Results for 'Criminal justice, Administration of'

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  1.  17
    Ethics in the criminal justice system.Scott Howard Belshaw - 2015 - Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt publishing company. Edited by Peter Johnstone.
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    Criminal Justice: An Introduction to Philosophies, Theories and Practice.Ian Marsh - 2004 - Routledge. Edited by John Cochrane & Gaynor Melville.
    This new text will encourage students to develop a deeper understanding of the context and the current workings of the criminal justice system. Part One offers a clear, accessible and comprehensive review of the major philosophical aims and sociological theories of punishment, the history of justice and punishment, and the developing perspective of victimology. In Part Two, the focus is on the main areas of the contemporary criminal justice system including the police, the courts and judiciary, prisons, and (...)
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  3. Rejecting Retributivism: Free Will, Punishment, and Criminal Justice.Gregg D. Caruso - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Within the criminal justice system, one of the most prominent justifications for legal punishment is retributivism. The retributive justification of legal punishment maintains that wrongdoers are morally responsible for their actions and deserve to be punished in proportion to their wrongdoing. This book argues against retributivism and develops a viable alternative that is both ethically defensible and practical. Introducing six distinct reasons for rejecting retributivism, Gregg D. Caruso contends that it is unclear that agents possess the kind of free (...)
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    Justice: social, criminal, juvenile.Zachary Hoskins & Joan Woolfrey (eds.) - 2018 - Charlottesville, Virginia: Published on behalf of the North American Society for Social Philosophy by the Philosophy Documentation Center.
    This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the 34th International Social Philosophy Conference (2017), an annual event sponsored by the North American Society for Social Philosophy. The theme of the conference was "Justice: Social, Criminal, Juvenile"; this volume invites wider discussion of the issues explored at the conference.
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    Free will and determinism in criminology and criminal justice.Anthony Walsh - 2023 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    Few issues bedevil criminology and criminal justice as much as free will versus determinism. It goes to the heart of the character of the people they deal with and how we should respond to them. People are held morally responsible for what they do only if we believe that they have the ability to make reasoned choices to act morally. Liberals tend to hold an external locus of control and are skeptical of free will, and conservatives tend to favor (...)
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    Dimensions of justice: ethical issues in the administration of criminal law.William C. Heffernan - 2015 - Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    Thinking about justice -- The possibility of a justice convention -- The justice convention continued: Deliberating about the proper scope of public protection -- The justice convention continued: Deliberating about the appropriate response to wrongdoing -- The justice convention continued: Deliberating about criminal procedure -- The justice convention concluded: Deliberating about equality -- From natural law to human rights -- Nuremberg and beyond: the creation oa a system of international criminal justice -- Transitional justice: New democracies grapple with (...)
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  7. Criminal punishment and restorative justice: past, present, and future perspectives.David J. Cornwell - 2006 - Portland, Or.: North American distributor, International Specialised Book Services. Edited by F. W. M. McElrea, John R. Blad & Robert B. Cormier.
    Provides an international perspective as to the potential of restorative justice to * Deliver better ways of dealing with offenders and victims * Reduce the use ...
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    Administrative justice.Simon Halliday & Colin Scott - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Administrative justice receives varying emphasis in different jurisdictions. This article explores empirical legal studies, which fall on either side of the decision making-and-review dividing line. It then seeks to link research on the impact of dispute resolution and on-going administrative practices. The article also highlights limitations in existing impact research, focusing on the tendency to examine single dispute resolution mechanisms in isolation from others. Furthermore it suggests some future directions for empirical administrative justice research. It also explores the potential of (...)
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  9. Addressing Fear Elimination in Soldiers: Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications for Modern Warfare.Kaja Kowalczewska Digital Justice Center & Wrocław - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-15.
    This article explores the multifaceted endeavour of enhancing soldiers' capabilities, particularly in light of emerging disruptive technologies, and underscores the imperative to assess the ethical, legal, and strategic implications thereof. Specifically, the study delves into a theoretical scenario involving the administration of a fear-reducing pill, positing its potential to substantially diminish the risk of PTSD without harmful side effects. The author examines whether fear, despite its reduction, remains an intrinsic and beneficial aspect of armed conflict and the military profession. (...)
