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David Evans [49]Donald Evans [28]D. Luther Evans [23]David M. Evans [14]
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  1.  21
    An Introductory Dictionary of Lacanian Psychoanalysis.Dylan Evans - 1996 - Routledge.
    Jacques Lacan's thinking revolutionised the theory and practice of psychoanalysis and had a major impact in fields as diverse as film studies, literary criticism, feminist theory and philosophy. Yet his writings are notorious for their complexity and idiosyncratic style. Emphasising the clinical basis of Lacan's work, _An Introductory Dictionary of Lacanian Psychoanalysis_ is an ideal companion to his ideas for readers in every discipline where his influence is felt. The _Dictionary _features: * over 200 entries, explaining Lacan's own terminology and (...)
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  2.  43
    What we say and what we do: The relationship between real and hypothetical moral choices.Oriel FeldmanHall, Dean Mobbs, Davy Evans, Lucy Hiscox, Lauren Navrady & Tim Dalgleish - 2012 - Cognition 123 (3):434-441.
  3. (1 other version)Emotion: the science of sentiment.Dylan Evans - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Was love invented by European poets in the middle ages, as C. S. Lewis claimed, or is it part of human nature? Will winning the lottery really make you happy? Is it possible to build robots that have feelings? These are just some of the intriguing questions explored in this new guide to the latest thinking about the emotions. Drawing on a wide range of scientific research, from anthropology and psychology to neuroscience and artificial intelligence, Emotion: The Science of Sentiment (...)
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  4.  35
    Conversation as Planned Behavior.Jerry R. Hobbs & David Andreoff Evans - 1980 - Cognitive Science 4 (4):349-377.
    In this paper, planning models developed in artificial intelligence are applied to the kind of planning that must be carried out by participants in a conversation. A planning mechanism is defined, and a short fragment of a free‐flowing videotaped conversation is described. The bulk of the paper is then devoted to an attempt to understand the conversation in terms of the planning mechanism. This microanalysis suggests ways in which the planning mechanism must be augmented, and reveals several important conversational phenomena (...)
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  5. Sexual Citizenship the Material Construction of Sexualities.David T. Evans - 1993
  6.  38
    A decent proposal: ethical review of clinical research.Donald Evans - 1996 - New York, N.Y.: Wiley. Edited by Martyn Evans.
    A Decent Proposal: Ethical Review of Clinical Research Donald Evans and Martyn Evans Centre for Philosophy and Health Care University of Wales Swansea, UK The investigation and development of modern medicines and medical technology can create numerous ethical dilemmas both for clinical researchers and research ethics committees. A Decent Proposal: Ethical Review of Clinical Research seeks to facilitate and encourage good clinical research by exploring the concerns, responsibilities, general issues and particular pitfalls associated with ethical aspects of research. It provides (...)
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  7. (1 other version)The search hypothesis of emotions.Dylan Evans - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (4):497-509.
    Many philosophers and psychologists now argue that emotions play a vital role in reasoning. This paper explores one particular way of elucidating how emotions help reason which may be dubbed ?the search hypothesis of emotion?. After outlining the search hypothesis of emotion and dispensing with a red herring that has marred previous statements of the hypothesis, I discuss two alternative readings of the search hypothesis. It is argued that the search hypothesis must be construed as an account of what emotions (...)
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  8.  37
    Current Emotion Research in Health Behavior Science.David M. Williams & Daniel R. Evans - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (3):277-287.
    In the past two to three decades health behavior scientists have increasingly emphasized affect-related concepts (including, but not limited to emotion) in their attempts to understand and facilitate change in important health behaviors, such as smoking, eating, physical activity, substance abuse, and sex. This article provides a narrative review of this burgeoning literature, including relevant theory and research on affective response (e.g., hedonic response to eating and drug use), incidental affect (e.g., work-related stress as a determinant of alcohol use), affect (...)
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  9. Open and Inclusive: Fair processes for financing universal health coverage.Elina Dale, David B. Evans, Unni Gopinathan, Christoph Kurowski, Ole Frithjof Norheim, Trygve Ottersen & Alex Voorhoeve - 2023 - Washington, DC: World Bank.
    This World Bank Report offers a new conception of fair decision processes in health financing. It argues that such procedural fairness can contribute to fairer outcomes, strengthen the legitimacy of decision processes, build trust in authorities, and promote the sustainability of reforms on the path to health coverage for all.
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  10.  51
    An activist's argument that participant values should guide risk–benefit ratio calculations in HIV cure research.David Evans - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (2):100-103.
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  11.  46
    ℵ0-categorical structures with a predimension.David M. Evans - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 116 (1-3):157-186.
    We give an axiomatic framework for the non-modular simple 0-categorical structures constructed by Hrushovski. This allows us to verify some of their properties in a uniform way, and to show that these properties are preserved by iterations of the construction.
