Results for 'Communism and philosophy'

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  1.  19
    Communism and philosophy: contemporary dogmas and revisions of marxism.Maurice Campbell Cornforth - 1980 - London: Lawrence & Wishart.
  2. Maurice Cornforth, Communism and Philosophy: Contemporary Dogmas and Revisions of Marxism Reviewed by.Lyman Tower Sargent - 1981 - Philosophy in Review 1 (6):253-256.
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  3. The Politics of Abstraction: Communism and Philosophy.Alberto Toscana - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (3):109 - +.
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  4. Marx, Communism, and Basic Income.Jan Kandiyali - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (4):647-664.
    Should Marxists support universal basic income (UBI), i.e., a regular cash income paid to all without a means test or work requirement? This paper considers one important argument that they should, namely that UBI would be instrumentally effective in helping to bring about communism. It argues that previous answers to this question have paid insufficient attention to a logically prior question: what is Marx’s account of communism? In reply, it distinguishes two different accounts: a left-libertarian version that associates (...)
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    Blanchot's Communism: Art, Philosophy and the Political, by Lars Iyer.William Large - 2006 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 37 (2):219-221.
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  6. Communism and the Incentive to Share in Science.Remco Heesen - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (4):698-716.
    The communist norm requires that scientists widely share the results of their work. Where did this norm come from, and how does it persist? Michael Strevens provides a partial answer to these questions by showing that scientists should be willing to sign a social contract that mandates sharing. However, he also argues that it is not in an individual credit-maximizing scientist's interest to follow this norm. I argue against Strevens that individual scientists can rationally conform to the communist norm, even (...)
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    Christianity, communism, and the ideal society: a philosophical approach to modern politics.James Kern Feibleman - 1937 - New York: AMS Press.
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    Communism and the Cult of Nonbeing.John MacPartland - 1949 - Modern Schoolman 26 (4):337-340.
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    Women Communists and the Polish Communist Party: from “Fanatic” Revolutionaries to Invisible Bureaucrats.Natalia Jarska - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:189-210.
    The paper aims at tracing a collective portrait and the trajectories of a group of about forty women active in the communist movement after Poland had regained independence, and after the Second World War. I explore the relations between gender, communist activity, and the changing circumstances of the communist movement. I argue that interwar activities shaped women communists as radical, uncompromising, and questioning traditional femininity political agents, accepted as comrades at every organisational level. This image and identity, though, contributed to (...)
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  10. Christianity, Communism, and the Ideal Society. A Philosophical Approach to Modern Politics.James Feibleman - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (48):502-503.
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  11.  65
    Scientific Sharing, Communism, and the Social Contract.Michael Strevens - 2017 - In Thomas Boyer-Kassem, Conor Mayo-Wilson & Michael Weisberg (eds.), Scientific Collaboration and Collective Knowledge. New York, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 3--33.
    Research programs regularly compete to achieve the same goal, such as the discovery of the structure of DNA or the construction of a TEA laser. The more the competing programs share information, the faster the goal is likely to be reached, to society's benefit. But the "priority rule"—the scientific norm mandating that the first program to reach the goal in question receive all the credit for the achievement—provides a powerful disincentive for programs to share information. How, then, is the clash (...)
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  12.  82
    Humanist pretensions: Catholics, communists, and Sartre's struggle for existentialism in postwar france*: Edward baring.Edward Baring - 2010 - Modern Intellectual History 7 (3):581-609.
    This article reconsiders Sartre's seminal 1945 talk, “Existentialism is a Humanism,” and the stakes of the humanism debate in France by looking at the immediate political context that has been overlooked in previous discussions of the text. It analyses the political discussion of the term “humanism” during the French national elections of 1945 and the rumbling debate over Sartre's philosophy that culminated in his presentation to the Club Maintenant, just one week after France went to the polls. A consideration (...)
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  13.  40
    Communism and the Family.Joseph J. Ayd - 1937 - Modern Schoolman 14 (3):61-63.
  14.  42
    Communism and the Russian Mind.John LaFarge - 1937 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 12 (2):196-210.
