Results for 'Cullmann Oscar'

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  1. The Early Church: Studies in Early Christian History and Theology.Oscar Cullmann & A. J. B. Higgins - 1956
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  2. M. Arnold, cüllmann et l'or affaire lohmeyer».Oscar Cüllmann - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89:11.
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  3. The Christology of the New Testament.Oscar Cullmann - 1959
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  4. Jesus and the Revolutionaries.Oscar Cullmann, Gareth Putnam & Lloyd Gaston - 1970
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  5. Die Christologie Des Neuen Testaments.Oscar Cullmann - 1958
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  6. Le Nouveau Testament.Oscar Cullmann - 1966
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  7. Unity Through Diversity: Its Foundation, and a Contribution to the Discussion Concerning the Possibilities of Its Actualization.Oscar Cullmann & M. Eugene Boring - 1988
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  8. Quand viendra le Royaaume de Dieu.Oscar Cullmann - 1938 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 18:174-186.
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  9. Baptism in the New Testament.Oscar Cullmann & Floyd V. Filson - 1950
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  10. Les récentes études sur la formation de la tradition évangélique.Oscar Cullmann - 1925 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 5:573.
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  11. Prayer in the New Testament.Oscar Cullmann & John Bowden - 1995
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  12. Heil als Geschichte: Heilsgeschichtliche Existenz im Neuen Testament.Oscar Cullmann - 1965
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  13. The State in the New Testament.Oscar Cullmann - 1956
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    CULLMANN, Oscar, Le milieu johannique. Sa place dans le judaïsme tardif, dans le cercle des disciples de Jésus et dans le christianisme primitif. Étude sur l'origine de l'évangile de Jean.Michel Roberge - 1980 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 36 (1):108-109.
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    Cullmann, Oscar, Petrus. Jünger-Apostel-Märtirer. [REVIEW]A. Turrado - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (1):203-203.
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    Oscar cullmann and salvation history.S. J. M. R. Playoust - 1971 - Heythrop Journal 12 (1):29–43.
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  17. Oscar cullmann et l'«affaire lohmeyer»(1946-1951).Matthieu Arnold - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89 (1):11-27.
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    Oscar cullmann and salvation history.M. R. Playoust - 1971 - Heythrop Journal 12 (1):29-43.
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  19. Oscar Cullmann: un metodo, una lezione, una speranza.A. Moda - 1999 - Studium 95 (2):187-204.
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    Oscar Cullmann, Jésus et les révolutionnaires de son temps. Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1970 , 88 pages. [REVIEW]Paul-Émile Langevin - 1972 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 28 (2):194.
  21. Hommage à Oscar cullmann: Allocution à l'occasion de son 90e anniversaire (1992).Marc Lienhard - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89 (1):5-10.
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    Frisque, Jean, Oscar Cullmann, Une théologie de l’histoire du salut. [REVIEW]A. Turrado - 1961 - Augustinianum 1 (2):369-374.
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    Karl Barth, Georges Cottier, Oscar Cullmann, Léopold Malevez, Anton Vögtle, Comprendre Bultmann. Un dossier, Paris, Seuil, 1970, 192p. [REVIEW]Paul-Émile Langevin - 1973 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 29 (2):210.
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    Tempo redento: riflessioni filosofiche a partire da Oscar Cullmann.Giovanna D'Aniello - 2019 - Trapani: Il pozzo di Giacobbe.
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  25. L'unité par la diversité selon Oscar Cullmann.A. De Halleux - 1991 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 22 (4):510-523.
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  26. Neotestamentica et Patristica: Eine Freundesgabe, Herrn Professor Dr. Oscar Cullmann zu seinem 60.W. C. van Unnik - 1962
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    Ansatzpunkte für eine Theologie des Neuen Testaments bei Oscar Cullmann und Leonhard Goppelt.P. J. Gräbe - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (1/2).
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    L'unité par la diversité selon Oscar Cullmann. Un modèle d'unité.André De Halleux - 1991 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 22 (4):510-523.
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    Begegnung der Christen. Studien evangelischer und katholischer Theologen. Herausgegeben von Maximilian Roesle und Oscar Cullmann[REVIEW]A. Turrado - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (1):201-202.
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  30. Whatever Happened to Hell and Going to Heaven: Why Churches Promoting “Going to Heaven” Are Soon to Disappear (9/11/2121).Aaron Milavec - manuscript
    In my first year at the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley); I was required to read Oscar Cullmann's <b> Immortality of the Soul or the Resurrection of the Dead? </b> (1956). I was shocked and dumbfounded by what I discovered. Giving my religious instruction under the guidance of the Ursuline nuns at Holy Cross Grade School, it never entered my mind that Jesus did not believe that every person had an immortal soul that survived the death of the body. (...)
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    Millénarisme ou amillénarisme?B. Hort - 2000 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 31 (1):33-42.
