Results for 'Cosima Henhapl'

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  1.  23
    When a Placebo Is Not a Placebo: Problems and Solutions to the Gold Standard in Psychotherapy Research.Cosima Locher, Jens Gaab & Charlotte Blease - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  2.  25
    Pragmatic processing: An investigation of the (anti-)presuppositions of determiners using mouse-tracking.Cosima Schneider, Carolin Schonard, Michael Franke, Gerhard Jäger & Markus Janczyk - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104024.
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    A touching app voice thinking about ethics of persuasive technology through an analysis of mobile smoking-cessation apps.Cosima Rughiniş, Răzvan Rughiniş & Ştefania Matei - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (4):295-309.
    We study smoking-cessation apps in order to formulate a framework for ethical evaluation, analyzing apps as ‘medium’, ‘market’, and ‘genre’. We center on the value of user autonomy through truthfulness and self-understanding. Smoking-cessation apps usually communicate in an anonymous ‘app voice’, with little presence of professional or other identified voices. Because of the fast-and-frugal communication, truthfulness is problematic. Messages in the ‘quantification’ modules may be read as deceitfully accurate. The app voice frames smoking as a useless, damaging habit indicative of (...)
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    Psychotherapy: A World of Meanings.Cosima Locher, Sibylle Meier & Jens Gaab - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Despite a wealth of findings that psychotherapy is an effective psychological intervention the principal mechanisms of psychotherapy change are still in debate. It has been suggested that all forms of psychotherapy provide a context which enables clients to transform the meaning of their experiences and symptoms in such a way as to help clients to feel better, and function more adaptively. However, psychotherapy is not the only healthcare intervention that has been associated with ‘meaning’: the reason why placebo have effects (...)
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    Konstellationen-Form in neuer Musik und ästhetische Erfahrung im Ausgang von Adorno: eine musikphilosophische und analytische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Lachenmanns "Schreiben. Musik für Orchester".Cosima Linke - 2018 - Mainz: Schott.
    "In ihrer Untersuchung entwickelt Linke eine zeitgemäße Theorie der musikalischen Form aus einer musikphilosophischen und musikanalytischen Perspektive ausgehend von posttonaler Musik nach 1950. Die hier entwickelte musikphilosophische Theorie versteht sich als eine Meta- oder Rahmentheorie für musikalische Analyse von neuer Musik. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht eine grundlegende Reflexion über das Verhältnis von musikalischer Form in neuer Musik und ästhetischer Erfahrung: Musikalische Form entsteht in der Interaktion des ästhetisch erfahrenden Subjekts mit dem ästhetischen Objekt im Prozess der ästhetischen Erfahrung und (...)
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    Putting the ‘Art’ Into the ‘Art of Medicine’: The Under-Explored Role of Artifacts in Placebo Studies.Michael H. Bernstein, Cosima Locher, Tobias Kube, Sarah Buergler, Sif Stewart-Ferrer & Charlotte Blease - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:501754.
    Physical environmental factors – or ‘artifacts’ – are linked to healthcare outcomes in the field of social psychology. However, the role of artifacts remains rarely examined in the burgeoning discipline of placebo studies. In this paper, we argue that a careful consideration of artifacts – such as provider clothing and office décor – may carry significant potential in eliciting placebo effects in clinical settings. We discuss three potential mechanisms by which artifacts may enhance or diminish placebo (or nocebo) effects: classical (...)
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    Review of Nunn's 'After Placebo: in medical research and clinical practice'. [REVIEW]Cosima Locher, Jens Gaab, Michael Loughlin & Charlotte Blease - unknown
    Nunn's critique of the placebo concept is a radical and refreshing contribution to the debate. While there is much that can be contested in his analysis, his use of empirical and theoretical arguments to defend his conclusion - that the time has come to abandon the placebo construct altogether - presents an important challenge.
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    Webcams and Social Interaction During Online Classes: Identity Work, Presentation of Self, and Well-Being.Alexandra Hosszu, Cosima Rughiniş, Răzvan Rughiniş & Daniel Rosner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The well-being of children and young people has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The shift to online education disrupted daily rhythms, transformed learning opportunities, and redefined social connections with peers and teachers. We here present a qualitative content analysis of responses to open-ended questions in a large-scale survey of teachers and students in Romania. We explore how their well-being has been impacted by online education through overflow effects of the sudden move to online classes; identity work at the individual (...)
