Results for 'DNA phenotyping'

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  1.  12
    Forensic DNA phenotyping in Europe: views “on the ground” from those who have a professional stake in the technology.Gabrielle Samuel & Barbara Prainsack - 2019 - New Genetics and Society 38 (2):119-141.
    Forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) is an emerging technology that seeks to make probabilistic inferences regarding a person’s observable characteristics (“phenotype”) from DNA. The aim is to aid criminal investigations by helping to identify unknown suspected perpetrators, or to help with non-criminal missing persons cases. Here we provide results from the analysis of 36 interviews with those who have a professional stake in FDP, including forensic scientists, police officers, lawyers, government agencies and social scientists. Located in eight EU countries, these (...)
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    The (De)materialization of Criminal Bodies in Forensic DNA Phenotyping.Filipa Queirós, Helena Machado & Rafaela Granja - 2021 - Body and Society 27 (1):60-84.
    Forensic DNA phenotyping is a genetic technology that might be used in criminal investigations. Based on DNA samples of the human body found at crime scenes, it allows to infer externally visible characteristics (such as eye, hair and skin colour) and continental-based biogeographical ancestry. By indicating the probable visible appearance of a criminal suspect, forensic DNA phenotyping allows to narrow down the focus of a criminal investigation. In this article, drawing on interviews with forensic geneticists, we explore how (...)
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    Public Safety and Discrimination. The Determination of ‘Biogeographical Origin’ and Skin Shade by means of DNA Phenotyping in Police Investigations / Öffentliche Sicherheit und Diskriminierung: Die Ermittlung von „biogeografischer Abstammung“ und Hautschattierung mittels DNA-Phänotypisierung im Rahmen der Polizeiarbeit.Annette Dufner - 2019 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 24 (1):197-222.
    There is a concern according to which analyzing crime scene DNA to determine biogeographic origin and skin color of suspects can lead to discrimination against minority populations. This article summarizes and explains some of those parts of the investigation process that can give rise to discrimination. The second part of the paper offers an analysis of the notion of discrimination and presents different accounts of the exact ground of its moral wrongness. As it will emerge, these different accounts lead to (...)
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    Phenotypes from ancient DNA: Approaches, insights and prospects.Gloria G. Fortes, Camilla F. Speller, Michael Hofreiter & Turi E. King - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (8):690-695.
    The great majority of phenotypic characteristics are complex traits, complicating the identification of the genes underlying their expression. However, both methodological and theoretical progress in genome‐wide association studies have resulted in a much better understanding of the underlying genetics of many phenotypic traits, including externally visible characteristics (EVCs) such as eye and hair color. Consequently, it has become possible to predict EVCs from human samples lacking phenotypic information. Predicting EVCs from genetic evidence is clearly appealing for forensic applications involving the (...)
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    Assessing Human Ribosomal DNA Variation and Its Association With Phenotypic Outcomes.Francisco Rodriguez-Algarra, Elliott Whittaker, Sandra del Castillo del Rio & Vardhman K. Rakyan - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400232.
    Although genome‐scale analyses have provided insights into the connection between genetic variability and complex human phenotypes, much trait variation is still not fully understood. Genetic variation within repetitive elements, such as the multi‐copy, multi‐locus ribosomal DNA (rDNA), has emerged as a potential contributor to trait variation. Whereas rDNA was long believed to be largely uniform within a species, recent studies have revealed substantial variability in the locus, both within and across individuals. This variation, which takes the form of copy number, (...)
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  6. The genotype/phenotype distinction.Richard Lewontin - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The distinction between phenotype and genotype is fundamental to the understanding of heredity and development of organisms. The genotype of an organism is the class to which that organism belongs as determined by the description of the actual physical material made up of DNA that was passed to the organism by its parents at the organism's conception. For sexually reproducing organisms that physical material consists of the DNA contributed to the fertilized egg by the sperm and egg of its two (...)
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  7.  23
    Interdisziplinäre Überlegungen zu Erweiterten DNA-Analysen.Matthias Wienroth, Fabian Staubach, Peter Pfaffelhuber, Nicholas Buchanan & Veronika Lipphardt - 2019 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 24 (1):119-154.
