D. S. Levene [9]D. Levene [1]
  1.  43
    Polybius on 'seeing' and 'hearing': 12.27.D. Levene - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55 (02):627-629.
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  2.  45
    History, Metahistory, and Audience Response in Livy 45.D. S. Levene - 2006 - Classical Antiquity 25 (1):73-108.
    The paper studies Livy's account in Book 45 of the aftermath of Aemilius Paullus' conquest of Macedon employing two interpretative methods, both common in recent studies of historians. The first is “metahistory,” in other words interpreting events within a historical narrative as commenting covertly on the genre of history and on the work as an example of that genre. The second is seeing how internal audiences provide a guide for the reader's interpretation. These, though theoretically independent, are in practice often (...)
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    H. C. Gotoff: Cicero's Caesarian Speeches: a Stylistic Commentary. Pp. xlvi+309. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1993. Cased, $43.95 (Paper, $15.35).D. S. Levene - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):208-209.
  4.  59
    Sallust's Catiline and Cato the Censor.D. S. Levene - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (01):170-.
    That Sallust owed a considerable debt to the writings of Cato the Censor was observed in antiquity, and the observation has often been discussed and expanded on by modern scholars. The ancient references to Sallust's employment of Cato are mainly in the context of his adoption of an archaic style, and specifically Catonian vocabulary. But the choice of Cato as a model had an obvious significance that went beyond the purely stylistic. Sallust's works articulate extreme pessimism at the moral state (...)
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    C. Schäublin: Marcus Tullius Cicero, Über die Wahrsagung. De Divinatione, Lateinisch-deutsch. Herausgegeben, übersetzt und erläutert. (Sammlung Tusculanum.) Pp. 420. Munich and Zurich: Artemis and Winkler, 1991. Cased, DM 68. [REVIEW]D. S. Levene - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (1):167-167.
  6.  61
    Livy VI - C. S. Kraus: Livy, Ab Urbe Condita Book VI. (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics). Pp. x+356; 1 map. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Cased, £40/$64.95 (Paper, £14.95/$22.95). [REVIEW]D. S. Levene - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):48-50.
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    P. G. Walsh: Livy Book XXXVII : Edited with an Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Pp. xi + 212; 4 maps. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1992. £35. [REVIEW]D. S. Levene - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (2):429-430.
  8. Jakob Andersson. Kingship in the Early Mesopotamian Onomasticon 2800–2200 b. c. e. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Semitica Upsaliensia, 28. Up-psala: Uppsala University Library, 2012. Pp. xxxix, 440. SEK 392 (pb.). ISBN 978-91-554-8270-1. [REVIEW]S. Bartsch O'Gorman, S. M. Goldberg, E. Paratore, N. P. Miller, P. V. Jones, D. S. Levene, R. Martin, R. Syme, J. Ginsburg & C. Pelling - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (1):149-154.
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