Results for 'Condorcet efficiency'

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  1. On the (Sample) Condorcet Efficiency of Majority Rule: An alternative view of majority cycles and social homogeneity.Michel Regenwetter, James Adams & Bernard Grofman - 2002 - Theory and Decision 53 (2):153-186.
    The Condorcet efficiency of a social choice procedure is usually defined as the probability that this procedure coincides with the majority winner (or majority ordering) in random samples, given a majority winner exists (or given the majority ordering is transitive). Consequently, it is in effect a conditional probability that two sample statistics coincide, given certain side conditions. We raise a different issue of Condorcet efficiencies: What is the probability that a social choice procedure applied to a sample (...)
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    Condorcet efficiency of the preference approval voting and the probability of selecting the Condorcet loser.Eric Kamwa - 2019 - Theory and Decision 87 (3):299-320.
    Under approval voting, each voter just distinguishes the candidates he approves of from those appearing as unacceptable. The preference approval voting is a hybrid version of the approval voting first introduced by Brams and Sanver The mathematics of preference, choice and order. Springer, Berlin, pp 215–237, 2009). Under PAV, each voter ranks all the candidates and then indicates the ones he approves. In this paper, we provide an analytical representation of the limiting probability that PAV elects the Condorcet winner (...)
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  3. Scoring Rules, Condorcet Efficiency and Social Homogeneity.Dominique Lepelley, Patrick Pierron & Fabrice Valognes - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (2):175-196.
    In a three-candidate election, a scoring rule s (s in [0,1]) assigns 1, s, and 0 points (respectively) to each first, second and third place in the individual preference rankings. The Condorcet efficiency of a scoring rule is defined as the conditional probability that this rule selects the winner in accordance with Condorcet criteria (three Condorcet criteria are considered in the paper). We are interested in the following question: What rule s has the greatest Condorcet (...)
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    Which Scoring Rule Maximizes Condorcet Efficiency Under Iac?Davide P. Cervone, William V. Gehrlein & William S. Zwicker - 2005 - Theory and Decision 58 (2):145-185.
    Consider an election in which each of the n voters casts a vote consisting of a strict preference ranking of the three candidates A, B, and C. In the limit as n→∞, which scoring rule maximizes, under the assumption of Impartial Anonymous Culture (uniform probability distribution over profiles), the probability that the Condorcet candidate wins the election, given that a Condorcet candidate exists? We produce an analytic solution, which is not the Borda Count. Our result agrees with recent (...)
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    The $$q$$ q -majority efficiency of positional rules.Sébastien Courtin, Mathieu Martin & Issofa Moyouwou - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (1):31-49.
    According to a given quota q\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$q$$\end{document}, a candidate a\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$a$$\end{document} is beaten by another candidate b\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$b$$\end{document} if at least a proportion of q\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$q$$\end{document} individuals prefer b\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$b$$\end{document} to a\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$a$$\end{document}. (...)
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    The Unexpected Behavior of Plurality Rule.William V. Gehrlein & Dominique Lepelley - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (3):267-293.
    When voters’ preferences on candidates are mutually coherent, in the sense that they are at all close to being perfectly single-peaked, perfectly single-troughed, or perfectly polarized, there is a large probability that a Condorcet Winner exists in elections with a small number of candidates. Given this fact, the study develops representations for Condorcet Efficiency of plurality rule as a function of the proximity of voters’ preferences on candidates to being perfectly single-peaked, perfectly single-troughed or perfectly polarized. We (...)
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  7. Condorcet: selected writings.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet - 1976 - Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.
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    Condorcet: political writings.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Nicolas de Condorcet (1743-1794), the innovating founder of mathematical thinking in politics, was the last great philosophe of the French Enlightenment and a central figure in the early years of the French Revolution. His political writings give a compelling vision of human progress across world history and express the hopes of that time in the future perfectibility of man. This volume contains a revised translation of 'The Sketch', written while in hiding from the Jacobin Terror, together with lesser-known writings (...)
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  9. (1 other version)The Political Theory of Condorcet.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet, Fiona Sommerlad & Iain Mclean - 1989 - University of Oxford, Faculty of Social Studies.
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  10. Agrifood systems for competent, ordinary people.Jane Adams & Efficiency Individualism - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15:391-403.
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  11. Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain.Condorcet, O. H. Prior & Y. Belaval - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (4):462-463.
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  12. Sketch for a historical picture of the progress of the human mind.Marquis de Condorcet - unknown
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  13.  25
    Freiheit, Revolution, Verfassung. Kleine Politische Schriften: Herausgegeben von Daniel Schulz.Marquis de Condorcet - 2010 - Akademie Verlag.