    ZusammenfassungDurch eine Gesetzesänderung im Dezember 2019 ist im Rahmen von Strafermittlungsverfahren nunmehr der Einsatz des „Forensic DNA Phenotyping“, d. h. von Technologien zur Vorhersage von Haut-, Haar- und Augenfarbe sowie biologischem Alter, erlaubt. Dieser Beitrag diskutiert die Verlässlichkeit, Nützlichkeit und Legitimität von solchen Erweiterten DNATechnologien und damit die Rahmenbedingungen ihres Einsatzes in Deutschland. Dabei wird aufgezeigt wie kompliziert, fehleranfällig, voraussetzungsreich, anspruchsvoll und heikel der Einsatz dieser Technologien in Ermittlungen sein kann, wenn nicht entsprechende Vorkehrungen getroffen werden, und wenn sie (...)
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    From genotype to phenotype: buffering mechanisms and the storage of genetic information.Suzanne L. Rutherford - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (12):1095-1105.
    DNA sequence variation is abundant in wild populations. While molecular biologists use genetically homogeneous strains of model organisms to avoid this variation, evolutionary biologists embrace genetic variation as the material of evolution since heritable differences in fitness drive evolutionary change. Yet, the relationship between the phenotypic variation affecting fitness and the genotypic variation producing it is complex. Genetic buffering mechanisms modify this relationship by concealing the effects of genetic and environmental variation on phenotype. Genetic buffering allows the build-up and storage (...)
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  9.  31
    The genotype–phenotype distinction: from Mendelian genetics to 21st century biology.Gaëlle Pontarotti, Matteo Mossio & Arnaud Pocheville - unknown
    The Genotype-Phenotype (G-P) distinction was proposed in the context of Mendelian genetics, in the wake of late 19th century studies about heredity. In this paper, we provide a conceptual analysis that highlights that the G-P distinction was grounded on three pillars: observability, transmissibility, and causality. Originally, the genotype is the non-observable and transmissible cause of the phenotype, which is its observable and non-transmissible effect. We argue that the current developments of biology have called the validity of such pillars into question. (...)
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  10.  30
    Shifting Ethical Boundaries in Forensic Use of DNA.Barbara Prainsack & Gabrielle Samuel - 2019 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 24 (1):155-172.
    In this paper we explore shifts in how the law and ethics allow European law enforcement officers to use forensic genetic technologies. We do so by reviewing three technologies, ‘traditional’ (STR-based) forensic DNA profiling, forensic DNA phenotyping and the searching of genetic genealogy databases. In particular, we discuss changes in how ethical boundaries have been placed around what is seen as an appropriate use of genetic technologies in European criminal justice systems. While the ‘type’ of DNA that law enforcement (...)
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  11.  24
    Ethical, legal and social implications of forensic molecular phenotyping in South Africa.Nandi Slabbert & Laura Jane Heathfield - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (2):171-181.
    Conventional forensic DNA analysis involves a matching principle, which compares DNA profiles from evidential samples to those from reference samples of known origin. In casework, however, the accessibility to a reference sample is not guaranteed which limits the use of DNA as an investigative tool. This has led to the development of phenotype prediction, which uses SNP analysis to estimate the physical appearance of the sample donor. Physical traits, such as eye, hair and skin colour, have been associated with certain (...)
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  12.  56
    Epigenetic and Transcriptional Variability Shape Phenotypic Plasticity.Simone Ecker, Vera Pancaldi, Alfonso Valencia, Stephan Beck & Dirk S. Paul - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (2):1700148.
    Epigenetic and transcriptional variability contribute to the vast diversity of cellular and organismal phenotypes and are key in human health and disease. In this review, we describe different types, sources, and determinants of epigenetic and transcriptional variability, enabling cells and organisms to adapt and evolve to a changing environment. We highlight the latest research and hypotheses on how chromatin structure and the epigenome influence gene expression variability. Further, we provide an overview of challenges in the analysis of biological variability. An (...)
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  13.  32
    Vertane Chancen? Die aktuelle politische Debatte um Erweiterte DNA‐Analysen in Ermittlungsverfahren.Veronika Lipphardt - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (3):279-301.
    Wasted Chances? The Current Political Debate on DNA Phenotyping and Biogeographical Ancestry Analysis in Criminal Investigation in Germany. This paper discusses diverse understandings of ‘responsible science’ in heated political debates. It takes a current public debate around a German law amendment draft concerning the use of novel forensic genetic techniques, namely DNA‐phenotyping and biogeographical ancestry analysis, as an example. A distinction is being made between an understanding that emphasizes scientific debate and precision, and another one that focuses on (...)