  15. Marxism and philosophy.Alex Callinicos - 1983 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Marxism began with the repudiation of philosophy, yet Marxists have often resorted to distinctively philosophical modes of reasoning. In recent years, Western Marxism has been more concerned with philosophy than with research or political activity, and in this book Callinicos explores the ambivalent relationship between Marxism and philosophy. Beginning with Marx and the legacy of Hegelianism, he surveys the schools of Marxist philosophy from Engels and the Second International through the revolutionary Hegelianism, of the 1920s, the (...)
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  16.  20
    Hermeneutic Communism and/or Hermeneutic Anarchism in advance.Dimitri Ginev - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
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    Hermeneutic Communism and/or Hermeneutic Anarchism.Dimitri Ginev - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (3):663-685.
  18.  10
    Marx and philosophy: three studies.Wallis Arthur Suchting - 1986 - New York: New York University Press.
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  19.  19
    Communism And The Nuclear Core.Olga Kuchinskaya - 2006 - Metascience 15 (3):553-555.
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  20.  14
    Communism and Christianity. [REVIEW]Francis Anderson - 1931 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):154.
  21. Zizek's communism and in defence of lost causes.Matthew Sharpe & Geoff Boucher - 2010 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 4 (2):1-7.
  22.  49
    Lenin and philosophy, and other essays.Louis Althusser - 1971 - New York: Monthly Review Press.
    No figure among the western Marxist theoreticians has loomed larger in the postwar period than Louis Althusser. A rebel against the Catholic tradition in which he was raised, Althusser studied philosophy and later joined both the faculty of the Ecole normal superieure and the French Communist Party in 1948. Viewed as a "structuralist Marxist," Althusser was as much admired for his independence of intellect as he was for his rigorous defense of Marx. The latter was best illustrated in For (...)
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  23.  19
    The Idea of Communism and the Communism of the Idea.Simone A. Medina Polo - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):301-308.
    This essay articulates a double helix at work in Badiou’s thought on politics as a condition of philosophy and philosophy as such by focusing on what Badiou calls “the Idea of communism” and we will call “the communism of the Idea.” The former refers to communism as an Idea par excellence, while the latter concerns the Idea as a philosophical communism. The first section of the essay unpacks the Idea of communism as a (...)
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  24.  27
    Communism and the Conscience of the West.James A. McWilliams - 1948 - New Scholasticism 22 (4):465-467.
  25.  32
    Christianity, Communism, and the Ideal Society. A Philosophical Approach to Modern Politics. By James Feibleman. (London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.1937. Pp. 419. Price 12s. 6d.). [REVIEW]Alfred E. Garvie - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (48):502-.
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    Catholicism, Communism and Dictatorship. [REVIEW]William McDonald - 1938 - New Scholasticism 12 (4):413-414.
  27.  11
    Law and Philosophy: The Practice of Theory : Essays in Honor of George Anastaplo.John Albert Murley, Robert L. Stone & William Thomas Braithwaite - 1992
    This collection reflects the extraordinary career of the man it honors in its variety of subjects and range of scholarship. Mortimer Adler proposes six amendments to the Constitution. Paul Eidelberg surveys the rise of secularism from Socrates to Machiavelli. Hellmut Fritzsche, a physicist, catalogs some famous scientific mistakes. David Grene (Anastaplo's dissertation advisor) looks at Shakespeare's Measure for Measure as "mythological history." Harry V. Jaffa continues a running debate with Anastaplo on how to read the Constitution, James Lehrberger examines Aquinas's (...)
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  28.  13
    Philosophy and the Idea of Communism: Alain Badiou in Conversation with Peter Engelmann.Susan Spitzer (ed.) - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In a well-known text called ‘The Communist Hypothesis’, first published in 2007, the renowned philosopher Alain Badiou breathed fresh life into the idea of communism as an intellectual representation that provides a critical perspective on existing politics and offers a systemic alternative to capitalism. Now, in the course of this wide-ranging conversation with Peter Engelmann, Alain Badiou explains why he continues to value the idea of communism against the background of current social crises and despite negative historical experiences. (...)
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  29.  4
    Philosophy and the idea of communism: Alain Badiou in conversation with Peter Engelmann.Alain Badiou - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Peter Engelmann.
