease that can often appear “supernatural,” and religious healing specialists. In study 1, we coded and analyzed cross-cultural descriptions of ethnomedical specialists in 47 cultures, finding 24% were also religious (...)
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    The Role of Theory-constitutive Metaphor in Nursing Science.Jennifer Greenwood & Ann Bonner - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (3):154-168.
    The current view of theoretical statements in science is that they should be literal and precise; ambiguous and metaphorical statements are useful only as pre-theoretical, exegetical, and heuristic devices and as pedagogical tools. In this paper we argue that this view is mistaken. Literal, precise statements apply to those experiential phenomena which can be defined either conventionally by criterial attribution or by internal atomic constitution. Experiential phenomena which are defined relationally and/or functionally, like nursing, in virtue of their nature, require (...)
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  13. Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction.William G. Lycan - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _Philosophy of Language_ introduces the student to the main issues and theories in twentieth-century philosophy of language. Topics are structured in three parts in the book. Part I, Reference and Referring Expressions, includes topics such as Russell's Theory of Desciptions, Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal-historical theory. Part II, Theories of Meaning, surveys the competing theories of linguistic meaning and compares their various advantages and (...)
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    Names.William G. Lycan - 2006 - In Michael Devitt & Richard Hanley (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Language. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 255–273.
    This chapter contains sections titled: How Does a Name Refer? The Description Theory How Does a Name Refer? The Causal‐historical Theory How Does a Name Mean? The Description Theory How Does a Name Mean? The Cluster Theory Kripke's Critique of the Description and Cluster Theories of Names Rigid Designation How Does a Name Mean? Direct Reference.
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    Philosophy of language.William G. Lycan - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Now in its Third Edition, Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction introduces students to the main issues and theories in twentieth-century philosophy of language, focusing specifically on linguistic phenomena. Author William G. Lycan structures the book into four general parts. Part I, Reference and Referring, includes topics such as Russell's theory of descriptions (and its objections), Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal-historical theory. Part II, (...)
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  16. The Reality and Classification of Mental Disorders.Jonathan Y. Tsou - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Chicago
    This dissertation examines psychiatry from a philosophy of science perspective, focusing on issues of realism and classification. Questions addressed in the dissertation include: What evidence is there for the reality of mental disorders? Are any mental disorders natural kinds? When are disease explanations of abnormality warranted? How should mental disorders be classified? -/- In addressing issues concerning the reality of mental disorders, I draw on the accounts of realism defended by Ian Hacking and William Wimsatt, arguing that biological research on (...)
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  17. Intuitions, Meaning, and Normativity: Why Intuition Theory Supports a Non‐Descriptivist Metaethic.Matthew S. Bedke - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (1):144-177.
    Non-descriptivists in metaethics should say more about intuitions. For one popular theory has it that case-based intuitions are in the business of correctly categorizing or classifying merely by bringing to bear a semantic or conceptual competence. If so, then the fact that all normative predicates have case-based intuitions involving them shows that they too are in the business of categorizing or classifying things. This favors a descriptivist position in metaethics—normative predicates have descriptive content—and disfavors a purely non-descriptivist position, (...)
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  18. The Pathologies of Standard Analytic Epistemology.Michael Bishop & J. D. Trout - 2005 - Noûs 39 (4):696-714.
    Standard Analytic Epistemology (SAE) names a contingently clustered class of methods and theses that have dominated English-speaking epistemology for about the past half-century. The major contemporary theories of SAE include versions of foundationalism, coherentism, reliabilism, and contextualism. While proponents of SAE don’t agree about how to define naturalized epistemology, most agree that a thoroughgoing naturalism in epistemology can’t work. For the purposes of this paper, we will suppose that a naturalistic theory of epistemology takes as its core, as its (...)
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  19. Searle on Analyticity, Necessity, and Proper Names.Zsófia Zvolenszky - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (2):109-136.
    My aim is to show that once we appreciate how Searle (1958) fills in the details of his account of proper names – which I will dub the presuppositional view – and how we might supplement it further, we are in for a twofold discovery. First, Searle’s account is crucially unlike the so-called cluster-of-descriptions view, which many philosophers take Searle to have held. Second, the presuppositional view he did hold is interesting, plausible, and worthy of serious reconsideration. The idea (...)
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  20. ``Descriptional Theories of Meaning".Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 1984 - Southwest Philosophy Review 1:182-187.
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    The Descriptive Theory of Science.H. H. Price - 1930 - The Monist 40 (4):485-508.
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  22. Has the description theory of names been refuted.Jerrold J. Katz - 1990 - In George Boolos (ed.), Meaning and Method: Essays in Honor of Hilary Putnam. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 31--61.
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    Fregean Description Theory in Proof-Theoretical Setting.Andrzej Indrzejczak - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
  24. Feyerabend and the Description Theory of Reference.Howard Sankey - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Research 16:223-232.