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  14.  12
    Loss of DNA methylation disrupts syncytiotrophoblast development: Proposed consequences of aberrant germline gene activation.Georgia Lea & Courtney W. Hanna - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (1):2300140.
    DNA methylation is a repressive epigenetic modification that is essential for development and its disruption is widely implicated in disease. Yet, remarkably, ablation of DNA methylation in transgenic mouse models has limited impact on transcriptional states. Across multiple tissues and developmental contexts, the predominant transcriptional signature upon loss of DNA methylation is the de‐repression of a subset of germline genes, normally expressed in gametogenesis. We recently reported loss of de novo DNA methyltransferase DNMT3B resulted in up‐regulation of germline genes and (...)
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    DNA damage tolerance, mismatch repair and genome instability.P. Karran & M. Bignami - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (11):833-839.
    DNA mismatch repair is an important pathway of mutation avoidance. It also contributes to the cytotoxic effects of some kinds of DNA damage, and cells defective in mismatch repair are resistant, or tolerant, to the presence of some normally cytotoxic base analogues in their DNA. The absence of a particular mismatch binding function from some mammalian cells confers resistance to the base analogues O6‐methylguanine and 6‐thioguanine in DNA. Cells also acquire a spontaneous mutator phenotype as a consequence of this defect. (...)
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    Evo‐devo beyond development: Generalizing evo‐devo to all levels of the phenotypic evolution.Isaac Salazar-Ciudad & Hugo Cano-Fernández - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (3):2200205.
    A foundational idea of evo‐devo is that morphological variation is not isotropic, that is, it does not occur in all directions. Instead, some directions of morphological variation are more likely than others from DNA‐level variation and these largely depend on development. We argue that this evo‐devo perspective should apply not only to morphology but to evolution at all phenotypic levels. At other phenotypic levels there is no development, but there are processes that can be seen, in analogy to development, as (...)
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  17.  58
    Expanding the Temporal Dimensions of Developmental Biology: The Role of Environmental Agents in Establishing Adult-Onset Phenotypes.Scott F. Gilbert - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (1):65-72.
    Developmental biology is expanding into several new areas. One new area of study concerns the production of adult-onset phenotypes by exposure of the fetus or neonate to environmental agents. These agents include maternal nutrients, developmental modulators (endocrine disruptors), and maternal care. In all three cases, a major mechanism for the generation of the altered phenotype is chromatin modification. Nutrient conditions, developmental modulators, and even maternal care appear to alter DNA methylation and other associated changes in chromatin that regulate gene expression. (...)
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  18.  31
    Integrating DNA methylation dynamics into a framework for understanding epigenetic codes.Keith E. Szulwach & Peng Jin - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (1):107-117.
    Genomic function is dictated by a combination of DNA sequence and the molecular mechanisms controlling access to genetic information. Access to DNA can be determined by the interpretation of covalent modifications that influence the packaging of DNA into chromatin, including DNA methylation and histone modifications. These modifications are believed to be forms of “epigenetic codes” that exist in discernable combinations that reflect cellular phenotype. Although DNA methylation is known to play important roles in gene regulation and genomic function, its contribution (...)
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  19.  17
    Neuroimaging and DNA Methylation: An Innovative Approach to Study the Effects of Early Life Stress on Developmental Plasticity.Isabella Lucia Chiara Mariani Wigley, Eleonora Mascheroni, Denis Peruzzo, Roberto Giorda, Sabrina Bonichini & Rosario Montirosso - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    DNA methylation plays a key role in neural cell fate and provides a molecular link between early life stress and later-life behavioral phenotypes. Here, studies that combine neuroimaging methods and DNA methylation analysis in pediatric population with a history of adverse experiences were systematically reviewed focusing on: targeted genes and neural correlates; statistical models used to examine the link between DNA methylation and neuroimaging data also considering early life stress and behavioral outcomes. We identified 8 studies that report associations between (...)
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  20.  82
    DNA Dispose, but Subjects Decide. Learning and the Extended Synthesis.Markus Lindholm - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (3):443-461.
    Adaptation by means of natural selection depends on the ability of populations to maintain variation in heritable traits. According to the Modern Synthesis this variation is sustained by mutations and genetic drift. Epigenetics, evodevo, niche construction and cultural factors have more recently been shown to contribute to heritable variation, however, leading an increasing number of biologists to call for an extended view of speciation and evolution. An additional common feature across the animal kingdom is learning, defined as the ability to (...)
