  1. Rational awareness of the ultimate in human life — the confucian concept of “destiny”.Dahua Cui - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (3):309-321.
    The Confucian idea of “ ming 命 (destiny)” holds that in the course and culmination of human life, there exists some objective certainty that is both transcendent and beyond human control. This is a concept of ultimate concern at the transcendental theoretical level in Confucianism. During its historical development, Confucianism has constantly offered humanist interpretations of the idea of “destiny”, thinking that the transcendence of “destiny” lies inherently within the qi endowment and virtues of human beings, that the certainty of (...)
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  2. Nan Song Lu xue.Dahua Cui - 1984 - [Peking]: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Zhongguo chuan tong she hui si xiang de li lu ji dang dai jia zhi: Cui Dahua xuan ji = The logic of Chinese traditional social thought and its contemporary value.Dahua Cui - 2016 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    本書是由崔大華生前撰寫的53篇文章、6篇專著序言以及20篇在三聯書店出版的《讀書》雜誌上隨筆文章彙集而成,凝結了他一生的主要研究成果。綜觀這些文章的內容,其對中國歷史哲學問題的研究有許多真知灼見,在中 國傳統文化道德衰退的今天,其對中國傳統哲學的認識有著很好的借鑒意義。比如,儒道對印度佛教和西方基督教滲入中國的影響,傳統倫理道德對當代人類行為的借鑒,莊子思想對中國文學的發展等。.
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