    Während Condorcets Schriften bislang nur unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Geschichtsphilosophie und mathematischen Entscheidungstheorie rezipiert wurden, präsentiert dieser Band Condorcet als einen zentralen politischen Ordnungsdenker der Französischen Revolution, als einen liberal-republikanischen Autor. Die in der Edition versammelten Quellentexte zeigen, dass er die menschenrechtlichen und demokratischen Leitideen am Ende des 18. Jh.s nachdrücklich artikulierte. Condorcets zentrales Anliegen besteht in der Suche nach einer institutionellen Form demokratischer Ordnung, die ein hohes Maß an bürgerschaftlicher Partizipation mit den liberalen Forderungen individueller Rechte verbindet. Die (...)
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    (1 other version)...Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet, P. Daunou & Marie-Louise-Sophie de Grouchy Condorcet - 1933 - Paris,: Boivin et cie. Edited by Oliver H. Prior.
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  15. Sketch for a historical picture of the progress of the human mind.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet - 1955 - London,: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
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  16. Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet - 1966 - Paris: Editions sociales.
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    Ecrits sur l'instruction publique.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet, Charles Coutel & Catherine Kintzler - 1989 - Paris: Edilig. Edited by Charles Coutel & Catherine Kintzler.
    v. 1. Cinq mémoires sur l'instruction publique -- v. 2. Rapport sur l'instruction publique.
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    I. Freiheit.Marquis de Condorcet - 2010 - In Freiheit, Revolution, Verfassung. Kleine Politische Schriften: Herausgegeben von Daniel Schulz. Akademie Verlag. pp. 51-126.
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    II. Revolution.Marquis de Condorcet - 2010 - In Freiheit, Revolution, Verfassung. Kleine Politische Schriften: Herausgegeben von Daniel Schulz. Akademie Verlag. pp. 127-158.
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    III. Verfassung.Marquis de Condorcet - 2010 - In Freiheit, Revolution, Verfassung. Kleine Politische Schriften: Herausgegeben von Daniel Schulz. Akademie Verlag. pp. 159-268.
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  21. Náčrt historického obrazu pokroků lidského ducha.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet - 1968 - Praha,: Academia. Edited by Kohout, Jaroslav & [From Old Catalog].
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    Réflexions et notes sur l'éducation.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet & Manuela Albertone - 1983 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
  23. Œuvres.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet - 1847 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt,: Frommann. Edited by Arthur O'Connor & F. Arago.
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  24. On public instruction.Marquis de Condorcet - unknown
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  25. On the admission of women to the rights of citizenship.Marquis de Condorcet - unknown
  26. The future progress of the human mind.Marquis de Condorcet - unknown
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    Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet & Oliver Herbert Phelps Prior - 1970 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Oliver Herbert Phelps Prior.
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  28. Costs Law Expertise.Dgt Costs Lawyers Approachable Efficient Progressive - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Resource‐efficiency actions and financial performance: Exploring the moderating role of production cost.Muhammad Ishfaq Ahmad, Muhammad Akram Naseem, Enrico Battisti, Ramiz Ur Rehman & Guido Giovando - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1):69-80.
    This study employs the Porter hypothesis framework to test the moderating role of production cost in the relationship between resource-efficiency actions and financial performance for German small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). For this purpose, we employ the 2012, 2018, and 2021 Flash Eurobarometer surveys to analyze how consistently SMEs adopt resource-efficiency actions, and the impact of these actions on their performance and costs. We also conduct a generalized method of moments regression analysis (GMM). Among the seven resource-efficiency (...)
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  30. Efficiency, Equity, and Price Gouging: A Response to Zwolinski.Jeremy Snyder - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (2):303-306.
    In this response, I reiterate my argument that price gouging undercuts the goal of equity in access to essential goods whereas Zwolinski emphasizes the importance of the efficient provision of essential goods above all other goals. I agree that the efficient provision of essential goods is important as I argue for the goal of equitable access to sufficient of the goods essential to living a minimally flourishing human life. However, efficiency is a means to this goal rather than the (...)
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  31. Ethics, Efficiency, and the Market.Allen E. Buchanan - 1985 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This is a systematic evaluation of the main arguments for and against the market as an instrument of social organization, balancing efficiency and justice. It links the distinctive approaches of philosophy and economics to this evaluation.
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  32. Performance Efficiency of University Education from Students Perspective.Samia A. M. Abdalmenem, Rasha O. Owda, Amal A. Al Hila, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (11):10-24.