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  21.  14
    The role of DNA replication in chromosome condensation.Michelle F. Pflumm - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (5):411-418.
    At metaphase, DNA in a human chromosome is estimated to be compacted at least 10,000 fold in length.1,2 However, the higher order mechanisms by which the chromosomes are organized in interphase and subsequently further condensed in mitosis have largely remained elusive. One generally overlooked participant in chromosome condensation is DNA replication. Many early studies of eukaryotic chromosome organization and cell fusions have suggested that DNA replication plays a role in chromosome compaction. Recent phenotypic analysis of Drosophila DNA replication mutants has (...)
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  22.  23
    What's new?: From gene to phenotype in Drosophila and other organisms.Kim Kaiser - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (6):297-301.
    The growing number of cloned eukaryotic genes lacking a defined or proven biological function poses a major challenge in ‘reverse genetics’. A method is described here that permits efficient screening for new lesions in, or close to, genes corresponding to cloned DNA sequences of interest. The technique involves transposon mutagenesis, followed by screening of DNA isolated from a population of mutagenised individuals (or their progeny) for evidence that the population contains at least one individual in which transposon insertion has occurred (...)
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  23.  12
    Paradigm shifts in animal epigenetics: Research on non‐model species leads to new insights into dependencies, functions and inheritance of DNA methylation.Günter Vogt - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (8):2200040.
    Recent investigations with non‐model species and whole‐genome approaches have challenged several paradigms in animal epigenetics. They revealed that epigenetic variation in populations is not the mere consequence of genetic variation, but is a semi‐independent or independent source of phenotypic variation, depending on mode of reproduction. DNA methylation is not positively correlated with genome size and phylogenetic position as earlier believed, but has evolved differently between and within higher taxa. Epigenetic marks are usually not completely erased in the zygote and germ (...)
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  24.  24
    Rethinking the 'Prejudice of Mark': Concepts of Race, Ancestry, and Genetics among Brazilian DNA Test-Takers.Sarah Abel - 2020 - Odeere 5 (10):186-221.
    Sociological accounts usually emphasise the primacy of phenotype (cor, colour) over ancestry for orienting concepts of ‘race’ in Brazil. In this paper, I present an alternative account of the cultural and political significance of ancestry in contemporary Brazil, drawing on qualitative interviews conducted with 50 Brazilians who had recently taken personalised DNA ancestry tests. The interviewees’ attitudes towards their ancestry are interpreted in relation to Brazil’s longstanding national myth of mestiçagem and the history of eugenic Whitening ideologies (ideologias do branqueamento) (...)
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  25.  30
    From the Cellular Standpoint: is DNA Sequence Genetic ‘Information’?Steven S. D. C. Rubin - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (2):247-264.
    Constructivist biosemiotics foundations imply the first-person basis of cognition. CBF are developed by the biology of cognition, relational biology, enactive approach, ecology of mind, second order cybernetics, genetic epistemology, gestalt, ecological perception and affordances, and active inference by minimization of free energy. CBF reject the idea of an objective independent reality to be represented by information processing in order to be the fittest. CBF assumes that perception is the behavioral configuration of an object and objects are tokens for eigen-behaviors. Cognition (...)
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  26.  45
    The Theory Of Social–Cultural Genetic Gene (S- c Dna).Jiayin Min - 2013 - World Futures 69 (2):89 - 101.
    It took a long time for humanity to know about biogenetics. And yet its role as a determinant in the living system was not proven until the twentieth century when DNA was discovered. Similarly, it took a long time for humanity to know about culture and civilization. And yet until now there is neither definite standards for differentiating them nor a definition that is commonly acceptable. By taking an evolutionary pluralism as ontology framework and the transdisciplinary research method of the (...)
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  27.  10
    Interplay between altered metabolism and DNA damage and repair in ovarian cancer.Apoorva Uboveja & Katherine M. Aird - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (8):2300166.
    Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological malignancy and is often associated with both DNA repair deficiency and extensive metabolic reprogramming. While still emerging, the interplay between these pathways can affect ovarian cancer phenotypes, including therapeutic resistance to the DNA damaging agents that are standard‐of‐care for this tumor type. In this review, we will discuss what is currently known about cellular metabolic rewiring in ovarian cancer that may impact DNA damage and repair in addition to highlighting how specific DNA repair (...)