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    Administrative justice.Simon Halliday & Colin Scott - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Administrative justice receives varying emphasis in different jurisdictions. This article explores empirical legal studies, which fall on either side of the decision making-and-review dividing line. It then seeks to link research on the impact of dispute resolution and on-going administrative practices. The article also highlights limitations in existing impact research, focusing on the tendency to examine single dispute resolution mechanisms in isolation from others. Furthermore it suggests some future directions for empirical administrative justice research. It also explores the potential of (...)
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  11.  20
    From Social Justice to Criminal Justice: Poverty and the Administration of Criminal Law.William C. Heffernan & John Kleinig (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The economically deprived come into contact with the criminal court system in disproportionate number. This collection of original, interactive essays, written from a variety of ideological perspectives, explores some of the more troubling questions and ethical dilemmas inherent in this situation. The contributors, including well-known legal and political philosophers Philip Pettit, George Fletcher, and Jeremy Waldron, examine issues such as heightened vulnerability, indigent representation, and rotten social background defenses.
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    Humanisme et justice: mélanges en l'honneur de Geneviève Giudicelli-Delage.Julie Alix - 2016 - Paris: Éditions Dalloz. Edited by Geneviève Giudicelli-Delage, Mathieu Jacquelin, Stefano Manacorda & Raphaële Parizot.
    La defense d'un profond humanisme dont les racines puisent dans la Renaissance ainsi que le souci permanent d'une pedagogie exemplaire ont guide Genevieve Giudicelli-Delage durant toute sa carriere. Professeur emerite de l'Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, ou elle a notamment dirige pendant de nombreuses annees le DEA devenu Master II de droit penal et politique criminelle en Europe, redactrice en chef de la Revue de science criminelle et de droit penal compare pour les editions Dalloz, presidente de l'Association de recherches penales (...)
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    Perspectives on justice.Telford Taylor - 1975 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Constance Baker Motley & James Kern Feibleman.
  14.  28
    The Penal Crisis and the Clapham Omnibus: Questions and Answers in Restorative Justice.David J. Cornwell - 2009 - North American Distributor, International Specialised Book Services.
    Designed for a wide readership, this book looks at the proble.
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    High court.Administrative Law-Natural Justice-Whether Refugee - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Case notes." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (199), pp. 34–35.
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  16. Punishment, responsibility, and justice: a relational critique.Alan William Norrie - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book addresses the retributive and "orthodox subjectivist" theories that dominate criminal justice theory alongside recent "revisionist" and "postmodern" approaches. Norrie argues that all these approaches, together with their faults and contradictions, stem from their orientation to themes in Kantian moral philosophy. He explores an alternative relational or dialectical approach; examines the work of Ashworth, Duff, Fletcher, Moore, Smith, and Williams; and considers key doctrinal issues.
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  17.  10
    Crime, justice and human rights.Leanne Weber - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Marinella Marmo & Elaine Fishwick.
    Crime, Justice and Human Rights is an introduction to the philosophy, law and politics of human rights, uniquely tailored to criminologists and criminal justice practitioners. Integrating human rights and criminological frameworks across a range of subject areas - from criminalization and state crime, to crime prevention and critical analyses of the operation of the police, courts and penal system - the authors highlight both the potential and the limitations of human rights in informing new directions in criminology. Featuring case (...)
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  18.  10
    L'exigence de justice: mélanges en l'honneur de Robert Badinter.Robert Badinter (ed.) - 2016 - Paris: Dalloz.
    La personnalite de Robert Badinter se lit a travers la diversite de ses centres d'interets et de ses activites. Professeur de droit (sa vocation premiere), il marquera la seconde moitie du XXe siecle par bien des facettes de son action. Il fut l'artisan de progres sensibles accomplis dans la defense de la dignite de la personne humaine et de la victoire que constitua l'abolition de la peine de mort. Il a vecu l'engagement politique, l'exercice du pouvoir, les subtilites du controle (...)