    Selon la pensée théologique d’Oscar Cullmann, la victoire de Dieu est déjà complète et se manifeste de bien des manières fragmentaires durant le temps historique qui suit la première venue de Jésus et se poursuit jusqu’à la fin des temps. A propos de cette conception, nous nous posons cependant la question suivante : quelle est la signification théologique de l’aliénation humaine et de la négativité ? La théologie du « kairos » de Paul Tillich donne à la foi (...)
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    Practicing the politics of Jesus: the origin and significance of John Howard Yoder's social ethics.Earl Zimmerman - 2007 - Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press,: Cascadia Pub. House ;.
    Yoder rearranges the theological landscape -- North American Mennonite experience -- Amsterdam 1952 -- American church and society in the postwar era -- Mennonite mentors at Goshen College -- European experience and the debate about war -- A European assignment -- Relating to European Mennonite churches -- Confronting the moral question of war -- The world council of churches debate -- Doctoral studies with Barth and Cullman -- The theology of Karl Barth -- Oscar Cullmann and biblical studies (...)
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    Auferstehung des Leibes - Unsterblichkeit der Seele.Godehard Brüntrup, Matthias Rugel & Maria Schwartz (eds.) - 2010 - Kohlhammer Verlag.
    Ein zentrales Thema des christlichen Glaubens wird in diesem Textbuch von fuhrenden zeitgenossischen Philosophen und Philosophinnen beleuchtet. In systematischer Anordnung werden neben deutschsprachigen "Klassikern" und neuen Originaltexten auch einige der einflussreichsten Autoren der angelsachsischen Debatte in Ubersetzung zuganglich gemacht. Auch diese von der analytischen Philosophie gepragten Texte wurden teilweise eigens fur diesen Band geschrieben oder uberarbeitet. Die Auseinandersetzungen im kontinentaleuropaischen protestantischen und katholischen Denken um Seele, Unsterblichkeit und leibliche Auferstehung in der Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts werden hier auf lebendige und (...)
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    Semantic Working Memory Predicts Sentence Comprehension Performance: A Case Series Approach.Autumn Horne, Rachel Zahn, Oscar I. Najera & Randi C. Martin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sentence comprehension involves maintaining and continuously integrating linguistic information and, thus, makes demands on working memory. Past research has demonstrated that semantic WM, but not phonological WM, is critical for integrating word meanings across some distance and resolving semantic interference in sentence comprehension. Here, we examined the relation between phonological and semantic WM and the comprehension of center-embedded relative clause sentences, often argued to make heavy demands on WM. Additionally, we examined the relation between phonological and semantic WM and the (...)
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    Attitudes vs. Purchase Behaviors as Experienced Dissonance: The Roles of Knowledge and Consumer Orientations in Organic Market.María Hidalgo-Baz, Mercedes Martos-Partal & Óscar González-Benito - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  36. Breve ensayo sobre el derecho natural.Treviño Ríos & Oscar[From Old Catalog] - 1935 - México,: Editorial "Cvltvra".
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    The picture talk project: Aboriginal community input on consent for research.Emily F. M. Fitzpatrick, Gaynor Macdonald, Alexandra L. C. Martiniuk, June Oscar, Heather D’Antoine, Maureen Carter, Tom Lawford & Elizabeth J. Elliott - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):12.
    The consent and community engagement process for research with Indigenous communities is rarely evaluated. Research protocols are not always collaborative, inclusive or culturally respectful. If participants do not trust or understand the research, selection bias may occur in recruitment, affecting study results potentially denying participants the opportunity to provide more knowledge and greater understanding about their community. Poorly informed consent can also harm the individual participant and the community as a whole. Invited by local Aboriginal community leaders of the Fitzroy (...)
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    El ecocidio, la matabilidad inimputable de la vida y el dispositivo biopolítico de la excepción. Nuevas fronteras para el derecho como obligación.Castor Mari Martín Bartolomé Ruiz & Óscar Martín - 2023 - Universitas Philosophica 40 (80):43-64.
    En la presente investigación proponemos profundizar en el concepto de ecocidio y sus implicaciones ético-políticas, relacionándolo con los conceptos de soberanía y estado de excepción de Giorgio Agamben. El concepto de excepción, en la tradición jurídica y filosófica, está referido al ámbito de la vida de las personas y no al daño producido a la vida en la naturaleza. Sin embargo, partiendo del presupuesto de que hay una interdependencia de la vida humana con la vida de la naturaleza, se analizan (...)
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    Processual Pagans.James R. Lewis, Xinzhang Zhang & Oscar-Torjus Utaaker - 2018 - Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 9 (2):257-265.
    There is a common pattern for researchers to study one particular new religion, write a monograph or article on that specific group, and then begin the cycle all over again with a different group. This approach causes one to remember such groups as relatively stable organizations, fixed in memory at a specific stage of development, rather than as dynamic, evolving groups. In the present article, we will examine new data on contemporary Pagans that takes a quasi-longitudinal approach to survey data. (...)