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  9. Der Begriff der docta ignorantia bei Nicolaus Cusanus und Moses Maimonides.Arnild Cosima Tappeiner - 2019 - In Christiane Maria Bacher & Matthias Vollet (eds.), Wissensformen bei Nicolaus Cusanus. Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag.
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    Replication crisis and placebo studies: rebooting the bioethical debate.Charlotte Blease, Ben Colagiuri & Cosima Locher - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (10):663-669.
    A growing body of cross-cultural survey research shows high percentages of clinicians report using placebos in clinical settings. One motivation for clinicians using placebos is to help patients by capitalising on the placebo effect’s reported health benefits. This is not surprising, given that placebo studies are burgeoning, with increasing calls by researchers to ethically harness placebo effects among patients. These calls propose placebos/placebo effects offer clinically significant benefits to patients. In this paper, we argue many findings in this highly cited (...)
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    Evaluation of a steady-state test of foam stability.Stefan Hutzler, Dörte Lösch, Enda Carey, Denis Weaire, Matthias Hloucha & Cosima Stubenrauch - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (4):537-552.
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    Applying the mixed-blessings model and labeling theory to stigma in inclusive education: An experimental study of student and trainee teachers’ perceptions of pupils with ADHD, DLD, and intellectual disability.Alexander Röhm, Michelle Grengel, Michélle Möhring, Johannes Zensen-Möhring, Cosima Nellen & Matthias R. Hastall - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Institutional and individual stigmatization represent major barriers that prevent children with disabilities from accessing education. It can be presumed that children with disabilities are labeled as such even in inclusive educational settings and that teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education and children with disabilities play a crucial role in this context. Against this background, the present study aims to apply and conceptualize the mixed-blessings model in the context of stigma-related reactions to children’s disability labels in inclusive education and shed light on (...)
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  13.  61
    Art, Ideology, and Politics at Bayreuth, 1876-1976Studien Zur Geschichte Der Bayreuther Festspiele.Richard Wagner in Bayreuth 1876-1976.Der Bayreuther Kreis. Wagnerkult und Kultur-Reform im Geiste Volkischer Weltanschauung.Die Tagebucher. [REVIEW]David C. Large, Michael Karbaum, Hans Mayer, Winfried Schuler & Cosima Wagner - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (1):149.
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    Nietzsche und Cosima Wagner – Geschichte einer Verblendung.Dieter Borchmeyer - 2012 - Nietzscheforschung 19 (1).
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    Friedrich Nietzsche und Cosima Wagner: die Schule der Unterwerfung.Joachim Köhler - 1996 - Berlin: Rowohlt.
  16. Dieter borchmeyer: Nietzsche, cosima, Wagner.Reinhard Mehring - 2008 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 61 (3):226.
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    Noch einmal ariadne - die rolle cosima wagners in nietzsches literarischem rollenspiel.Jörg Salaquarda - 1996 - Nietzsche Studien 25 (1):99-125.
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  18. Resenha: Cinco prefácios para cinco livros não escritos.Thelma Lessa da Fonseca - 1999 - Trans/Form/Ação 21 (1).
    No natal de 1872, Cosima Wagner, filha de Franz Liszt e esposa de Richard Wagner, é presenteada com um conjunto de cinco ensaios que abordavam temas diversos, relativos a um projeto de renovação da cultura alemã em que ela se engajara.
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    Prefaces to unwritten works.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 2005 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press. Edited by Michael W. Grenke, Matthew K. Davis, Lise van Boxel & Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
    "Prefaces to Unwritten Works is a collection of five essays, prefaces to books that Nietzsche never went on to write. Nietzsche himself put these prefaces together in the form of a small leather-bound, handwritten book, and gave that book to Cosima Wagner as a Christmas present in 1872. The dedicatory letter indicates that Nietzsche sent this little book to Cosima "in heartfelt reverence and as an answer to verbal and epistolary questions." As such, this work is a window (...)