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  19.  16
    Delivering justice: issues and concerns.Sibnath Deb & G. Subhalakshmi (eds.) - 2021 - London: Routledge.
    This book critically analyzes emerging issues and challenges in delivering timely justice to common people. It brings a wide range of contemporary and relevant issues relating to the gross violation of human rights and presents situation-based evidence from, and first-hand experiences of behavioral, social and legal professionals. It deals with themes such as holding administrations accountable and securing justice, challenges for the judiciary in the early disposal of cases, challenges to the forensic community, green federalism and environmental justice, current threats (...)
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  20. Criminal justice reform in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Habsburgian Lombardy and Tuscany : Beccaria's policy memoranda in context.Antje du Bois-Pedain - 2022 - In Antje Du Bois-Pedain & Shaḥar Eldar, Re-reading Beccaria: on the contemporary significance of a penal classic. New York: Hart.
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    Criminal policy transition.Penny Green & Andrew Rutherford (eds.) - 2000 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    In this sense the collection offers a model of how international collaborative work should proceed. The book is the product of a workshop held at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL) in Onati, Spain.
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    Criminal Justice After 9-11: ICC or Military Tribunals.Thomas Mertens - 2004 - In Georg Meggle, Andreas Kemmerling & Mark Textor, Ethics of Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism. De Gruyter. pp. 281-300.
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  23.  28
    Comparative Criminal Justice Goes Global.Paul Roberts - 2008 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 28 (2):369-391.
  24.  66
    Free Will Skepticism in Law and Society: Challenging Retributive Justice.Elizabeth Shaw, Derk Pereboom & Gregg D. Caruso (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    'Free will skepticism' refers to a family of views that all take seriously the possibility that human beings lack the control in action - i.e. the free will - required for an agent to be truly deserving of blame and praise, punishment and reward. Critics fear that adopting this view would have harmful consequences for our interpersonal relationships, society, morality, meaning, and laws. Optimistic free will skeptics, on the other hand, respond by arguing that life without free will and so-called (...)
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  25.  13
    Tour de force of moral virtue in international criminal justice.Farhad Malekian - 2023 - Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
    With the principle of tour de force, we refer to the use of the power of moral legality, the strength of statutes, and the fairness of judgments. A quantum force of moral legality and legal morality serves as an imperative force in the implementation of fair criminal justice, as well as in the prevention of future victims across the globe. Contrary to positivist ideas, the simple notion of morality contains within itself the very essence of international criminal norms. (...)
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  26.  18
    Reuniones de justicia restaurativa: Real justice y Manual de reuniones restaurativas.Ted Wachtel - 2010 - Pipersville, Pennsylvania, USA: publicado en colaboración con The Pipers Press. Edited by Terry O'Connell, Ben Wachtel & Ted Wachtel.
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  27.  11
    Le Châtiment: Histoire, Philosophie Et Pratiques de la Justice Pénale.Christian Nadeau & Marion Vacheret (eds.) - 2005 - Liber.
    Le but de cet ouvrage n'est pas de présenter une généalogie conceptuelle du châtiment ni de brosser un panorama exhaustif des travaux en philosophie, en criminologie ou en droit sur les justifications de la peine. De façon plus modeste, nous avons voulu offrir au public un ensemble de travaux permettant de voir d'un peu plus près nos conceptions modernes de la justice pénale. De l'idée selon laquelle les peines sont infligées pour le propre bien des criminels à celle selon laquelle (...)
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  28.  32
    Criminal Justice.Nicola Lacey - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 511–520.
    Over the last twenty years there has been an explosion of interest in ‘criminal justice’, generating a wealth of research incorporating law, philosophy, political theory, sociology and other disciplines. The fascination of criminal justice flows from the cultural prominence of criminalization as a form of social control. The news media in Australia, Britain or the United States provide plentiful evidence of the extent to which crime, fear of crime, government criminal justice policy and the activities of the (...)