    The study aims to identify the efficiency of the university education performance from the perspective of postgraduate and undergraduate students in international and Palestinian universities. The analytical descriptive approach was used for this purpose and the questionnaire was used as a main tool for data collection. The study community consists of: post graduate students, (23850) graduate students and (146355) undergraduate students. The sample of the study was 378 graduate students and 383 undergraduate students. The random stratified sample was used. (...)
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  33. Energy Efficiency Prediction using Artificial Neural Network.Ahmed J. Khalil, Alaa M. Barhoom, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser, Musleh M. Musleh & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (9):1-7.
    Buildings energy consumption is growing gradually and put away around 40% of total energy use. Predicting heating and cooling loads of a building in the initial phase of the design to find out optimal solutions amongst different designs is very important, as ell as in the operating phase after the building has been finished for efficient energy. In this study, an artificial neural network model was designed and developed for predicting heating and cooling loads of a building based on a (...)
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    When efficient market hypothesis meets Hayek on information: beyond a methodological reading.Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger & Thomas Delcey - 2019 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (2):97-116.
    Hayek and the Efficient Market Hypothesis are often seen as proposing a similar theory of prices. Hayek is seen as proposing to understand prices as information conveyer, incorporating inform...
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  35. Efficient Markets and Alienation.Barry Maguire - 2022 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    Efficient markets are alienating if they inhibit us from recognizably caring about one another in our productive activities. I argue that efficient market behaviour is both exclusionary and fetishistic. As exclusionary, the efficient marketeer cannot manifest care alongside their market behaviour. As fetishistic, the efficient marketeer cannot manifest care in their market behaviour. The conjunction entails that efficient market behavior inhibits care. It doesn’t follow that efficient market behavior is vicious: individuals might justifiably commit to efficiency because doing so (...)
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  36. Efficiency Versus Enjoyment: Looking After the Human Condition in the Transition to the Bio-Based Economy.Vincent Blok & Roeland Christiaan Veraart - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (6):1-19.
    In this paper, we criticize the current focus of the bio-based economy (BBE) on efficiency and control and demonstrate the contradictions that this causes. We elucidate these tensions by comparing the BBE to alternative conceptions of economy that emphasise the relevance of both the human condition and unfathomable nature in the macro ecological transition project. From Emmanuel Levinas’s philosophy, we take and extrapolate two major concepts—il y a and enjoyment—that help to re-evaluate the status of both nature and the (...)
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    Relative efficiency of propositional proof systems: resolution vs. cut-free LK.Noriko H. Arai - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 104 (1-3):3-16.
    Resolution and cut-free LK are the most popular propositional systems used for logical automated reasoning. The question whether or not resolution and cut-free LK have the same efficiency on the system of CNF formulas has been asked and studied since 1960 425–467). It was shown in Cook and Reckhow, J. Symbolic Logic 44 36–50 that tree resolution has super-polynomial speed-up over cut-free LK. Naturally, the current issue is whether or not resolution and cut-free LK expressed as directed acyclic graphs (...)
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  38. Mohammed Abdellaoui/Editorial Statement 1–2 Mohammed Abdellaoui and Peter P. Wakker/The likelihood Method for Decision Under Uncertainty 3–76 AAJ Marley and R. Duncan Luce/Independence Properties Vis--Vis Several Utility Representations 77–143. [REVIEW]Davide P. Cervone, William V. Gehrlein, William S. Zwicker, Which Scoring Rule Maximizes Condorcet, Marcello Basili, Alain Chateauneuf & Fulvio Fontini - 2005 - Theory and Decision 58:409-410.
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    Efficient Global Warming: Contradictions in Liberal Democratic Responses to Global Environmental Problems.Sun-Jin Yun & John Byrne - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (6):493-500.
    As liberal democracies, what can the United States, Europe, and Japan be expected to embrace as “democratic” solutions to global environmental problems such as climate change? It is our argument that contradictions in liberal democratic politics lead these states to advocate solutions that are nature-as-commodity oriented and that idealize the notion of “managed nature.” In the case of climate change, we specifically argue that liberal democracies can be expected to pursue a policy regime of “efficient global warming.”.
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    Efficient Communication in Written and Performed Music.Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (4):e12826.
    Since its inception, Shannon's information theory has attracted interest for the study of language and music. Recently, a wide range of converging studies have shown how efficient communication pervades language, from phonetics to syntax. Efficient principles imply that more resources should be assigned to highly informative items. For instance, average information content was shown to be a better predictor of word length than frequency, revisiting the famous Zipf's law. However, in spite of the success of the efficient communication framework in (...)