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  12. Emotion, Evolution, and Rationality.Dylan Evans & Pierre Cruse (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press.
    Do our emotions stop us being rational? For thousands of years, emotions have been thought of as obstacles to intelligent thought. This view has been challenged in recent years by both philosophers and scientists. In this groundbreaking book, the first of its kind, leading thinkers from philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience challenge this commonly held view of emotion in a series of fascinating and challenging essays.
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  13.  67
    Supersimple ω-categorical groups and theories.David Evans & Frank Wagner - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):767-776.
    An ω-categorical supersimple group is finite-by-abelian-by-finite, and has finite SU-rank. Every definable subgroup is commensurable with an acl( $\emptyset$ )-definable subgroup. Every finitely based regular type in a CM-trivial ω-categorical simple theory is non-orthogonal to a type of SU-rank 1. In particular, a supersimple ω-categorical CM-trivial theory has finite SU-rank.
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  14.  75
    The investigation of life-threatening child abuse and Munchausen syndrome by proxy.D. Evans - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (1):9-13.
    The use of covert video surveillance in the investigation of suspected life-threatening child abuse and Munchausen syndrome by proxy raises important ethical questions. That the recently reported provision of this facility in North Staffordshire was not presented to a Local Research Ethics Committee (LREC) for approval as a research exercise raises important questions about the ethical review of research and practice. The case made for avoiding such review is first set out and then examined. The three main premisses which form (...)
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  15.  11
    Why Should We Care?Donald Evans (ed.) - 1990 - New York: Macmillan Press, Scientific & Medical.
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  16. Normative consent and presumed consent for organ donation: a critique.M. Potts, J. L. Verheijde, M. Y. Rady & D. W. Evans - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8):498-499.
    Ben Saunders claims that actual consent is not necessary for organ donation due to ‘normative consent’, a concept he borrows from David Estlund. Combining normative consent with Peter Singer's ‘greater moral evil principle’, Saunders argues that it is immoral for an individual to refuse consent to donate his or her organs. If a presumed consent policy were thus adopted, it would be morally legitimate to remove organs from individuals whose wishes concerning donation are not known. This paper disputes Saunders' arguments. (...)
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  17. Free will in a mechanistic universe?P. T. Landsberg & D. A. Evans - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (4):343-358.
  18.  40
    On the automorphism groups of finite covers.David M. Evans & Ehud Hrushovski - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62 (2):83-112.
    We are concerned with identifying by how much a finite cover of an 0-categorical structure differs from a sequence of free covers. The main results show that this is measured by automorphism groups which are nilpotent-by-abelian. In the language of covers, these results say that every finite cover can be decomposed naturally into linked, superlinked and free covers. The superlinked covers arise from covers over a different base, and to describe this properly we introduce the notion of a quasi-cover.These results (...)
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  19. The Logic of Self-Involvement.Donald D. Evans - 1963 - Scm Press.
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  20.  98
    Can Philosophers Limit What Mystics Can Do? A Critique of Steven Katz.Donald Evans - 1989 - Religious Studies 25 (1):53 - 60.
    Some philosophers such as Ninian Smart have claimed that mystics from different religious traditions may sometimes have the same experience , while nevertheless giving different and tradition-bound descriptive reports of that experience. In two important essays, Steven Katz has challenged such a claim. Mystics from different religious traditions do not have the same experience.
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  21.  36
    Time, space and form: Necessary for causation in health, disease and intervention?David W. Evans, Nicholas Lucas & Roger Kerry - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):207-213.
    Sir Austin Bradford Hill’s ‘aspects of causation’ represent some of the most influential thoughts on the subject of proximate causation in health and disease. Hill compiled a list of features that, when present and known, indicate an increasing likelihood that exposure to a factor causes—or contributes to the causation of—a disease. The items of Hill’s list were not labelled ‘criteria’, as this would have inferred every item being necessary for causation. Hence, criteria that are necessary for causation in health, disease (...)
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  22. The conflict of the faculties and the knowledge industry: Kant's diagnosis, in his time and ours.David Evans - 2008 - Philosophy 83 (4):483-495.
    Kant's short essay is a reflection on the contemporary structure of academic studies; he examines this structure in terms of the functions of the State and of the Universities which form part of it. His analysis links the empirical facts with conceptual distinctions, in ways that are familiar from his more general and abstract philosophy. His main aim is to ground a distinction between legitimate and illegitimate ways in which different Faculties of the University may approach intellectual issues that are (...)
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  23.  33
    Counterexamples to a conjecture on relative categoricity.David M. Evans & P. R. Hewitt - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 46 (2):201-209.