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  28.  24
    Cockayne syndrome – a primary defect in DNA repair, transcription, both or neither?Errol C. Friedberg - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (9):731-738.
    Cockayne syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by a complex clinical phenotype. Most Cockayne syndrome cells are hypersensitive to killing by ultraviolet radiation. This observation has prompted a wealth of studies on the DNA repair capacity of Cockayne syndrome cells in vitro. Many studies support the notion that such cells are defective in a DNA repair mode(s) that is transcription‐dependent. However, it remains to be established that this is a primary molecular defect in Cockayne syndrome cells and that (...)
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  29.  24
    Closing the gaps among a web of DNA repair disorders.Rhett J. Michelson & Ted Weinert - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (11):966-969.
    As recently as six years ago, three human diseases with similar phenotypes were mistakenly believed to be caused by a single genetic defect. The three diseases, Ataxia-telangiectasia, Nijmegen breakage syndrome, and an AT-like disorder are now known, however, to have defects in three separate genes: ATM, NBS1, and MRE11. Furthermore, new recent studies have shown now that all three gene products interact; the ATM kinase phosphorylates NBS1,1 which, in turn, associates with MRE11 to regulate DNA repair. Remarkably or expectedly, depending (...)
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    The small picture approach to the big picture: using DNA sequences to investigate the diversification of animal body plans.Lindell Bromham - 2011 - In Brett Calcott & Kim Sterelny (eds.), The Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited. MIT Press.
    This chapter is concerned with the Cambrian explosion. It considers only one particular kind of explanation for the Cambrian radiation: that major innovations in animal body plan were produced from relatively few genetic changes of large phenotypic effect. It investigates the developmental genetic hypothesis of the origin and maintenance of body plans. This chapter suggests that the genetic architecture underlying body plans was not set during the Cambrian and has been immutable since. It shows that the link between body plan (...)
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  31.  26
    Mesodermal determination genes: Evidence from DNA methylation studies.Maureen A. Harrington & Peter A. Jones - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (4):100-103.
    Mouse embryo cells, primed to differentiate with the hypomethylating agent 5‐azacytidine (5‐aza‐CR), provide an excellent model system in which cellular differentiation can be studied at the molecular level. An inherent advantage of this system is the availability of clonal populations of cells representative of the non‐differentiated precursor, those whose determinative state is that of a specific lineage, and the end stage, phenotypically mature cell. Analysis of these cultures at the cellular and molecular level will advance our understanding of requirements for (...)
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  32.  8
    Governing expectations of forensic innovations in society: the case of FDP in Germany.Nina Amelung & Helena Machado - 2021 - New Genetics and Society 40 (4):498-519.
    This article is about the governance of expectations of forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) innovations in Germany used for the prediction of human externally visible traits such as eye, hair, and skin color, as well as biological age and biogeographic ancestry. In 2019, FDP technologies were regulated under the label “extended DNA analysis”. We focus on the expectations of members of the forensic genetics’ community in Germany, in anticipation and response to those of regulators who advocated for such technologies. Confronted (...)
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    Nucleosomes and flipons exchange energy to alter chromatin conformation, the readout of genomic information, and cell fate.Alan Herbert - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (12):2200166.
    Alternative non‐B‐DNA conformations formed under physiological conditions by sequences called flipons include left‐handed Z‐DNA, three‐stranded triplexes, and four‐stranded i‐motifs and quadruplexes. These conformations accumulate and release energy to enable the local assembly of cellular machines in a context specific manner. In these transactions, nucleosomes store power, serving like rechargeable batteries, while flipons smooth energy flows from source to sink by acting as capacitors or resistors. Here, I review the known biological roles for flipons. I present recent and unequivocal findings showing (...)
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  34. Behavior genetics and postgenomics.Evan Charney - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):331-358.
    The science of genetics is undergoing a paradigm shift. Recent discoveries, including the activity of retrotransposons, the extent of copy number variations, somatic and chromosomal mosaicism, and the nature of the epigenome as a regulator of DNA expressivity, are challenging a series of dogmas concerning the nature of the genome and the relationship between genotype and phenotype. According to three widely held dogmas, DNA is the unchanging template of heredity, is identical in all the cells and tissues of the body, (...)
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    The differential method and the causal incompleteness of programming theory in molecular biology.Giuseppe Longo & Pierre-Emmanuel Tendero - 2007 - Foundations of Science 12 (4):337-366.