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  41. Efficiency and Equity in Health: Philosophical Considerations.J. Paul Kelleher - 2014 - Encyclopedia of Health Economics Vol. 1.
    Efficiency and equity are central concepts for the normative assessment of health policy. Drawing on the work of academic philosophers and philosophically sophisticated economists, this article identifies important philosophical questions implicated by the notions of efficiency and equity and then summarizes influential answers to them. Promising avenues for further philosophical research are also highlighted, especially in the context of health equity and its elusive ethical foundations.
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  42. Aggregation of correlated votes and Condorcet’s Jury Theorem.Serguei Kaniovski - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (3):453-468.
    This paper proves two theorems for homogeneous juries that arise from different solutions to the problem of aggregation of dichotomous choice. In the first theorem, negative correlation increases the competence of the jury, while positive correlation has the opposite effect. An enlargement of the jury with positive correlation can be detrimental up to a certain size, beyond which it becomes beneficial. The second theorem finds a family of distributions for which correlation has no effect on a jury’s competence. The approach (...)
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    Efficient mechanisms.Jorge Ignacio Fuentes - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):555-578.
    A distinguishing feature of neural computation and information processing is that it fits models that describe the most efficient strategies for performing different cognitive tasks. Efficiency determines a distinctive sense of teleology involving optimal performance and resource management through a specific strategy. I articulate this kind of teleology and call it efficient teleological function. I argue that efficient teleological function is compatible with mechanistic explanation and, most likely, neural computational mechanisms are efficiently functional in this sense. They are members (...)
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    An unpublished essay of Condorcet on technical methods of classification.K. M. Baker - 1962 - Annals of Science 18 (2):99-123.
  45. The choice of efficiencies and the necessity of politics.Michael Bennett - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):877-896.
    Efficiency requires legislative political institutions. There are many ways efficiency can be promoted, and so an ongoing legislative institution is necessary to resolve this choice in a politically sustainable and economically flexible way. This poses serious problems for classical liberal proposals to constitutionally protect markets from government intervention, as seen in the work of Ilya Somin, Guido Pincione & Fernando Tesón and others. The argument for the political nature of efficiency is set out in terms of both (...)
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    Equality, efficiency and hierarchy in the workplace.Alexander Motchoulski - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (3):711-730.
    Relational egalitarians argue that workplace hierarchy is wrong or unjust. However, even if workplace hierarchy is morally deficient in one respect, the efficiency of hierarchical cooperation might vindicate hierarchy. This paper assesses the extent to which relational egalitarians must make concessions to workplace hierarchy for the sake of efficiency. I argue that considerations of hierarchy provide egalitarians with reasons that make workplace hierarchy tolerable despite being unjustified, and, moreover, that under a predominantly hierarchical status quo, the practical import (...)
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  47. From First Efficient Cause to God: Scotus on the Identification Stage of the Cosmological Argument.Timothy O'Connor - 1996 - In Ludger Honnefelder, Rega Wood & Mechthild Dreyer, John Duns Scotus: metaphysics and ethics. New York: E.J. Brill.
    In this paper, I examine some main threads of the identification stage of Scotus's project in the fourth chapter of De Primo, where he tries to show that a first efficient cause must have the attributes of simplicity, intellect, will, and infinity. Many philosophers are favorably disposed towards one or another argument such as Scotus's (e.g., the cosmological argument from contingency) purporting to show that there is an absolutely first efficient cause. How far can Scotus take us from this starting (...)
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    Efficient Causation: A History.Tad M. Schmaltz (ed.) - 2014 - , US: Oup Usa.
    This volume is a collection of new essays by specialists that trace the concept of efficient causation from its discovery in Ancient Greece, through its development in late antiquity, the medieval period, and modern philosophy, to its use in contemporary metaphysics and philosophy of science.
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    Efficiency and Health.Trevor Hussey - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (3):181-190.
    Efficiency has become of central importance in health care and is seen as wholly laudable. It appears to offer a precise and objective means of evaluating and comparing institutions, practices and individuals, and is a principle that underlies techniques of cost-benefit analysis and other methods of option appraisal. However, there is a need to examine the concept of efficiency and explore the problems of its application within health care. Efficiency is a value laden notion and it cannot (...)
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  50.  21
    Efficient, Explicatory, and Equitable: Why Qualitative Researchers Should Embrace AI, but Cautiously.Shafiullah Anis & Juliana A. French - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (6):1139-1144.
    Qualitative researchers, particularly those researching business and society topics, should embrace artificial intelligence (AI) to conduct efficient, explicatory, and equitable research but also exercise caution to avoid its pitfalls.
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