Results for 'D. Negro'

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  1.  49
    La teología política de Thomas Hobbes.D. Negro - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13 (1):229.
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  2. Soul and corporeal dimension in the Aristotelian conception of immortality.G. Negro - 1998 - Gregorianum 79 (4):719-742.
    La conception selon laquelle l'âme est la forme d'un sujet corporel semble rendre impossible pour Aristote d'admettre la survie de l'âme humaine. En fait, si la mort est aliénation de l'âme par rapport au corps, elle implique la perte de l'identité individuelle et l'âme qui survit devient une forme sans son sujet, ce qui est impossible dans le système d'Aristote. L'article rappelle qu'une distinction doit être faite entre le corps et la matière: la matière est le principe de multiplicité des (...)
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  3. The Negro and Southern Politics: A Chapter of Florida History.H. D. Price - 1961 - Science and Society 25 (1):74-75.
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    Venetian Drawings XIV-XVII CenturiesJohn Singleton CopleyRufino TamayoJuan Gris: His Life and WorkFlemish Drawings XV-XVI CenturiesGuernicaThe Prints of Joan MiroHorace Pippin: A Negro Painter in AmericaGiovanni SegantiniSpanish Drawings XV-XIX Centuries.Graziano D'Albanella, James Thomas Flexner, Robert Goldwater, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Juan Gris, Andre Leclerc, Pablo Picasso, Selden Rodman, Gottardo Segantini, Jose Gomez Sicre, Walter Ueberwasser, Robert Spreng, Bruno Adriani, C. Ludwig Brumme, Alec Miller, Jacques Schnier, Louis Slobodkin, Richard F. French, Simon L. Millner, Edward A. Armstrong, Alfred H. Barr Jr, E. K. Brown, R. O. Dunlop, Walter Pach, Robert Ethridge Moore, Alexander Romm, H. Ruhemann, Hans Tietze, R. H. Wilenski, D. Bartling, W. K. Wimsatt Jr, Samuel Johnson & Leo Stein - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):205.
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    Dr. Benjamin Rush and the Negro.Donald J. D'Elia - 1969 - Journal of the History of Ideas 30 (3):413.
  6.  28
    Come distinguere scienza e non-scienza – Verificabilità, falsificabilità e confermabilità bayesiana.Carlo Dalla Pozza & Antonio Negro - 2017 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    Uno dei principali scopi della riflessione filosofica sulla scienza è quello di formulare un criterio in grado di distinguere le scienze empiriche non solo dalle scienze formali (logica e matematica), ma anche e soprattutto dalle non-scienze, come la metafisica, la teologia, la religione, il mito e la pseudoscienza. Il problema della demarcazione è emerso con forza nei dibattiti sulle aspirazioni scientifiche di discipline come la psicoanalisi o la parapsicologia, ed è tornato recentemente di grande attualità anche per le sue importanti (...)
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    The Missteps Of Anti-Imperialist Reason.John D. French - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (1):107-128.
    Are African and African-American Studies, as defined and practiced in the USA, tools of US cultural imperialism? Are discussions of race, racial inequality or racial oppression in other societies, when carried out by North Americans, to be viewed as `brutal ethnocentric intrusions'? These are among the central propositions of a vigorous polemic by two French sociologists, Pierre Bourdieu and Loïc Wacquant, in a 1999 article entitled `On the Cunning of Imperialist Reason'. As proof, Bourdieu and Wacquant call attention to the (...)
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    From Savage to Negro: Anthropology and the Construction of Race, 1896-1954. Lee D. Baker.John Jackson Jr - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):855-855.
  9.  22
    L'idée d'une philosophie négro-africaine.Marcien Towa - 1979 - Yaoundé: Editions CLE.
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    Addressing the Legacy of the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee: Optimal Health in Health Care Reform Philosophy.Rueben C. Warren, Luther S. Williams & Wylin D. Wilson - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (6):496-500.
    This article is guided by principles and practices of bioethics and public health ethics focused on health care reform within the context of promoting Optimal Health. The Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care is moving beyond the traditions of bioethics to incorporate public health ethics and Optimal Health. It is imperative to remember the legacy of the ill-fated research entitled Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male. Human participant research and health care (...)
