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Daniel Vanderveken [29]Daniel R. Vanderveken [3]
  1. Foundations of Illocutionary Logic.John Rogers Searle & Daniel Vanderveken - 1985 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a formal and systematic study of the logical foundations of speech act theory. The study of speech acts has been a flourishing branch of the philosophy of language and linguistics over the last two decades, and John Searle has of course himself made some of the most notable contributions to that study in the sequence of books Speech Acts, Expression and Meaning and Intentionality. In collaboration with Daniel Vanderveken he now presents the first formalised logic of a general (...)
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  2. The Foundations of Illocutionary Logic.J. R. Searle & Daniel Vanderveken - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (6):745-748.
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    Meaning and Speech Acts: Volume 2, Formal Semantics of Success and Satisfaction.Daniel Vanderveken - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    The primary units of meaning in the use and comprehension of language are speech acts of the type called illocutionary acts. In Foundations of Illocutionary Logic John Searle and Daniel Vanderveken presented the first formalized logic of a general theory of speech acts. In Meaning and Speech Acts Daniel Vanderveken further develops the logic of speech acts and the logic of propositions to construct a general semantic theory of natural languages. Volume I, Principles of Language Use, explains the general principles (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Meaning and Speech Acts, Volume I: Principles of Language Use.Daniel VANDERVEKEN - 1990
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    Formal semantics for propositional attitudes.Daniel Vanderveken - 2011 - Manuscrito 34 (1):323-364.
    Contemporary logic is confined to a few paradigmatic attitudes such as belief, knowledge, desire and intention. My purpose is to present a general modeltheoretical semantics of propositional attitudes of any cognitive or volitive mode. In my view, one can recursively define the set of all psychological modes of attitudes. As Descartes anticipated, the two primitive modes are those of belief and desire. Complex modes are obtained by adding to primitive modes special cognitive and volitive ways or special propositional content or (...)
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  6. Meaning and Speech Acts. Volume I: Principles of Language Use. Volume II: Formal Semantics of Success and Satisfaction.Daniel Vanderveken - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (2):340-340.
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    Les Actes de Discours: Essai de Philosophie du Langage Et de l'Esprit Sur la Signification des Énonciations.Daniel Vanderveken - 1988 - Editions Mardaga.
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    Attempt, success and action generation.Daniel Vanderveken - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (3):323-356.
    Contemporary philosophers have overall studied intentional actions that agents attempt to perform in the world. However, logicians of action have tended to neglect the intentionality proper to human action. I will present here the basic principles and laws of a logic of action where intentional actions are primary as in contemporary philosophy of action. In my view, any action that an agent performs unintentionally could in principle have been attempted. Moreover any unintentional action of an agent is an effect of (...)
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  9. Non literal speech acts and conversational maxims.Daniel Vanderveken - 1991 - In Ernest Lepore, John Searle and His Critics. Cambridge: Blackwell. pp. 371--384.
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    A complete minimal logic of the propositional contents of thought.Marek Nowak & Daniel Vanderveken - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (3):391 - 410.
    Our purpose is to formulate a complete logic of propositions that takes into account the fact that propositions are both senses provided with truth values and contents of conceptual thoughts. In our formalization, propositions are more complex entities than simple functions from possible worlds into truth values. They have a structure of constituents (a content) in addition to truth conditions. The formalization is adequate for the purposes of the logic of speech acts. It imposes a stronger criterion of propositional identity (...)
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  11. An algebraic analysis of the logical form of propositions.Daniel Vanderveken & Marek Nowak - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
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    Aspects cognitifs en logique intensionnelle et théorie de la vérité.Daniel Vanderveken - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (1):103.
    ABSTRACT: In the search for a more fine-grained criterion of propositional identity in order to provide an adequate analysis of sense and thought, I propose a revision of the ontology of the Frege and Church theory of types of sense and denotation, and I set up a natural predicative propositional logic that explains their logical form in terms of acts of predication. I also define a more subjective notion of truth according to an agent and a new strong propositional implication. (...)
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  13. An extension of Lesniewski-Curry's formal theory of syntactical categories adequate for the categorially open functors.Daniel Vanderveken - 1975 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 4 (2):78-79.
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    (1 other version)A formal definition of the set of the logical connectors of pragmatics.Daniel R. Vanderveken - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):513-516.
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    A Strong Completeness Theorem for Pragmatics.Daniel Vanderveken - 1981 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (8-10):151-160.
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    Algebraiczne ujęcie pojęcia „proposition".Daniel Vanderveken & Marek Nowak - 1993 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 9:115-123.