    In his early work Feyerabend argues that certain theories are incommensurable due to semantic variance. In this paper it is argued that Feyerabend relies on a description theory of reference in the course of his argument for incommensurability and in his analysis of the relevant kind of semantic variance. Against this it is objected that such reliance on the description theory eliminates ostensive reference determination and obscures the presence of theoretical conflict.
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  25. Description theory, LTAGs and Underspecified Semantics.Reinhard Muskens & Emiel Krahmer - 1998 - In Anne Abeillé, Tilman Becker, Giorgio Satta & K. Vijay-Shanker (eds.), Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks. Institute for Research in Cognitive Science. pp. 112-115.
    An attractive way to model the relation between an underspecified syntactic representation and its completions is to let the underspecified representation correspond to a logical description and the completions to the models of that description. This approach, which underlies the Description Theory of Marcus et al. 1983 has been integrated in Vijay-Shanker 1992 with a pure unification approach to Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars (Joshi et al. 1975, Schabes 1990). We generalize Description Theory by integrating semantic information, that is, we (...)
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    A description theory of singular reference.Francesco Orilia - 2003 - Dialectica 57 (1):7–40.
    According to the received view, descriptivism is a dead end in an attempt to account for singular reference by proper names, indexicals and possibly even incomplete descriptions, for they require referentialism. In contrast to this, I argue for an application of the former to all kinds of singular terms, indexicals in particular, by relying on a view of incomplete descriptions as elliptical in a pragmatic sense. I thus provide a general analysis of singular reference. The proposed approach is in line (...)
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  27. Good news about the description theory of names.Bart Geurts - 1997 - Journal of Semantics 14 (4):319-348.
    This is an attempt at reviving Kneale's version of the description theory of names, which says that a proper name is synonymous with a definite description of the form ‘the individual named so-and-so’. To begin with, I adduce a wide range of observations to show that names and overt definites are alike in all relevant respects. I then turn to Kripke's main objection against Kneale's proposal, and endeavour to refute it. In the remainder of the paper I elaborate on (...)
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    Descriptional Theories.Andrew Ward - 1984 - Southwest Philosophy Review 1:187-198.
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  29. The Biology of Bird-Song Dialects.Myron Charles Baker & Michael A. Cunningham - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):85-100.
    No single theory so far proposed gives a wholly satisfactory account of the origin and maintenance of bird-song dialects. This failure is the consequence of a weak comparative literature that precludes careful comparisons among species or studies, and of the complexity of the issues involved. Complexity arises because dialects seem to bear upon a wide range of features in the life history of bird species. We give an account of the principal issues in bird-song dialects: evolution of vocal learning, (...)
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    (1 other version)Kripke, Putnam, and the Description Theory.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2014 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Semantics and Beyond: Philosophical and Linguistic Inquiries. Preface. De Gruyter. pp. 65-84.
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    On a descriptive theory of value a reply to professor Margolis.Stephen C. Pepper - 1969 - Zygon 4 (3):261-265.
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    Free Definite Description Theory – Sequent Calculi and Cut Elimination.Andrzej Indrzejczak - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
    We provide an application of a sequent calculus framework to the formalization of definite descriptions. It is a continuation of research undertaken in [20, 22]. In the present paper a so-called free description theory is examined in the context of different kinds of free logic, including systems applied in computer science and constructive mathematics for dealing with partial functions. It is shown that the same theory in different logics may be formalised by means of different rules and gives (...)
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    Principia Mathematica description theory: the classical and an alternative notation.Jordan Howard Sobel - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (1):63-72.
  34. (1 other version)Frege and the description theory : an attempt at rehabilitation.Ari Maunu - 1986 - In Abraham Zvie Bar-On (ed.), Grazer Philosophische Studien. Distributed in the U.S.A. By Humanities Press.
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    The Modal Argument against Description Theories of Names.Paul Yu - 1980 - Analysis 40 (4):208 - 209.
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    (1 other version)On Free Description Theory.Bas C. Van Fraassen & Karel Lambert - 1967 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 13 (15):225-240.
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    Descriptional Theories.Mark Brown - 1984 - Southwest Philosophy Review 1:187-198.
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    Description theory: critical defense of a Russellian approach.Jean-Claude Volgo - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (4):641-647.
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  39. Understanding, context-relativity, and the Description Theory.Jason Stanley - 1999 - Analysis 59 (1):14-18.
    I argue that it follows from a very plausible principle concerning understanding that the truth of an ascription of understanding is context-relative. I use this to defend an account of lexical meaning according to which full understanding of a natural kind term or name requires knowing informative, uniquely identifying information about its referent. This point undermines Putnam-style 'elm-beech' arguments against the description theory of names and natural kind terms.
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    Connecting emotions and words: the referential process.Wilma Bucci, Bernard Maskit & Sean Murphy - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (3):359-383.