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  11.  38
    Evaluation of the Book "Black Rage: The Rebellion of Negro Slaves in the Medieval Islamic World (869-883)".Mehmet Deri - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (1):192-196.
    Prof. Dr. Mustafa Demirci's monograph "Black Rage: The Rebellion of Negro Slaves in the Medieval Islamic World (869-883)" on the 'Zanj rebellion' that took place between 869-883 A.D., during the Abbasid period, and was led by the Ali b. Muhammad, is one of the most important studies both in terms of its subject matter and the author's approach and perspective on the subject. The study, which was prepared with a rich academic literature using basic sources and modern research on (...)
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    Book Review:Race Relations: Adjustment of Whites and Negroes in the United States. Willis D. Weatherford, Charles S. Johnson. [REVIEW]Alain Locke - 1935 - International Journal of Ethics 45 (4):481-.
  13. Gysin . The Grotesque in American Negro Fiction. Jean Toomer, Richard Wright and Ralph Ellison. [REVIEW]Michel Fabre - 1981 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 59 (3):744-745.
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    La justice et la répartition fiscale dans l'économie politique de John Rawls: actualisation d'une préoccupation en Afrique: essai.Amané Célestin Dago - 2017 - Nantes: Éditions Amalthée.
    L'impôt sous son angle colonial en Afrique était perçu comme un instrument de pression, d'oppression et d'appauvrissement du citoyen contribuable par l'impôt dit, de capitation. Ce lourd passé historique pèse encore sur les systèmes fiscaux d'Afrique et d'ailleurs, systèmes au sein desquels les citoyens se sentent encore victimes parce que spoliés de leurs biens par les puissances publiques. Dans cet ouvrage, Docteur Célestin Amané DAGO propose un changement de paradigme du système de la fiscalité à travers la philosophie politique normative (...)
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    L’exercice de la critique en art écologique.Benjamin Arnault - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):67-75.
    Le Manifeste du rio Negro (in Journal du rio Negro, 1978-2014) est l’un des premiers textes majeurs publiés en France au sujet de l’art écologique. Quoique d’un impact limité lors de sa diffusion, il est désormais repris et commenté par les acteurs de l’art contemporain. Dans ce texte, Pierre Restany s’inquiète de la relation art-nature, une fois n’est pas coutume. À partir de notre lecture de son journal, nous interrogeons les gestes des successeurs de Restany. Depuis l’émergence de (...)
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    Overtones: A Collage.Paul Youngquist - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):133-139.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Overtones:A CollagePaul Youngquist (bio)Mom leans against the keyboard of the old upright piano in the den. She puckers her lips and gently fingers the valves. A couple of times a month, she frees her trumpet from the purple velveteen lining its case—out of love or frustration I can never tell. She stares hard at the bell, pointed somewhere near my feet. She inhales deeply, pressing the silver mouthpiece to (...)
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    Left of #MeToo.Heather Berg - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):259.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 259 Heather Berg Left of #MeToo In her 1949 call to “End the Neglect of the Problems of the Negro Woman!” Claudia Jones tells the story of Dora Jones, a Black domestic worker enslaved for forty years by her employer.1 Elizabeth Ingalls, a wealthy white woman, had traveled to Dora Jones’s Alabama home as a missionary teacher (...)
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    (1 other version)Non-humans in the Zhuangzi: Animalism and anti-anthropocentrism.Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (1):1-18.
    Some argue that animals and non-human figures in the Zhuangzi help displace the significance of humans. According to others the Zhuangzi suggests a certain time of ‘animalism,’ asking us to be more like various types of fauna and flora that do not share our self-centeredness. In this paper the use of non-human characters in the Zhuangzi will be examined through a survey of traditional Chinese commentary, comparisons with the Lunyu, and placing the use of non-human characters within the larger context (...)
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  19. Imagery and consciousness: A theoretical review from an individual differences perspective.D. F. Marks - 1977 - Journal of Mental Imagery 1:275-90.