    The “DNA is a program” metaphor is still widely used in Molecular Biology and its popularization. There are good historical reasons for the use of such a metaphor or theoretical model. Yet we argue that both the metaphor and the model are essentially inadequate also from the point of view of Physics and Computer Science. Relevant work has already been done, in Biology, criticizing the programming paradigm. We will refer to empirical evidence and theoretical writings in Biology, although our arguments (...)
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  36.  23
    UvrD helicase: An old dog with a new trick.Vitaliy Epshtein - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (1):12-19.
    Transcription‐coupled repair (TCR) is a phenomenon that exists in a wide variety of organisms from bacteria to humans. This mechanism allows cells to repair the actively transcribed DNA strand much faster than the non‐transcribed one. At the sites of bulky DNA damage RNA polymerase stalls, initiating recruitment of the repair machinery. It is a commonly accepted paradigm that bacterial cells utilize a sole coupling factor, called Mfd to initiate TCR. According to that model, Mfd removes transcription complexes stalled at the (...)
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  37.  13
    What a difference copy number variation makes.Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (4):311-313.
    DNA copy number variation (CNV) represents a considerable source of human genetic diversity. Recently,1 a global map of copy number variation in the human genome has been drawn up which reveals not only the ubiquity but also the complexity of this type of variation. Thus, two human genomes may differ by more than 20 Mb and it is likely that the full extent of CNV still remains to be discovered. Nearly 3000 genes are associated with CNV. This high degree of (...)
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    From correlation to causation: The new frontier of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.Mohd Hafiz Rothi & Eric Lieberman Greer - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (1):2200118.
    While heredity is predominantly controlled by what deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences are passed from parents to their offspring, a small but growing number of traits have been shown to be regulated in part by the non‐genetic inheritance of information. Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is defined as heritable information passed from parents to their offspring without changing the DNA sequence. Work of the past seven decades has transitioned what was previously viewed as rare phenomenology, into well‐established paradigms by which numerous traits can (...)
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    Epigenetics and parental effects.Laurent Kappeler & Michael J. Meaney - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (9):818-827.
    Parental effects are a major source of phenotypic plasticity and may influence offspring phenotype in concert with environmental demands. Studies of “environmental epigenetics” suggest that (1) DNA methylation states are variable and that both demethylation and remethylation occur in post‐mitotic cells, and (2) that remodeling of DNA methylation can occur in response to environmentally driven intracellular signaling pathways. Studies of mother‐offspring interactions in rodents suggest that parental signals influence the DNA methylation, leading to stable changes in gene expression. If parental (...)
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    Aging genomes: A necessary evil in the logic of life.Jan Vijg - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (3):282-292.
    Genomes are inherently unstable because of the need for DNA sequence variation as a substrate for evolution through natural selection. However, most multicellular organisms have postmitotic tissues, with limited opportunity for selective removal of cells harboring persistent damage and deleterious mutations, which can therefore contribute to functional decline, disease, and death. Key in this process is the role of genome maintenance, the network of protein products that repair DNA damage and signal DNA damage response pathways. Genome maintenance is beneficial early (...)
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    (1 other version)Barcodes and historical essences: a critique of the moderate version of intrinsic biological essentialism.Julio Torres Meléndez - 2019 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 14:75-89.
    The current tendency to moderate expectations that DNA barcode can be a method of discovering new species is due to the essentialist interpretation of this scientific analogy that is conceptually unsustainable. Something similar has happened in the philosophical field with the weakening of the initial versions of intrinsic biological essentialism. To examine the nature of this transition, I propose two principles that define a moderate EBI: one that assumes that the history of the taxon is metaphysically dependent on the evolution (...)
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  42.  28
    Clustered and genome‐wide transient mutagenesis in human cancers: Hypermutation without permanent mutators or loss of fitness.Steven A. Roberts & Dmitry A. Gordenin - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (4):382-393.
    The gain of a selective advantage in cancer as well as the establishment of complex traits during evolution require multiple genetic alterations, but how these mutations accumulate over time is currently unclear. There is increasing evidence that a mutator phenotype perpetuates the development of many human cancers. While in some cases the increased mutation rate is the result of a genetic disruption of DNA repair and replication or environmental exposures, other evidence suggests that endogenous DNA damage induced by AID/APOBEC cytidine (...)