    This paper outlines the process of verbal communication of emotion as this occurs through the phases of the referential process, including arousal of an emotion schema; detailed and specific descriptions of images and episodes that are exemplars of emotion schemas; and reflection and reorganization, which may include emotion labels and other types of categorical terms. The concepts of emotion schemas and the referential process are defined in the theoretical framework of multiple code theory which includes subsymbolic sensory, visceral and (...)
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    Notes on free description theory: Some philosophical issues and consequences. [REVIEW]Karel Lambert - 1972 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (2):184 - 191.
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    Will the Real Description Theory of Names Please Stand Up?Deborah Hansen Soles - 1996 - Southwest Philosophy Review 12 (1):151-160.
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    Reconstructing Hindu-Buddhist Dialogue on the Self Through the Lens of Jaina Non-Absolutism.Emma Irwin-Herzog - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (1).
    _Contemporary discussions of self and consciousness have for some time incorporated Hindu-Buddhist dialogue on the existence and nature of self (Ram-Prasad 2012). The ideal of responsibly_ _incorporating this dialogue raises an interpretive dilemma: on the one hand, we should eschew the simplistic picture of a “sterile contest” in which all Hindu schools are committed to the doctrine of the self (ātmavāda) and all Buddhists are invariantly committed to denying its existence (2012: 3). To treat Hindu ātmavādins as monolithically opposed to (...)
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  44. I see actions. Affordances and the expressive role of perceptual judgments.David Sanchez - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (7):1683-1704.
    Originally formulated as a theory of perception, ecological psychology has shown in recent decades an increasing interest in language. However, a comprehensive approach to language by ecological psychology has not yet been developed, as there is neither a naturalist philosophy of language nor one that takes ecological psychology as its scientific background. Our goal here is to argue that a subject naturalist and non-factualist framework can open the possibility of an expressivist analysis of perceptual judgments that is compatible with (...)
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    Meinong’s Version of the Description Theory.Arkadiusz Chrudzimski - 2007 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 27 (1):73-85.
    About 1904 Meinong formulated his most famous idea: there are no empty (non-referential) terms. Russell also did not accept non-referential singular terms, but in “On Denoting” he claimed that all singular terms that are apparently empty could be explained away as apparent singular terms. However, if we take a more careful look at both theories, the picture becomes more complex. It is well known that Russell’s concept of a genuine proper name is very technical; but this is also true of (...)
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    Formal Representation of Proper Names in Accordance with a Descriptive Theory of Reference.Olga Poller - 2014 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):37-52.
    In this paper I present a way of formally representing proper names in accordance with a description theory of reference–fixing and show that such arepresentation makes it possible to retain the claim about the rigidity of proper names and is not vulnerable to Kripke’s modal objection.
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    Method for identifying trolls in online communities.Е. В Измайлова, Д. А Алексеев, В. В Свечникова & А. В Сорокина - 2023 - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilITandC) 2:4-17.
    In the article the problem of recognizing users of social networks, chats and other virtual spaces that are provoked by other users, inciting conflicts between participants of various online communities is investigated. In this work the authors give a brief description of the trolling concept. The relevance of solving the problem of trolling in the social communities of the Internet is shown in connection with the widespread aggressive provocative behavior of individual users in the virtual space, as well as the (...)
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    Russellian Definite Description Theory—a Proof Theoretic Approach.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):624-649.
    The paper provides a proof theoretic characterization of the Russellian theory of definite descriptions (RDD) as characterized by Kalish, Montague and Mar (KMM). To this effect three sequent calculi are introduced: LKID0, LKID1 and LKID2. LKID0 is an auxiliary system which is easily shown to be equivalent to KMM. The main research is devoted to LKID1 and LKID2. The former is simpler in the sense of having smaller number of rules and, after small change, satisfies cut elimination but fails (...)
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    On the Philosophical foundations of free description theory.Karel Lambert - 1987 - History and Philosophy of Logic 8 (1):57-66.
    This essay lays out the leading principles of the theories of definite descriptions advocated by Frege, Russell, and Hilbert and Bernays, and discusses various difficulties, philosophical and otherwise, with each treatment, fixing especially on the treatment of singular existence claims. Then the leading principles of free (definite) description theory are presented and it is shown how it resolves difficulties confronting the more traditional approaches. Finally, a pair of technical problems in free (definite) description theory are addressed. They help (...)
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    A peace treaty for the rationality wars? External validity and its relation to normative and descriptive theories of rationality.Annika Wallin - unknown
    If we know that certain ways of making decisions are associated with real-life success, is this then how we should decide? In this paper the relationship between normative and descriptive theories of decision-making is examined. First, it is shown that the history of the decision sciences ensures that it is impossible to separate descriptive theories from normative ones. Second, recent psychological research implies new ways of arguing from the descriptive to the normative. The paper ends with an (...)
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