  20.  11
    L'aurore de la philosophie négro-africaine du XXe siècle: oeuvres, clés, analyse.Auguy Makey - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    "Dans cet ouvrage, L'aurore de la philosophie négro-africaine du XXe siècle, OEuvres, clés, analyse, Auguy Makey présente et analyse les essais les plus représentatifs de la production philosophique négro-africaine du siècle dernier. L'Occident, dans ses multiples Histoire de la philosophie, ne mentionne pas les textes africains. Ignorance ou mépris? Le bilan sur la philosophie africaine du XXe siècle serait-il vide? Négatif? Non. Le débat philosophique africain, quoi que disent certains censeurs à l'esprit obtus, est, en tous points de vue, fécond, (...)
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  21. Individuation and instance ontology.D. W. Mertz - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (1):45 – 61.
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    Assent in paediatric research: theoretical and practical considerations.D. S. Wendler - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (4):229-234.
    Guidelines around the world require children to provide assent for their participation in most research studies. Yet, little further guidance is provided on how review committees should implement this requirement, including which children are capable of providing assent and when the requirement for assent may be waived on the grounds that the research offers participating children the potential for important clinical benefit. The present paper argues that the assent requirement is supported by the importance of allowing children who are capable (...)
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    The Problem of Cratylus.D. J. Allan - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (3):271.
  24. Avicenna's theory of primary mixture: Abraham D. stone.Abraham D. Stone - 2008 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 18 (1):99-119.
    Ancient Peripatetics and Neoplatonists had great difficulty coming up with a consistent, interpretatively reasonable, and empirically adequate Aristotelian theory of complete mixture or complexion. I explain some of the main problems, with special attention to authors with whom Avicenna was familiar. I then show how Avicenna used a new doctrine of the occultness of substantial form to address these problems. The result was in some respects an improvement, but it also gave rise to a new set of problems, which were (...)
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    Human acts.Eric D'Arcy - 1963 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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    L'homme et la nature: perspectives africaines de l'écologie profonde.Raymond Matand Makashing - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'interprétation des cosmogonies traditionnelles africaines a l'avantage de surmonter les limites de l'écologie occidentale et d'offrir, en symbiose avec cette dernière, la chance à l'humanité d'asseoir une écologie profonde repensée. L'Afrique ancienne, principalement l'Egypte pharaonique, a élaboré une vision du monde qui rassemble et unit le Créateur et tous les autres êtres créés. Cette vision qui nous a fort inspiré nous amène à préconiser une éthique de la Maàt ou maàtéthique dont l'impératif catégorique est le respect de l'ordre du monde (...)
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    Ethique et politique.David Mavouangui (ed.) - 2004 - Paris: Paari.
    De l'Ethique à Nicomaque au Principe Responsabilité de Hans Jonas, les fins de l'homme - notamment la réalisation parfaite de soi, pour chaque être, l'humanité de l'homme, l'humanité raisonnable dans ses formes les plus achevées - s'instruisent universellement, selon l'espace public et politique des Etats, de ces catégories fondamentales de l'existence. La triade philosophie-démocratie-progrès débouche sur la thèse principale de Platon selon laquelle, l'Etat est injuste et il faut le réformer. Si Platon considère la vie terrestre comme une prison, sa (...)
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    Trust in a specific technology: An investigation of its components and measures.D. H. McKnight, M. Carter, J. B. Thatcher & P. F. Clay - 2011 - ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 2.
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    La guerre civile perpétuelle: aux origines modernes de la dissociété.Bernard Dumont, Gilles Dumont & Christophe Réveillard (eds.) - 2012 - Perpignan: Artège.
    Au-dela des idees convenues, comment penser les fondements d'une crise sociale inscrite dans le temps long? La guerre civile perpetuelle evalue dans plusieurs domaines les ravages politiques de la philosophie de la modernite. Cette etude examine d'abord sa capacite a detruire a la racine la possibilite du lien social naturel, pour tenter par la suite de le recreer au moyen de divers artifices. Loin de se limiter au simple constat d'echec, l'originalite et la force de cet ouvrage resident dans l'analyse (...)
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    Does Analogy Work in Demonstration?Domenic D’Ettore - 2021 - International Philosophical Quarterly 61 (1):47-60.