    W artykule analizuje się pojęcie „proposition" (sądu w sensie logicznym) wprowadzone w pracy D. Vandervekena "What is a Proposition", stosując metody algebraiczne. Analiza ta umożliwia głębsze zrozumienie tego pojęcia, prowadzi m.in. do uogólnienia pojęcia „mocnej implikacji" (§5), jej głównym rezultatem jest pewna reprezentacja pojęcia „proposition” (§ 6).
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  17. CHRONIQUES - In memoriam Nicolas Kaufmann.Daniel Vanderveken - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (3):627-631.
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    Fondements de la logique des attitudes.Daniel Vanderveken - 2006 - Manuscrito 29 (2).
    La philosophie analytique contemporaine reste confinée à quelques attitudes paradigmatiques: croyance, savoir, désir et intention. Comment élaborer une théorie plus générale des attitudes? Descartes dans Les passions de l’âme analyse les attitudes en termes de croyances et de désirs. Selon mon analyse, les modes psychologiques ont d’autres composantes que leur catégorie de base cartésienne de cognition ou de volition. Les modes d’attitudes comme l’attente, le savoir et l’intention ont une façon propre de croire ou de désirer, des conditions propres sur (...)
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  19. Illocutionary logic and discourse typology.Daniel Vanderveken - 2001 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2 (2):243-255.
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    In memoriam Raymond Klibansky : Hommage à un grand maître.Daniel Vanderveken - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (2):473-475.
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    Meaning and Speech Acts 2 Volume Paperback Set.Daniel Vanderveken - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    The primary units of meaning in the use and comprehension of language are speech acts of the type called illocutionary acts. In Foundations of Illocutionary Logic John Searle and Daniel Vanderveken presented the first formalised logic of a general theory of speech acts. In Meaning and Speech Acts Daniel Vanderveken further develops the logic of speech acts and the logic of propositions to construct a general semantic theory of natural languages. Volume I, Principles of Language Use, explains the general principles (...)
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    Présentation.Daniel Vanderveken - 2001 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2 (2):165-172.
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    Principes de pragmatique formelle du discours.Daniel Vanderveken - 2007 - Philosophiques 34 (2):229-258.
    Pourrait-on enrichir la théorie des actes de langage pour traiter du discours? Wittgenstein et Searle ont signalé des difficultés. Beaucoup de discours n’ont pas de but conversationnel, leur arrière-plan est indéfiniment ouvert, ils contiennent des énonciations dépourvues de pertinence et de félicité, et ainsi de suite. À mes yeux, l’objectif principal de la pragmatique du discours est d’analyser la structure et la dynamique des jeux de langage à but conversationnel. Pareils jeux de langage sont indispensables à tout genre de discours. (...)
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    Pragmatique, sémantique et force illocutoire.Daniel Vanderveken - 1981 - Philosophica 27.
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  25. Réponses de Searle.Daniel Vanderveken - 2001 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 55 (216):277-297.
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    Speech act theory and universal grammar/Teoria dos atos de fala e gramática universal.Daniel Vanderveken - 2007 - Manuscrito 30 (2):357-381.
    Are there universal transcendent features that any natural language must possess in order to provide for its human speakers adequate means of expression and of communication of their conceptual thoughts? As Frege, Austin and Searle pointed out, complete speech acts of the type called illocutionary acts, and not isolated propositions, are the primary units of meaning in the use and comprehension of language. Thus it is in the very performance of illocutionary acts that speakers express and communicate their thoughts. For (...)
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  27. Speech Act Theory and Universal Grammar.Daniel Vanderveken - forthcoming - Manuscrito.
    I will argue that the logical form of illocutionary acts imposes certain formal constraints on the logical structure of a possible natural language as well as on the mind of competent speakers. In particular, certain syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features are universal because they are indispensable. Moreover, in order to perform and understand illocutionary acts, competent speakers and hearers must have certain mental states and abilities which are in general traditionally related to the faculty of reason. (edited).
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    Some philosophical remarks on the theory of types in intensional logic.Daniel Vanderveken - 1982 - Erkenntnis 17 (1):85 - 112.
  29. Truth, belief and certainty in epistemic logic.Daniel Vanderveken - 2005 - In Emar Maier, Corien Bary & Janneke Huitink, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 9. Nijmegen Centre for Semantics. pp. 489.
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    The Leśniewski-Curry theory of syntactical categories and the categorially open functors.Daniel R. Vanderveken - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (2):191-201.