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  1. A reply to the comments of Jiri Vacha.David Peroutka - 2013 - Filosoficky Casopis 61 (3):435-438.
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    Inhabitace Boha v duši.David Peroutka - 2013 - Studia Neoaristotelica 10 (3):52-71.
    The New Testament testifies the fact of divine inhabitation in the soul. This raises the question of what philosophical means may be employed in order to explicate such a theological supposition. Irenaeus and Basil the Great seem to suggest that God is present in the soul as a form in a matter. Thomas Aquinas speaks of God in-existing in us as an efficient cause of our existence and of the grace. In accordance with the modern Thomists we may understand the (...)
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  3. Imagination, Intellect and Premotion. A Psychological Theory of Domingo Báñez.David Peroutka - 2010 - Studia Neoaristotelica 7 (2):107-115.
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    Racionální kompatibilismus.David Peroutka - 2015 - Studia Neoaristotelica 12 (3):26-44.
    According to compatibilism it is possible that an election or volition of A is truly free even if the elector cannot want – ceteris paribus – the opposite alternative. The version of compatibilism propounded in the paper is “rational” in so much as the admitted unidirectional determining factors of volition are not physical causes but rather rational reasons. We may posit this compatibilism only in case of volitions that we assess to be morally good. Particularly interesting – within the ethical (...)
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    Stručně k Novákově libertariánské polemice.David Peroutka - 2017 - Studia Neoaristotelica 14 (3):1-16.
    In response to Novák’s polemic attack I try to remove some misunderstandings and defend compatibilism about free will. My main argument goes thus: Let us take for example two agents who both decide not to kill. The first one makes his choice out of his dilemmatic mental state of incertitude and perplexity. Conversely the second person understands the sense of moral principles so clearly that she makes the right decision with necessity. Since the morality of the second person surpasses that (...)
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    Tomistický antropologický dualismus.David Peroutka - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (1):26-39.
    The Thomistic proof of the immateriality of human reason consists in the argument from the fact that intellection has as its object not empirical particulars but abstract universals. A standard objection against dualism plays up the problem with the causal influence of the soul on the body . The Thomistic solution depends on the hylemorphic conception of the soul as substantial form of body, i.e. on the view that the human soul is that in virtue of which a human body (...)
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  7. Thomist psychology and the modern concept of mind.David Peroutka - 2011 - Filosoficky Casopis 59 (5):665-688.
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    Volitelova sebedeterminace v kompatibilistické verzi.David Peroutka - 2021 - Filosofie Dnes 13 (1).
    V reakci na knihu Petra Dvořáka Kauzalita činitele. Úvod do analytické diskuse o svobodě vůle hájím určitý typ kompatibilismu. Dvořák upozorňuje, že pokud bylo něčí rozhodnutí predeterminováno od něj odlišnými příčinami, pak onomu jedinci za jeho volbu nepřisuzujeme morální odpovědnost. Mým návrhem je však „asymetrické“ řešení otázky. V oblasti predeterminovaných voleb připouštím nepřítomnost odpovědnosti v případě všech morálně zlých voleb, nikoli však v případě všech voleb hodnocených jako morálně dobré. Existují totiž takové dobrovolné volby, při kterých sice nejsme s to (...)
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