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    Imagens da ideologia punitiva: "nova direita" e hegemonia político-criminal.Samuel Silva Borges - 2022 - Belo Horizonte: Editora D'Plácido.
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  30. Art, aesthetics, and international justice.Marina Aksenova - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book demonstrates that art is implicit in the process of administration of international justice. The diverse nature of recent global threats as well as an overwhelming pull towards isolationism and nationalism challenge the dominant deterrence paradigm of international governance created in the aftermath of World War II. An alternative model is to focus on cooperation, and not deterrence, as a guiding operational principle. This study focuses on the theoretical component linking justice with aesthetics as well as on the (...)
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  31. Power, race, and justice: the restorative dialogue we will not have.Theo Gavrielides - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    We are living in a world where power abuse has become the new norm, as well as the biggest, silent driver of persistent inequalities, racism and human rights violations. As humanity is getting to grips with socio-economic consequences that can only be compared with those that followed World War II, this timely book challenges current thinking, while creating a much needed normative and practical framework for revealing and challenging the power structures that feed our subconscious feelings of despair and defeatism. (...)
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  32. Criminal Justice without Retribution.Erin I. Kelly - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (8):440-462.
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    The Criminal Justice System Creates Incentives for False Convictions.Roger Koppl & Meghan Sacks - 2013 - Criminal Justice Ethics 32 (2):126-162.
    The American criminal justice system creates incentives for false conviction. For example, many public crime labs are funded in part per conviction. We show that the number of false convictions per year in the American criminal justice system should be considered ?high.? We examine the incentives of police, forensic scientists, prosecutors, and public defenders in the U.S. Police, prosecutors, and forensic scientists often have an incentive to garner convictions with little incentive to convict the right person. These incentives (...)
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  34. Empathy for victims in criminal justice : revisiting Susan Bandes in victimology.Antony Pemberton - 2016 - In Heather Conway & John E. Stannard, The emotional dynamics of law and legal discourse. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Quand surveiller c'est punir: vers un au-delà de la justice pénale.Dominique Rivière - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Une réflexion consacrée à la signification de la peine en droit. L'auteur propose une redéfinition du crime en situation problème, supposant un changement de regard sur l'autre, même coupable d'un acte délictueux ou criminel. (Electre).
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    Criminal Justice and the Liberal Polity.Jonathan Jacobs - 2011 - Criminal Justice Ethics 30 (2):173-191.
    There are several reasonable conceptions of liberalism. A liberal polity can survive a measure of disagreement over just what constitutes liberalism. In part, this is because of the way a liberal order makes possible a dynamic, heterogeneous civil society and how that, in turn, can supply participants with reasons to support a liberal political order. Despite the different conceptions of justice associated with different conceptions of liberalism, there are reasons to distinguish the normative focus of criminal justice from other (...)
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  37.  23
    Catholic Social Thought and Criminal Justice Reform.R. Michael Cassidy - 2018 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 15 (2):261-274.
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  38. Revenge Rights in Criminal Justice.Charles Barton - 2002 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 4 (1).
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    Neuroscience and Criminal Justice: Introduction.Jesper Ryberg - 2014 - The Journal of Ethics 18 (2):77-80.
    This special issue of The Journal of Ethics is devoted to ethical considerations of the use of neuroscience in the criminal justice system. In this introduction, an overview is provided of the different topics dealt with in the volume.
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    American Criminal Justice Exposed.Christopher Slobogin - 2012 - Criminal Justice Ethics 31 (1):42-52.
    William J. Stuntz, The Collapse of American Criminal Justice, 413 pp. William Stuntz, who recently passed away, was the most influential criminal procedu...
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  41.  13
    Criminal justice.J. Roland Pennock & John William Chapman (eds.) - 1985 - New York: New York University Press.
    This, the twenty-seventh volume in the annual series of publications by the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, features a number of distinguised contributors addressing the topic of criminal justice. Part I considers "The Moral and Metaphysical Sources of the Criminal Law," with contributions by Michael S. Moore, Lawrence Rosen, and Martin Shapiro. The four chapters in Part II all relate, more or less directly, to the issue of retribution, with papers by Hugo Adam Bedau, Michael Davis, (...)