  24.  87
    Bifurcations and the Emergence of L2 Syntactic Structures in a Complex Dynamic System.D. Reid Evans & Diane Larsen-Freeman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25.  60
    The geometry of Hrushovski constructions, I: The uncollapsed case.David M. Evans & Marco S. Ferreira - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (6):474-488.
    An intermediate stage in Hrushovski’s construction of flat strongly minimal structures in a relational language L produces ω-stable structures of rank ω. We analyze the pregeometries given by forking on the regular type of rank ω in these structures. We show that varying L can affect the isomorphism type of the pregeometry, but not its finite subpregeometries. A sequel will compare these to the pregeometries of the strongly minimal structures.
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  26.  93
    Covert video surveillance -- a response to Professor Southall and Dr. Samuels.D. Evans - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (1):29-31.
    In their reply to my recent paper on Munchausen's syndrome by proxy, Professor Southall and Dr. Samuels concede that some things may be learned from my observations. They do not attend to the main argument of the paper, however, that the proportion of research interest in their use of covert video surveillance merits consideration of the research protocol by an independent research ethics committee. It will not do simply to assert that the use of this technology for the purposes outlined (...)
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  27.  47
    Moral Weakness.Donald Evans - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (193):295 - 310.
    Discussions of moral weakness in recent and even not so recent ethics have generally neglected large areas of the moral life. In some cases, it may be argued, such neglect has been accidental in that the philosopher or philosophers concerned have set out to examine problems thrown up by a class or classes of actions without purporting to present an exhaustive account of moral weakness. In other cases such neglect is pernicious in that if not designed to protect a certain (...)
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  28.  36
    Infant Heart Transplantation after Cardiac Death: Ethical and Legal Problems.Michael Potts, Paul A. Byrne & David W. Evans - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (3):224-228.
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  29.  60
    The geometry of Hrushovski constructions, II. The strongly minimal case.David M. Evans & Marco S. Ferreira - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):337-349.
    We investigate the isomorphism types of combinatorial geometries arising from Hrushovski's flat strongly minimal structures and answer some questions from Hrushovski's original paper.
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  30.  16
    Health care ethics: a pattern for learning.D. Evans - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (3):127-131.
    The British Medical Association (BMA) has called upon the General Medical Council (GMC) to instruct all medical schools to provide identifiable and substantial courses on medical ethics in their undergraduate curricula. The author reviews a postgraduate scheme of study in the ethics of health-care and suggests that it could provide some useful guidelines for teaching the subject at the undergraduate level.
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  31.  25
    Theatre of Deferral: The Image of the Law and the Architecture of the Inns of Court.David Evans - 1999 - Law and Critique 10 (1):1-25.
    This article addresses the architecture of the Inns of Court, the home of the Common Law. The approach taken, however, rejects an approach that would reduce the Inns to a roster of historical details and laudatory description. Instead, the Inns are seen, if not actually felt, as the embodiment of the “original” ground of law. This experience is revealed through a three-stage discovery process that situates the Inns within the medieval context of symbol and ritual as informed by Turner’s concept (...)
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  32.  82
    Ample dividing.David M. Evans - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (4):1385-1402.
    We construct a stable one-based, trivial theory with a reduct which is not trivial. This answers a question of John B. Goode. Using this, we construct a stable theory which is n-ample for all natural numbers n, and does not interpret an infinite group.
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  33.  48
    Some Remarks on Generic Structures.David M. Evans & Mark Wing Ho Wong - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1143-1154.
    We show that the N₀-categorical structures produced by Hrushovski's predimension construction with a control function fit neatly into Shelah's $SOP_n $ hierarchy: if they are not simple, then they have SOP₃ and NSOP₄. We also show that structures produced without using a control function can be undecidable and have SOP.
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  34.  31
    (1 other version)The Form of Causation in Health, Disease and Intervention: Biopsychosocial Dispositionalism, Conserved Quantity Transfers and Dualist Mechanistic Chains.David W. Evans, Nicholas Lucas & Roger Kerry - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy: A European Journal 20 (3):353-363.
    Causation is important when considering how an organism maintains health, why disease arises in a healthy person, and how one may intervene to change the course of a disease. This paper explores the form of causative relationships in health, disease and intervention, with particular regard to the pathological and biopsychosocial models. Consistent with the philosophical view of dispositionalism, we believe that objects are the fundamental relata of causation. By accepting the broad scope of the biopsychosocial model, we argue that psychological (...)
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  35.  35
    Criteria For the Fairness of Health Financing Decisions: A Scoping Review.Elina Dale, Elizabeth Peacocke, Espen Movik, Alex Voorhoeve, Trygve Ottersen, Ole Frithjof Norheim, Christoph Kurowski, Unni Gopinathan & David B. Evans - 2023 - Health Policy and Planning 38 (1):i13–i35.