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    Genetic and clinical heterogeneity in tapetal retinal dystrophies.A. A. B. Bergen - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):470-471.
    Large scale DNA-mutation screening in patients with hereditary retinal diseases greatly enhances our knowledge about retinal function and diseases. Scientists, clinicians, patients, and families involved with retinal disorders may directly benefit from these developments. However, certain aspects of this expanding knowledge, such as the correlation between genotype and phenotype, may be much more complicated than we expect at present.
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    Chromosome segment duplications in Neurospora crassa: barren crosses beget fertile science.Parmit K. Singh, Srividhya V. Iyer, Mukund Ramakrishnan & Durgadas P. Kasbekar - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (2):209-219.
    Studies on Neurospora chromosome segment duplications (Dps) performed since the publication of Perkins's comprehensive review in 1997 form the focus of this article. We present a brief summary of Perkins's seminal work on chromosome rearrangements, specifically, the identification of insertional and quasiterminal translocations that can segregate Dp progeny when crossed with normal sequence strains (i.e., T × N). We describe the genome defense process called meiotic silencing by unpaired DNA that renders Dp‐heterozygous crosses (i.e., Dp × N) barren, which provides (...)
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  45.  21
    Analysis of ancient human genomes.Beth Shapiro & Michael Hofreiter - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (5):388-391.
    High‐capacity sequencing technologies have dramatically reduced both the cost and time required to generate complete human genome sequences. Besides expanding our knowledge about existing diversity, the nature of these technologies makes it possible to extend knowledge in yet another dimension: time. Recently, the complete genome sequence of a 4,000‐year‐old human from the Saqqaq culture of Greenland was determined to 20‐fold coverage. These data make it possible to investigate the population affinities of this enigmatic culture and, by identifying several phenotypic traits (...)
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    “Molecular gene”: Interpretation in the Right Context. [REVIEW]Degeng Wang - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (2-3):453-464.
    How to interpret the “molecular gene” concept is discussed in this paper. I argue that the architecture of biological systems is hierarchical and multi-layered, exhibiting striking similarities to that of modern computers. Multiple layers exist between the genotype and system level property, the phenotype. This architectural complexity gives rise to the intrinsic complexity of the genotype-phenotype relationships. The notion of a gene being for a phenotypic trait or traits lacks adequate consideration of this complexity and has limitations in explaining the (...)
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  47. From molecules to systems: the importance of looking both ways.Alexander Powell & John Dupré - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (1):54-64.
    Although molecular biology has meant different things at different times, the term is often associated with a tendency to view cellular causation as conforming to simple linear schemas in which macro-scale effects are specified by micro-scale structures. The early achievements of molecular biologists were important for the formation of such an outlook, one to which the discovery of recombinant DNA techniques, and a number of other findings, gave new life even after the complexity of genotype–phenotype
    relations had become apparent. Against this (...)
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  48. What is a gene?—Revisited.Raphael Falk - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (4):396-406.
    The dialectic discourse of the ‘gene’ as the unit of heredity deduced from the phenotype, whether an intervening variable or a hypothetical construct, appeared to be settled with the presentation of the molecular model of DNA: the gene was reduced to a sequence of DNA that is transcribed into RNA that is translated into a polypeptide; the polypeptides may fold into proteins that are involved in cellular metabolism and structure, and hence function. This path turned out to be more bewildering (...)
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    Stasis is an Inevitable Consequence of Every Successful Evolution.Victor P. Shcherbakov - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (2):227-245.
    Evolutionary stasis is discussed in light of the idea that the common output of every successful evolution is the creation of the entities that are increasingly resistant to further change. The moving force of evolution is entropy. This general aspiration for chaos is a cause of the mortality of organisms and extinction of species. However, being a prerequisite for any motion, entropy generates (by chance) novelties, which may happen to be (by chance) more resistant to further decay and thus survive. (...)
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    Introns First.Donald R. Forsdyke - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (3):196-203.
    Knowing how introns originated should greatly enhance our understanding of the information we carry in our DNA. Gilbert’s suggestion that introns initially arose to facilitate recombination still stands, though not for the reason he gave. Reanney’s alternative, that evolution, from the early “RNA world” to today’s DNA-based world, would require the ability to detect and correct errors by recombination, now seems more likely. Consistent with this, introns are richer than exons in the potential to extrude the stem-loop structures needed for (...)
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