Results for 'Döngüsel Akıl Yürütme'

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  1.  18
    Global Modernity From Coloniality to Pandemic: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective.Hatem N. Akil & Simone Maddanu (eds.) - 2022 - Amsterdam University Press.
    This book poses questions about viewing modernity today from the vantage point of traditionally disparate disciplines engaging scholars from sociology to science, philosophy to robotics, medicine to visual culture, mathematics to cultural theory, etc., including a contribution by Alain Touraine. From coloniality to pandemic, modernity can now represent a global necessity in which awareness of human and environmental crises, injustices, and inequality would create the possibility of a modernity-to-come.
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  2. Neuroendocrine systems I: Overview, thyroid and adrenal axes.H. Akil, S. Campeau, W. E. Cullinan, R. M. Lechan, R. Toni, S. J. Watson & R. M. Moore - 1999 - In M. J. Zigmond & F. E. Bloom, Fundamental Neuroscience. pp. 1127-1150.
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    “The Religion of Muhammad”: Early Turkish Republican Ideology and the Official View of Islam in 1930s History Textbooks.Akile Zorlu Durukan - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (41):22-51.
    Shifts to structurally new political formations or at times even governmental changes usually engender new representations of the past. This process generally involves the creation of official national histories or revisions to the existing narratives. These histories are ultimately tied to collective memory engineering and identity building to legitimize the new political formations and to ensure loyalty to them. Public education mostly provides a vital channel for the dissemination and the validation of the collective memory sanctioned by the ruling elite. (...)
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  4. Tasseography: Reading Post-Racial Resistance to Teaching.Akil Houston - 2011 - Philosophical Studies in Education 42:76 - 87.
  5. It is the lifetime that matters: public preferences over maximising health and reducing inequalities in health.Paul Dolan & Akil Tsuchiya - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):571-573.
    Scarce healthcare resources can be allocated in many ways. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence in the UK focuses on the size of the benefit relative to costs, yet we know that there is support among clinicians and the general public for reducing inequalities in health. This paper shows how the UK general public trade-off these sometimes competing objectives, and the data we gather allow us to show the weight given to different population groups, for example, 1 extra (...)
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    Cognitive Control as a 5-HT1A-Based Domain That Is Disrupted in Major Depressive Disorder.Scott A. Langenecker, Brian J. Mickey, Peter Eichhammer, Srijan Sen, Kathleen H. Elverman, Susan E. Kennedy, Mary M. Heitzeg, Saulo M. Ribeiro, Tiffany M. Love, David T. Hsu, Robert A. Koeppe, Stanley J. Watson, Huda Akil, David Goldman, Margit Burmeister & Jon-Kar Zubieta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:441648.
    Heterogeneity within MDD has hampered identification of biological markers (e.g., intermediate phenotypes, IPs) that might increase risk for the disorder or reflect closer links to the genes underlying the disease process. The newer characterizations of dimensions of MDD within Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) domains may align well with the goal of defining IPs. We compare a sample of 25 individuals with MDD compared to 29 age and education matched controls in multimodal assessment. The multimodal RDoC assessment included the primary IP (...)
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    Altered choroid plexus gene expression in major depressive disorder.Cortney A. Turner, Robert C. Thompson, William E. Bunney, Alan F. Schatzberg, Jack D. Barchas, Richard M. Myers, Huda Akil & Stanley J. Watson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  8. The treasures of Ksar'Akil.J. Franklin Ewing - 1949 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 24 (2):255-288.
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  9. Koncasinda Koparilmiş Akil: Kadin Haklarinin Gerekçelendirilmesinde Özgürlük Ve Eğitim.Sandrine Berges - 2011 - Felsefe Tartismalari 46:18-38.
    This paper focuses on what Mary Astell and Mary Wollstonecraft had to say about women's condition of subservience in the 18th century. While both philosophers held that education played a central role in women's freedom, there were some significant differences in their outlooks. I will try to understand Astell's arguments in the light of Wollstonecraft's subtle and perceptive analysis of oppression. I will further suggest that Wollstonecraft's own account is closely related to Amartya Sen's discussion of adaptive preferences and indeed (...)