    In a well-known text called ‘The Communist Hypothesis’, first published in 2007, the renowned philosopher Alain Badiou breathed fresh life into the idea of communism as an intellectual representation that provides a critical perspective on existing politics and offers a systemic alternative to capitalism. Now, in the course of this wide-ranging conversation with Peter Engelmann, Alain Badiou explains why he continues to value the idea of communism against the background of current social crises and despite negative historical experiences. (...)
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  30.  36
    Catholicism, Communism and Dictatorship. [REVIEW]Joseph H. Fichter - 1939 - Modern Schoolman 16 (2):44-45.
  31.  41
    Philosophy as Political Engagement: Revisiting Merleau-Ponty and Reopening the Communist Question.Diana Coole - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (3):327-350.
    In this article, I revisit the work of the French political philosopher, Maurice Merleau-Ponty. A colleague of Sartre's until their quarrel, he sought to combine existentialism, Marxism and phenomenology. I begin by considering why Merleau-Ponty thought it was important, in confronting the problems of the present, to reconsider past ideas as well as political regimes. I also develop his distinctive methodology of dialectical engagement, his view of politics as a strategic field of forces, and his insistence that philosophy and (...)
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  32.  35
    Communism and Christianity. [REVIEW]Robert Paul Mohan - 1959 - New Scholasticism 33 (1):110-112.
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    Communism and the Conscience of the West. [REVIEW]James L. Monks - 1948 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 23 (4):686-687.
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    Dissolution: The Crisis of Communism and the End of East Germany.Gareth Dale - 1998 - Historical Materialism 3 (1):209-228.
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    Committed History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences in the Two Germanies.William R. Woodward - 1985 - History of Science 23 (1):25-72.
    The question of the social commitment of the sociologist, and the scientist in general, has become a burning issue facing the sociology of East and West alike, — though it may take different forms. (P. C. Ludz, “Sociology”, in C. D Kernig (ed.), Marxism, communism, and Western society (New York, 1973), vol. viii, p. 46.).
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  36.  2
    Chinese communism vs. Confucianism (1966-1974): an historical and critical study.Te-Sheng Meng - 1980 - New York: Free Men Magazine.
  37.  11
    Philosophy and the Idea of Communism: Alain Badiou in conversation with Peter Engelmann.Peter Engelmann - 2015 - Wiley.
    In a well-known text called ‘The Communist Hypothesis’, first published in 2007, the renowned philosopher Alain Badiou breathed fresh life into the idea of communism as an intellectual representation that provides a critical perspective on existing politics and offers a systemic alternative to capitalism. Now, in the course of this wide-ranging conversation with Peter Engelmann, Alain Badiou explains why he continues to value the idea of communism against the background of current social crises and despite negative historical experiences. (...)
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  38. Marxism and existentialism: the political philosophy of Sartre and Merleau-Ponty.David Archard - 1980 - Belfast: Blackstaff Press.
    This book undertakes a systematic comparative analysis of the political philosophies of Sartre and mealeau-Ponty between 1929 and 1960. It critically explores their pre-war discovery of Husserl, Hegel and Heidegger; It records the impact of the second world war and the subsequent founding of Les Temps Modernes. It also reviews their post-war writing, both journalistic and philosophical. Their eventual divergence of views is hows as developing, against the background of world events, from their initial philosophical outlooks. The book sheds new (...)
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  39.  10
    Hegel and Marx after the fall of communism.David MacGregor - 1998 - Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
    The collapse of the Soviet Empire led many to think that communism and perhaps socialism were no longer relevant to the modern world. _Hegel and Marx After the Fall of Communism _presents a balanced discussion for and against the validity of the arguments of two of the most important political philosophers of all time, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx. David MacGregor reinterprets Hegel and Marx’s philosophies, setting out key events in their lives against a backdrop of (...)
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  40.  11
    Controversies: Politics and Philosophy in Our Time.Alain Badiou & Jean-Claude Milner - 2014 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Jean-Claude Milner, Philippe Petit & Susan Spitzer.
    Alain Badiou was born in 1937 in Rabat and Jean-Claude Milner in 1941 in Paris. They were both involved in the "Red Years" at the end of the Sixties and both were Maoists, but while Badiou was focusing all his attention on China, Milner was already taking his distance from it. Over the years, that original dispute over the destiny of gauchisme was fueled by deep, new differences between them concerning the role of philosophy and politics. In this wide-ranging (...)