    Thomas de Vio Cajetan produced a highly influential Thomistic treatise on analogy entitled De nominum analogia. The merits of this work have been contested since the sixteenth century. Notable twentieth-century Thomists who adopted many of the teachings of De nominum analogia include Jacques Maritain and Yves Simon. Joshua Hochschild’s The Semantics of Analogy highlighted the significance of chapter ten, where Cajetan applies his theory to resolve the problem of demonstrations that use analogous terms, with the explicit purpose of addressing a (...)
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    A Phenomenology of Creative Attention.Diego D'Angelo - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):100-117.
    This paper develops the concept of ‘creative attention’. Against classical theories that understand attention as a spotlight that brings objects into focus, I will argue that attention is a complex phenomenon structured in different layers. The most basic layer is perceptual, passive and pre-predicative: at this level, attention is creative – and this is the central claim of this paper – because it institutes meanings and rules for our behaviour.
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    Symbolic knowledge extraction from trained neural networks: A sound approach.A. S. D'Avila Garcez, K. Broda & D. M. Gabbay - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 125 (1-2):155-207.
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    Organicity of the phenomenon of culture as an explication of vitality.D. B. Svyrydenko, O. D. Yatsenko & O. V. Prudnikova - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:7-23.
    Purpose. The aim of the article is to clarify the content of the concept of culture as an explication of vitality within the philosophy of life and its further modifications in current problems of contemporary. The analysis performed standing from the point, that contrasting of nature and culture is irrelevant, since culture does not contradict natural determinants and patterns, but rather qualitatively alters them. So, are justified the idea of culture as a phenomenon that exist accordingly and in proportion to (...)
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    Um mundo sem mediações: descolonização africana como teoria política da modernização periférica.Leno Francisco Danner & Fernando Danner - 2022 - Griot 22 (3):149-161.
    Utilizaremos o conceito de sociedade sem mediações, calcada no racismo estrutural, tal como proposto por Frantz Fanon, para explicar a tendência regressiva própria às sociedades de modernização periférica, mormente o Brasil. A partir de uma crítica a Gilberto Freyre e a Florestan Fernandes, os quais assumem uma noção de objetivismo sociológico necessitarista com caráter apolítico-despolitizado para explicar o desenvolvimento e as contradições da sociedade brasileira hodierna (o sadismo-masoquismo de Freyre; a incapacidade negra para a ética protestante do trabalho, por causa (...)
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    La philosophie négro-africaine de l'existence: herméneutique des traditions orales africaines.Basile-Juléat Fouda - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage est le fruit d'une recherche approfondie dans le champ de l'esthétique et de l'herméneutique des traditions orales africaines. Il est remarquable par sa singularité et son niveau d'élaboration philosophique. Il aura fallu traverser le triple brouillage des codes culturels eux-mêmes, de l'acculturation notamment coloniale, et du particularisme des études ethnologiques et philosophiques alors disponibles. Il aura fallu, en outre, mettre en oeuvre une démarche d'analyse régressive permettant de décliner les catégories qui, en deçà des normes et des procédés (...)
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    Méditations senghoriennes: vers une ontologie des régimes esthétiques afro-diasporiques.Marc Mvé Bekale - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Dans ses efforts pour la renaissance et la reconnaissance de l'Afrique, Léopold Sédar Senghor a élaboré une philosophie de l'art fondée sur l'identification des paradigmes inhérents au style afro-diasporique : le génie du rythme et l'hégémonie du mouvement, source d'un négro-orphisme où l'émotion apparaît consubstantielle de la commotion. S'inscrivant dans la continuité de la pensée senghorienne, le présent ouvrage met en place la théorie d'une esthétique kinésique et tente de l'appliquer à l'étude des pratiques oratoires, musicales, sportives, chorégraphiques afro-diasporiques. Il (...)
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    (1 other version)What the tortoise taught us.D. G. Brown - 1954 - Mind 63 (250):170-179.
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    Le περη φιλοσοφίας d'Aristote et la théorie platonicienne des idées nombres: Deuxième édition revue et accompagnée du compte-rendu critique par Harold Cherniss.H. D. Saffrey - 1955 - BRILL.
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    Communicating open systems.Mark dʼInverno, Michael Luck, Pablo Noriega, Juan A. Rodriguez-Aguilar & Carles Sierra - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 186 (C):38-94.