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  10. Khramy sveta Khaĭakil al-nur.Yaḥyá ibn Ḥabash Suhrawardī - 2012 - Dushanbe: Irfon. Edited by I︠A︡. K. Odinaev & Rizokhaĭdari Nuri.
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    Vi. di̇n felsefesi̇ atölye çalişmasi: Akil ve i̇man.Aydoğan Hüseyin - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (31):249-249.
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    Glaube und Vernunft in Christentum und Islam: internationales Symposion mit der Islamisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Ankara, 22.-23.10.2010 = Islam ve Hiristiyanlik'ta Akil ve Iman: Ankara Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fakültesi ile ortaklasa düzenlenen Uluslararasi Sempozyum, 22.-23.10.2010 = Faith and Reason in Christianity and Islam.Richard Heinzmann & Muallâ Selçuk (eds.) - 2017 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Das Spannungsfeld "Glaube und Vernunft" ist eine Kernfrage sowohl christlicher als auch muslimischer Theologie. Bereits in den Offenbarungsschriften selbst wird ansatzweise die Frage diskutiert, inwieweit die Vernunft eine eigenstandige Quelle der Gotteserkenntnis und eine kritische Instanz fur die Prufung der Glaubenswahrheiten ist. Beide Weltreligionen rezipieren von ihren Anfangen Werke und Gedanken der griechischen Philosophie. Umstritten bleibt die Reichweite der Vernunft in Glaubensfragen, besonders bei Themen wie Freiheit und Gehorsam, Allmacht Gottes und Wahrheitsanspruche anderer Religionen. In den gegenwartigen, weltanschaulich pluralen Diskursen (...)
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    The Role of The Madhhij Tribe in The Karbala İncident.Emre Çetin & Bilal Gök - 2025 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2):227-242.
    One of the most tragic events throughout Islamic history is undoubtedly the Karbala disaster. The murder of Hussein and his family members by the Umayyad forces in Karbala went down in history as a tragedy that left deep scars not only during the time it occurred but also afterwards. This tragic event had a great impact in the Islamic world and led to important political and religious consequences. At every stage of the Karbala incident, the activities of Madhhij came to (...)
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    Éloge de la philosophie: roman, théâtre, leçons.Alain Badiou - 2023 - Paris: Flammarion.
    Dans ce livre, la philosophie n'est pas présentée essentiellement comme doctrine ou comme système, mais comme transmission, mouvement, école. Le philosophe n'est pas un solitaire, il est inséparable de ses élèves, de ses disciples, de ses adversaires. Il ne parvient qu'en fin de course aux formes écrites et stables de son œuvre. On a donc finalement affaire plus à un théâtre qu'à un traité, plus à des dialogues qu'à des monologues, plus à un cours qu'à un livre. Le modèle évident (...)
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    Tecsîm ve Teşbîh İçerdiği İddiasıyla Bişr el-Merīsī Taraftarlarının Tartışma Konusu Yaptığı Bazı Hadisler.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1401-1423.
    Bişr el-Merîsî taraftarları ile Osman ed-Dârimî arasında burada tartışma konusu yapılan hadisler haberî sıfatları konu alan ve müşkil nitelikte olan rivayetlerden oluşmaktadır. Bu rivayetleri genelde Bişr el-Merîsî ve taraftarlarının tecsîm ve teşbîh içerdiği iddiasıyla münker kabul ettikleri görülmektedir. Ehl-i re’y özellikleri taşımakla birlikte ilahî sıfatlar konusunda Mu’tezilî bir anlayışa sahip olduklarından tenzih anlayışları gereği sıfatları reddetmektedirler. Yaratılmışlara ait niteliklerin yaratıcıya nisbet edilmesini tenzîh anlayışlarına aykırı gördüklerinden bu tür müşkil rivayetleri ya kendi anlayışları doğrultusunda te’vîl ya da reddettikleri gözlenmektedir. Sert bir (...)
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