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  41.  33
    The Philosophy of Communism. By John Macmurray . (London: Faber and Faber, Ltd. 1933. Pp. 96. Price 3s. 6d.).John Laird - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (40):482-.
  42.  32
    Philosophy, Science, and Virtual Communism.Andrew Culp - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (4):91-107.
    This paper considers how science, philosophy, and “the virtual” inform the political potential of the communism that emerges within capitalism. It looks to the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, in particular What is Philosophy?, to set the terms of an anti-capitalist science and philosophy. Their understanding of the contrasting roles of the virtual in science and philosophy is then used to draw points of distinction between the theories of Manuel DeLanda, Jason Read, and (...)
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  43.  68
    Agnes Heller: Politics and Philosophy.Ángel Rivero - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 59 (1):17-28.
    The article tracks the development of Agnes Heller”s political philosophy as it evolves through the Marxism and reform communism of her years as a dissent Hungarian intellectual, followed by the period of her encounters with the Western Left and with the currents of postmodern liberalism.
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  44.  9
    A philosophy for communism: rethinking Althusser.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    In A Philosophy for Communism: Rethinking Althusser Panagiotis Sotiris attempts a reading of the work of the French philosopher centered upon his deeply political conception of philosophy. Althusser's endeavour is presented as a quest for a new practice of philosophy that would enable a new practice of politics for communism, in opposition to idealism and teleology. The central point is that in his trajectory from the crucial interventions of the 1960s to the texts on aleatory (...)
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  45.  69
    Peter J.s. Duncan, Russian messianism: Third Rome, revolution, communism and after.Jonathan Sutton - 2002 - Studies in East European Thought 54 (3):229-230.
  46.  25
    Crime Policy in Ukraine: Toward Condemnation of Communism and Political Rehabilitation and Heroization of Nazism.Leanid Kazyrytski - 2019 - Human Rights Review 20 (4):445-460.
    The present study provides analysis of the institutionalization of historical revisionism in Ukraine and examines the impact of this revisionism on the formation of modern Ukrainian criminal policy. The characteristics of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and its armed wing, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, will be determined, and their role during World War II will be analyzed, with special emphasis placed on their involvement in crimes against humanity. The study focuses on the fact that the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and (...)
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  47.  37
    Philosophy in post-communist europe.Dane R. Gordon - 1994 - Metaphilosophy 25 (2-3):214-223.
    This book explores the richness of contemporary philosophical reflection in Eastern and Central Europe. Philosophers from Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic, and the United States discuss the status of democracy, nationalism, language, economics, education, women, and philosophy itself in the aftermath of communism. Fresh ideas are combined with renewed traditions as poignant problems are confronted.
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  48.  23
    The uses and abuses of 'secular religion': Jules Monnerot's path from communism to fascism.Dan Stone - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (4):466-474.
    From starting his intellectual career as a surrealist, communist and co-founder of the Collège de Sociologie in 1937, Jules Monnerot (1911?95) ended it as a candidate for the Front National in 1989.In this article I offer an explanation for the unexpected trajectory of this thinker whose work is little known in the English-speaking world. Without overlooking the idea that the infamous College encouraged such tendencies, I argue that the notion of ?secular religion?, as Monnerot developed it in his Sociology of (...)
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  49.  56
    Philosophy, Science, and (Anti-) Communism: The Two Lives of Imre Lakatos.Roberto Festa - 2006 - Logic and Philosophy of Science 4 (1):247-253.
  50.  16
    The Institute of Philosophy in Communist Romania Under the Regime of Gheorghiu-Dej, 1949-65.Cristian Vasile - 2018 - History of Communism in Europe 9:161-186.
    This paper examines some aspects of the institutional history of post-war Romanian philosophy, with a special focus on the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of People’s Republic of Romania. The aim of this article is to shed more light on the main aspects of philosophical research during cultural Stalinism, and to underline the inflexion points within Romanian “philosophical” writings between 1948 and 1965. I examined the lack of human resources and its impact on the emergence of Marxist-Leninist (...)
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