  40.  43
    Religions et cultures traditionnelles africaines. Un défi à la formation théologique.René Tabard - 2010 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 84 (2):191-205.
    Si la grâce ne supprime pas la nature, la mondialisation montre qu’elle ne supprime pas la culture. Après quelques considérations sur les rapports religion/culture dans l’espace négro-africian, le propos voudrait montrer, à partir d’un exemple, comment les croyances aux apparitions des morts dans la culture bantoue posent question au fondement de la logique chrétienne qu’est la résurrection de Jésus, tout en se laissant questionner par l’Écriture. Se trouveront ainsi fondées la mise en question d’un discours chrétien unique et la nécessité (...)
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  41. On the Character of Statistical-Mechanical Probabilities'.D. Albert - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64.
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    The illegitimacy of Gettier examples.D. S. G. Schreiber - 1987 - Metaphilosophy 18 (1):49–54.
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    La phénoménologie à l'épreuve de la vie sapientiale africaine: Dominique Kahang'a Rukonkish à l'école de la philosophie de Michel Henry.César Mawanzi Ndombe - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Penser le pathos de la vie sapientiale africaine à la lumière de la phénoménologie de Dominique Kahang, c'est chercher à fonder des certitudes d'une "philosophie du sentir" de toute une culture et d'une tradition. Réfléchir sur la philosophie sapientiale de la maturité revient à déceler les défis éthiques, politiques et épistémiques de la gestion de la postcolonie par les "élites africaines", écartelées entre l'autonomie et une situation géopolitique et néolibérale qui marginalise l'Afrique. Il s'agit en effet de déployer, à la (...)
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    Der Ausdruck der Freiheit und die Genese des ‚Ist-Sagens‘.Matteo Vincenzo D’Alfonso - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 45:382-397.
    Fichte’s Doctrine of Science of 1811 offers a sound model for explaining the conditions of semantics in its connection with the idea of freedom. Following Wolfram Hogrebe’s suggestion that the principle of contradiction works as an archaeological semantic postulate, i.e., is the implicit condition for any sentence to be meaningful, we argue that in Fichte’s definition of the phenomenon we find such a semantic postulate at a higher genetic level than the principle of contradiction indicated by Hogrebe. Moreover, the Doctrine (...)
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  45. A tribute to David Armstrong.D. C. Stove - 2014 - Quadrant 58 (3):42-43.
    A tribute, originally given at David Armstrong's retirement in 1991 as Challis Professor of Philosophy at Sydney University. Stove recalls Armstrong's role in the "Sydney disturbances" of the 1970s when under attack from Marxists.
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    Spontaneous Order and the Rule of Law: Some Problems.D. Neil Maccormick - 1989 - Ratio Juris 2 (1):41-54.
    Two conservative theorists, F. A. Hayek and Michael Oakeshott, have advanced theories of law with important and plausible central theses focusing on the rule of law. The author argues, however, that in each case the theorist ‐ or at least some of his followers on the contemporary British and American political scene ‐ have wrongly inferred strong conclusions from these theories which are inimical to the welfare state. In conclusion, the author points to possible ways of reconciling rule of law (...)
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    The composite species concept: a rigorous basis for cladistic practice.D. J. Kornet & James W. McAllister - 2005 - In Thomas A. C. Reydon & Lia Hemerik (eds.), Current Themes in Theoretical Biology : A Dutch Perspective. Springer. pp. 95--127.
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    A punning reminiscence of Vergil, Ecl. 10.75–7 in Horace, Epist. 1.5.28–9.D. R. Langslow - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (1):256-260.
    The fifth poem in Horace's first book of Epistles takes the form of an invitation to Torquatus to attend a dinner which the poet is preparing for that evening, the eveof the Emperor's birthday. The fare will be simple but Horace will see to it that the furnishings, napkins, vessels and plates will be clean and bright and that the company and the seating-plan will be to Torquatus’ taste. Horace will get Butra and Septicius to be there, and Sabinus, too, (...)
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    Reason and Conduct: New Bearings in Moral Philosophy.D. Z. Phillips - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (59):189-190.
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    Plato.D. J. Allan - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (01):23-.
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