    Due to constraints on institutional capacity and financial resources, the road to universal health coverage (UHC) involves difficult policy choices. To assist with these choices, scholars and policy makers have done extensive work on criteria to assess the substantive fairness of health financing policies: their impact on the distribution of rights, duties, benefits and burdens on the path towards UHC. However, less attention has been paid to the procedural fairness of health financing decisions. The Accountability for Reasonableness Framework (A4R), which (...)
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  36. Argumenty platońskie.David Evans - 1998 - Ruch Filozoficzny 55 (1):15-29.
    D. Evans, Argumenty platońskie, transl. Zbigniew Nerczuk.
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  37.  68
    Seeking an ethical and legal way of procuring transplantable organs from the dying without further attempts to redefine human death.David Wainwright Evans - 2007 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2:11.
    Because complex organs taken from unequivocally dead people are not suitable for transplantation, human death has been redefined so that it can be certified at some earlier stage in the dying process and thereby make viable organs available without legal problems. Redefinitions based on concepts of.
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  38.  32
    Simplicity of the automorphism groups of some Hrushovski constructions.David M. Evans, Zaniar Ghadernezhad & Katrin Tent - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (1):22-48.
  39. Nietzsche and Rée: A Star Friendship (review).Daw-Nay N. R. Evans - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (4):672-673.
    Daw-Nay N. R. Evans - Nietzsche and Rée: A Star Friendship - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.4 672-673 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Daw-Nay N. R. Evans, Jr. DePaul University Robin Small. Nietzsche and Rée: A Star Friendship. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005. Pp. xxiv + 247. Cloth, $45.00. Nietzsche attracts a wide range of scholarly enthusiasts. There are those who take Nietzsche seriously as a philosopher and study his (...)
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  40.  24
    Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health: Undermining Public Health, Facilitating Reproductive Coercion.Aziza Ahmed, Dabney P. Evans, Jason Jackson, Benjamin Mason Meier & Cecília Tomori - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):485-489.
    Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health continues a trajectory of U.S. Supreme Court jurisprudence that undermines the normative foundation of public health — the idea that the state is obligated to provide a robust set of supports for healthcare services and the underlying social determinants of health. Dobbs furthers a longstanding ideology of individual responsibility in public health, neglecting collective responsibility for better health outcomes. Such an ideology on individual responsibility not only enables a shrinking of public health infrastructure for reproductive (...)
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  41. Aristotle on the Relation between Art and Science.David Evans - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 10:21-30.
    Aristotle assigns positive value to artistry and its skills, placing them below science but nearby. Fuller content for this view of art can be garnered from his technical treatises, especially the accounts of rhetoric and dialectic, where the subjectivity imported by the role of audiences is explored with subtlety. These ideas have influence on later philosophy of aesthetics and of technology, and they need to be pondered by those engaged in current debate in these areas.
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  42.  30
    Finite covers with finite kernels.David M. Evans - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 88 (2-3):109-147.
    We are concerned with the following problem. Suppose Γ and Σ are closed permutation groups on infinite sets C and W and ρ: Γ → Σ is a non-split, continuous epimorphism with finite kernel. Describe the possibilities for ρ. Here, we consider the case where ρ arises from a finite cover π: C → W. We give reasonably general conditions on the permutation structure W;Σ which allow us to prove that these covers arise in two possible ways. The first way, (...)
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  43. Free will in a mechanistic universe? An extension.D. A. Evans & P. T. Landsberg - 1972 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 23 (4):336-343.
  44.  29
    Magnesium Flares in the Night Sky.David J. Evans - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (1):163-179.
  45. Moral Responsibility in the Holocaust: A Study in the Ethics of Character.David Evans - 2001 - Mind 110 (438):485-488.
  46.  81
    Ancient and Modern Dialectic.David Evans - 1991 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 33:39-53.
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  47. Procuring gametes for research and therapy.D. Evans - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (5):261-264.
  48. Dialogue and Dialectic.David Evans - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 10:61-65.
    Plato wrote dialogues, and he praised dialectic, or conversation, as a suitable style for fruitful philosophical investigation. His works are great literature; and nodoubt this quality derives much from their form as dialogues. They also have definite philosophical content; and an important part of this content is their dialecticalepistemology. Dialectic is part of the content of Plato's philosophy. Can we reconcile this content with his literary style? I shall examine and sharpen the sense of this problem by referring to four (...)
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  49. Commentary on the UNESCO IBC report on respect for vulnerability and personal integrity: (Article 8 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights).Donald Evans - 2012 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 5 (2):170-173.
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  50. (1 other version)Thought Paper”: The Role of Social Capital in Frontier Capital Markets# 8:“Conclusions and a New Start.Jana Shakarian & Daniel Evans - manuscript
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