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    Soviet Criminal Justice Evaluation in Lithuanian Immigrants Lawyers Research (article in Lithuanian).Gintaras Šapoka - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (2):455-466.
    In the history of Lithuania during the period between the two world wars, the criminal law sources were received from Russia (Criminal Statute of 1903) and adapted for the requirements of those States, where the conditions of life were notably different from those in Lithuania. The Criminal Statute of 1903 was the main criminal law source in Lithuania until 1940. Prior to the second occupation—the return of the Soviets—tens of thousands of Lithuanian citizens fled to the (...)
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    American Criminal Justice in Disarray.Stephen M. Krason - 2021 - Catholic Social Science Review 26:315-318.
    This was one of SCSS president Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appeared in and The Wanderer. At a time when there is increased discussion about the need for criminal justice reform, he points to several areas that must be addressed: overcriminalization, vagueness of laws, the decline of mens rea, too much readiness on the part of American police to arrest, excessive incarceration, and prosecutorial abuse.
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  44. Criminal justice reform in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Habsburgian Lombardy and Tuscany : Beccaria's policy memoranda in context.Antje du Bois-Pedain - 2022 - In Antje Du Bois-Pedain & Shaḥar Eldar, Re-reading Beccaria: on the contemporary significance of a penal classic. New York: Hart.
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    The Criminal Justice System and Health Care.Charles A. Erin & Suzanne Ost (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    This collection examines questions of medical accountability and ethics. It analyses how the criminal justice system regulates health care practice, and to what extent it is appropriate to use it as a tool to resolve ethical conflict in health care.
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    Criminal Justice and the Liberal State.Matt Matravers - 2022 - In Matthew C. Altman, The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Punishment. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 335-355.
    The chapter concerns the relationship between the justification of criminal law and punishment and the justification of the state. It briefly surveys the debate between retributivists and consequentialists and argues that both are inappropriate when it comes to state punishment. It next turns to arguments by Vincent Chiao, Malcolm Thorburn, and Antony Duff that locate criminal law and punishment in public law. The final parts of the chapter develop an account of criminal law and punishment as best (...)
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    Neuroethics and Criminal Justice.Jesper Ryberg & Thomas Søbir Petersen - 2016 - In Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Kimberley Brownlee & David Coady, A Companion to Applied Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 370–382.
    The aim of this chapter is to provide an introduction to a recent example of applied ethics, namely, the discussion of how and when neuroscientific knowledge and technology should be used in the work of the criminal justice system. More precisely, an overview is provided of the ethical challenges that arise from the use of brain imaging and brain interventions in the work of the guilt phase and sentencing phase of the criminal court.
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  48. Restorative justice and criminal justice: The case for parallelism.Derek R. Brookes - 2023 - The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
    Criminal justice is primarily designed to serve the public interest in relation to criminal acts. Restorative justice is designed to address the harm-related needs of individuals in the aftermath of wrongdoing. These distinct aims require such different processes and priorities that any attempt to integrate restorative justice within the criminal justice system will almost invariably undermine the quality and effectiveness of both. In this book, the author argues that the optimal relationship between the two should therefore be (...)
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    Requital and Criminal Justice.Joel Kidder - 1975 - International Philosophical Quarterly 15 (3):255-278.
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    Restorative justice: adults and emerging practice.Jane Bolitho, Jasmine Bruce & Gail Mason (eds.) - 2012 - Sydney, NSW: Institute of Criminology Press.
    Current experimentations with approaches to restorative justice for adult offenders represents a compelling new direction in the criminal justice system. This book examines the values and challenges of restorative justice for adult offenders, victims and communities. The discussion is situated within current debate, available research, and the international literature. In canvassing the structure, content, and delivery of key Australian and New Zealand restorative justice programs for adult offenders, the distinguished authors offer critical analysis of the emergence and impact of (...)
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