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  20.  10
    Friedrich Nietzsche und die Frauen seiner Zeit.Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche - 1935 - München,: C. H. Beck'sche verlagsbuchhandlung. Edited by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Karl Schlechta.
    Du gehst zu Frauen? Vergiss die Peitsche nicht!" Kaum ein Zitat aus Friedrich Nietzsches Gesamtwerk durfte bekannter sein - und lange Zeit fur viele die Grundlage, den grossen Philosophen als Frauenhasser zu deklarieren. Nietzsches Schwester Elisabeth Forster-Nietzsche nutzt dieses Werk, um mit dem Vorurteil aufzuraumen. Sie berichtet von Nietzsches Verhaltnis zu Frauen seit der Kindheit. Freundschafts- und Liebesbeziehungen sind ebenso Thema wie auch weibliche Einflusse auf Nietzsches Personlichkeit und schliesslich auch sein Werk. Forster-Nietzsche erzahlt von Frauen wie Cosima Wagner, (...)
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  21.  8
    Perspektiven der Musikphilosophie.Wolfgang Fuhrmann & Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Musik ist eine Herausforderung für die Philosophie - die von dieser oft nicht angenommen wurde. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich jedoch die Musikphilosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum als ein zunehmend dynamisches interdisziplinäres Feld zwischen Philosophie, Ästhetik und Kunsttheorie, Musikwissenschaft, Musiktheorie und musikalischer Praxis entwickelt. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes, u. a. von Daniel Martin Feige, Gunnar Hindrichs, Richard Klein, Cosima Linke und Matthias Vogel, ziehen erstmals ein Fazit und beleuchten die Perspektiven des mittlerweile ausdifferenzierten Diskurses über diese scheinbar unmittelbarste und (...)
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  22.  10
    L’antisémitisme de Wagner et les différentes formes sémiotiques.Jean-Jacques Nattiez - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (234):271-276.
    In his essay “La judéité dans la musique,” Richard Wagner’s horrid portrayal of a Jew by way of physical, economical, linguistic and musical description exposed his anti-Semitic convictions. Much of this aspect has either been forgotten or softened, however, when evoking Wagner, it is in fact the relationship between his anti-Semitism and his work that is the most problematic. This paper proposes to consider three symbolic forms through which this reticence is expressed by looking at the the theoretical writings, opera (...)
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    Fairy tale.Jean-Paul Sartre - 1999 - Sartre Studies International 5 (2):1-14.
    This is an extract2 from “Une défaite,” an unfinished novel which, according to Simone de Beauvoir, Sartre wrote in 1927. Apparently, Sartre was inspired by Charles Andler 's biography of Nietzsche and the triangular relationship of Nietzsche, Wagner and Cosima Wagner. The latter, Franz Liszt's daughter, was initially married to Hans von Bülow with whom she had two daughters, and then she married Wagner with whom she had two more daughters. Nietzsche admired her greatly. Sartre became fascinated by this (...)
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  24.  5
    Richard Wagner: Theory and Theatre.Stewart Spencer (ed.) - 1991 - Clarendon Press.
    Richard Wagner has come to be seen as the quintessential artist of the nineteenth century, whose work embraces all the arts of the period. Dieter Borchmeyer here provides the first systematic and comprehensive account of Wagner's aesthetic theory, examining his hitherto neglected prose writings and his ideas on music drama from the various standpoints of literature, the linking of ideas, and the sociology of art. The pre-eminent importance for Wagner of classical Greek art and mythology emerges with particular clarity, while (...)
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  25.  51
    Richard Wagner: Theory and Theatre.Dieter Borchmeyer - 1991 - Clarendon Press.
    Richard Wagner has come to be seen as the quintessential artist of the nineteenth century, whose work embraces all the arts of the period. Dieter Borchmeyer here provides the first systematic and comprehensive account of Wagner's aesthetic theory, examining his hitherto neglected prose writings and his ideas on music drama from the various standpoints of literature, the linking of ideas, and the sociology of art. The pre-eminent importance for Wagner of classical Greek art and mythology emerges with particular clarity, while (...)
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