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  40. El problema de la libertad y la ciencia.Oscar Miró Quesada de la Guerra - 1945 - Lima, Perú,: Librería e imprenta D. Miranda. Edited by Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias.
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    Oscar Masotta: la teoría como acción = Theory as action.Oscar Masotta - 2017 - Ciudad de México: RM Editorial. Edited by Clara Bolívar Moguel.
    Oscar Masotta (Buenos Aires, 1930- Barcelona, 1979) is all but forgotten now, except perhapsin the field of Lacanian studies. This is because in the 1970s,Masotta would challenge the master psychoanalyst on hisown turf, creating his own post-Lacanian school of psychoanalysisin Barcelona. But in 1965, aged just 27, Masottataught at the University of Buenos Aires, lectured at theDi Tella, and edited a book series on communication andmedia. A product of the newly open post-Perón era." Page 91.. This is the first (...)
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    Extractos vegetales con actividad sobre cepas mutadas de saccharomyces cerevisiae con deficiencia en el mecanismo de reparación del ADN.Jaime Niño Osorio, Paola A. Morales, N. Correa, Yaned Milena, M. Mosquera, M. Oscar & Juliana Batero - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    La república legítima y el orden político en Rousseau. Principios de composición e imagen del estado de equilibrio.Gardy Augusto Bolívar Espinoza & Óscar Cuellar Saavedra - 2008 - Polis 20.
    Este trabajo examina el Contrato social de Rousseau como exposición de los principios de derecho político de la “república legítima” (Estado), que están en la base de la comprensión de los cuerpos políticos modernos. Tomando en cuenta el campo agonístico de la teoría del contrato y de la tradición republicana en que se inserta, el interés recae en la identificación y sistematización de los principios formales que subyacen a su concepción de la república como un todo compuesto y complejo, así (...)
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    Inhibición de ADN por extractos vegetales de plantas de la ecorregión cafetera.N. Correa, Yaned Milena, Jaime Niño Osorio, M. Mosquera & M. Oscar - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Explaining and analyzing audiences: A social cognitive approach to selectivity and media use.Alexander van Deursen, Christian von Criegern, Sven Jöckel, Matthias Rickes & Oscar Peters - 2006 - Communications 31 (3):279-308.
    This study explored LaRose and Eastin's model of media attendance, within a European context. It extended the uses and gratifications paradigm within the framework of social cognitive theory by instituting new operational measures of gratifications sought, reconstructed as outcome expectations. Although the model of media attendance offers some promising steps forward in measuring media selectivity and usage, and to some extent is applicable to another context of media use, the relative importance of outcome expectancies in explaining media usage and selectivity (...)
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    Hiding Information in Theories Beyond Quantum Mechanics, and It’s Application to the Black Hole Information Problem.Markus P. Müller, Jonathan Oppenheim & Oscar C. O. Dahlsten - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (8):829-842.
    The black hole information problem provides important clues for trying to piece together a quantum theory of gravity. Discussions on this topic have generally assumed that in a consistent theory of gravity and quantum mechanics, quantum theory is unmodified. In this review, we discuss the black hole information problem in the context of generalisations of quantum theory. In this preliminary exploration, we examine black holes in the setting of generalised probabilistic theories, in which quantum theory and classical probability theory are (...)
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    (1 other version)El lugar del individuo en la era post-postmoderna. Sociedad, educación y ciudadanía tras la postmodernidad.Marc Pallarès Piquer & Óscar Chiva Bartoll - 2018 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 74 (282):835-852.
    La globalización y la era digital plantean un giro que trasciende a las realidades económica, científica, filosófica y educativa, llegando a afectar a la totalidad de la vida cotidiana. Este artículo examina en qué medida los factores históricos, culturales y sociales configuran al individuo de esta nueva era. En él se delibera sobre los condicionantes que permiten adscribirse a una era, así como aquellas circunstancias que determinan y justifican el paso de una era a la siguiente. Finalmente puede decirse que, (...)
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  48. Sistemas de información geográfica aplicados a estudios de corrosión atmosférica.Alex H. Restrepo, Carlos Botero Vega, Esteban Correa Bedoya, Félix Echeverría, Juan G. Castaño, Nixon Aristizabal & Oscar Quintero - 2007 - Scientia 13.
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    Ewald, Oscar. Kants kritischer Idealismus als Grundlage von Erkenntnistheorie und Ethik.Oscar Ewald - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
  50. Lucky Ignorance, Modality and Lack of Knowledge.Oscar A. Piedrahita - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (3).
    I argue against the Standard View of ignorance, according to which ignorance is defined as equivalent to lack of knowledge, that cases of environmental epistemic luck, though entailing lack of knowledge, do not necessarily entail ignorance. In support of my argument, I contend that in cases of environmental luck an agent retains what I call epistemic access to the relevant fact by successfully exercising her epistemic agency and that ignorance and non-ignorance, contrary to what the Standard View predicts, are not (...)
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